

less than him
Oct 14, 2021
Wanted to vent but longer than fine for a thread like "Say anything." Idk if this is the right place to put it, it's not happy but it's not talking about suicide so I'll put it here. If It shouldn't be let me know, I'll delete it. Warning for uncertain reality, if it messes with your head please close this tab.

I want to go into detail for a better vent but I can't. Hopefully soon I'll be able to. Idk if I was seeing mental health professionals before this, but I remember when I was 5 I was. I wasn't happy at home, didn't feel safe. I freaked out at others because I was scared & thought it'd keep me safe. They called me aggressive & forced me to take risperidone. They made me feel like something was wrong with me. My mother force medicating me was a punishment for everything I did or didn't do/say/"think", the worst was when she forcemedicated me or threatened to in front of others. She told me it was something to be ashamed of that I "had" to take medications, others knowing is the worst thing for me, so she did that. She was trying to humiliate me & it worked. She also made me take other stuff, not physically dangerous but psuedoscience, it was also really bitter like the risperidone, I hated it too. She still does this, it's less bad because I learnt to stop fighting back so it's mainly mental forcing. I haven't seen her in maybe 1year+ now, so I have a break. I'm not allowed to have emotions or a personality, but I'm also not allowed to not have them, I don't get it, everything can get her to start "Take your meds. I know you haven't taken your meds. I can tell. Go take them right now. I know you're not taking them because you're trying to hurt me, you're selfish just like your father. Why is everyone out to hurt me? Even you." On & on. Even if I did take them, she doesn't stop. It's like every thing about me is a disease that needs to be medicated. I can't win, & It's hard to feel like a person when this makes me feel like I'm a disease.

They put me into "therapy" that felt like torture, it didn't help it made things worse. I remember them putting me in this room with my family, with a stranger or 2, scared of them all, then I start crying & trying to leave, they don't let me leave & say that's why I need therapy. Nothing wrong with my family, it was all me. There was more "therapy" & things they told my mother to do that messed me up. I was in the regular hospital a lot too around this age for a common sign of CSA, I showed lots of signs in other ways too to everyone, no one put things together? Or they did but didn't care. just get back into that room, you're aggressive, you need therapy. Don't care at all what's going on at home. Take your meds ungrateful brat.

I have a lot of bad memories from home. Sometimes random things suddenly remind me a lot it can feel like I'm there. Any woman touches me without asking & I get upset & might yell or push them away especially if it's my lower back or stomach or butt. Some common innocent words make me want to throw up especially if a woman says it. The memories also tell me how to think about myself. They really effect me. I have nightmares relating to them. I piss the bed still sometimes as an adult man. I'm scared of sleeping. I feel scared people will hurt me in my sleep, sleeping makes you vulnerable.

They said the memories are in my head. It used to be "You're lying, you're an ungrateful selfish brat that's just trying to hurt me." & sometimes told I did/said things I didn't. In the psych ward they said I was psychotic, & put me on aripirazole. They didn't bother explaining what it meant, I had to learn what the fuck my problem was from the internet, so still not even that sure. After that is when it became insanity instead of lying. Lots of really bad times where I've been told I'm insane. All of those times hurt.

Last year I had a little 2-day "relapse" with benzos where I took all I had in 2 days. It was a bad time, after the suicide hotline texting pissed me off I tried to call my aunt & uncle. I didn't see them often but wished they were my parents, I was hoping they'd understand. So I told them about stuff my mother did. "Your mother would never do that." That hurt the most out of all the "you're insane"s I've got. The only people who mightve helped me don't believe me either.

Maybe it's true because if all of this was real the doctors or other family members would've noticed & helped me. CPS was called but they didn't help either. I don't think that, the memories are real, they messed me up. I don't understand why no one believes me.

I don't know how to feel. Title, I feel insane, I'm not insane. I know that there were times in the past I was delusional, I've hallucinated. Idk if it's to the extent to be a permanent illness or if they're wrong & it won't happen again. But these memories aren't fake, they're real. They make me doubt that. That's really scary bcause if you can't trust others you can only trust yourself, but then I'm told I can't trust myself, I don't have anyone to trust then. It's also scary that anyone can do anything they want to me & get away with it because I'm crazy. This makes me both the most suspicious person in the world & the most gullible. I don't trust anyone but I don't trust myself either, all in my head, so this is normal just get over it.

