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Dec 14, 2021
Read my comment again. CAN BE insensitive and irritating. And if they can post as much as they want with very strong views and seems really scripted, it's kinda hypocritical to be preaching against others. Toxic positivity and inappropriate threads would usually be deleted anyways.

I'd wanted to provide them with an alternative view to see that everyone has their own views that can clash. And I'd still like to see this site as a whole, not just what I'd want to see it as. I wouldn't go to the extent of blocking anyone I disagree with, as I still want to see the whole picture.

Not sure why you're replying to me, or what you're trying to achieve. If you don't like what you see, take your own advice; block me and move along.

Really simple innit
I'm not trying to "achieve" anything and nobody will ever see the whole picture.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
While I understand that this may well be a person with Autism or Aspergers
Yes. Just be aware that numerous users have raised similar concerns over the years and most of them ended up eventually leaving the forum, going quiet or being banned for one reason or another.

One positive contribution by the OP is replying to people whose posts might otherwise have been overlooked. Even a generic validation can be helpful to such people. I've always respected this, since I imagine that a new member making a post that is ignored would be very distressing.

She is not regarded as violating any rules since even the most extremely dark worldview is protected under free speech here. Her tendency to oppose all recovery-minded content is not enforced as she is not a moderator, so can safely be ignored.

There are ethical issues in repeatedly propagating a hardline stance against recovery (or against life itself) while some people are on the fence. It is a tragedy of circumstance that not everyone who does this would have a conscience about indirectly pushing someone over the edge; no rules are being violated (as mentioned) and nothing can really be done about it.

It is also unfortunate for the community when such content is quoted by opponents of the site, openly presenting the very stereotypical image that our forum is trying to move away from - doom-mongers in a pit of irrational despair talking each other into finishing themselves.

My best advice is to let the venting happen, share your perspective as you see fit but keep in mind that this is easily a situation that causes us to divide against each other.
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The glow is an illusion
Mar 22, 2023
ya i just let her vent mostly, and if she does make inappropriate threads it should be just taken down immediately. i dont know why they arent. But trolling her by calling her a bot and for her cognitive capacity is something we shouldnt resort to when she isnt completely responsible for whats going on in her brain, and shouldnt even happen on this forum. not saying you, but from what ive read in this thread and othess this is obviously apparent. were all extremely fucked in different ways that the normal person has no idea, and they generally dont take the time either to ask WHY we are like this, and why some of us think ending our life is the only true liberty and just mock us for feeling like this. lets not turn into those assholes.
I think another source of mistrust comes from how little we know about them vs how much they influence a sizeable chunk of this forum (and this is not a positive influence). Trust is a two way street. I have probably shared enough on this forum from my venting that you can pretty easily track me down irl (inb4 I get doxxed) but then there is this user who allegedly is endorsed by the actual forum staff we know nothing about. Their friends can also go after other members with impunity. What tipped me over the edge was a massive wave of negativity aimed at users expressing doubt about night-night and then disagreed with assisted suicide of minors of any age with no repercussions.
Yes. Just be aware that numerous users have raised similar concerns over the years and most of them ended up eventually leaving the forum, going quiet or being banned for one reason or another.

