

velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I recently made a CMV thread about the right to die, which took me the better half of a morning, just to have it instantly removed with a disclaimer that it is an often brought up topic, which frequently devolves into "soapboxing".

The problem with some folk is they've never experienced real problems, never gone through poverty or grief or loss or homelessness, so they scout around online finding things to wave their SJW flag towards


They are worse than the people who are openly hostile. Vampires.
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Aug 27, 2018
Couldn't agree more, I'm sick to the back teeth of being moderated in places, or having posts removed, for things I wouldn't even class as slightly offensive to anyone. It's gone too far now, I hope a real world pandemic has woken up some of the pansies that think it's so damn important we refer to them as they because they identify as a Carrot. I have no problem with anyone's choices in life, it's when they try and dictate how everyone else should behave that boils my piss. You can't move now for someone being offended by something trivial someone else has said. Sit them down to watch an Eddie Murphy stand up from the 80s, they'd likely find 99% of it highly offensive, yet people then took it for what it was, comedy.

Quora. 4 places I've been moderated on in 24 hours, not one of them was justified. We've descended into a society that's so quick to make sure nobody is offended, we don't even question the content, it's just removed in case you upset some 2ft tall, green skinned vegan transgender elf that calls themselves EckyEcky. Grow a backbone ffs. I welcome people ripping the piss out of me, the banter is part and parcel of being a bloke yet I've seen grown men get pissy over someone using the wrong pronoun towards them when they're built like brick shithouse and have a dirty great beard. Who really gives a fuck, pretend you're a teapot for all I care, just don't expect me to magically know you're a teapot if I've never met you.

The problem with some folk is they've never experienced real problems, never gone through poverty or grief or loss or homelessness, so they scout around online finding things to wave their SJW flag towards. The people that fought for genuine equality, the ones that went through Hell to be treat equally are probably ashamed of them all.
That reminds me I recently watched a video on YouTube from WatchMojo about movies that wouldn´t have been made today because they aren´t political correct and it´s insane how many movies not just from the video but in general that we know wouldn´t have been made because of the backlash oh and the irony is that WatchMojo is extremely censored by YouTube´s rules so for them to make that video was censor all the way through with beeping out every swear word and blurring almost every clip because you know it´s a video about movies that are considered offensive so it was just censor all the way through it was ridiculous.


I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
That reminds me I recently watched a video on YouTube from WatchMojo about movies that wouldn´t have been made today because they aren´t political correct and it´s insane how many movies not just from the video but in general that we know wouldn´t have been made because of the backlash oh and the irony is that WatchMojo is extremely censored by YouTube´s rules so for them to make that video was censor all the way through with beeping out every swear word and blurring almost every clip because you know it´s a video about movies that are considered offensive so it was just censor all the way through it was ridiculous.
I watched one just yesterday, The Jerk, Steve Martin film. They'd be offended at the black portration, the fact he's a simpleton, the clearly loony shooter, half the jokes. I'm a huge Richard Pryor fan too, none of his movies would get made today, as for his stand up - no chance, and the guy did more for black people and a positive image of them than anyone else in entertainment at the time barring maybe Ali. Even racists loved Pryor as Gene Wilder said, yet you'd get a snotty little white kid now calling the guy alllsorts and feigning offence for all black/white/homosexual people that never gave a shit.

Even sugar sweet saccharine shit like The Breakfast club would get banned now, Judd Nelson goes on about fags, Ringwald plays the "bimbo" that they'd be up in arms about, Estevez would be labelled a bully, Sheedys obviously bipolar and the principal, a tyrannical child beater. There's only the Weird science kid that'd get a green light, and that shit was a teen movie, not even a naughty one like Porkies, which would NEVER get greenlit. The Sheriff character alone would have people fuming.

