I think the concern is more the possibility of maiming ourselves to the extent that we can't try again. It's a bit of a contentious issue really. People get very jumpy when doubts about SN surface- the possibility of brain damage- things like that. The truth is- I don't actually know of many/ any cases that have been reported. So, I really have no idea about how serious things could be if we fail an attempt with SN. I've actually been more surprised of people coming on here after failing an attempt with (relatively in some cases) minor side effects.
But... we're talking about something that changes the red blood cells ability to carry and transmit oxygen. A bit like a chemical aspyhxiation to the major organs. I simply don't know what would happen if the procedure failed/ was interrupted late in the process but, I don't imagine it would be good.
Seeing as that is something we can't control. We can't control how much our body absorbs or vomits up- even with antiemetics. If people are somehow alerted, we can't control them alerting medics. We can't control how quickly they will diagnose the problem and administer Methylene blue. I'm not trying to cause panic here. I'm just trying to say- I think there are enough disturbing variables for us to be worried about. I'm definitely worried about it! I kind of wish I had your confidence!
I think I'm more of the feeling that, if I do have the guts to do it one day, I'll simply have to tell myself that: This is something that has to be done if I truly want out and, I'll just have to deal with the consequences as they arise.