

I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
I'm from London, how to I buy drugs? (I'm not police 🫡)
What are the best/fun drugs? I need something to numb my pain for a bit

What are the prices like and how do you pay for drugs? In cash or online?

I'm not even sure what to try, all I know is I hate the smell of weed. It would be nice to od on something but I mostly want drugs to cope with my depression.

I never payed attention in school when we learnt about different drugs and there effects, I regret it now.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
Not to sound like a DARE program (if you have those over there) but this is not something you want to do. "Recreational" may sound fun but this can easily be the beginning of a life-ruining addiction. If you want drugs to cope with your addiction, look into actual medication.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Cunning stunt
May 9, 2024
If you need to ask on an internet forum, then you shouldn't be buying drugs.
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I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
Not to sound like a DARE program (if you have those over there) but this is not something you want to do. "Recreational" may sound fun but this can easily be the beginning of a life-ruining addiction. If you want drugs to cope with your addiction, look into actual medication.
I'm kind of betting on the life-ruining part since I'm planning to ctb in the next 2 years
If you need to ask on an internet forum, then you shouldn't be buying drugs.
It feels so foreign to me, my friends do drugs at parties but I've never even smoked a cigarette before. I'm pretty sure you can't find dealers on LinkedIn so I'm not sure where to even start😭
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
Really depends what your priortising

You priortising the buzz you feel from said drug or the eventual death by drug OD or abuse. If the ladder heroin can be good for that given its one of the big 3 of OD'ing on here anyway along side F and whatever the other one was

If your looking for a buzz though and weeds off the table no clue
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Cunning stunt
May 9, 2024
It feels so foreign to me, my friends do drugs at parties but I've never even smoked a cigarette before. I'm pretty sure you can't find dealers on LinkedIn so I'm not sure where to even start😭
LinkedIn is for professionals to network with each other and circle jerk about their achievements. It's like the last place you would find drugs.
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Mar 25, 2024
As a previous recreational drug user in my younger partying days (Ecstasy, Cocaine, Magic Mushrooms, Ketamine etc.) I seriously wouldn't bother. What goes up must come down, so whilst the high might be good, the comedowns are twice as bad, especially in the long run.

The only way I would ever do drugs is if I knew my exact CTB date and that it's a guaranteed peaceful way out.

You say you plan to CTB in two years, but a lot can happen and change in that time. Plus you might not go through with it or be unsuccessful if it's not a guaranteed way. Then you'd possibly be battling drug addiction, or be screwed up mentally from the drugs you've done.

I seriously wouldn't bother, use the time to find other things you might want to do that don't screw up your brain, psychological state and any life that you have left.
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Apr 22, 2024
Many of the hallucinogenic drugs are not physically addictive and in fact have positive effect on brain health. Many thinks that drugs automatically mean harmful but in fact psilocybin, LSD, etc can increase neuro-plasticity, increase connection and communication between different brain areas, they can even help to recover from brain injuries and can help treat clinical depression, ptsd, obsessive compulsive disorders and terminal cancer end of life anxiety. The problem is that people who generally unable to control their thought processes, thought loops, negative reactions while sober, often have the same lack of control while using these substances and can end up with a difficult experience. If you are in a bad head space, it is likely that you will be in a bad head space during your psychedelic trip, and instead of healing, you further traumatize yourself. I personally never had any bad experience on LSD or psilocybin, in fact all my experiences were revealing, instructive, therapeutic, constructive, helpful and inspiring. However I am not prone to depression or negative thoughts and I am quite good to control my own thinking loops, I don't normally lose control over my mood or my thoughts.
So for this reason, I cannot recommend these drugs for everyone because I don't know what is your headspace, whether or not you have manic or schizophrenic tendencies. But for the right person, these drugs can be amazing, therapeutic, healing, revealing, spiritual, fun, joy, emotional revelations, and physically healing an unhealthy brain by creating neuroplasticity. A brain with no neuroplasticity is a sick brain, an elderly brain. A youthful healthy brain has neuroplasticity. And these drugs are not physically addictive and almost impossible to overdose on them. However, if you cannot control your thoughts or mood while sober, then I don't recommend them unless you are doing it with a therapist under medical supervision.
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Jul 3, 2019
you can now buy cannabis online in the UK. I have used the myedibles site. It was reliable when I used it.

