

Mar 14, 2023
Maybe if I were younger, I would have interpreted how I feel as gender-dysphoria???, but it's not that strong.

Unless you're a top 20% high-value male, life is really shit for men nowadays. There is so much value you have to fight hard to try to provide. Just wanting to love and be with a partner is nowhere near enough. You need the looks to get you through the door, you need to provide money to make the other person feel appreciated and protected, you need to be respected, you need to have your own place. If you have your own car, you are more valuable. You need to be able to fight, be alpha, defend yourself and her. You need to be masculine, tall, broad masculine frame, decent penis, be a sexgod, all while having have less pleasure and fewer orgasms per session than your partner. You need to take the partner out, make them feel special, be worthy of them showing you off to their parents and friends. You need to propose marriage, be stable, provide the framework for a life together.

You don't have inherent value just for being there. There are so many traits you're being judged on. And you are not judged on your best trait, but on your worst. The flaws you have are what determine your value.

It's just so demotivating. What is life for a below average-to-average-looking man now? At best, you will hold down a job, go home, eat some food, be unloved and unwanted, nobody wants to be around you, check to see if you have any matches on online-dating, then go to sleep.

Life is so shit. Having someone in your life would make it slightly less shit but it's so hard for a man to get love nowadays. All of us are happier in a healthy relationship (not necessarily happy per se) but it seems like only men have to go to extreme efforts to try to get into and keep one.

I'm sure all the people here are pretty decent and reasonable. I just mean the average person out there in Normieland.
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hello! feel free to pm
Feb 14, 2023
well i dont know if this'll cheer you up, but being a below average - to - average woman is practically the same. you might argue that its easier for women in every aspect of life, but its just a lot more common for ugly women to be treated like crap. doing the housewife thing isnt gonna work when youre fugly, so we have to work our ass off to live and provide… (e.g. single mothers who get evidently dumped while the dead beat dad gets to spread his seed around the neighborhood 🙄 )

unless youve got a face men like looking at then you can prepare yourself for a life of being pushed aside, ignored, belittled, oversexualized, etc.
people only listen to you or take you into account if youre attractive.

but hey, weve got eachother right?
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Feb 4, 2023
I really feel for you on this one. I know it's tempting to give credence to the incel ideas but it really is a tar pit with some grains of truth sitting on its surface. Try to stay away from reading that stuff for your own sanity.
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Mar 14, 2023
well i dont know if this'll cheer you up, but being a below average - to - average woman is practically the same. you might argue that its easier for women in every aspect of life, but its just a lot more common for ugly women to be treated like crap. doing the housewife thing isnt gonna work when youre fugly, so we have to work our ass off to live and provide… (e.g. single mothers who get evidently dumped while the dead beat dad gets to spread his seed around the neighborhood 🙄 )

unless youve got a face men like looking at then you can prepare yourself for a life of being pushed aside, ignored, belittled, oversexualized, etc.
people only listen to you or take you into account if youre attractive.
In my experience, below average-to-average women's issues are way different. They still get approached by men but there is a higher tendency for those men to want flings and treat them badly. Not to say there aren't men who want longterm relationships with them, cuz there are. What do you think?

What men consider below-average is below what women consider below-average. So an average man to a woman is a 6.5. An average woman to a man is like a 4, which makes dating harder. And men have to wake up, shower and hope the bones in their face are in the right place, where, nobody cares if women use makeup, hair-extensions, etc. I think it's more acceptable for a woman to wear extensions than for a man to wear a toupé, but men are more likely to bald than women. You see how men are just born to lose?

I feel for women who pick a guy who they think is an upstanding guy who then ditches them. Deadbeat dads suck.