I want someone to believe me. I'm not a disease. Maybe I'm crazy but I'm a person with emotions too & being told every thing isn't real hurts. Can you tell me I'm a person? I want to be a person too, so someone please tell me I am.

Thank you to anyone who reads this. I hope you're having a good day/night.
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My brain is a liquid mess.
Aug 18, 2021
I'm so sorry you had to experience all that pain, and suffering. I can't imagine what it's like going through all that in your childhood. I feel the same way somedays, when you said you want to feel accepted as a real person. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It takes a lot of courage to do that. I know my words can't really help you, but I do wish you peace & better days in the future :)
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds awful what you have been through. I'm sorry you have had to go through all that. Life is just so horrible. I wish you the best.
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Metaphysically Homeless
Aug 28, 2021
You're not insane; you're reacting rationally to the insanity that has been thrust upon you.
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less than him
Oct 14, 2021
Thank you for the replies. I want to write a better thank you but it's hard. I'm thankful you guys didn't call me a lunatic. I doubt reality a lot & it stresses me out. It hurts my head more that my mother has nice moments, she doesn't always make me feel bad. I have all these memories & I feel so alone with them. When I see my other family members I feel even lonlier, they're so different & normal. They know nothing, I don't get how. I live with my grandmother now, I love her, I hate how she'll never understand how her daughter raised me. I don't get how she's so different from my mother too. Sometimes I worry that she's trying to get my trust then will become like my mother.

The only memories I never doubt is my father. He's out of my life now (happy) but I still have to depend on my mother. I depend on both my grandmother & mother. My grandmother for "normal" every day stuff, but my mother for things like giving me access to mental & physical health stuff. It's hard to get help before she left, It's even harder now that she's in another country. When my mother comes back I'll probably have to depend on her for normal every day stuff again, make me go back home. I don't see a way out, I feel trapped. When I was younger I hoped for someone to help me before I turnt 18 because the laws could be on my side. I'm 19 now so no laws protect me. Any day they can kick me onto the streets or force me to go back home. I can't function on my own. I don't have a partner I can live with. I want to be happy but I'm stuck. All I can hope for now is my mother has changed in the time she's been away. But then I remember what she did before she left & I wanna throw up. Plus there's times I've called her & I hear her crying, yet she's telling me hes changed, obviously he hasn't & I guess she doesn't know I know he was cheating on her so shit will never be fixed between them. If she's still in the same shitty relationship how is she going to have changed herself? Right so this hope is really likely to be false. Even if she's changed I'm never going to feel fine with her in my life, too late for healing, though I just want more safety than before.

I hear my grandmother quietly cry sometimes & it reminds me of mother & I feel like shit. I heard her crying twice today. It reminds me how many times I tried to help her but she just gets mad at me. I hate watching them suffer. I feel so powerless.
She cries for different reasons. Last year my grandfather died, it traumatized her because she watched it. I tried to get her to go inside because I knew it was too late when the paramedics came but she wouldn't. She stayed out there & watched, all I could do was hold her. Again I try to help & fail. She has sleeping problems now. She cries & I can't do shit. After they took his body I had to call my mother to tell her too he was dead, her reaction hurt. I can't help anyone.
That night in the OP where I had the little relapse, it ended with my grandmother telling me she'd kill herself if I wasn't here. It really bothers me I believe her, but I try to pretend I don't believe it because If I CTB I don't want to feel the guilt. I know that's shit, I am shit, I'm trying to not CTB (mainly for my bunny daughter because she's most important to me).

I feel bad for writing this, I'm being mean to my mother, she doesn't deserve it. But also I hate her I don't care. My feelings about her are a mess. Also scared I'll be punished for this thread. Worry she stalks me. I'll be fine.

