draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
I'm a muslim, but I don't like being a muslim. Not out of some profound shit or morality, I don't even read the Quran, and I don't know anything about other religion either aside from really basic knowledge. But I realized that being a Muslim isn't all that fun? Like I get that everything they told us to do is for our own good, but I missed so many things. I can't eat bacons. I can't use gelatin and sake mirin for cooking. I can't pet a dog (the saliva is dirty, you can clean it but it's troublesome). Everything I do rn can be classified as a sin depends on who you're talking to. I can't wear clothes that I like because it's too revealing (it's really not). I can't touch my opposite gender and even dating is actually forbidden unless you're gonna marry them and you can't do anything before you're married. I'm an affectionate person even with my friends and sometimes I wonder like damn I would like to hug or hold hands with the person I'm dating (or getting to know with). I mean, the last one is kinda loose, but sometimes the people I'm romantically involved with are the ones reluctant. Also, I can't get together with someone who has a different religion, and being LGBT is illegal, but I'm sure these also apply in some other religions.

I also hate islam's version of afterlife. We gotta cross a bridge made of 1/7 strand of hair to get to heaven and if you fall you go to hell?? Also when the day of judgement comes you got punished differently for every sins you have and those sinners got a personal sun an inch above their heads?? Not sure if I remember it right but damn we can't even rest in peace. I literally stopped going to my religious private lessons when I was 9 because the teacher keeps telling me these things and stresses me out.

People in my country often make fun of atheist for being "too lazy to pray" as we have to do five prayers a day and to be honest, that's true; I am too lazy to do that lol. I just don't enjoy praying. We have to do it slowly and whatever but I'm just naturally impatient and easy to lose my attention.

I think my reasons are shallow and I should work on my faith but what's the point really. I'm more interested in buddhism tbh. I wonder if I can say it to my family so I don't have to do the prayer and fast on ramadhan... but it would take too much effort. Well, I just wanna share that. I probably skipped a lot even though this is already long. Any thoughts?

tl;dr i don't like being a muslim because I missed so many things, I don't like their idea of afterlife, and I don't enjoy praying. I'm interested in buddhism kinda.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
A lot of people walk away from the religion their parents try to bring them up in. That must be hard in a country or community where outsiders are shunned or mistreated - is that your situation, or do you know others who have detatched themselves from Islam and continue to live happily in the community?


Jul 14, 2020
Thanks for sharing.
Can't you just stop being a muslim, or is that very difficult to do in your country?

I can't pet a dog
Seriously? Is that in the koran or hadith?

We gotta cross a bridge made of 1/7 strand of hair to get to heaven and if you fall you go to hell?? Also when the day of judgement comes you got punished differently for every sins you have and those sinners got a personal sun an inch above their heads?? Not sure if I remember it right but damn we can't even rest in peace.
That sounds like something humans would invent to keep people in line so they can be controlled...
I've read some descriptions of hell in the koran...A very brutal place, horrifying. I don't see how that's compatible with a loving and compassionate god.

draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
A lot of people walk away from the religion their parents try to bring them up in. That must be hard in a country or community where outsiders are shunned or mistreated - is that your situation, or do you know others who have detatched themselves from Islam and continue to live happily in the community?
Hmm, I have one friend who became an atheist and then starts listening to sunday service. Christianity also sounds interesting for me. But all my other friends are either muslims or non muslim, or have converted to islam. I haven't met anyone converted out of islam other than my friend. There's also this stigma that if you converted to islam, you had "received a guidance" and is welcomed warmly, but if you convert to other religion you're all kinds of bad things.

I think for my family they will try to get me back in track. I feel like if I'm really stubborn they will accept me eventually, they're good people and they love me. I just hate disappointing my mom.
Can't you just stop being a muslim, or is that very difficult to do in your country?
I can stop I guess, but it's an unforgivable sin, and I can't help but to stay just in case the afterlife was real and I don't want to be blacklisted by God lol. And we can't be an atheist here, we have six recognized religions here. If I'm really dedicated to stop being a muslim I'd have to choose one.

