
Dec 1, 2020
Now that im close to die i want to try it again even if i know i will fail dying virgin sucks
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Dec 1, 2020
I will conform with a kiss so i can go in peace is my last chance if i fail i will jump
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Apr 15, 2021
I am a relationship coach - have been for over 20 years. I help folks who struggle with relationships – whether they have poor relationships or none.

First I can tell you that there's nothing wrong with your appearance. For appearance to seriously negatively affect your chances, you have to be really unusual in a way that is not exotic. Like, you would have to have 3 eyes, or be over 400 pounds, or be missing a facial feature, like not having a chin, not having a nose, having gnarly burn scars, or having features that are seriously deformed.

You are no where near any of that. As a professional coach, I can say you look good, there are many good features – you have good material to work with - strong jaw line, size, spacing and symmetry are good. In aesthetic principals, we look for the bottom of the nose to equal the distance between the eyes, we look for the face to be about the width of 5x your eye, From top to bottom we like to see three areas of the same size: the length from nose tip to chin is the bottom third, from nose to eyes, the middle third, eyes to hair line the top third. Your middle third is slightly smaller than top or bottom, but since the top and bottom thirds are really balanced, it doesn't matter. To top it off, you have good facial hair that, at least right now, is a very trendy look. If I were dressing you for a date, I would keep the clothing fairly neutral, nothing too flashy because I would actually want to accentuate the face. It's good.

As a relationship coach, I know a lot about what makes people tick. In your pics, you do look down, depressed. Well duh, we are on SS so ….

Girls – the portion of our species that are constantly judged on their ability to attract a mate so they sometimes obsess about it. They judge themselves and one another in that way – will I ever get married? Will I get married before my friends? Will I get married before my sister? Will I get married before my ex? With my clients, I have even heard, Will I get married before my mom?

Both my cousin and my sister started trying to find a husband in high school. It was their only reason for showing up at the building every day.

There's you – a decent looking guy who's attention those girls can't get. A guy who probably didn't smile at them or make flirty eyes at them. Maybe just a guy who didn't ogle their lowcut tops or high cut skirts. For some girls, every public interaction is an affirmation or a failure to attract. There are no neutral interactions. Maybe they saw a sad look on your face because you were thinking about how miserable the world is, or maybe you saw them and thought, oh no. They saw that look or lack of one and now they feel rejected. In their minds, their worth as humans is only as good as their ability to turn your head, but your depressed head doesn't turn all that often – you have other things on your mind.

Some girls will flip right there and go on the attack. Especially if you look already beaten down . . . and how can we not when we already feel like the walking dead.

When she goes on attack, she will bring out the weapons that would hurt her the most, the thing she is going out in public to obsess about – the thought of being able or not able to attract. However, those weapons can hurt anyone – and they do. Damn they sting.

I once told one of those types of girls who said I was fat: Well honey even fat I can attract without 9 coats of paint or a low cut top, but you will always have to work hard for attention – and I don't pay for sex, so go back to whatever corner you work – you're sure dressed for it. (She wasn't really a prostitute, I just felt mean since she called me fat.)

These days I would be able to respond by showing them a picture of my hot wife and telling them that they wouldn't have a chance with me, it takes someone with far more class and looks. However, I can tell you that no one will say anything to me anymore because I'm older. Once you hit a certain age, you're just not a target for ridicule like that anymore. Honestly, part of this is because of your age and the age of the girls involved. I wasn't there, but I would bet money that none of those girls were over 30. The stuff you're describing is usually teens and early 20s behavior. It's plain old mean immaturity in a world that programed them to think that this is what is really important, but left them with no relationship skills. They are my future clients.

edited to add - i didn't even mention your brow line. That heavy brow line combined with the square jaw is mucho manly. The brows are really accentuated by the deep set eyes. Bonus points for that.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I am a relationship coach - have been for over 20 years. I help folks who struggle with relationships – whether they have poor relationships or none.

