

fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
Every time I see a woman wearing something I cant without looking ridiculous, my brain immediately goes to suicide and escaping this stupid flesh cage I can't change enough. Everyday life is a minefield. It's not even the sense of inferiority and ugliness that really gets me, I'm just so tired of all these painful thoughts.

"Love & sex just aren't for you." "You can't let anybody see you if you aren't fully clothed because your body is a terrible secret." "That's just how life is." "This is why I can't find a partner who doesn't hit me." "My life would be so different if I didn't look like this." "I don't want to fight anymore." "If any man even looks at you you better get on your knees and start sucking as a gesture of gratitude that he'd acknowledge you."

Oh gosh I'm getting upset writing this :( this is so hard. I wish I could just be a head in a jar.
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Death becomes her
Jul 22, 2020
Every time I see a woman wearing something I cant without looking ridiculous, my brain immediately goes to suicide and escaping this stupid flesh cage I can't change enough. Everyday life is a minefield. It's not even the sense of inferiority and ugliness that really gets me, I'm just so tired of all these painful thoughts.

"Love & sex just aren't for you." "You can't let anybody see you if you aren't fully clothed because your body is a terrible secret." "That's just how life is." "This is why I can't find a partner who doesn't hit me." "My life would be so different if I didn't look like this." "I don't want to fight anymore." "If any man even looks at you you better get on your knees and start sucking as a gesture of gratitude that he'd acknowledge you."

Oh gosh I'm getting upset writing this :( this is so hard. I wish I could just be a head in a jar.

I'm so sorry that societal standards make you feel this way. FWIW, men are assholes, and I've been hit by plenty of them even though I'm "hot" enough to be a stripper. I also believe that *everybody* deserves sexual pleasure. I feel awful that you've been made to feel like this.
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Can't cope
Apr 24, 2020
Every time I see a woman wearing something I cant without looking ridiculous, my brain immediately goes to suicide and escaping this stupid flesh cage I can't change enough. Everyday life is a minefield. It's not even the sense of inferiority and ugliness that really gets me, I'm just so tired of all these painful thoughts.

"Love & sex just aren't for you." "You can't let anybody see you if you aren't fully clothed because your body is a terrible secret." "That's just how life is." "This is why I can't find a partner who doesn't hit me." "My life would be so different if I didn't look like this." "I don't want to fight anymore." "If any man even looks at you you better get on your knees and start sucking as a gesture of gratitude that he'd acknowledge you."

Oh gosh I'm getting upset writing this :( this is so hard. I wish I could just be a head in a jar.
I can relate to this all too much. I'm sorry it's like this but I'm relieved that at least I'm not alone.
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Nov 7, 2019
I don't like my shoulder.
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Jun 5, 2019
I'm okay with my body. I mean, I'm a bit overweight but I'm dieting and exercising and I've lost most of it, just a bit more to go. But my face... it disgusts me. And I don't think there's the technology there in cosmetic surgery to fix it. I also have terrible posture which makes me look even worse. I just took a picture of myself and now I wanna ctb again. Was feeling fine before. I get sex but it doesn't matter. I loath myself.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I struggle to look at myself in the mirror, I hate what I see back and most of it is stuff I couldn't change without some sort of surgery. I try and wear as much as possible to cover up my body. I haven't been swimming in years and don't think I ever will again. I can't stand the body I'm in I wish I could be comfortable in my own skin but it will never happen.

Social media plays a big role in how we view ourselves and our self esteem, I feel its destroyed the way people look at themselves. Nothing but perfect is good enough in society's eyes.
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Feb 14, 2019
I hate looking at old pictures of myself. It's like looking at a ghost. I feel ugly now. I feel like i lost myself on the way down. Chronic stress, drug use and my depression has taken its toll. People say I look young for my age but that's a damn lie. I look haggard and worn down now...I hate that I have so much gray hair in my late 20s and I constantly have to dye it. I'm afraid to wash my hair I loose so much of it. I was always told I was pretty but what good did it do...since I still have shit self esteem? I got hit, used and abused by my ex. Now I try to cover as much of my body as possible I hate being looked at.