That sounds like something humans would invent to keep people in line so they can be controlled...
I've read some descriptions of hell in the koran...A very brutal place, horrifying. I don't see how that's compatible with a loving and compassionate god.
Yeah... I mean what is a religion if not something to keep the humans in check? I just wish I don't have to go to hell for like being gay or being sexy. God's pretty terrifying when He's mad. I mean I don't do bad things to people, should be enough for me not to go to hell right? Now that I'm planning to suicide I'm definitely going to hell for that smh
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Jul 14, 2020
I don't do bad things to people, should be enough for me not to go to hell right
You would think so yes

we can't be an atheist here, we have six recognized religions here. If I'm really dedicated to stop being a muslim I'd have to choose one.
Wow, well if buddhism is a choice I would choose that..

God's pretty terrifying when He's mad
Yes lol Although there is no evidence that god exists, and even less evidence that a god exists who gets mad...
If there is a god who exists who sends souls to hell, then god is really the devil..imo.

Now that I'm planning to suicide I'm definitely going to hell for that smh
:( I doubt it. I think that whatever happens all will be forgiven if people are kind and compassionate. It makes no sense to send someone to hell for suicide if they were kind and compassionate during their whole lives. As if one act overrides all the other acts in a lifetime.
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Life is never so bad that it can't get any worse
May 22, 2020
I'm a muslim, but I don't like being a muslim. Not out of some profound shit or morality, I don't even read the Quran, and I don't know anything about other religion either aside from really basic knowledge. But I realized that being a Muslim isn't all that fun? Like I get that everything they told us to do is for our own good, but I missed so many things. I can't eat bacons. I can't use gelatin and sake mirin for cooking. I can't pet a dog (the saliva is dirty, you can clean it but it's troublesome). Everything I do rn can be classified as a sin depends on who you're talking to. I can't wear clothes that I like because it's too revealing (it's really not). I can't touch my opposite gender and even dating is actually forbidden unless you're gonna marry them and you can't do anything before you're married. I'm an affectionate person even with my friends and sometimes I wonder like damn I would like to hug or hold hands with the person I'm dating (or getting to know with). I mean, the last one is kinda loose, but sometimes the people I'm romantically involved with are the ones reluctant. Also, I can't get together with someone who has a different religion, and being LGBT is illegal, but I'm sure these also apply in some other religions.

I also hate islam's version of afterlife. We gotta cross a bridge made of 1/7 strand of hair to get to heaven and if you fall you go to hell?? Also when the day of judgement comes you got punished differently for every sins you have and those sinners got a personal sun an inch above their heads?? Not sure if I remember it right but damn we can't even rest in peace. I literally stopped going to my religious private lessons when I was 9 because the teacher keeps telling me these things and stresses me out.

People in my country often make fun of atheist for being "too lazy to pray" as we have to do five prayers a day and to be honest, that's true; I am too lazy to do that lol. I just don't enjoy praying. We have to do it slowly and whatever but I'm just naturally impatient and easy to lose my attention.

I think my reasons are shallow and I should work on my faith but what's the point really. I'm more interested in buddhism tbh. I wonder if I can say it to my family so I don't have to do the prayer and fast on ramadhan... but it would take too much effort. Well, I just wanna share that. I probably skipped a lot even though this is already long. Any thoughts?

tl;dr i don't like being a muslim because I missed so many things, I don't like their idea of afterlife, and I don't enjoy praying. I'm interested in buddhism kinda.
It's a tricky one, for sure. I'm really not a fan of organised religion - there always seems to be a hidden agenda to control/restrict specified groups of the population. I prefer to follow a general "do the best you can and don't be an arsehole" guide to life. I understand the deep-rooted anxiety you describe regarding the afterlife. I was brought up C of E and those little fears worm themselves into your subconscious :haha:
Do you have a holy person you trust who will be willing to discuss the issues with you? I find that some people can give you a great perspective without judging and guide you towards a more sensible path without putting the fear of [insert deity] into you

draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
Wow, well if buddhism is a choice I would choose that..
If it's come to that maybe I will! I won't be here for long but if given the chance I would try it. What's there to lose anyway lol

I think that whatever happens all will be forgiven if people are kind and compassionate. It makes no sense to send someone to hell for suicide if they were kind and compassionate during their whole lives.
Agreed... well, I think they do weigh the sins and the rewards and send you to the appropriate place based on that, but I think converting out/believing in other gods, and killing yourself is kinda the vip tickets to hell. I only mentioned things that isn't actual crime against another living beings here. I could be wrong, though, and there are ways to cleanse yourself of your sins.