I'm glad I grew up when I did, people didn't seek out things to be upset over so much or half the films I love would be in the censor can. Even the fecking Goonies had a South East Asian stereotype, an Italian crime family stereotype, a fat kid getting bullied for being fat and greedy from start to finish in the film whether it was baby Ruth's, ice cream, Domino's pizza etc, an asthmatic kid being a wet drip unable to function without his ventolin, the stereotypical spoilt rich kid, the Jock, the bimbo, her nerdy mate, kids playing with a statues penis, a Hispanic maid that couldn't even speak English so clearly an illegal, dumb cops, and worst of all a mentally retarded deformed guy that got beaten and chained in a basement. And that was PG film on terrestrial TV every Saturday at teatime in England for years, no cuts.
There's no excusing Cyndi Lauper though, Good enough would offend anyone :)
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Weeb Trash Supreme
May 6, 2020
In my country they are editing out politically incorrect words from a very famous children's book written in the 1940's. (These words are considered racist slurs today, and rightly so.)

I think it's ludicrous that they edit a book written in a different social and cultural context.

But, ok, let's say we replace all rasist words. What happens next? Why not erase even politically incorrect words describing women? Why not go a step further and erase everything our modern minds deem wrong?

Why not burn everything pre-2000 in a big bonfire, like the open-minded modern people that we are?
I don't mind releasing a more child friendly version of some story but replacing the original is unacceptable


May 17, 2019
I hate that the internet has become so fucking moderated. I just want to be somewhere where people can say what they want. Even if there were a few shit lords who joined sites to be racist fucks at least they got put in their place by the general population. What happened to sticks and stones? Why are words from strangers on the internet so traumatic for people?

As a very emotionally fragile person, I think that emotional response should be a simple XY axis chart thing - (all things being equal) the more you know someone, the more their actions impact you. And, the longer you are exposed to their action, the more it impacts you.

A stranger's "offensive" Halloween costume - small impact
A parent making you wear an embarrassing Hallowen costume for a month - big impact
I watched one just yesterday, The Jerk, Steve Martin film. They'd be offended at the black portration, the fact he's a simpleton, the clearly loony shooter, half the jokes. I'm a huge Richard Pryor fan too, none of his movies would get made today, as for his stand up - no chance, and the guy did more for black people and a positive image of them than anyone else in entertainment at the time barring maybe Ali. Even racists loved Pryor as Gene Wilder said, yet you'd get a snotty little white kid now calling the guy alllsorts and feigning offence for all black/white/homosexual people that never gave a shit.

Even sugar sweet saccharine shit like The Breakfast club would get banned now, Judd Nelson goes on about fags, Ringwald plays the "bimbo" that they'd be up in arms about, Estevez would be labelled a bully, Sheedys obviously bipolar and the principal, a tyrannical child beater. There's only the Weird science kid that'd get a green light, and that shit was a teen movie, not even a naughty one like Porkies, which would NEVER get greenlit. The Sheriff character alone would have people fuming.

I'm glad I grew up when I did, people didn't seek out things to be upset over so much or half the films I love would be in the censor can. Even the fecking Goonies had a South East Asian stereotype, an Italian crime family stereotype, a fat kid getting bullied for being fat and greedy from start to finish in the film whether it was baby Ruth's, ice cream, Domino's pizza etc, an asthmatic kid being a wet drip unable to function without his ventolin, the stereotypical spoilt rich kid, the Jock, the bimbo, her nerdy mate, kids playing with a statues penis, a Hispanic maid that couldn't even speak English so clearly an illegal, dumb cops, and worst of all a mentally retarded deformed guy that got beaten and chained in a basement. And that was PG film on terrestrial TV every Saturday at teatime in England for years, no cuts.
There's no excusing Cyndi Lauper though, Good enough would offend anyone :)

And there's there's Mel Brooks and his super-duper catchy lines like "Don't be stupid, be a smarty. Come and join the natzi party."
(A year ago, a kid put up posters in a NY college with this line and the FBI was called in.)
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