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Apr 15, 2024
I'm from London, how to I buy drugs? (I'm not police 🫡)
What are the best/fun drugs? I need something to numb my pain for a bit

What are the prices like and how do you pay for drugs? In cash or online?

I'm not even sure what to try, all I know is I hate the smell of weed. It would be nice to od on something but I mostly want drugs to cope with my depression.

I never payed attention in school when we learnt about different drugs and there effects, I regret it now.
I went down that path. It is financial RUIN! And ended up having to join rehab programs, admit things to family, lose freedoms over my budget etcs. I can now say I regretted having ever contacted a dealer. But actually, for depression legal alcohol should do fine (short term, and then RUIN again long term, so again WARNING). But if you have to, to be fair then, you should go for the least addictive cheapest stuff, such as weed. Unfortunately it only gives me anxiety, so I never bought any.

Instead (and what I do now) is go to the doctor and describe in vivid horrific detail on how your depression feels, they will eventually give something. I for one just got a package of Quetiapine. It numbs me out good at night.
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Mar 25, 2024
Yeah, I'm not really sure why people here are being so negative to OP and saying stuff like "if you don't already know how to find these drugs, don't bother learning how to". Whenever people say stuff like this, it makes no sense to me at all because I feel like this is a massive neurotypical response to give. The OP is asking this question precisely so that she can learn how to do obtain the drugs. I'm not entirely sure how people expect her to learn how to obtain recreational drugs if she doesn't ask somebody how to obtain it. This thing where somebody is expected to learn some arbitrary piece of knowledge before an arbitrary age before they're considered too old to ever learn about it again is something I've seen people do in all aspects of life and it truly is annoying as hell.

I think that maybe you should post your thread again but in the recovery forum @eatantz. Perhaps people there will give more helpful responses
But at the same time I don't see anything wrong with people advising against it.

They have stated they want to know how to obtain recreational drugs to cope with their depression. I don't think taking recreational drugs is the right way to go about coping with depression, and in fact could make their depression even worse.

Nothing wrong with giving that input and trying to be helpful. You're only masking the depression artificially when high on drugs, but you're not actually addressing the route cause and once the drugs wear off you'll be depressed again or even more depressed than you were before taking the drugs. Now you're in a situation of wanting to be high all the time to mask the now worse depression, which put you in a vicious downwards spiral.

Again, it's their life and their choice, but others giving constructive input should not be frowned upon.
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
Yeah, I'm not really sure why people here are being so negative to OP and saying stuff like "if you don't already know how to find these drugs, don't bother learning how to". Whenever people say stuff like this, it makes no sense to me at all because I feel like this is a massive neurotypical response to give. The OP is asking this question precisely so that she can learn how to do obtain the drugs. I'm not entirely sure how people expect her to learn how to obtain recreational drugs if she doesn't ask somebody how to obtain it. This thing where somebody is expected to learn some arbitrary piece of knowledge before an arbitrary age before they're considered too old to ever learn about it again is something I've seen people do in all aspects of life and it truly is annoying as hell.

I think that maybe you should post your thread again but in the recovery forum @eatantz. Perhaps people there will give more helpful responses
I personally believe both @cosmic_traveler and @Rubypie41 make valid points although maybe traveler could've handled it better i argee with what they are saying

If someone asks for advice on something they should get it,however I believe it is our responsibility to make the OP aware of the dangers they may already be well aware of but it is certainly still a duty of care is it not?

I myself personally have a moral thing against drug abuse (outside of suicide or medical reasons obviously) but all the same i will not stand in the way of OP doing that their body their choice afterall

Ultimately this thread as desolved into a bit of a screaming match which i will admit is mindly amusing ultimately isn't helping the OP with their problem

Perhaps mod's need to step in and put a close to this before it gets out of hand
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I'm not being hateful, I just don't agree with having a go at people and telling them to back the fuck off for advising against doing recreational drugs.