I prefer to follow a general "do the best you can and don't be an arsehole" guide to life. I understand the deep-rooted anxiety you describe regarding the afterlife. I was brought up C of E and those little fears worm themselves into your subconscious :haha:
Yeah lol it be like that sometimes. I'm not a perfect person, I hurt people sometimes (many times), I did bad things, and I have a terrible personality, but like I never committed a crime and intentionally hurt people, so I think that's a win. I'm selfish and apathetic, but not malicious or evil.

Do you have a holy person you trust who will be willing to discuss the issues with you? I find that some people can give you a great perspective without judging and guide you towards a more sensible path without putting the fear of [insert deity] into you
I don't know a lot of people and definitely not holy people.... my religion teachers at school is decent but they would tell me to just pray more. My geography teacher in HS is a religious person but he's super sketchy (seriously, like a perv, and a lot of religious muslim friends of mine are even weirder than the non religious ones. No offense). Religious people in my family aren't helping, they all accepted everything without question.

I have one buddhist friend. Maybe I'll ask her about what she thinks of our religions. She doesn't look religious but it's harder to tell in other religions and since we're online friends.
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Can´t wait to find Neverland!
Aug 12, 2020
I used to live in Dubai. You're religion is very strict. Can't imagine how the Muslims would think of someone who commit suicide. Shukran
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I think a lot of people don't like their religions. At least it seems that way, because they are pretty shit at following them. I see religion as a tool. If you are using the wrong tool, put it down and pick up another.

draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
I think a lot of people don't like their religions. At least it seems that way, because they are pretty shit at following them. I see religion as a tool. If you are using the wrong tool, put it down and pick up another.
I am pretty shit at following even the most important part; praying. Keep losing track of time to do it on time (can be fixed, but I tend to ignore reminders anyway) and not patient enough to do it reverently. In order to live the way I want I'd have to break like a lot of rules. Everyone in my family seems to be content with this religion and not question anything. If I was an angel, I'm the type of angel that'd get kicked out from Heaven and fall to Hell for asking God some dumb shit haha
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I am pretty shit at following even the most important part; praying. Keep losing track of time to do it on time (can be fixed, but I tend to ignore reminders anyway) and not patient enough to do it reverently. In order to live the way I want I'd have to break like a lot of rules. Everyone in my family seems to be content with this religion and not question anything. If I was an angel, I'm the type of angel that'd get kicked out from Heaven and fall to Hell for asking God some dumb shit haha
Then don't follow the religion as it doesn't seem appropriate for you. Pick something else. Explore, investigate, question. Your religion or philosophy should help you find your place in the world. If you are a slave to your religion then you are a fool.
edit: I realise for some, it's not that easy, family expectations, community etc. But it should be. If something causes you harm then it's time to stop.
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Aug 15, 2020
I'm a muslim, but I don't like being a muslim. Not out of some profound shit or morality, I don't even read the Quran, and I don't know anything about other religion either aside from really basic knowledge. But I realized that being a Muslim isn't all that fun? Like I get that everything they told us to do is for our own good, but I missed so many things. I can't eat bacons. I can't use gelatin and sake mirin for cooking. I can't pet a dog (the saliva is dirty, you can clean it but it's troublesome). Everything I do rn can be classified as a sin depends on who you're talking to. I can't wear clothes that I like because it's too revealing (it's really not). I can't touch my opposite gender and even dating is actually forbidden unless you're gonna marry them and you can't do anything before you're married. I'm an affectionate person even with my friends and sometimes I wonder like damn I would like to hug or hold hands with the person I'm dating (or getting to know with). I mean, the last one is kinda loose, but sometimes the people I'm romantically involved with are the ones reluctant. Also, I can't get together with someone who has a different religion, and being LGBT is illegal, but I'm sure these also apply in some other religions.

