

Mar 9, 2020
Prepare yourselves, this will be a long post.

I guess you could say my problems revolve around a girl, but I think it's deeper than that. My first ever girlfriend, who I was with for over 2 years, left me back in December. I'll use her first initial, M. She wasn't sure if she wanted a break or to break up, and I think I pushed her a bit too hard and she decided she was done. It all started back in May when I left my job of almost 3 years for an opportunity for a lot more pay working with M's brother at a power washing company. Illegal working conditions, such as working 12 hours straight in the summer heat with pretty much no breaks, caused me to leave that job. He left not long after I did. I couldn't go back to my previous job because I pretty much ghosted them and can't be re-hired for 7 years. I was too anxious to call them and be honest with them, so they tried calling me three times to see what was going on and I just ignored them.

Anyway, my depression skyrocketed over the course of the next 6 months. I lost a ton of weight, at least 30 pounds. I looked like I was dying. My depression is where my girlfriend had problems. I was depressed enough that I wouldn't really show her a lot of love. She'd want to hold my hand and I'd pull away, I'd get frustrated with her easily. I cut myself and would try to hide it from her, and when she'd notice and ask about it I'd shut her down real quick. She tried to talk to me about my problems and at first I'd talk, but over time I stopped trying because I didn't want to burden her anymore. She dealt with it for as long as she could, I guess. One day in December, M starts sobbing, and tells me she sent provocative pictures back and forth to a coworker while pleading with me to not kill myself. I had a panic attack on her couch, then cried a bit and left. As I'm walking out the door, she's pleading with me to not leave, and says "I'm not gonna see you tomorrow, am I?" I say "I don't know," knowing that I'll come back over like I always do. Next day she tells me what I said in the beginning, she doesn't know if she wants to break up or not. Pretty much my entire day is spent crying on her couch while she does her own thing. Three weeks go by, I try a couple times to get her to come back, to no avail. It most likely made things worse.

Then towards the end of January we finally have the talk. She's done. She cheated on me as an excuse to break up with me because I need to get help, and I made her want to kill herself. Who says that to another person? She has her own problems with depression and anxiety, so she knows what I'm going through. M says she loves me, she cares about me, and I need to get help. Then, I guess I had to know at the time, I asked her if she did anything else with the guy. She brought him home one night. She told me that guy was nice to her when I wasn't. I got upset, and she got even more upset at me for telling her multiple times that if we broke up, I'd kill myself. Looking back on that now, that's manipulative as hell and I regret it but I never meant it that way. It's honestly how I felt. She told me to get the @#$% out of her house, and I said "Don't worry, I am. You'll never see me again." She said, "Good." We haven't spoken since.

I know that first love is really strong and all that, but she really felt like the person for me, and she felt the same. I had felt love before, this girl felt the same but nothing ever came of it because of my anxiety. The love I felt with M was nothing compared to the first girl. I had met M in middle school back in 2014, and she told me many times that she knew we'd end up together somehow. I remember one day in class, someone yelled in a silent room, "SUICIDAL TOAD, DO YOU LIKE M?!" Obviously I did, but I said no because of my anxiety, and because it was a room full of other kids. She switched schools after that year, and I never saw her again until 2017. The second I saw her, I immediately felt comfortable around her. I never feel that comfortable around people. I asked her out that night, and the rest is history. I was no longer alone, I actually felt happy for once in my life.

I have a feeling she didn't actually cheat on me. I can't see her doing that. I could get into her Snapchat to find out but I don't think I want to know. I did so much for her. I bought her and her mom groceries multiple times. I painted her room as a surprise while she was at school. I bought her a brand new phone out of pocket. I drove her to and from work really late at night. I was there for her when she was having really bad depression and anxiety. There were multiple times when I believe most guys would have left her, and that thought never even crossed my mind. I was even seriously considering moving in with her right before all of this happened. Now, with my favorite person gone, I'm alone again.

Sorry for this long post, now on to my current problem. I have SN on the way. I take mirtazapine now to help me eat, and I read that can be used in place of an antiemetic, is this true?

I'll hopefully have all the supplies soon, but I don't know if I'll have the strength to actually do it. My will to live is pretty much gone. I finally got a job but not even that has made me even slightly happy, it's actually made my anxiety worse. I kinda want to live, yet I really don't at the same time. I can't get her out of my head and it's driving me insane. I wonder if she still thinks about me.