I think I am butthurt cuz I am an ugly loser male, whereas if I were a woman, being a "loser" isn't really a thing. Men don't care how much a woman earns, if she isn't of high social status (unless she is like promiscuous or something). Men don't care if a woman has no friends or is a nerd. Men don't care if a woman is a waitress or doesn't have a car. There is just so many ways a man can lose. If a woman passes a man's LOOKS-TEST, he accepts her. Even if a man passes a woman's LOOKS-TEST, there are other tests: money, is her a loser, does he own a house, etc.

I'm just saddened by it, tbh.

but hey, weve got eachother right?

Yes. As angry as I am about how my life turned out, my ongoing depression, how dating and love are, etc, I don't have anything against the men and women who post here. All of us deserve better than life has given us!
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May 20, 2018
Maybe if I were younger, I would have interpreted how I feel as gender-dysphoria???, but it's not that strong.

Unless you're a top 20% high-value male, life is really shit for men nowadays. There is so much value you have to fight hard to try to provide. Just wanting to love and be with a partner is nowhere near enough. You need the looks to get you through the door, you need to provide money to make the other person feel appreciated and protected, you need to be respected, you need to have your own place. If you have your own car, you are more valuable. You need to be able to fight, be alpha, defend yourself and her. You need to be masculine, tall, broad masculine frame, decent penis, be a sexgod, all while having have less pleasure and fewer orgasms per session than your partner. You need to take the partner out, make them feel special, be worthy of them showing you off to their parents and friends. You need to propose marriage, be stable, provide the framework for a life together.

You don't have inherent value just for being there. There are so many traits you're being judged on. And you are not judged on your best trait, but on your worst. The flaws you have are what determine your value.

It's just so demotivating. What is life for a below average-to-average-looking man now? At best, you will hold down a job, go home, eat some food, be unloved and unwanted, nobody wants to be around you, check to see if you have any matches on online-dating, then go to sleep.

Life is so shit. Having someone in your life would make it slightly less shit but it's so hard for a man to get love nowadays. All of us are happier in a healthy relationship (not necessarily happy per se) but it seems like only men have to go to extreme efforts to try to get into and keep one.

I'm sure all the people here are pretty decent and reasonable. I just mean the average person out there in Normieland.
True, I've recently realized how tragically awful it is being a worthless male. Then recently this article came out which kind of validates what I've been noticing and feeling:

People will say it's not true, and you just have to do this or that and you can find a partner, but they are wrong. I think only fellow expendables can understand.

By the way, I don't want to turn it into an us vs. them suffering contest. I know there is another side to it and women have all kinds of issues to deal with. I'm just talking about my experience here. I shouldn't need that disclaimer but unfortunately this kind of topic can get toxic very quickly. :(

Edit: I'm tired of hearing from friends/family about good qualities that I supposedly have, and that I could be a good boyfriend for someone. My question is for who? The dating marketplace has determined that I am worthless, and I'm tired of existing when I'm not wanted or needed.
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Mar 21, 2023
It's true that 90% of women want just the top 10% of men. 80% of women will have children but only 40% of men will. It does seem they would rather share the valuable ones than find the right one. Even average
looking women get ridiculous amounts of male attention, all they can do is set a very stringent filter and the first test is looks followed by social status and wealth. This is just human nature and you can't blame them. High 'value' males can also afford to be very picky. Alas most of us are not high 'value', we are not victims either, just ordinary. Remember this term 'value' is entirely superficial and only applies to the dating world not your true worth as a human being. You don't have to subscribe to this superficial shit. It's tempting when you feel lost to believe someone is coming to save you, a loving partner, a guru, a father figure etc. Nobody is coming to save us, we are in this on our own. People, friends, lovers will come in and out of life but their are no angels.
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Mar 1, 2023
Honestly, if you're not depressed, you're eventually going to get a girl. I feel like normal people, regardless of their attractiveness scores, will still date. There are guys out there who are actively dating who if I were them I would not leave my house. But they still get a girl eventually. Not the hottest girl in the world. But girls who are well within their league. They don't get them immediately and the girls aren't super thrilled in the beginning. But they get together. Not necessarily forever but it's not like you can't date again afterwards.