As for other drugs, I wish I had a supplier but maybe someone in my hostel has..otherwise it is only through my bf and he controls my sourcing and supply. Sucks to that.
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Apr 11, 2024
It feels so foreign to me, my friends do drugs at parties but I've never even smoked a cigarette before. I'm pretty sure you can't find dealers on LinkedIn so I'm not sure where to even start😭
I don't mean this as an insult but you don't exactly sound street smart, so your best bet is just to ask your friends to hook you up. If you're really set on doing it yourself for some reason, you can go to an area where there are a lot of homeless people, some junkies there will know local dealers if you throw them a few bills and don't look like a cop. But like I said you give off the vibe you'll just get robbed or jammed up so I would advise you to not do that.
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Hi why me
Sep 9, 2023
I'm not even sure what to try, all I know is I hate the smell of weed. It would be nice to od on something but I mostly want drugs to cope with my depression.
It's actually painful how uneducated some teens can be at this time. I'd feel guilty even giving you information about this, who knows what you'll manage to do if you're already mixing up stimulants and depressants as the same category. As someone else said, if you have to ask this don't even bother looking for them.
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Apr 15, 2019
Is this a question that's allowed to be asked on this forum? Just inquiring as I had the same one myself: I never did drugs during this life and never plan to actually do them... as a way to lay this life to rest however, ones that have a sedating effect on overdose (compared to pain / vomiting / etc) would be fantastic. I live in a part of the world where every day there's hysteria about drugs all over the news, normally they shouldn't be too hard to find... having to meet a drug dealer to buy something illegal which may also be fake isn't a thought I'm happy with however, it would still be very stressful and complicated but an option I'll have to consider.
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Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
Getting really fucking pissed off with all the discouragement and negativity on this forum today.
Jesus fucking christ, people come to this site to seek HELP.
If you don't want to provide HELP, then BACK THE FUCK OFF.

Recommend you do some research on the type of high you're going for.
Since you're a newbie, we'd recommend you stay away from anything that requires a needle.

Easiest way to look for drugs in your area is to simply create Snapchat and Instagram accounts.
Dealers promote their stock on these platforms and they are pretty blatant about it.

Ask your friends where they get their drugs from.
Prices vary wildly depending on your location and the drugs in question.