It makes me sad I see on here people hate their bodies for various reasons and it would be so nice to switch with someone who wants the opposite.
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Jul 31, 2020
Have an upper jaw that's too long, crooked and thin due to chronic mouth breathing as a child. Surgery would be the option, but doctors are hesitant.
I'm also only 165cm, which is very short for a man. Being short as a guy is like being fat as a woman. Sadly, being short is always permanent.
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Jul 30, 2020
One of the main reasons i'm going to suicide is because of my ugly deformed body.My hips are so wide it's fking disgusting.It hurts to see other people with normal bodies it makes me depressed.I can't enjoy life with this body i have,no matter how much i exercise my body looks almost the same,i cant go to the beach with friends because of my body and my self esteem is really low.Life is really unfair why can't i be normal.I'm male and having wide hips makes my body look strange and unattractive it really sucks
I could think of a dozen things about my body that I'm not particularly happy with. But I don't. You don't need to either. There are nearly 8 billion people in the world, and there will be millions - literally, millions - among them who think that your body is just great. Go find some of them.
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Mar 22, 2020
Bodies suck.
Sometimes, as you said, no matter how hard you work out, your shape won't change that much and if it does, and you're suddenly an idol, it still feels "fake" because suddenly everybody wants to hang out with you and f*** u and u can have sex with physically attractive people more easily feels sooo artificial with me.

I used to be a kinda good looking guy who was in shape, I never had problems with girls and sexting but then I started to gain a lot of weight and then, girls didn't come that easy. That's when I realized that even though many people say: "it doesn't matter the way you look, what matters is in the inside" sounds very nice but are just words. If I had to pick two people without knowing anything of them, I'd choose the one who is more physically attractive and maybe they're sh*t but that's the way it works. Even at job interviews!!!! You might be obese but have a lot of expertise, but they prefer the blonde hot girl or the guy with muscles.

If we happen to be an alien experiment, they should've given all of us the same fuc**ing bodies so that we don't have to deal with this.

And something I really hate is when a really hot person says to somebody very fat something like: "oh, you're so beautiful, stay the way you are". Such a liars!

Okay, my rant is over lol
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Jul 31, 2020
i feel so disgusting
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I feel you
My body is so disgusting
A mess of stretch marks, 250+ self harm scars, flabby skin etc
Been battling eating disorders for years now, I either eat everything in sight or nothing at all, and go from fat to underweight and back all the time.
Im disgusting
Even my dead friend made sure to tell me Im disgusting before he went through with it
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Jun 30, 2020
I haven't taked off my shirt and swimed since i was like 9yo, i have never been happy with my body.
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why keep existing when you´re no living?
Sep 9, 2020
One of the main reasons i'm going to suicide is because of my ugly deformed body.My hips are so wide it's fking disgusting.It hurts to see other people with normal bodies it makes me depressed.I can't enjoy life with this body i have,no matter how much i exercise my body looks almost the same,i cant go to the beach with friends because of my body and my self esteem is really low.Life is really unfair why can't i be normal.I'm male and having wide hips makes my body look strange and unattractive it really sucks
Same here. Even though I am quite slim. I have horrible scars all over my body. Try to Google: "cystic acne back scars" and you will see. I can't even have sex because of that. It really sucks. And there is no way to get rid of it.
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May 7, 2020
I begin to see that if you have a decent looking body or a attractive one 70% of your life problems are solved.
Inteligence is fine, charscter is fine, but what links people together in society is how they look, not much character needed.
I begin to see that if you have a decent looking body or a attractive one 70% of your life problems are solved.
Inteligence is fine, charscter is fine, but what links people together in society is how they look, not much character needed.
Otherwise if you're smart and have character you will get replies like:"ai wish I could find somebody like you".
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May 18, 2019
same I hate my body, 10 years of an ed. I don't even eat anything if I do I throw it up and take lax and I'm not really even skinny, I've I even eat one thing I just gain weight....I have no idea what I look like, in every mirror, I see myself differently and I have refused to look at a photo in about 7 years because if I do I literally feel so bad I want to kill myself on the spot. What I see in the photo is not what I think I look like and it freaks me out. I wish I lived back in a time before photos existed. I starve myself every day for 10 years to be thin, I'm not really even thin, just 'normal-looking' but now with a totally destroyed body and a face that looks horrible and old because of all the malnourishment. If reincarnation is a thing I hope I can be someone with a great metabolism in my next life.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
If any man even looks at you you better get on your knees and start sucking as a gesture of gratitude that he'd acknowledge you."
That's going way overboard. :hihi: I hate to see anyone being so terribly grateful for a little attention. And I've seen this and it makes me so sad for them. It's so obvious to everyone sometimes. This one girl I remember was so overboard over this guy who was only mildly interested. Every time she drove over she acted like Santa with her arms full of presents, fussing over him, it was painful to watch.
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