A lot of men are depressed now. A small rejection hits hard. So they have to create an environment that makes rejection almost impossible. Be supermodel hot, be rich as fuck, have extremely high IQ or some other bullshit that people rarely have. Meanwhile, nondepressed average Joe just kinda dates occasionally, gets rejected here and there, tries online dating even though it's shit and ends up dating his coworker after maybe 2 or 3 years. His dating life looks unsuccessful but in the end he got a girl. And he will eventually get a girl after her. I mean how many partners do you really need in your life?

We're mentally ill and it probably shows. We're the unlucky ones that unfortunately feel like we're never enough for a woman. But man, out there are probably a bunch of guys like you and me having an unspectacular but still fulfilling love life just because they aren't mentally ill. They think they are fine and don't need to change shit.

I'm not saying being low-value isn't shit. It fucking is. I get these thoughts very often as well. But being low value and prone to depression is probably the reason why I feel like I need to be a gigachad sometimes. I don't really have to be that and neither do you.
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trapped in an endless hell loop
Jan 23, 2023
Men in this society are disposable tools, unless you are born with godly genetics or in a wealthy family, chances are you won't know what "love" is, normies gaslighting don't have effect anymore when you see the same patterns over and over year after year and decade after decade.

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Jul 11, 2021
This world is full of discrimination, and it's one of the worst aspects of people. They judge, exclude and put down others for anything that diverges from their idea of perfection, or what makes the norm.

However, there's one thing much worse than the discrimination people do to each other...

The discrimination we do to ourselves.

When you free yourself from your discriminating ideas, you will see yourself, and others in a very different way. You will see that a lot of the struggles you mention are inherent of many people in different contexts, and not restricted to a group. You will see that a few things you mention don't have much sense. You will also see that men have a few specific struggles too, but different from what you mention.

Life is already terrible they way things are, so we better not make it even harder. You don't have to be so hard on yourself, or on anyone else. You don't have to provide anyone with anything, or prove any kind of "worthiness". But you can also open yourself to others, without expectations and masks.

Don't discriminate yourself.
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Mar 14, 2023
Small disclaimer:
I don't like lecturing people or telling them they're wrong. I know the world is complicated and everyone's opinion is influenced by their lived experience. so please take nothing in the following paragraphs personally. This is mainly my perspective of someone who lived that same experience and escaped it. although I cannot give you the exact guide on how to do the same since you're probably not trans like me.

Reading this hurts and makes me sad. I have lived that experience for most of my life and it really sucks. but I think it doesn't have to be so.
From my current perspective a lot of these ideas are complete rubbish, though they do contain some grains of truth here and there.
Yes yall (cishet people) are extremely shallow and you spread that to each other.
Most of my life so far I lived as that low-value below average male. Or at least so I was told. A lot of people told me I'm ugly and treated me accordingly. so of course I did the same to others. I was taught by society that this is the dance. I looked at pretty women and thought "why bother she is out of my league", looked at average/below-average women and thought "she'll be an easy target" only to still get my heart broken. I gave up on finding anyone. It seemed impossible.
So I get where these Ideas come from and how they can seem like objective truth. But let me tell you, you are part of the problem. If you start breaking that cycle of shallowness and actually start treating people like people and not just according to how pretty their face is, you might make some genuine connections.
In the 6 months since I started transition that is what I did. I stopped evaluating prople by how pretty they were. I kinda had to. as a trans woman the dating pool is significantly smaller for me. And let me tell you I am getting a lot more action now. It's kinda amazing. ofc some of them look very masculine still which comes with the territory, and nobodys a perfect 10. but so what. they're people and not just faces.
And I think for you all if you start to genuinely interact with people you'll have an easier time. ofc there are still a lot of shallow people out there.
Also obligatory hygiene and stuff. trust me a bit of face wash and maybe the occasional dab of facial creme will do wonders for your looks. Even among people who are not shallow, bad personal hygiene is still a red flag.
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Oct 9, 2022
I'm sure we all experience confirmation bias to varying degrees, but if we objectively observe the world around us, what you're suggesting can't possibly exist on any type of sustainable scale.