Hope you find what you're looking for.
We wish you peace.
Be well on your journey.
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Apr 19, 2024
Many of the hallucinogenic drugs are not physically addictive and in fact have positive effect on brain health. Many thinks that drugs automatically mean harmful but in fact psilocybin, LSD, etc can increase neuro-plasticity, increase connection and communication between different brain areas, they can even help to recover from brain injuries and can help treat clinical depression, ptsd, obsessive compulsive disorders and terminal cancer end of life anxiety. The problem is that people who generally unable to control their thought processes, thought loops, negative reactions while sober, often have the same lack of control while using these substances and can end up with a difficult experience. If you are in a bad head space, it is likely that you will be in a bad head space during your psychedelic trip, and instead of healing, you further traumatize yourself. I personally never had any bad experience on LSD or psilocybin, in fact all my experiences were revealing, instructive, therapeutic, constructive, helpful and inspiring. However I am not prone to depression or negative thoughts and I am quite good to control my own thinking loops, I don't normally lose control over my mood or my thoughts.
So for this reason, I cannot recommend these drugs for everyone because I don't know what is your headspace, whether or not you have manic or schizophrenic tendencies. But for the right person, these drugs can be amazing, therapeutic, healing, revealing, spiritual, fun, joy, emotional revelations, and physically healing an unhealthy brain by creating neuroplasticity. A brain with no neuroplasticity is a sick brain, an elderly brain. A youthful healthy brain has neuroplasticity. And these drugs are not physically addictive and almost impossible to overdose on them. However, if you cannot control your thoughts or mood while sober, then I don't recommend them unless you are doing it with a therapist under medical supervision.
I know the value of psychedelics and it honed many aspects of my life but I lost mind trying fight SI feels like I have destroyed the head space of doing something I love. Which has made me consider ctb even more. Is there any way to get that head space back. It's been like 3 months since I lost it.
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Oct 8, 2023
You can buy edibles legally online in the UK and they can be delivered to your address. You can mix them into food if you want. I used gummies and they actually tasted pretty good by themselves. For illegal stuff yeah good luck. Just a fair warning I used to be addicted to edibles for months. People who say marijuana isn't addictive are wrong. But if you're fine with it well fair enough. I unfortunately don't know of any websites since the one I used only ships to the US but you have the internet at your disposal, you should easily be able to find something. I just googled "edibles in the UK" and found several websites. Mine shipped in plain brown packaging with no labels or anything to show what would be inside.

If you end up getting edibles, take about a quarter to an eighth of whatever it says to take. I cut mine into eighths the first time and even then I was out of it and had some adverse side effects (they were pretty minor if a bit amusing). After that though it was fine. If it doesn't affect you after 2 hours you can take a bit more. Or I guess if you wanna overdo it your first time go for it I'm not your dad.
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Apr 21, 2024
I've been looking for psiloycybin the past few weeks and most dealers I found use telegram and you can find there username on sites like or Reddit, there's a lot of scammers though so read reviews first and the thing that put me off was all of them are insistent on f2f cash deals which is a bit scary tbh, I'd rather they send in the mail less risky for both parties.
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Apr 22, 2024
Started getting into drugs myself not too long ago -- I've done DXM, and I'm interested in weed and doing psychedelics like LSD, DMT and psilocybin. I think my perspective on drug use is very similar to this forum's perspective on suicide. I can't stop you from doing drugs, no one can stop you from doing drugs except yourself. Me telling you not to do drugs would only prolong the inevitable, because you will probably continue to seek out drugs despite the most compelling protests I could conjure up. The best thing I can realistically do is advise you to educate yourself. I don't have much advice on how to obtain illicit drugs, but just be sure to be very careful.

Read extensively about the drug you're taking before you take it. The Psychonaut Wiki and Erowid can be a great start, the latter both for research articles and firsthand accounts of drug trips. Know what prolonged usage of your drug of choice could do to your brain, and always practice harm reduction. Always start with a very low dose, avoid redosing, and always stagger your future doses slowly. Say you took 75µg of LSD for your first trip, for example, and wanted to try it again. Don't immediately fly off the deep end and do 2 or 3 times this dosage -- something like 1.2x or 1.5x would be much safer. Never eyeball a dosage and use a scale. Do your first trip on any substance in a safe, relaxing environment -- either alone, or ideally with a sober tripsitter who you can completely trust to be responsible. Look into creating "anchors" for your trips, such as signs to hang on a nearby wall or a custom lock screen to tell your tripping self that you're tripping, and what you're tripping on. And for the love of god, stay away from heroin, meth, Benadryl (and deliriants in general), fent, ANY inhalants aside from nitrous, and anything basically guaranteed to fuck up your brain. Be careful, be safe, be well. Do your research. Happy tripping, in case you decide to do that.

Be sure to give this page a read, too. Very helpful.
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Jul 14, 2023
Prof Matthew Johnson (Johns Hopkins) "How Dangerous?"