I also hate islam's version of afterlife. We gotta cross a bridge made of 1/7 strand of hair to get to heaven and if you fall you go to hell?? Also when the day of judgement comes you got punished differently for every sins you have and those sinners got a personal sun an inch above their heads?? Not sure if I remember it right but damn we can't even rest in peace. I literally stopped going to my religious private lessons when I was 9 because the teacher keeps telling me these things and stresses me out.

People in my country often make fun of atheist for being "too lazy to pray" as we have to do five prayers a day and to be honest, that's true; I am too lazy to do that lol. I just don't enjoy praying. We have to do it slowly and whatever but I'm just naturally impatient and easy to lose my attention.

I think my reasons are shallow and I should work on my faith but what's the point really. I'm more interested in buddhism tbh. I wonder if I can say it to my family so I don't have to do the prayer and fast on ramadhan... but it would take too much effort. Well, I just wanna share that. I probably skipped a lot even though this is already long. Any thoughts?

tl;dr i don't like being a muslim because I missed so many things, I don't like their idea of afterlife, and I don't enjoy praying. I'm interested in buddhism kinda.
i left islam a couple of years ago, and i know a lot about it, and also in my country if you publicly leave islam we go to jail or get killed by radicals, emmm just take your time... you can still be muslin culturally so you wont get discriminated against in society and try other faiths and religions in hiding if you live in a muslim country. you can message me if you want to know about islam or how to leave it without regrets
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I'm useless
Aug 5, 2020
Sounds like you were raised under a very conservative kind of Islam and I'm very sorry about that. I understand that Muslims that live in western countries where I live tend to be less conservative (mostly because the dominant conservatives in my country want them eradicated and possibly a small part due to cultural assimilation) but I understand how your perception of the faith you are born into can be tainted by conservatives using religion as a weapon of hatred and control. I hate the faith I was born into too, that being Christianity, because I can only ever see it as a disgusting perverse cult centering around state worship, hatred of minorities, and legitimizing that rule of tyrants (which I understand Christianity is much more complex than that but where I live that's practically all I ever see). What I mean to say is that I can definitely see where your coming from. I almost wanted to say that "the main difference being Christianity isn't the state religion where I live" but I think that's wrong considering it's present in almost every form in government and I despise it. You should be free to choose what faith is best for you. My religion professor in college used some kind of analogy about "crossing the river of life with the boat made best for you" or something like that.
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Aug 14, 2020
All religions are manmade institutions, with man-made rules and practices. God (Source) doesn't have rules or dictate what we should do. Source wants us to learn to love more perfectly, because that raises our vibration and draws us closer to our Source, which is what God is. There is nothing wrong with religion as long as love is the basis, without judgment of the beliefs of others. The only religion in the afterlife is LOVE :heart:
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Jun 26, 2020
My heart breaks for you when I read your post. I was raised "christian" and at 18 I decided that ALL organized religions was wrong. We as humans are born with the capacity to love and be kind and helpful to all and organized religion can muddy that up to the point that one becomes preconditoned to dislike or even hate someone else becasue of a religion. That is WRONG. I, myself, LOVE everyone on this earth, could care less about color, race, religion, anything. WE ARE ALL THE SAME. We all bring something unique to the table of life and it should be celebrated. There in again, my heart breaks for you, I hope you find peace and love and remember that you have a global family here. I do not know you BUT I truly care for you , love you as a great human being, and please keep in touch with me. Love and peace to you my great friend!
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
Thanks to the kind people who replied this thread. I won't be making any decisions soon (because my ctb plans take precedence) but if given the chance, I'll take a look and learn about other religions, as well as what can i do in my society. May y'all have a nice week ❤
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
After reading your OP, I don't like your religion either! I hope you find something more satisfying and non-repressive.
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