Having done recreational drugs myself I'm more than experienced enough to advise against it, especially if you're already in a bad place. Doing drugs doesn't solve anything, they only make matters worse, especially recreational drugs. Yes, they can be fun and give some escapism, but that's short-lived lived and once the drugs wear off you're very likely to experience negative psychological effects which puts you in a worse mental state.

I think everyone is entitled to give their opinions based on own experiences, so I'm just saying don't get pissed off and have a go at people for advising not to go down that path.

He can if he wants to, it's his life and inevitably he will do what he wants anyway, but there is nothing wrong with trying to help by advising to not do them.

Again, you need to look at the definition of help. You're saying telling them not to do drugs is the opposite of helpful, but if we know based on experience that taking recreational drugs can in fact make your situation worse, then advising against them is actually trying to be helpful.
If the OP wants to experiment with drugs then there isn't much we can do to stop her. Screaming "NO, ALL DRUGS BAD" isn't likely going to do anything. Along with that, not all drugs are the same. You can't compare something like LSD or weed to heroin or cocaine. The risks associated with all those drugs are completely different from each other. I think it's better to just encourage the OP to do in-depth research on different types of drugs and their risks first before trying them out rather than just telling her not to altogether. While I do wish that she was doing this under the guise of curiosity rather than to cope, I'm pretty sure she's more likely to just roll her eyes at your post than actually take it seriously (at least, that's how I'd imagine I would respond if I were her, lol. I'm not trying to insult you by the way, this is more of a reference to my stubbornness). Plus, sometimes they do end up unintentionally making your situation better, at least in the case of psychedelics.

Either way, the point is that while I understand wanting to discourage her from potentially screwing herself over, presenting all drugs as equals in how bad they are
As a previous recreational drug user in my younger partying days (Ecstasy, Cocaine, Magic Mushrooms, Ketamine etc.) I seriously wouldn't bother. What goes up must come down, so whilst the high might be good, the comedowns are twice as bad, especially in the long run.
is just dishonest and you likely aren't necessarily doing much to discourage her. Cocaine, for example, chemically addictive due to it directly causing the nucleus accumbens to activate, causing your brain to produce around three times more dopamine than it usually would. Magic mushrooms, on the other hand, don't impact the pleasure centre of the brain. It's a serotonin 2A agonist, meaning that it mimics the actions of the neurotransmitters that typically bind to those receptors. It's not chemically addictive and is rarely psychologically addictive. The high from cocaine is short and comedown can be unpleasant, meanwhile the high from shrooms is much longer (6-8 hours) and shrooms are described to give a lot of users what they refer to as "an afterglow" once the high dies down. The risks and benefits associated with either are very different, so to group them, whether unintentional or not, can send off the wrong message.

Sometimes posts like these can further encourage people to do the opposite just out of spite. I think it would be better to just respond by saying that you wouldn't recommend it, then go in-depth on your experiences rather than giving a vague description, and then go over harm reduction tips just in case they still decide to do it.
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Mar 25, 2024
If the OP wants to experiment with drugs then there isn't much we can do to stop her. Screaming "NO, ALL DRUGS BAD" isn't likely going to do anything. Along with that, not all drugs are the same. You can't compare something like LSD or weed to heroin or cocaine. The risks associated with all those drugs are completely different from each other. I think it's better to just encourage the OP to do in-depth research on different types of drugs and their risks first before trying them out rather than just telling her not to altogether. While I do wish that she was doing this under the guise of curiosity rather than to cope, I'm pretty sure she's more likely to just roll her eyes at your post than actually take it seriously (at least, that's how I'd imagine I would respond if I were her, lol. I'm not trying to insult you by the way, this is more of a reference to my stubbornness). Plus, sometimes they do end up unintentionally making your situation better, at least in the case of psychedelics.

