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Apr 17, 2021
After the Soviet Union, Germany and now Russia brought so much suffering to Ukraine, there are still people who somehow think it's justified. On this platform too Once again, Putin has been engaged in a war of aggression against Ukraine since 2014, using disguised forces. Accompanied by a media war with lies lies and lies. In Russia, a life is worth nothing anyone who could be a threat to Putin is killed. A lot of Europeans know Ukrainians personally. But then you hear some people from the USA talking about the guilt of the USA and the Deep State. It is the damned right of Ukraine to emancipate itself from Russia just like Poland and the Baltic States.
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Aug 18, 2020
After the Soviet Union, Germany and now Russia brought so much suffering to Ukraine, there are still people who somehow think it's justified. On this platform too Once again, Putin has been engaged in a war of aggression against Ukraine since 2014, using disguised forces. Accompanied by a media war with lies lies and lies. In Russia, a life is worth nothing anyone who could be a threat to Putin is killed. A lot of Europeans know Ukrainians personally. But then you hear some people from the USA talking about the guilt of the USA and the Deep State. It is the damned right of Ukraine to emancipate itself from Russia just like Poland and the Baltic States.
I agree with you. And I debated some pro-Russia members. I think we need to be more vocal than them. Or at least showing disagreement with them.

Sadly on the internet the most extreme supporters are often the most vocal one's. I try to change that by my arguments and threads.


Dec 10, 2021
Ukraine was already "emancipated" from Russia, when the USSR broke up.

Why did Ukraine outlaw the Russian language? Why did they fold neo-nazi militias into their armed forces... and murder their Russian-speaking citizenry?

Why would an ex-Georgian president (who became so by "color revolution") become the governor of the Odesa Oblast... all while collecting a check paid for with my tax money?

Do you remember this from 2014:

Neat how that all fits together... and dozens of deaths just get swept under the rug. Those poor Ukrainians were a tool... for somebody. I wonder if they spoke the wrong language.

Sadly, it looks like those events have one more life yet to take, it would appear the governor has lost his utility... and might speak too much:

Of course, we're all very concerned here in the US, lol:

It would seem "poisoner Putin" will have his way with his great "personal enemy", after all. *wink*

Why did Zelensky, the actor/clown, threaten to build nukes back in February, days before the invasion? Who told him to say that? The world has known Ukraine has always had that capability.

I wonder when he will outlive his utility. For humanities' sake, the sooner the better. He's been gambling away the lives of everyday Ukrainians for far too long.

Think about this... Russia had just two "warm water" naval bases... one in Syria, one in Ukraine. Can you think of any other things those two countries have had in common during the last few years? lol.

There are larger forces at work in Ukraine than simply Ukraine and Russia. The Ukrainian people have been toyed with, as a herd of cats plays with a mouse. They lost what little they had left of their sovereignty the year of the Euromaidan. They were tricked into believing it was something it wasn't. Poor souls.
This war needs to stop. The anti-Russian endeavors need to stop. The bio-labs, child trafficking, arms smuggling, dope and kickbacks need to stop. Ukraine needs to be helped to rebuild, then they need to be left alone.

That will never happen, though. The WEF, Israel, all of NATO, the US, Russia, every corrupt politico on the planet with sense enough to get in on the action, and every underground revolutionary group from Ireland to South America has too much to gain from the war in Ukraine- and too much to lose if it ends. The Ukrainian people? Well, they have little to do with any of it... except to be victims, to tear at your heart strings, and make you think about picking a side in a war that helps nobody worth helping.

Many of these "Russia supporters" you see aren't "Russia supporters" per se... they just see things you don't bother to look at.

Do you ever wonder why an idiotic pot-smoking basketball player was deemed important enough to trade for an imprisoned arms trafficker so prolific hollywood made a movie based (partly) on his life?

Here's a clue for ya'-

Here's another:

I'd post a darknet link I found where you could buy your very own 40mm grenades, but that would just be *wrong*.

The fact is, the war in Ukraine and everybody involved in it stinks to high heaven.


This war needs to end. Russia might be able to end it... if their own "oligarchs" and NATO don't get in the way. It's going to (already has) cost too many lives, and if things go pear shaped from here it could cost the lives of us all.

Of course, that might be a happy outcome for many here... on this suicide forum.
I agree with you. And I debated some pro-Russia members. I think we need to be more vocal than them. Or at least showing disagreement with them.

Sadly on the internet the most extreme supporters are often the most vocal one's. I try to change that by my arguments and threads.
Hate Russia all you want. Just remember while you're trying to be "more vocal"... Ukraine is actively recruiting. They've got bodybags to fill. Just a few weeks ago another idealistic kid from my state cashed in his chips for that disgusting conflict, and all it represents.

21 years old... perfect health. Had a long life ahead of him, had a shot at happiness but instead he believed the hype and the lies in the media and decided he wanted to be a hero. He likely thought it would help him get a a girlfriend... I'd bet he thought he'd have stories to tell his grandkids.

He didn't make it home for Christmas. There was a delay of some sort sending what's left of his body back.

All told, I believe he got to see about three hours of actual combat. He didn't know it was the adventure of his life... until he did. I believe he bled out. They couldn't afford to risk evacuating him, or he might have lived.

