Let me go...please
- Jul 27, 2021
- 218
I have been on this forum for a long time now. During 2020, we used to obsess over SN...SN this, SN that...
That's when deaths due to SN peaked and the media fu**rs started publicizing it which led to discontinuing their production from most commonly accessible sites. Families of the ones who CTB'D successfully are angry and they want this site to be shut down.
Don't think I am going on a angry rant but, some of these families didn't respect the choice of one of them. Do you think they will respect our choice? They just want us to suffer. No offence.
You see where I'm getting at?
I went through the accounts of failed SN posts. Strange pattern I noticed was that- SN was mentioned from the start and the only topic being discussed about on their account was FAILED SN.
I call it bullshit.
I am a student of medicine. Let me say...Any poison which reaches the blood stream in the correct lethal dose and if the purity is correct- There is almost 0 chance that you're going to make out of it.
Reasons SN fail:
1. You didn't follow the protocol.
2. The SN was underdosed
3. You puked.
4. Intervention
5. Too much dilution
The objective is simple.
Get SN with purity above 95%.
Get some anti emetics.
I had a good friend who introduced me to SS. I was 17 by then. My first attempt was OD too. These were his words
"No matter what you do- Do not puke."
But I did puke for 2 entire days. I survived Paracetamol OD without hospitalization. I ingested 65 grams at 17 years old.
SN does not fail if you do everything properly. Just make sure it's purity is above 95 %.
People are scaring us that SN will lead to failure because it's the easiest way out there. It's accessible, economic and you can do it at ease. They wanted me to chicken out. No. I'm not going to do that. I'll be CTB-ing in a few weeks. I'll log in every detail from my attempt and give live updates.
Don't believe everything people say. I went through a lot of accounts and a particular one contained posts purely about SN failure.
Anyone who thinks they're going to just pass out, wake up and continue with their day after ingestion of SN has no knowledge of science and highly illiterate. You don't go on with your day after ingesting that's capable of dealing fatal damage.
You're going to experience shortness of breath untill methylene blue is administered. Your blood pressure will be low. Hypoxia is no joke. I've been there. Trust me
Don't trust anyone who says "Yeah, I did SN last night. It' didn't work. I just woke up and feel my head ache badly" They're lying.
Now this is for the people who spread the misinformation intentionally:
It's over. I understand that you lost someone whom you cared about but please don't mess with other people's choices. Choosing to CTB is a choice I make as much as I make a choice about being VEGAN or going on a carnivore diet.
That's when deaths due to SN peaked and the media fu**rs started publicizing it which led to discontinuing their production from most commonly accessible sites. Families of the ones who CTB'D successfully are angry and they want this site to be shut down.
Don't think I am going on a angry rant but, some of these families didn't respect the choice of one of them. Do you think they will respect our choice? They just want us to suffer. No offence.
You see where I'm getting at?
I went through the accounts of failed SN posts. Strange pattern I noticed was that- SN was mentioned from the start and the only topic being discussed about on their account was FAILED SN.
I call it bullshit.
I am a student of medicine. Let me say...Any poison which reaches the blood stream in the correct lethal dose and if the purity is correct- There is almost 0 chance that you're going to make out of it.
Reasons SN fail:
1. You didn't follow the protocol.
2. The SN was underdosed
3. You puked.
4. Intervention
5. Too much dilution
The objective is simple.
Get SN with purity above 95%.
Get some anti emetics.
I had a good friend who introduced me to SS. I was 17 by then. My first attempt was OD too. These were his words
"No matter what you do- Do not puke."
But I did puke for 2 entire days. I survived Paracetamol OD without hospitalization. I ingested 65 grams at 17 years old.
SN does not fail if you do everything properly. Just make sure it's purity is above 95 %.
People are scaring us that SN will lead to failure because it's the easiest way out there. It's accessible, economic and you can do it at ease. They wanted me to chicken out. No. I'm not going to do that. I'll be CTB-ing in a few weeks. I'll log in every detail from my attempt and give live updates.
Don't believe everything people say. I went through a lot of accounts and a particular one contained posts purely about SN failure.
Anyone who thinks they're going to just pass out, wake up and continue with their day after ingestion of SN has no knowledge of science and highly illiterate. You don't go on with your day after ingesting that's capable of dealing fatal damage.
You're going to experience shortness of breath untill methylene blue is administered. Your blood pressure will be low. Hypoxia is no joke. I've been there. Trust me
Don't trust anyone who says "Yeah, I did SN last night. It' didn't work. I just woke up and feel my head ache badly" They're lying.
Now this is for the people who spread the misinformation intentionally:
It's over. I understand that you lost someone whom you cared about but please don't mess with other people's choices. Choosing to CTB is a choice I make as much as I make a choice about being VEGAN or going on a carnivore diet.
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