Either way, the point is that while I understand wanting to discourage her from potentially screwing herself over, presenting all drugs as equals in how bad they are

is just dishonest and you likely aren't necessarily doing much to discourage her. Cocaine, for example, chemically addictive due to it directly causing the nucleus accumbens to activate, causing your brain to produce around three times more dopamine than it usually would. Magic mushrooms, on the other hand, don't impact the pleasure centre of the brain. It's a serotonin 2A agonist, meaning that it mimics the actions of the neurotransmitters that typically bind to those receptors. It's not chemically addictive and is rarely psychologically addictive. The high from cocaine is short and comedown can be unpleasant, meanwhile the high from shrooms is much longer (6-8 hours) and shrooms are described to give a lot of users what they refer to as "an afterglow" once the high dies down. The risks and benefits associated with either are very different, so to group them, whether unintentional or not, can send off the wrong message.

Sometimes posts like these can further encourage people to do the opposite just out of spite. I think it would be better to just respond by saying that you wouldn't recommend it, then go in-depth on your experiences rather than giving a vague description, and then go over harm reduction tips just in case they still decide to do it.
You make some valid points and I respect that, what I don't respect is blatantly telling people to back the fuck off just for giving their opinion on not doing drugs.

Totally agree not all drugs are equal, but also how people respond to various drugs are not equal either. In Amsterdam as a youngster me and my friends all did Magic Mushrooms and one of my friends had a very bad trip and almost killed himself by jumping out of the hotel window. He's never touched mushrooms again, where's others had a really good trip and only have positive things to say about them.

I just think asking about recreational drugs for the reason of depression is risky. You're actually far better if doing drugs when in a good mental place, not when you're already depressed.

It's all about providing input from various people with various experience, not just saying try these drugs and this is how to go about obtaining them, then telling people to back the fuck off for advising against it.

Nobody else has had a go at anyone recommending what drugs to take or how to go about obtaining them, so at the same time don't be offensive and attack people with apposing views.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
You make some valid points and I respect that, what I don't respect I blatantly telling people to back the fuck off just for giving their opinion on not doing drugs.

Totally agree not all drugs are equal, but also how people respond to various drugs are not equal either. In Amsterdam as a youngster me and my friends all did Magic Mushrooms and one of my friends had a very bad trip and almost killed himself by jumping out of the hotel window. He's never touched mushrooms again, where's others had a really good trip and only have positive things to say about them.

I just think asking about recreational drugs for the reason of depression is risky. You're actually far better if doing drugs when in a good mental place, not when you're already depressed.

It's all about providing input from various people with various experience, not just saying try these drugs and this is how to go about obtaining them, then telling people to back the fuck off for advising against it.

Nobody else has had a go at anyone recommending what drugs to take or how to go about obtaining them, so at the same time don't be offensive and attach people with apposing views.
It is important to note that psychedelics like shrooms require a lot of research and prep work prior to using them. The vast majority of ER visits because of them are usually due to people messing with them like they would with something like weed.

Young age was the only predictor associated with higher risk of emergency medical presentations. The most common symptoms were psychological, namely anxiety/panic and paranoia/suspiciousness. Poor 'mindset', poor 'setting' and mixing substances were most reported reasons for incidents.

I do agree with them being risky to use for numbing the pain and I also agree with it being dumb to just tell people with opposing opinions to fuck off.
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Mar 25, 2024
It is important to note that psychedelics like shrooms require a lot of research and prep work prior to using them. The vast majority of ER visits because of them are usually due to people messing with them like they would with something like weed.

I do agree with them being risky to use for numbing the pain and I also agree with it being dumb to just tell people with opposing opinions to fuck off.
Nice to converse with someone who has well rounded views and respects input from all sides without having to fall out with one another ♥️
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
But at the same time I don't see anything wrong with people advising against it.
There's a difference between advising against it and saying stuff like "if you don't already know how to access recreational drugs at your age, just don't even bother trying". I never said that recreational drugs are perfect. Like all things in life, they have their consequences. However, I do think it's annoying at how people are saying to her that she should just not bother because she doesn't have the knowledge about it already.

Also, at the same time, it isn't like recreational drugs are useless entirely. If it was, it wouldn't be in the "alternative ways instead of therapy" thread in the recovery section.