So, I'll have SN and I may have an antiemetic, but if mirtazapine won't work, would veterinary meto work? That's all I can find. I'll have a week or so to myself towards the end of the month and I'm not sure I'll be able to even kill myself. I can't seem to do anything right. I'm tired of my social anxiety, I'm tired of my depression, I'm just tired of living but I can't even end it.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Welcome to SS. I'm sorry you're at a point where you're considering ending your life.

I'm going to make some observations and ask a question.

So to start.... you've posted your story, you've asked method questions, and you've stated that you're scared to go through with it.

In my experience, you're going to receive a lot of questions and advice about getting over a breakup, that you're young (I assume 18-19), have you sought help, etc. Folks here care and will want to help in response to your post. The method question will likely not be given top priority, considering how it is buried. The breakup, the ctb fear, and your age are going to get the most attention.

So here's my question: What does help look like to you, and what help are you seeking from fellow SS members in this post?

You may or may not know the answer to that, but considering it may bring you some focus to start to figure things out.

If you do know, and you say directly what you're seeking in response to this post, it will help us know how to respond to you, especially as this is a pro-choice site and we hold sacred your right to self-determination. That doesn't mean no one will try to talk you out of anything, but there is automatic respect given here for the most part to one's ultimate right to choose for themselves.

Again, welcome. Hope my comments helped in some way.
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Mar 9, 2020
Welcome to SS. I'm sorry you're at a point where you're considering ending your life.

I'm going to make some observations and ask a question.

So to start.... you've posted your story, you've asked method questions, and you've stated that you're scared to go through with it.

In my experience, you're going to receive a lot of questions and advice about getting over a breakup, that you're young (I assume 18-19), have you sought help, etc. Folks here care and will want to help in response to your post. The method question will likely not be given top priority, considering how it is buried. The breakup, the ctb fear, and your age are going to get the most attention.

So here's my question: What does help look like to you, and what help are you seeking from fellow SS members in this post?

You may or may not know the answer to that, but considering it may bring you some focus to start to figure things out.

If you do know, and you say directly what you're seeking in response to this post, it will help us know how to respond to you, especially as this is a pro-choice site and we hold sacred your right to self-determination. That doesn't mean no one will try to talk you out of anything, but there is automatic respect given here for the most part to one's ultimate right to choose for themselves.

Again, welcome. Hope my comments helped in some way.
Yeah sorry, I got a little carried away in my post.

I'll be 21 next month. I've tried getting help. I have a therapist now, though this is my 3rd therapist. I went to the ER in January because I felt the way I do now but wasn't quite ready for it, I thought things might work out with my ex. All I did was sit in a plain white box of a room for 8 hours with a nurse and talked to some crisis counselor. I may have downplayed my problems, so as a result they thought I wasn't a threat to myself and sent me home. I've tried quite a few medications and nothing has helped me.

I'm not even sure what "help" looks like to me. I'm at the point where I don't even take any advice my therapist or anyone gives me, because I'm just a lost cause now. I feel like I don't even want help anymore.

I guess what I currently need help with is information regarding the antiemetic. As I said in the original post, I take mirtazapine and heard that medication can be used as the anti-nausea. I can't find any information elsewhere, so does anyone know if that's true?

I was also wondering if anyone has any advice on how to overcome the fear of death?


Feb 23, 2020
I was also wondering if anyone has any advice on how to overcome the fear of death?

What is it you have a fear of? I ask because this is something I have mentioned to someone else on this forum where it is assumed fear of death is death itself however my fear is not being dead but the journey to getting there, fear of the actual dying part. Maybe in your self search you can work out what scares you.


Mar 9, 2020
What is it you have a fear of? I ask because this is something I have mentioned to someone else on this forum where it is assumed fear of death is death itself however my fear is not being dead but the journey to getting there, fear of the actual dying part. Maybe in your self search you can work out what scares you.
I'm not even 100% sure. I guess the process of dying and what comes after? Nothingness doesn't sound nice to me, but at least you wouldn't know I guess. Highly unlikely, but I am also afraid that the day after I do it, my ex may decide to try to talk to me and I wouldn't be around to finally feel that relief.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Yeah sorry, I got a little carried away in my post.

No worries! It happens. Sometimes we need to pour out the things on top of what we need in order to reach it.