I wonder what he thought, as he looked from his torn 21 year old body to the sky... and to the mud, wet with his blood. Blinding pain, ears ringing from the rounds going off around him. I wonder if he thought it was worth it.

Be careful picking sides and repeating lies. Beautiful, naive young lives are lost horribly in such ways.
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Dec 11, 2022
I have held very, very strong and mixed opinions of Russia since my disastrous introduction to communism in 1998.

This is a pretty uncool thing to say given my worldview, but the more arrogant a power becomes the less valid it's existence/right to be becomes. I believe Russian culture is toxic and that Russia as a whole has outlived it's usefulness. It is, simply time for Russia to go. I would like to see the complete and total destruction of Russia. The State abolished, all places of learning and culture demolished and the language outlawed and erased. I'm essentially advocating for the same kind of genocide that was attempted on the Philippines by Japan, or the Native Americans by the US. This is my way of saying FUCK RUSSIA and everything Russian.

That said, I like Mosins, vodka, the language and I'm sure there are probably a few Russian men who aren't completely hatable Trumpesque douchebags, I just haven't met any.

Dear Russia: Thank you so much for beating the Nazis. We Americans like to think we did it but lol, that was 99% on you. You really showed the world how a bunch of people could get together and kick evil's ass .... Uh, but then you filled those shoes. Sure, you flew a different flag and it wasn't *technically* fascist, but..... It was still the same. Killing the king doesn't count as a Revolution if you put his crown on after.

I'm worried that this will come off racist, so maybe I should mention that I view the State of Israel the same?

TL;DR: Any State, individual or other entity that takes a "I HAVE A HOLY DESTINY TO EXPAND OVER THE WHOLE WORLD" stand should be met with a "Well, we're going to kill you then." reaponse
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Dec 21, 2022
After the Soviet Union, Germany and now Russia brought so much suffering to Ukraine, there are still people who somehow think it's justified. On this platform too Once again, Putin has been engaged in a war of aggression against Ukraine since 2014, using disguised forces. Accompanied by a media war with lies lies and lies. In Russia, a life is worth nothing anyone who could be a threat to Putin is killed. A lot of Europeans know Ukrainians personally. But then you hear some people from the USA talking about the guilt of the USA and the Deep State. It is the damned right of Ukraine to emancipate itself from Russia just like Poland and the Baltic States.
The worst are the people who don't actually care about the conflict but just want to "both sides" and "whatabout". To the first I just want to ask them, how many Russian civilians have been killed in this conflict vs Ukrainian? How many Russian homes, schools and hospitals have been shelled or bombed vs Ukrainian ones? It's really annoying for people to be so callous just because they themselves are safe in their own country. And then there are the edge lords who accuse others of being blind sheep while their own view is pure propaganda without any nuance.
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Dec 10, 2021
I have held very, very strong and mixed opinions of Russia since my disastrous introduction to communism in 1998.
Lol. I'd bet you've got a good story behind that statement. I'd like to hear it, if you'd like to share it. In my limited experience, it seems communism only works in kibbutzim. As a governing ideology, it's simply impossible to scale.

This is a pretty uncool thing to say given my worldview, but the more arrogant a power becomes the less valid it's existence/right to be becomes. I believe Russian culture is toxic and that Russia as a whole has outlived it's usefulness. It is, simply time for Russia to go. I would like to see the complete and total destruction of Russia. The State abolished, all places of learning and culture demolished and the language outlawed and erased. I'm essentially advocating for the same kind of genocide that was attempted on the Philippines by Japan, or the Native Americans by the US. This is my way of saying FUCK RUSSIA and everything Russian.
Virtue signaling much? lol. Having read your few other posts, you don't strike me as the genocidal type... unless, of course the "mood" favors- lol

You seem to be pretty bright. Surely you can see the antithesis Russia has presented throughout history to counter the thesis of the US, and the west, no? Would you really have that replaced by yet another manufactured synthesis resembling a technocratic surveillance state quite like China, only worldwide... as the globalists suggest? Somehow, I doubt you would.

Speaking of globalists- who was it that funded the bolsheviks, to begin with? And, who were those bolshevik buggers, anyway? Oops... I almost forgot. You said-
I'm worried that this will come off racist, so maybe I should mention that I view the State of Israel the same?
We're all mice, ultimately. Being toyed with by a herd of cats. lol

Sometimes "fortune" favors, and we happen upon other interesting mice in the melee. I like your mind, friend. What I've read of it, anyway.
TL;DR: Any State, individual or other entity that takes a "I HAVE A HOLY DESTINY TO EXPAND OVER THE WHOLE WORLD" stand should be met with a "Well, we're going to kill you then." reaponse
In a perfect world, perhaps. Of course, utopian dreams always lead to the most tragic folly, it seems.

The only problem with anarchy is that we have no one to blame but ourselves when everything goes awry. At least in this clownworld of intricate interconnected hierarchies we've got plenty of people lovingly placed over us who we can point our fingers at when we scream... with little chance of even knowing who actually bears the most fault.

I so often wonder what motivates the people at the top... those that decide what propaganda will be printed, what cultures will be destroyed, what histories will be written... those who control the fiat.
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