How many high-value men do you believe exist?

The way you described them - it doesn't sound like they come a dime a dozen.

Who's mass producing these attractive, successful, broad-framed, fighting, sex-gods?

How often do you encounter them in your day-to-day life?

I see them mostly in the movies.

Turn on the news and wait for them to interview a random spectator who witnessed a crime.

Notice his jacked up teeth and beer belly. Do you see his rosacea peeking out from the corners of his bulbous nose? Then look at the wedding band on his finger as he swipes his wispy hair away from his greasy face.

Take a walk through Walmart and observe the guy in the grimy joggers that expose his butt crack when he bends over to grab the family sized box of Cap'N Crunch. Chances are he's wider than he is tall. Watch as his partner tells him it's the wrong kind.

The guy at the DMV with a mole on his forehead the size of a bottle cap and a hairline resembling the coast of Australia? He has a picture of his 5 kids on his desk. Who gave him those 5 kids?

That's who I encounter in my day-to-day life.

If women only dated high-value men, earth's population would be a fraction of what it is and STDs wouldn't be a thing. Domestic violence and child support wouldn't be phrases that we're familiar with.

Plastic surgery to fix protruding chins and noses wouldn't exist on the scale that it does. Surely these attractive men are producing attractive offspring.

Women wouldn't be killing themselves with breast implants and BBL surgeries because (apparently?) women are assigned inherent value just by being there.

I don't mean to diminish your POV but it seems like maybe you've created your own fantasy man and have convinced yourself that women want him too.

What you've described is nearly impossible for most men to attain, yet billions of men are paired off in relationships. It doesn't add up.
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Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
If this makes you feel better.. I'm female and have had multiple breast surgeries, have skin disorder, and never leave my home hardly due to my anxiety. I feel ill never find another person who wants me after reading away the awesome relationship I had years ago. I've been dying of a broken heart disease since but it isn't killing me quick enough
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Mar 14, 2023
If this makes you feel better.. I'm female and have had multiple breast surgeries, have skin disorder, and never leave my home hardly due to my anxiety. I feel ill never find another person who wants me after reading away the awesome relationship I had years ago. I've been dying of a broken heart disease since but it isn't killing me quick enough

Hi. When you say "breast surgeries", do you mean because of illnesses or cosmetic?

I wonder, cuz a non-suicidal, non-depressed woman can use online-dating for validation and maybe to distract herself from events in her life, what hinders you from doing that in a kind of selfish way to just make yourself feel better? Is it cuz you don't feel you want to share your life or time right now, like you don't want to let anyone into your world right now? Is it cuz you feel half of the guys there are insincere and just want to use you?


I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
Honestly, if you're not depressed, you're eventually going to get a girl. I feel like normal people, regardless of their attractiveness scores, will still date. There are guys out there who are actively dating who if I were them I would not leave my house. But they still get a girl eventually. Not the hottest girl in the world. But girls who are well within their league. They don't get them immediately and the girls aren't super thrilled in the beginning. But they get together. Not necessarily forever but it's not like you can't date again afterwards.

A lot of men are depressed now. A small rejection hits hard. So they have to create an environment that makes rejection almost impossible. Be supermodel hot, be rich as fuck, have extremely high IQ or some other bullshit that people rarely have. Meanwhile, nondepressed average Joe just kinda dates occasionally, gets rejected here and there, tries online dating even though it's shit and ends up dating his coworker after maybe 2 or 3 years. His dating life looks unsuccessful but in the end he got a girl. And he will eventually get a girl after her. I mean how many partners do you really need in your life?

