"If my soul be lost, its nobodys fault but mine"
- Mar 21, 2019
- 119
I tried to advise him on a way to lose his virginity, i agree with you. I think they are whores legitimized by society and i hate it, i dont approve it and dont accept society point of view about sex these days. I think everyones a slut these days, Instagram models are legitimized strippers and soft porn models, i hate the whole huge butt and lips trend and hate how everyone is having sex with so too many partners, hate how society made everyone have unrealistic standards for beauty and sex and all the fetishes that came along with it. Miss the days when a magazine was enough to arouse men and people were monogamist. Hate 2019 when having normal sex is considered as prude, and having a huge behind is a must ( or else your partner will cheat/resent you).i would call that: case a) whore and case b) junkie whore
maybe my mindset is from a different era but selling your body makes you a whore no matter how you justify it. thats the meaning of the word. at least in my language... we can also say prostitute, or girl who likes to pay her student loan with a bathroom webcam show where she presents her asshole while hoping that no one records the stream and uploads it so that her son or his school friends some day wank off to her videos. lol
i just dont understand or like that business model, you are doing nothing than giving dumb apes their (never ending) satisfaction for some minutes with showing your body naked or masturbating or putting pickles in your loveholes, whatever. my view of sexuality just doesnt fit with that, and i wont accept such shit as a fucking JOB. this is just messed up, but yeah...like i said i just dont like that business model. everyone can do what he/she wants. but i will continue calling these "women" sluts. at least we can say one good thing: they do some sort of business out of the need of money and/or because they have fun with that job, and then there are these ultimate supercunts screwing with the hearts from people. they should earn our hate. its also hard to make someone guilty if that person acts like that because of past traumata, that theme is more complicated. ive already written enough, i understand your point, but doing it to pay school taxes or buy a car is nothing different to me than doing it for buying drugs. and doing it to feed your children because your state doesnt care, thats another point again, a very sad one...
Anyway, as you probably noticed not only that i agree with you, my opinions might be even more 'extreme' then yours but 2019 has more virgins than ever before so maybe this whore thing is actually a good way to help people with social problems
Nah, she wants to keep it a secret just as much as you do. She knows what shes coming for and you pay at the end of the 'session'I'd be happy to get that (assuming that I'm getting what I'm expecting, actual sexual intercourse, rather than nothing or a half-assed attempt, like right before the act happens she just says 'no' and then bye bye several hundred of my hard earned cash). Assuming she does agree and actually go through with the deed, then pretty much I have it sorted (unless she decides to make up a bullshit story of false accusation of rape -- which I may be overthinking, due to what has happened to many males even in regular dating relationships).
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