This turnt into another vent. I'm thankful I have a place I can get some off this off my shoulders. I don't think there's a way out but at least this site exists. I have an online friend but I don't want to vent to him. He's got his own stuff to deal with, I don't want to dump my trash on him. A place like this where people don't feel pressured to read or respond & I can still vent helps. & sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm tired. Thanks again to anyone that reads this, wish you a good day/night.
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Jul 2, 2018
"Insane" (whatever that means) people never feel insane. Lots of loveS
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
Ok. Hands up anyone who's got a raw deal from their parents?
I pm so many of you... humans don't know how to raise humans, not in my experience. @motyxia u r so not alone,
I got abused by my dad, profiles open...
u r not alone, it's tricky this life, but u r not alone...
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Apr 7, 2019
Humanize your eccentricity.
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
Humanize your eccentricity.
Fucking love that!! > put it on a scroll and tattoo it on a rib.
experience (&i have heaploads of that...!) has taught me ::
☆ One day you will possiblymaybe realise that this mindnumbing difficult struggle :: has made u stronger; and wiser ::
yeah its an obviate platitude that I couldn't stand hearing when I was attacked with it...
♧ but because i was treated /tortured it taught me not to judge so harshly, or so quickly. It taught me that I'm not special, or different. Or not an idiot.
Empathy, actually listening ( to physical cues vs what people say, says so much more!?) from my destructive /reconstructive journey - all I have is myself to share (like u go through this everyday, u r becoming ) :: may God grant me the light that I may shine... and give it to those that need...
I think your struggles will make you a ^ caring, thoughtful, sensitive person.
Jst note the caveat :: ^ strong, courageous, self-determined, aware, independently proactive, ....they're in there too, you just don't like recognizing them...?! ♡ Am I wrong?
(Yeah right now you probably hate those :: (the sensitivity, caring etc stuff... but that's ok.)
Besides I bet you a billion to one :: - bunny loves you for them! - ) you know what I mean...
This forum is filled with unwitting, weary, wonderful superheroes!

(& a few pro-lifer villains...)
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less than him
Oct 14, 2021
Humanize your eccentricity.
I wanted to write a better response to this. Thank you. It's 3 words but it's one of the kindest things I've been told. I appreciate it. It's really kind so I want to repay you by humanizing my eccentricities, but I don't know how, hard to feel I'm allowed to. But I'll remember these words.

Fucking love that!! > put it on a scroll and tattoo it on a rib.
experience (&i have heaploads of that...!) has taught me ::
☆ One day you will possiblymaybe realise that this mindnumbing difficult struggle :: has made u stronger; and wiser ::
yeah its an obviate platitude that I couldn't stand hearing when I was attacked with it...
♧ but because i was treated /tortured it taught me not to judge so harshly, or so quickly. It taught me that I'm not special, or different. Or not an idiot.
Empathy, actually listening ( to physical cues vs what people say, says so much more!?) from my destructive /reconstructive journey - all I have is myself to share (like u go through this everyday, u r becoming ) :: may God grant me the light that I may shine... and give it to those that need...
I think your struggles will make you a ^ caring, thoughtful, sensitive person.
Jst note the caveat :: ^ strong, courageous, self-determined, aware, independently proactive, ....they're in there too, you just don't like recognizing them...?! ♡ Am I wrong?
(Yeah right now you probably hate those :: (the sensitivity, caring etc stuff... but that's ok.)
Besides I bet you a billion to one :: - bunny loves you for them! - ) you know what I mean...
This forum is filled with unwitting, weary, wonderful superheroes!

(& a few pro-lifer villains...)
Thank you too Trigger. You're really nice, I was right, I'm not confusing honesty! So I think you've been granted the light. I hope it's true. I don't want to be like my family, I want to get out of here & be happy. I want to say you're wrong because you're right. I don't feel like I'm allowed to think I have any good traits.
T-T You remember bunny, that makes me happy. I think sometimes she hates me even though she objectively doesn't because of how she acts to/around me. Still it gets in my thoughts "She hates me. She thinks I'm the worst." But she's binkying beside me so clearly it's not true. She loves me.

I'm sorry I can't write better responses & thanks, & to everyone. I don't want it to be bad but I don't want to ignore either. I'm trying. Thank you 💜
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Thank you for listening
Oct 26, 2021
Very familiar with the ✨unique✨ brand of abuse & gaslighting that narcissistic parents/ family members bring to the table. I'm so sorry you've been put through this for so long. I'm just a little bit older than you, moved out away from my parents now and the distance has given me a lot of healing, time to process, and some depth of understanding- and I still get caught in these learned mindsets: "maybe I AM the crazy one." "Maybe I was the one who messed up our relationship and ruined everything" it's not true. It's so hard to overcome thoughts you were trained to think from such a young young age, but everything you've ever done came from a place of wanting to protect yourself & survive. They were the ones that tried to change and destroy you, and save face. Tell the whole world to doubt you and your experiences. Thank you for your candid venting. It helps to see people with similar backgrounds to me. We believe you and will always believe you, motyxia. Sending so much love 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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