We're mentally ill and it probably shows. We're the unlucky ones that unfortunately feel like we're never enough for a woman. But man, out there are probably a bunch of guys like you and me having an unspectacular but still fulfilling love life just because they aren't mentally ill. They think they are fine and don't need to change shit.

I'm not saying being low-value isn't shit. It fucking is. I get these thoughts very often as well. But being low value and prone to depression is probably the reason why I feel like I need to be a gigachad sometimes. I don't really have to be that and neither do you.

And how possible it is to not be depressed and keep fuelling empty hopes just because there COULD BE worse than you, only IF you aren't depressed? If you can't get started on a life at all and that's what it is for most, you are laughable to everybody else until you eventually realise they have a right. The group will always be right and you will never be right until you are like them, which is impossible by now. If you can't live, much less live with honor there is only one way out.
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Mar 1, 2023
And how possible it is to not be depressed and keep fuelling empty hopes just because there COULD BE worse than you, only IF you aren't depressed? If you can't get started on a life at all and that's what it is for most, you are laughable to everybody else until you eventually realise they have a right. The group will always be right and you will never be right until you are like them, which is impossible by now. If you can't live, much less live with honor there is only one way out.
I don't what kind of answer you want from me. I don't take away your right to be depressed over these things. They're valid reasons to be depressed about and they can really hinder you in getting your life started. I agree fully and I'm in the same boat. It's just some out there just don't get depressed. Or they do but still get girls. But it's not because they're giant gigachads. Or better yet, our situation is fucked but not because we're not gigachads. That's all I'm saying.
Hi. When you say "breast surgeries", do you mean because of illnesses or cosmetic?

I wonder, cuz a non-suicidal, non-depressed woman can use online-dating for validation and maybe to distract herself from events in her life, what hinders you from doing that in a kind of selfish way to just make yourself feel better? Is it cuz you don't feel you want to share your life or time right now, like you don't want to let anyone into your world right now? Is it cuz you feel half of the guys there are insincere and just want to use you?
Knowing some women you would call below average women, I'd say some people have a skewed view of what tinder matches can get you. Most of these guys don't message first or don't respond to yours/ghost you. And if you do get a conversation going, it's usually extremely bland. Some of these guys don't care at all and reply in a pretty rude manner. Basically, you know they are just killing time until the girl that they really want messages back. Eventually they do get a date, which usually consists of a low effort conversation while walking through a park because that doesn't cost you anything. I've heard guys sometimes run errands on these "dates". Basically, they're there for an easy lay and if it's not easy, they just ghost you. So you could say it's not really validation. It's a repeated confirmation that none of these guys are actually there for you or care for you and just have you saved when there's nothing better to do.
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Sep 21, 2020
Seems like more men are currently willing to compromise on the sex-appeal factors in order to have a relationship w a woman than vice versa, which might be a new threshold crossed in modernity's degenerative trend. Hence the modern phenomenon of spree shooters.

Sex matters more to men because of biology but biology also doubles that up with circumstance through its timing: when young men are first trying to form themselves as adults in society they are also hitting their sexual peak. Not so for women. Yet the men need to compromise more now. Anyone who is remotely familiar with social media/online dating doesn't need to hear about the study which found that 80% of women would only date 20% of men while a majority of men would date a majority of women. We can argue about scale but the principle holds and is only going to get worse.

You can wait and find a gf with greater chances than tinder would suggest since eventually average women will realize that they are no longer getting more by tagging off w each other to take turns on the top alphas in their city than by having a long-term bf or husband, at which point they'll feel the need to settle down. They will have to put aside the sexual privileges they exercised in order to find a life partner and that's where average to low ranking men will be considered. But it's a long, demoralizing road to that pot of gold, assuming you will even find it. And when you do, you'll be irreversibly damaged.

You'll probably find someone if you wait long enough but you would want to ask yourself when the rate at which your mind is damaged will, at some critical threshold among your peers, be outpaced by the rate at which the women start lowering their sex standards. Maybe it will still be worth it. Maybe the damage you've suffered will be minor. Maybe it will be partially repaired over time through the relationship.