Of course letting the OP know about the risks of recreational drugs is fine but downright telling her to just not even bother with it is pointless and not even helping. She's on this site which most likely means she exhausted most options of recovery as it seems like most SaSu members have tried to recover first.

Perhaps, for her, recreational drugs is the only method of potentially recovering that she hasn't tried yet and, if I personally wanted to recover, I'd go all out because, if I recover, that's great but, if I don't recover, I can ctb as originally planned. If she has exhausted out all of her other options for recovery and has planned to ctb soon anyway, she might as well just take this risk.

Like I said at the start, it's okay to let the OP know about the consequences of recreational drugs. Personally I'm afraid of the idea of developing an addiction towards them and how that can be used to further decrease my quality of life. However, in the end, as I already stated above, if she already has exhausted out all of her other options, she may as well try and risk this one if she wants to recover because I remember her saying that she plans to ctb in 2 years anyway
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Mar 25, 2024
There's a difference between advising against it and saying stuff like "if you don't already know how to access recreational drugs at your age, just don't even bother trying". I never said that recreational drugs are perfect. Like all things in life, they have their consequences. However, I do think it's annoying at how people are saying to her that she should just not bother because she doesn't have the knowledge about it already.

Also, at the same time, it isn't like recreational drugs are useless entirely. If it was, it wouldn't be in the "alternative ways instead of therapy" thread in the recovery section.

Of course letting the OP know about the risks of recreational drugs is fine but downright telling her to just not even bother with it is pointless and not even helping. She's on this site which most likely means she exhausted most options of recovery as it seems like most SaSu members have tried to recover first.

Perhaps, for her, recreational drugs is the only method of potentially recovering that she hasn't tried yet and, if I personally wanted to recover, I'd go all out because, if I recover, that's great but, if I don't recover, I can ctb as originally planned. If she has exhausted out all of her other options for recovery and has planned to ctb soon anyway, she might as well just take this risk.

Like I said at the start, it's okay to let the OP know about the consequences of recreational drugs. Personally I'm afraid of the idea of developing an addiction towards them and how that can be used to further decrease my quality of life. However, in the end, as I already stated above, if she already has exhausted out all of her other options, she may as well try and risk this one if she wants to recover because I remember her saying that she plans to ctb in 2 years anyway
Again, that's absolutely fine and you also make some valid constructive point instead of telling people to SHUT THE FUCK UP! That's just damn right rude.

Instead of attacking people just post a polite and constructive reply making your points, simple as.

Advising someone on drugs with possible therapeutic values is probably the best way to go, but only if they are proven drugs with proven therapeutic properties.

They said they plan to CBT in two years, but plans can change (sometimes for the better), so it's certainly not wise on just giving someone a list of drugs to try and how to go about obtaining them, as that could be detrimental, especially as they are wanting to use it to combat existing depression, which the majority of recreational drugs are known to make worse.

There are just ways of going about things constructively and respectfully is what I'm saying.
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Jul 3, 2019
You can buy edibles legally online in the UK and they can be delivered to your address. You can mix them into food if you want. I used gummies and they actually tasted pretty good by themselves. For illegal stuff yeah good luck. Just a fair warning I used to be addicted to edibles for months. People who say marijuana isn't addictive are wrong. But if you're fine with it well fair enough. I unfortunately don't know of any websites since the one I used only ships to the US but you have the internet at your disposal, you should easily be able to find something. I just googled "edibles in the UK" and found several websites. Mine shipped in plain brown packaging with no labels or anything to show what would be inside.
Hahaha it's not legal. It's just now on sale online. Hallelujah. No risk of being caught either. Stuff to smoke too…

Some people do get addicted to mj but not everyone
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Hahaha it's not legal. It's just now on sale online. Hallelujah. No risk of being caught either. Stuff to smoke too…

Some people do get addicted to mj but not everyone
MJ isn't chemically addictive but it can be psychologically addictive (as can anything be psychologically addictive). Most people who use MJ don't become addicted to it though, at least from my knowledge.
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Jul 3, 2019
MJ isn't chemically addictive but it can be psychologically addictive (as can anything be psychologically addictive). Most people who use MJ don't become addicted to it though, at least from my knowledge.
I was surprised when I learned about cannabis withdrawals and cannabis addiction but it's a thing!