One positive contribution by the OP is replying to people whose posts might otherwise have been overlooked. Even a generic validation can be helpful to such people. I've always respected this, since I imagine that a new member making a post that is ignored would be very distressing.
This I agree with and have highlighted in some other conversations. It's a shame because it almost seems like there is a pattern here where the user goes overboard with their statements, which then triggers a strong pushback. We are all vulnerable people here, and with so many folks falling victim to predatory behaviour, someone acting the way she does during these flareups understandbly cause an upheaval.
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"Please, finish my story."
Nov 25, 2020
If you don't agree with FC, then stop reading her posts. There aren't children on the site, so assuming that FC's messaging is causing people to CTB is pretty much undermining the autonomy of most forum members. Personally I haven't seen any any evidence that her ideology has encouraged people to CTB... many people are already aware of the pitfalls in her rhetoric and have called it out. The community should be well informed at this point and should be free to use their own judgment. Most of the comments thrown around in this thread are points that have been endlessly discussed already, it seems any further discussion is just blatantly unproductive. Nobody is going to change FC's mind on these matters, the mods don't want to censor FC because she hasn't broken any rules, and you guys disagree with her. Just let it be like that and move on.
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The glow is an illusion
Mar 22, 2023
FuneralCry is not a bad actor and to think she might be because she hasn't ctb is horrible.
That's not why people suspected her to be a bad actor. Plenty people don't CTB quickly on this site.
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Apr 12, 2023
No one on this site posts for anyone. You do realize that, right? If you can't simply hit that ignore button and move on, well speaks for itself. It's just forward rendering.
I mean, forward-venting.
Otherwise, ok.
The only thing you can't (for some reason) is ignore mods. So use the adblocker and add an exception of their name and link.
Plenty people don't CTB quickly on this site.
Got that right.
If you don't agree with FC, then stop reading her posts.
See? Simple alterative. But I guess like the chicken nugget incident, you need be reminded of this simple thing.
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Jan 18, 2022
That is one of the things that I cannot stand about this human species, I try to avoid any kind of toxic positivity but even this site has so much of it as well these days and I keep on coming across it. To me it just causes more harm when people glorify the harsh reality of this existence, and they push the beliefs that existing is something desirable when in fact it could never be a desired state to me, it's something that is just an unnecessary way to cause suffering all for the sake of it.

"Hope" and "happiness" are just delusions in this hellish world, the idea of them only inevitably leads to more suffering and torment. There is no such thing as "recovery" when in fact existence is the true problem, thoughts of suicide are perfectly logical in such a chaotic and harmful world where we are only destined for nothing but to decay from old age and be tortured even more in the process. Any of the kind of motivational toxic positivity is just people in denial of the futile nature of existence, and anything like that just comes across as so hollow and empty to me, so fake and devoid of meaning and substance. The idea that existence is a good thing is a lie, toxic positivity repulses mI agreee.


Jul 23, 2022
Talk about déjà vu.
It's definitely weird... my replies to fc aren't even being approved by the mods which has never happened before. I'm concerned about their intentions, especially with how many posts they have and how long they've been here despite that being against their beliefs that life is horrible. Not saying that I wish for anything to happen to them, but it is interesting how they have encouraged so many others decision to pass and they're gone yet FC is still here.
FC has never encouraged anyone to CTB. There is zero tolerance for that here even if the mods are accused of being biased in her favor. If FC explicitly encouraged suicide she'd be given the boot immediately just like anyone else. As someone who's been here some time now I don't think concern about her intentions is warranted (even though conflict can arise as a side effect, we have the ability to defuse it). I have not seen any instances of people falling victim to her rhetoric either. People holding similar views came to this place with those views already. She gets plenty of consistent pushback on her views even if she doesn't respond to counter points or budge on her opinions. So I don't think there is real danger of her "indirectly" encouraging CTB either. If she really posed a danger to the site I have full trust in the mods that they would do something about it.
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Aug 23, 2018
I will admit, I do find there is a theme with FC's posts, and sometimes I find her responses to be a smidge cold, even if she doesn't mean to come across that way. I haven't seen her actively encourage anyone to kill themselves, most of what I see is how life is suffering and that non-existence would be preferable to whatever's going on in this world. Hell, I admit that she's been empathetic to both myself and to a handful of users here as well on numerous occasions, despite the coldness of some of her other comments. If she's not breaking any rules, then it's best to use the ignore button and move on. No need to engage just because you don't agree with her.
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Apr 12, 2023
What's your story, FuneralCry? I've always been curious, if you don't mind telling. Perhaps that will make people here view you as...less of a robot.
Think FC gives a shit about what doom posters on this site think?
Suicide resources are available public on this site, that's all one needs at the end of the day. To go when one pleases.
best to use the ignore button and move on.

Echo chamber.
I'm not trying to "achieve" anything and nobody will ever see the whole picture.
Does that picture include my check? Didn't think so. Nothing to see here.
Maybe FC is a bot since the writing is so repetitive. It's easy to start reading a post and know it's FC by style without seeing the actual author.

Tch, the bot is one who short-circuited their matching electrical mirror.
Are you creating these posts to be purposely antagonistic?

If you see "toxic positivity," then report it.
Look at your own and ask the same thing.
The answer would be rhetorical. NO
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