Either way, I hope you find peace.
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Mar 14, 2023
You can wait and find a gf with greater chances than tinder would suggest since eventually average women will realize that they are no longer getting more by tagging off w each other to take turns on the top alphas in their city than by having a long-term bf or husband, at which point they'll feel the need to settle down. They will have to put aside the sexual privileges they exercised in order to find a life partner and that's where average to low ranking men will be considered. But it's a long, demoralizing road to that pot of gold, assuming you will even find it. And when you do, you'll be irreversibly damaged.

There is the question of: if you get to date a woman after she has "grown out of" casual relationships with the top-tier guys, her expectations will have been set: how will she feel about dating a guy who she wouldn't have considered previously? How will she treat such a guy?
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
What you're describing sounds nothing like gender dysphoria, and most women don't have standards as high as you seem to think.

A relationship won't be any help with your self-esteem issues.
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Sep 21, 2020
There is the question of: if you get to date a woman after she has "grown out of" casual relationships with the top-tier guys, her expectations will have been set: how will she feel about dating a guy who she wouldn't have considered previously? How will she treat such a guy?
Indeed. And divorce rates are pretty high.

It can and has happened w/o things being shit. A net gain in quality of life for the male. But I wouldn't be able to speculate on, let alone find precise likelihood. Maybe there have been studies that might give some idea but I don't know of any. Would be hard to measure in any case.

I am guessing most women who resign themselves to settle for a low-value male ("low-value" based on the garbage valuations of the garbage society we are stuck with that seem remarkably in sync with garbage nature in a garbage universe) will treat them reasonably well most of the time. Hopefully that doesn't change...
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The Best Thing (That Never Happened)
Feb 6, 2023
What in the fuck is a "low-value" or a "high-value" male
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
What in the fuck is a "low-value" or a "high-value" male
It's terminology used in r/femaledatingstrategy and other incel communities that conflates a person's value with how "fuckable" they are.
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Jan 5, 2023
I can somewhat understand feeling lonely and deprived of compassion. I'm not sure what this high value top 20% stuff really means but I do wish you the best. Perhaps you should stay away from certain corners of the internet that discuss these topics? Regardless of whether they have any merit or not, they surely cannot be good for your wellbeing. Life is best lived for yourself rather than forcing yourself to find a partner you know? Not to sound condescending. Best wishes
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
What in the fuck is a "low-value" or a "high-value" male
One measure of masculine ideals. Someone studied suicidal people in South Africa and South Asia. Men's suicides typically happened when men felt far from achieving masculine ideals. (Suicidal women were different: mistreatment, abuse, and unfulfilled expectations)

Google's top hit for "high value man" breaks down masculinity criteria in mainstream anglo-american culture. I think the critieria are basically right (I'm not sure about #7), but normie explanations how to actually achieve them

Other cultures can have different values. iirc in one culture, men apparently were supposed to express fears -- sometimes to extremes -- whereas women were the opposite. Maybe the guy conspicuously afraid of lemurs is a Gigachad there?

Perhaps you should stay away from certain corners of the internet that discuss these topics? Regardless of whether they have any merit or not, they surely cannot be good for your wellbeing. Life is best lived for yourself rather than forcing yourself to find a partner you know?
Selfishness typically damages mental health. Loving companionship improves it. There's no comparison. It's a human need, outside of pathological cases. The more compassionate friends and companions you have, the merrier

Telling people "go fuck yourself" (almost literally -- taking care of your needs alone) is why those corners of the internet appeal to many people. Because they have at least some other message than lonely hyper-individualism. And take men's legitimate grievances seriously. I'd never tell a lonely woman to stay lonely, I've helped women escape abusive men and get decent ones

There's different ways to achieve a non-toxic masculinity that tends to attract and keep a broader range of companions. Without participating in a rat race
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Apr 15, 2022
There's an old adage that if you ever truly want to be happy, never make a pretty woman your wife. You need to look at (and value) the inner qualities of the person, and not the superficial outer layer.
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“I’d… rather kill myself.”
Mar 4, 2023
There's an old adage that if you ever truly want to be happy, never make a pretty woman your wife. You need to look at (and value) the inner qualities of the person, and not the superficial outer layer.
A person's beauty will wither as time goes by, but a good person will stay a good person.