First I can tell you that there's nothing wrong with your appearance. For appearance to seriously negatively affect your chances, you have to be really unusual in a way that is not exotic. Like, you would have to have 3 eyes, or be over 400 pounds, or be missing a facial feature, like not having a chin, not having a nose, having gnarly burn scars, or having features that are seriously deformed.

You are no where near any of that. As a professional coach, I can say you look good, there are many good features – you have good material to work with - strong jaw line, size, spacing and symmetry are good. In aesthetic principals, we look for the bottom of the nose to equal the distance between the eyes, we look for the face to be about the width of 5x your eye, From top to bottom we like to see three areas of the same size: the length from nose tip to chin is the bottom third, from nose to eyes, the middle third, eyes to hair line the top third. Your middle third is slightly smaller than top or bottom, but since the top and bottom thirds are really balanced, it doesn't matter. To top it off, you have good facial hair that, at least right now, is a very trendy look. If I were dressing you for a date, I would keep the clothing fairly neutral, nothing too flashy because I would actually want to accentuate the face. It's good.

As a relationship coach, I know a lot about what makes people tick. In your pics, you do look down, depressed. Well duh, we are on SS so ….

Girls – the portion of our species that are constantly judged on their ability to attract a mate so they sometimes obsess about it. They judge themselves and one another in that way – will I ever get married? Will I get married before my friends? Will I get married before my sister? Will I get married before my ex? With my clients, I have even heard, Will I get married before my mom?

Both my cousin and my sister started trying to find a husband in high school. It was their only reason for showing up at the building every day.

There's you – a decent looking guy who's attention those girls can't get. A guy who probably didn't smile at them or make flirty eyes at them. Maybe just a guy who didn't ogle their lowcut tops or high cut skirts. For some girls, every public interaction is an affirmation or a failure to attract. There are no neutral interactions. Maybe they saw a sad look on your face because you were thinking about how miserable the world is, or maybe you saw them and thought, oh no. They saw that look or lack of one and now they feel rejected. In their minds, their worth as humans is only as good as their ability to turn your head, but your depressed head doesn't turn all that often – you have other things on your mind.

Some girls will flip right there and go on the attack. Especially if you look already beaten down . . . and how can we not when we already feel like the walking dead.

When she goes on attack, she will bring out the weapons that would hurt her the most, the thing she is going out in public to obsess about – the thought of being able or not able to attract. However, those weapons can hurt anyone – and they do. Damn they sting.

I once told one of those types of girls who said I was fat: Well honey even fat I can attract without 9 coats of paint or a low cut top, but you will always have to work hard for attention – and I don't pay for sex, so go back to whatever corner you work – you're sure dressed for it. (She wasn't really a prostitute, I just felt mean since she called me fat.)

These days I would be able to respond by showing them a picture of my hot wife and telling them that they wouldn't have a chance with me, it takes someone with far more class and looks. However, I can tell you that no one will say anything to me anymore because I'm older. Once you hit a certain age, you're just not a target for ridicule like that anymore. Honestly, part of this is because of your age and the age of the girls involved. I wasn't there, but I would bet money that none of those girls were over 30. The stuff you're describing is usually teens and early 20s behavior. It's plain old mean immaturity in a world that programed them to think that this is what is really important, but left them with no relationship skills. They are my future clients.

edited to add - i didn't even mention your brow line. That heavy brow line combined with the square jaw is mucho manly. The brows are really accentuated by the deep set eyes. Bonus points for that.
I soooooo want to know about how a relationship coach got on here. And also maybe get some advice of my own, lol.


Apr 19, 2021
Hello there,

May i tell you something; noone on the whole planet deserves to be alone, and noone on the planet can't get a girl/ boy because he looks so or has an x character. I see many ugly and irresponsible men getting married to very decent ladies.

Having a partner is never related to how you look or what you do, its just a privilege life gives it to certain people. And you don't need that girl who would just pick you because you're a good looking man, you need someone who loves you for who you are deep within.

Sending love and virtual hugs to you :)

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