Everyone thinks I'm addicted to it - but I can stop overnight with no issues. I stop it when a medication is working. So far this year maybe four days when life was better without cannabis than with it.

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May 16, 2024
That's some dark web stuff there. Awhile back I got the tor browser and looked around briefly, found all kinds of sellers from the Netherlands.. though id not recommend having drugs mailed to you. Seems risky.. local reliable drug dealer is the way to go. Low risk for you, but may wanna ask around first to be sure you don't get robbed or ripped off, or worse..
You are in fucking London, take the tube to Camden Town, exit the station, and just *exsist* there for 2 seconds until someone dodgy will ask you if want to buy some😂. (Not recommending this, just saying, that's at least how it was 2010 when I was there)
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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023

I've been looking for psiloycybin
@eatantz If you live in the EU then consider buying magic truffles. It's practically the same as magic mushrooms—just take a bit more grams to make up for the lower amount of psilocybin it stores. Google smartshop netherlands and you'll find web shops that sell them.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I was surprised when I learned about cannabis withdrawals and cannabis addiction but it's a thing!

Everyone thinks I'm addicted to it - but I can stop overnight with no issues. I stop it when a medication is working. So far this year maybe four days when life was better without cannabis than with it.

The withdrawal symptoms seem to be more mild in comparison to withdrawal symptoms for other drugs, though I didn't know that cannabis withdrawal was a thing too, lol. Thankfully, there doesn't seem to be too many risks directly associated with cannabis withdrawal.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Again, that's absolutely fine and you also make some valid constructive point instead of telling people to SHUT THE FUCK UP! That's just damn right rude.
Wait, did I tell others to shut the fuck up? I don't remember doing that and I can't be bothered to go back and check but I'm sorry if I did say that. I was just annoyed at how people acted like the OP should just abandon understanding her question because she doesn't know it yet at her age. Things like that have always annoyed me because I'm autistic and, because of that, I struggle to grasp some concepts which people think that I should have learnt by a certain age already. The autistic brain makes it so that some things which are easy or innate to understand for neurotypicals aren't as easy for autistics to understand. The OP is also autistic btw though, in her case, it's probably more so that she didn't bother learning about accessing recreational drugs prior to her thread but who knows
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Mar 25, 2024
Wait, did I tell others to shut the fuck up? I don't remember doing that and I can't be bothered to go back and check but I'm sorry if I did say that. I was just annoyed at how people acted like the OP should just abandon understanding her question because she doesn't know it yet at her age. Things like that have always annoyed me because I'm autistic and, because of that, I struggle to grasp some concepts which people think that I should have learnt by a certain age already. The autistic brain makes it so that some things which are easy or innate to understand for neurotypicals aren't as easy for autistics to understand. The OP is also autistic btw though, in her case, it's probably more so that she didn't bother learning about accessing recreational drugs prior to her thread but who knows
Do, don't worry, it wasn't you that told others to shut the fuck up, so nothing aimed at you in that regards ♥️.

Anyway, I'm tired now so think we should leave everything to rest. We've all said our piece on the matter, so best to let bygones be bygones and move on ♥️
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im so dumb i misspelled lonely
Aug 16, 2021
Hahaha it's not legal. It's just now on sale online. Hallelujah. No risk of being caught either. Stuff to smoke too…

Some people do get addicted to mj but not everyone
wait just on the regular internet?


Jul 3, 2019
wait just on the regular internet?
The websites I know are:

I've not ordered from that one yet but they have stickers all over London. I'd be surprised if not legit…

And a site called myedibles which I have ordered from..,

There are probably more sites - hopefully someone can share them!
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