ER Doc MM vs Depression

Prof Andrew Huberman (Stanford) re MM

I'd also look into ketamine. IIRC, in the USA it's approved for treating depression. Just search for it on FB in the USA and you'll get TONS of advertisements from ketamine clinics. (entire process is online and via mail)
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Apr 22, 2024
Speaking of psilocybin since it was brought up above, I just remembered something. I live in the US and I'm not entirely sure about how laws for this would work in the UK, but here at least, it's entirely legal (except in 3 states) to buy psilocybin spores online. Owning/cultivating the mushrooms is what's considered illegal, not owning the spores themselves. Because of this, I absolutely wouldn't recommend this if you still live with parents or anything like that. I considered spores myself not too long ago but decided against it for similar reasons. But if the laws in London permit it like in the US, and you live alone or with people who you trust/who respect your privacy... maybe you might be able to perform some "mycological research"? As with everything, err on the side of caution.
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Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024
I'm from London, how to I buy drugs? (I'm not police 🫡)
What are the best/fun drugs? I need something to numb my pain for a bit

What are the prices like and how do you pay for drugs? In cash or online?

I'm not even sure what to try, all I know is I hate the smell of weed. It would be nice to od on something but I mostly want drugs to cope with my depression.

I never payed attention in school when we learnt about different drugs and there effects, I regret it now.
You are in fucking London, take the tube to Camden Town, exit the station, and just *exsist* there for 2 seconds until someone dodgy will ask you if want to buy some😂. (Not recommending this, just saying, that's at least how it was 2010 when I was there)
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Mar 25, 2024
Getting really fucking pissed off with all the discouragement and negativity on this forum today.
Jesus fucking christ, people come to this site to seek HELP.
If you don't want to provide HELP, then BACK THE FUCK OFF.

Recommend you do some research on the type of high you're going for.
Since you're a newbie, we'd recommend you stay away from anything that requires a needle.

Easiest way to look for drugs in your area is to simply create Snapchat and Instagram accounts.
Dealers promote their stock on these platforms and they are pretty blatant about it.

Ask your friends where they get their drugs from.
Prices vary wildly depending on your location and the drugs in question.

Hope you find what you're looking for.
We wish you peace.
Be well on your journey.
Don't quite understand your point to be honest and you kind of contradicted your own point by recommending to stay away from anything that requires a needle. Why not just go all out and get smacked of his tits on meth, crack and heroin! He's come here for help so why not recommend the best of the best and go straight for the hard stuff!

People are helping him by saying to stay away from recreational drugs based on their own experiences, which is helping way more then just giving him a list of drugs to try and how to obtain them.

We don't know how old this person is, their personal background, circumstances or mental state. By just helping with what he's asked could actually do the opposite of helping and fuck up his mental state, sending him down a path of self destruction.

You need to analyse your definition of help before having a go at others and telling them to back the fuck off! Idiot
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Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
Don't quite understand your point to be honest and you kind of contradicted your own point by recommending to stay away from anything that requires a needle. Why not just go all out and get smacked of his tits on meth, crack and heroin! He's come here for help so why not recommend the best of the best and go straight for the hard stuff!

People are helping him by saying to stay away from recreational drugs based on their own experiences, which is helping way more then just giving him a list of drugs to try and how to obtain them.

We don't know how old this person is, their personal background, circumstances or mental state. By just helping with what he's asked could actually do the opposite of helping and fuck up his mental state, sending him down a path of self destruction.

You need to analyse your definition of help before having a go at others and telling them to back the fuck off! Idiot
Pot, kettle


Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
Pot, kettle, cup....
When your argument devolves into name calling, your argument carries no weight.

OP asked, "how do I get drugs". The immediate responses were "don't do it".

You're right, we don't know this individual. We don't know their history, their circumstances, or the hell they are currently going through.

The only thing we know, is they asked for help in finding drugs. Telling them that they're too ignorant is the opposite of helpful.

Continue being hateful if you wish, sure it'll get you very far.