I guess what I currently need help with is information regarding the antiemetic. As I said in the original post, I take mirtazapine and heard that medication can be used as the anti-nausea. I can't find any information elsewhere, so does anyone know if that's true?

I was also wondering if anyone has any advice on how to overcome the fear of death?

Hopefully you can get some helpful responses here. I also suggest using the site search with search terms for the med, fear of death, overcoming fear, and survival instinct or SI. There have been many discussions on this site about overcoming fear. Ultimately, it seems to be a common struggle, but also very personal in both how it is experienced and how to overcome it. I posted a discussion about it myself using a philosophical perspective:
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Feb 23, 2020
I'm not even 100% sure. I guess the process of dying and what comes after? Nothingness doesn't sound nice to me, but at least you wouldn't know I guess. Highly unlikely, but I am also afraid that the day after I do it, my ex may decide to try to talk to me and I wouldn't be around to finally feel that relief.

The dying process - I have that fear also.

Nothingness - depends what your beliefs are, personally I believe its just like being asleep. You know nothing then and it doesn't bother you so why would it bother you if it was in death?

Your ex wanting to talk to you the day after - well you wont know about it but that is the chance you take. I have similar with my kids, and that the day after I die will be the day they want to do something about the situation they have caused but I've waited 18 months and all indications are that isnt going to happen. You have to look at your circumstances and decide if thats likely and how long you are prepared to wait to find out. I have decided to CTB as its unlikely, as I cant live like this any longer, and as my hand is being forced. Its your personal circumstances and whilst we are all happy to talk to you about it only you know, and only you can decide.


Mar 9, 2020
No worries! It happens. Sometimes we need to pour out the things on top of what we need in order to reach it.

Hopefully you can get some helpful responses here. I also suggest using the site search with search terms for the med, fear of death, overcoming fear, and survival instinct or SI. There have been many discussions on this site about overcoming fear. Ultimately, it seems to be a common struggle, but also very personal in both how it is experienced and how to overcome it. I posted a discussion about it myself using a philosophical perspective:
I already broke a rule... not using the search function before asking a question. So mirtazapine wouldn't work, it actually increases dopamine I think. Yet another thing I have to worry about now...

Your post was quite enlightening, thank you for that.
The dying process - I have that fear also.

Nothingness - depends what your beliefs are, personally I believe its just like being asleep. You know nothing then and it doesn't bother you so why would it bother you if it was in death?

Your ex wanting to talk to you the day after - well you wont know about it but that is the chance you take. I have similar with my kids, and that the day after I die will be the day they want to do something about the situation they have caused but I've waited 18 months and all indications are that isnt going to happen. You have to look at your circumstances and decide if thats likely and how long you are prepared to wait to find out. I have decided to CTB as its unlikely, as I cant live like this any longer, and as my hand is being forced. Its your personal circumstances and whilst we are all happy to talk to you about it only you know, and only you can decide.
Yeah, I doubt it'll happen for me as well. I'm waiting and hoping for something that will probably never come. She's happier without me, so why not take it one step further and ensure she never has the possibility of seeing me anywhere? I'm afraid of what my suicide will do to her, if she ever finds out. I don't think I'll write her a note. Even if she'd want one, I don't think I'd have any nice things to say to her. This may sound terribly selfish but I just hope she will finally understand that all I wanted was to make up for the things I did, and I'm essentially punishing myself for it all.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I already broke a rule... not using the search function before asking a question.

That's the most commonly broken rule!!! Glad you found your answer though.

You may also notice the rules say they're flexible. Thank god for that or we'd probably have a 90% ban rate! :pfff:


Mar 9, 2020
That's the most commonly broken rule!!! Glad you found your answer though.

You may also notice the rules say they're flexible. Thank god for that or we'd probably have a 90% ban rate! :pfff:
I have one more question to bother you with. I actually used the search function for this one and found nothing. I can't see why this would be an issue but could I use veterinary grade meto? Should I start a new thread for this?


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I have one more question to bother you with. I actually used the search function for this one and found nothing. I can't see why this would be an issue but could I use veterinary grade meto? Should I start a new thread for this?

Have you done an online search to determine if there is a difference between veterinary grade meto and meto for humans? If no answers there, or if unclear, I would start a new thread with vetrerinary grade meto in the title.

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