You really can't. All you can do is try in this life until you have nothing left to give or hopes of getting better and then you know it's time. I have lost my ability to work and function day to day. All I have is my mother who is basically my caregiver at this point. When she goes, it's my time. I can't imagine not being able to call or talk to her face to face. My only hope is to some day get better and completely involve myself when she goes. Hopefully there is an afterlife, but I'm not counting. The bond I have with my mother is very strong. I hate my father and would give him a strong beating for how h treated us. I don't talk to my brother. Extended family is a bunch of rich money hungry arrogant pricks. The only thing that would help me go on is a fear of hell and a sense that it is a big sin to take your life. Hopefully I can meet someone and have a family of my own . So far everyone I have come across has been a slut and a golddiger, it seems to be the norm with a lot of millennial women. No disrespect to the opposite sex. Men are mostly horny pigs who visit prostitutes and many women want you to pay through the nose for sex. That's my two cents