Be well on your journey.
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Mar 25, 2024
When your argument devolves into name calling, your argument carries no weight.

OP asked, "how do I get drugs". The immediate responses were "don't do it".

You're right, we don't know this individual. We don't know their history, their circumstances, or the hell they are currently going through.

The only thing we know, is they asked for help in finding drugs. Telling them that they're too ignorant is the opposite of helpful.

Continue being hateful if you wish, sure it'll get you very far.

Be well on your journey.
I'm not being hateful, I just don't agree with having a go at people and telling them to back the fuck off for advising against doing recreational drugs.

Having done recreational drugs myself I'm more than experienced enough to advise against it, especially if you're already in a bad place. Doing drugs doesn't solve anything, they only make matters worse, especially recreational drugs. Yes, they can be fun and give some escapism, but that's short lived and once the drugs wear off you're very likely to experience negative psychological effects which puts you in a worse mental state.

I think everyone is entitled to give their opinions based on own experiences, so I'm just saying don't get pissed off and have a go at people for advising not to go down that path.

He can if he wants to, it's his life and inevitably he will do what he wants anyway, but there is nothing wrong with trying to help by advising to not do them.

Again, you need to look at the definition of help. You're saying telling them not to do drugs is the opposite of helpful, but if we know based on experience that taking recreational drugs can in fact make your situation worse, then advising against them is actually trying to be helpful.


Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
I'm not being hateful, I just don't agree with having a go at people and telling them to back the fuck off for advising against doing recreational drugs.

Having done recreational drugs myself I'm more than experienced enough to advise against it, especially if you're already in a bad place. Doing drugs doesn't solve anything, they only make matters worse, especially recreational drugs. Yes, they can be fun and give some escapism, but that's short lived and once the drugs wear off you're very likely to experience negative psychological effects which puts you in a worse mental state.

I think everyone is entitled to give their opinions based on own experiences, so I'm just saying don't get pissed off and have a go at people for advising not to go down that path.

He can if he wants to, it's his life and inevitably he will do what he wants anyway, but there is nothing wrong with trying to help by advising to not do them.

Again, you need to look at the definition of help. You're saying telling them not to do drugs is the opposite of helpful, but if we know based on experience that taking recreational drugs can in fact make your situation worse, then advising against them is actually trying to be helpful.
Pot, kettle


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Getting really fucking pissed off with all the discouragement and negativity on this forum today.
Yeah, I'm not really sure why people here are being so negative to OP and saying stuff like "if you don't already know how to find these drugs, don't bother learning how to". Whenever people say stuff like this, it makes no sense to me at all because I feel like this is a massive neurotypical response to give. The OP is asking this question precisely so that she can learn how to do obtain the drugs. I'm not entirely sure how people expect her to learn how to obtain recreational drugs if she doesn't ask somebody how to obtain it. This thing where somebody is expected to learn some arbitrary piece of knowledge before an arbitrary age before they're considered too old to ever learn about it again is something I've seen people do in all aspects of life and it truly is annoying as hell.

I think that maybe you should post your thread again but in the recovery forum @eatantz. Perhaps people there will give more helpful responses
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Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
Yeah, I'm not really sure why people here are being so negative to OP and saying stuff like "if you don't already know how to find these drugs, don't bother learning how to". Whenever people say stuff like this, it makes no sense to me at all because I feel like this is a massive neurotypical response to give. The OP is asking this question precisely so that she can learn how to do obtain the drugs. I'm not entirely sure how people expect her to learn how to obtain recreational drugs if she doesn't ask somebody how to obtain it. This thing where somebody is expected to learn some arbitrary piece of knowledge before an arbitrary age before they're considered too old to ever learn about it again is something I've seen people do in all aspects of life and it truly is annoying as hell.

I think that maybe you should post your thread again but in the recovery forum @eatantz. Perhaps people there will give more helpful responses
Exactly. Thank you for being a voice of reason and pointing this out.
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