
Aug 18, 2020
Recently there was a bug in this forum and posts from 10 days were deleted. Moreover I think for many people private conversations were bugged and some deleted (?) I don't know the details of the latter one

I tried to reconstruct which threads of mine are gone. I gave someone a compliment in this time period which I was happy about. The post is gone now but I hope the person still remembers it. So far I did not re-write them. It feels a little bit shallow because there is the fear the new versions cannot compete with the origional ones.

It hurt me that these posts are gone. There were several threads I put my heart into and I felt like I nailed it. I tried to search for them in internet archives but without success. However the pain got less with the time passing. Gladly it was only a short period of time. I could imagine when messages with/from dead members were deleted the pain can be quite tormenting.

But how much pain would be there if all posts were suddely gone? There are attacks on this forum and it does not feel completely unrealistic. There are several scenarios that either this forum gets taken down (which feels unlikely for me) or somehow just the posts are deleted.

I had two feelings about it. All my threads feel like a very long suicide note for me. Especially the ones where I describe the mental anguish, the abuse and bullying. I document the injustice that was done to me and it sometimes feels empowering to share my story uncensored. Moreover when I am dead my posts will continue to exist and people might ask themselves: Who was this guy noname223? I can relate to many of his posts but why did he write so many threads. (I think it is partially pathological but there are more reasons for it). So I feel like there will/would be a ghost of me that keeps on living when people read my posts. Lol.

At the same time there were also advantages if everything was deleted. It would increase the privacy and make it way harder to be identified eventually. Of course there are many internet archives but not every single post gets captured and it makes it harder to find information. Who spends his freetime to make research on random members in internet archives from a forum that was taken down several years (in such a scenario).

It would certainly feel like a big bang if everything was deleted. However I prefer that this forum exists so that I can vent over the abilitiy to show past posts of mine. So deleting all posts would be pretty pretty painful but I could live with it eventually. Instead living without this forum and the community would be way worse.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The forum being deleted would just make people suffer even more of course, but if such a thing happened there would be nothing anyone can do about it, it would sadly just be the way that things are.

All we know will eventually be erased anyway as no matter what happens death will come someday which is the only relief. I always prefer the sound of eternally not existing to the unpredictability and uncertainty of existence where there is no limit as to how unbearable existing can get.
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Oct 10, 2023
i wouldn't care if MY posts were deleted, but there are so many resources here posted by others that it would be horrible if they were deleted.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I would be honest, me personally, I wouldn't really feel bad. But I am like this regarding almost everything nowdays.

I know it is not the same for everyone tho, I get that some of you find comfort and understanding here.


Oct 17, 2023
Honestly my day to day life wouldn't change much, I would be upset for a bit, but i've been banned from things in the past and gotten over it. Lost many accounts on games which I had loaded with a friends list I will never get back and most I will likely never speak to again. I've dealt with loss irl aswell so compared to that it won't be much of a struggle. However I do see how some people would be more upset, especially freedom of speech advocates.


Hey, you. You're finally awake
Oct 10, 2023
Ah. Not happy. But well. It happens. As long as the forum doesn't get pirate bayed, we're good. As Bear Grills once said: Rebuild, Reuse, Recicle. Wise word, man


Sep 18, 2023
I'd be mortified.

I think someone should archive the entire forum just for this reason.
There have been archives/snapshots of individual pages of forum threads, but I think an archive of the entire forum is yet to be made.

But archiving the entire forum also introduces other issues.
What if someone posted something and they want it removed afterwards?

I considered doing it myself, but it sounds a bit complicated.

Both for the reason I meant above, and for technical reasons.

Like I could give it a try, but I fear that I might get rate-limited for excessive requests and my account automatically blocked.
You need to be logged in for threads to be displayed properly if I'm correct, so there's no feasible way to workaround the rate-limiting issue.
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