Also, to OP: I have never heard the term "high-value male" before. It sounds like absolute baloney, try to avoid any places that employ such terminology for your braincells' wellbeing.
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Apr 15, 2022
Also, to OP: I have never heard the term "high-value male" before. It sounds like absolute baloney, try to avoid any places that employ such terminology for your braincells' wellbeing.
That's incel terminology.

Again, to the OP: Not to be disparaging to anyone, or any group, but I see fat, ugly, FUGLY couples together all the time in stores, with their fat, ugly kids in tow. They seem to have gotten together somehow and even made offspring. I guess it has to do with coming to terms about who you're able to attract based on your station in life.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
A person's beauty will wither as time goes by, but a good person will stay a good person.

Also, to OP: I have never heard the term "high-value male" before. It sounds like absolute baloney, try to avoid any places that employ such terminology for your braincells' wellbeing.
Keep denying reality. Humans are hierarchical and males fight for dominance/superiority/value in all areas, while women decide on the partner. Even though women also decorate themselves and work strenuously for improvements in appearance, the rate of divorce split by gender plus the shocking difference in standards in online dating shows that women have more weight in a romantic or sexual relationship. They're pickier in the beginning and they'll leave with more ease.

I think you're going to have a hard time evading this, haha. The data is out there. Women have sexual/reproductive privileges. The downsides are menstruation, pregnancy and rape, which does sound pretty horrific. But in 1st world countries the gynocentrism of "progressives" has offset those feminine reproductive trade-offs.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Humans are hierarchical and males fight for dominance/superiority/value in all areas, while women decide on the partner.
Fortunately new research says humans are capable of both egalitarianism and hierarchy! Many societies switched between them seasonally. So you'd have a hierarchical season, let's say summer. Then in winter you'd have egalitarian relations, maybe even a different winter name and partners. Wikipedia article and a book

Unfortunately we're currently stuck in domination, aaaaaaa wrong choice. But we can act differently and carve out spaces where we turn off those rules

That's incel terminology.
"High value man" most likely comes from Black manosphere and hiphop culture, not incels. But even if it did, that's ad hominem fallacy

The internet came from the military, "incel" was coined by a woman who couldn't get laid, Sanctioned Suicide was started by incels. Liberals stole "liberal" from libertarians, who stole "libertarian" from anarchists. Western democracies aren't democratic, and communist parties aren't communist. Most women I know from the fascist right to the anarchist left hate feminists

So is "high value man" a useful concept, when trying to satisfy human needs like love/sex in a hierarchical society? Sure, why not? Just like "high value employee" sounds useful when satisfying needs like nutrition/healthcare in a wageslave society. Or "attractive woman"

But I wouldn't want to identify with them. I'd turn NPC. Better to rob them of anything useful
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“I’d… rather kill myself.”
Mar 4, 2023
Keep denying reality. Humans are hierarchical and males fight for dominance/superiority/value in all areas, while women decide on the partner. Even though women also decorate themselves and work strenuously for improvements in appearance, the rate of divorce split by gender plus the shocking difference in standards in online dating shows that women have more weight in a romantic or sexual relationship. They're pickier in the beginning and they'll leave with more ease.

I think you're going to have a hard time evading this, haha. The data is out there. Women have sexual/reproductive privileges. The downsides are menstruation, pregnancy and rape, which does sound pretty horrific. But in 1st world countries the gynocentrism of "progressives" has offset those feminine reproductive trade-offs.
… You need therapy.
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