

Accentuate the Positive
Sep 19, 2023
I've stated my point directly in my comments. I've never said my point is that "everyone has difficulties" nor implied that. That's a very general and vague statement. I've made the specific point that we shouldn't compare mental illness to physical conditions and say or imply physical conditions are easier, better or preferable.
It really feels like you're not trying to find common ground with this. I'm sad but I understand it's a sore subject for you.

I included your comment with 4 other comments, as examples of people stating that physical conditions were preferable/better in various ways. Your comment wasn't any sort of discussion about cancer, you could have listed any other disease there and the point would have been the same. I also didn't write anything about that comment, I wrote about the second quote I included from you.
But I didn't list another disease. . . and just because you didn't put a quote under it doesn't mean you didn't know what I was talking about.
No offense meant, but I don't actually care if you're sorry to hear that; that's not the reason I typed all that out. It was to further explain my point and why this matters for the people who actually live with this in real life. It's not a fantasy. If you're going to have fantasies that include real-life suffering which you've never experienced and have no understanding of, simply keep them in your head.
The whole point of this forum is to be able to talk about taboo things. I admit the fantasy is bad and unhealthy, but I'm not going to stop talking about anything here.

You've said nothing at all about people with physical disabilities deserving compassion. Unless you're referring to the comment where you said we get pitied, and "pity is nice"; this might come as a shock, but people with disabilities just want to be treated with basic respect like anyone else, and that includes not being pitied.
I also said nothing bad about people with disabilities. It's too bad you don't like pity. I personally think pity is underrated and I don't mind it as long as it's not for a failing that's within my control. I'd take some pity for my mental health issues without complaint.
I don't have the energy to go into the wide-spread effects of disability stereotypes in society. In general, though, when it's a subject you have no experience with and no education on, it's good to remember that the people who actually have lived experience with it might know what they're talking about.
They might, they might not. I've never bought the 'if you don't fall into X category your opinion is worth less' line of logic on any topic. I'm happy to hear about your experience and expand my knowledge. . . but since I have no prejudice against disabled people I don't think you'll ever be satisfied with what I have to say.

-_- NEETs are not related to the subject of this thread… this really feels like grasping at straws. You said that you wanted to be one and separately specified that "some" NEETs are NEETs due to anxiety, clearly acknowledging that people can be one for multiple reasons.

I think you know I wasn't talking about people with anxiety, and I've literally said in my first comment no one should make a thread like this saying they wish they had anxiety instead of depression, because that would be insulting to a person with anxiety. In my very first comment, I brought up anxiety and was talking about it as something that should be considered just as serious/equal to anything else, so I don't think your argument has legs to stand on here.
Again: I specifically pointed to NEETs who are NEETs due to anxiety. I don't care if you then decided to not talk about them. Your attitude absolutely is that your disease is worse than everyone else's problems so everyone else should not express any feelings or opinions.

I've stated my point already and explained that the comparison is the issue. It's unnecessary and easily avoidable, and when it's a topic that affects many on this site, it's really not asking much to just avoid it. I'm exhausted, and I don't want this conversation to go around in circles, so unless there is something new or relevant in the discussion to move it forward, I will wish you a good day/night.
I hope you have a good night, too.

We compare situations all the time. I think it's okay to say, "boy I'd rather be dealing with X right now because my Y is causing Z. . . but then again I'm sure X has it's own problems so I guess that's stupid." I've given you that but it still seems like it's not enough, so I wish you well.

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