how old are you?

  • 18-21

    Votes: 61 28.5%
  • 22-25

    Votes: 36 16.8%
  • 26-30

    Votes: 49 22.9%
  • 31-35

    Votes: 17 7.9%
  • 36-45

    Votes: 31 14.5%
  • 45-55

    Votes: 12 5.6%
  • 56-65

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • 66-75

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • 76+

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
More than that. Julian Assange will be serving far more time behind bars than your run-of-the-mill s.o.b abusing his own daughter. And w/o a job and a steady income, what is such a kid to do but to sell her body by the roadside ... or ctb?

Lofty speeches pay no bills and no rent either.

We can *easilly* spend billions of $ to subsidize big corporations or finance stupid ass wars thousands of miles away. Or trillions to fly to Mars. But for some bizarre reason just getting the elevator repaired in my mom's nursing home took almost eight months. They finally fixed it the week she died.

Our priorities as a society are messed up and as much as we love crying about roadside prostitution or homelessness caused by mental problems, other than turning it into ideological dribble or make some movie about it, next to nothing happens to actually reduce this form of suffering.

But behold if a Wallstreet banker bets on other peoole's houses and loses that gamble. Then you can see politics spring into action within hours!
I hate this world sometimes
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
The fact that there are mostly relative youngsters in this forum tells me one of two things must be true. Suicidal people either often get better with age, around 30 mostly, or they kill themselves, around 30 mostly. I wonder what proportion it's split.


Nov 20, 2021
The fact that there are mostly relative youngsters in this forum tells me one of two things must be true. Suicidal people either often get better with age, around 30 mostly, or they kill themselves, around 30 mostly. I wonder what proportion it's split.

I don't agree. There is no 1 single cause for wanting to end one's life. Yes, most teenagers coming here suffer from "Werther's Syndrome" - a tempory inabbillity to handle the challenges of early adulthood emotionally. But others have serious health problems - either physically or mentally - that just makes life unbearable to them.

Seperating which is which lays beyond the scope of any forum admin and should be the task of their immediate social surroundings. But as we all know, your direct familly are the last ones you can talk to openly about your desire to kill yourself.

And most old folk know as much about "the Internet" as they do about space travel. That and the cultural shame they grew up with keeps them out of forums like SS up till now.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
You just had to make a 36-45 year old bracket, didn't you? You couldn't have done like an 18-38 year old one?
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Eternal Pessimist

Eternal Pessimist

Oct 16, 2019
You just had to make a 36-45 year old bracket, didn't you? You couldn't have done like an 18-38 year old one?
I'm 30 and it really messes me up that I now have to pick a different age bracket in many surveys/forms. Even ones that have fairly wide brackets usually go from 18 to 29. At least with this one I was able to sneak in to the same one with the 26 year olds.

I still find it hard to believe that I'm 30. While that's not old by any means it is by all accounts an age at which you're supposed to be a fully-fledged adult. I may be 30 but inside I feel like I have the mental maturity of a teenager at best. Actually, I was more mature in my late teens than I am now.

If I absolutely had to live, I wish I could be between 18 and 21 for my entire life. Legally able to do the things I want to, but still with everything ahead of me at least as far as society is concerned.
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Jul 19, 2020
I still find it hard to believe that I'm 30. While that's not old by any means it is by all accounts an age at which you're supposed to be a fully-fledged adult.
I remember feeling this at 30. I was actually kind of excited about it. I was having a very successful career in my late 20s, but I was always the "young hot shot." Turning 30 meant that I had by in the game long enough to have some clout. But I just turned 40 this week and already feel over-the-hill. :ahhha:

If I absolutely had to live, I wish I could be between 18 and 21 for my entire life. Legally able to do the things I want to, but still with everything ahead of me at least as far as society is concerned.
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Nov 20, 2021
If I absolutely had to live, I wish I could be between 18 and 21 for my entire life. Legally able to do the things I want to, but still with everything ahead of me at least as far as society is concerned.

34 to 54 would be my preffered age bracket. I had managed to escape from my miserable origins, I had my own land, I drove an H1 to work and I was still able to hook up to the ladies (even so all of them were at least as nuts as I was).

Before I turned 30 I was so full of complexes, that I thought even looking the wrong way at my own d1ck or touching myself under the shower inappropriately would be a combined insult to God and my ancestors.
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Oct 16, 2021
Well, and what do you tell the 17 year old street hooker who gets raped by her pimp after having been abused by her dad all her life? Come back in a year or five?

I would love to find some min. standard for CTB. For me nothings that's temporary in nature - like a broken heart - warrants permanently ending your life.

But you can be sure that anyone trying to set one up like that would face immediate backlash from both sides. No love stricken teenager accepts the advise to just take a cold shower and go party again.

And when my 82 year old mother went to a bungled surgery they resuscitated her despite her patient will stating clearly that they shouldn't. And 40 minutes later she was declared dead again.

She died with nobodyb holding her hand on a cold metal operating table and she couldn't stand the cold.

With all my powers of attorney stacked up high I could not convince those doctors to allow my mother to die peacefully in her own bed.
Oh no. Don't tell me that they resuscitated her despite her wishes that they don't. Why on earth did they do that? Just awful.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's arrogant and ignorant how people wish to gatekeep suicide even on here. Like I get that life is a valuable gift for you but not everyone feels the same way. Wanting to force people to suffer until they reach a certain age is disturbing. Existing is not an obligation, but a choice. There is nothing wrong with this website and what it stands for and your attitude towards younger people is incredibly ignorant. You don't know what other people go through so what gives you the right to decide for them and dismiss their life experiences.

What if suicide is the most rational choice. At least to me it is. The wish to continue existing and seeing life as being 'positive', is centred around delusions and irrational beliefs. If people want to exist then they should just go and enjoy life and not force their beliefs onto others. Like I'm sorry if it offends you but some people don't want to suffer, and the right to die is a human right. I'm nearly 22 to answer the question and I've never wanted to exist in any way. To me non existence is ideal and I see life as being something which is incredibly horrific and undesirable. When the problem is life itself then death could only ever offer me the solution that I wish for. As humans we all experience life differently after all, and I wish that I never had to experience life at all. Even one second of this life is more than enough to me and I hate the fact how I've managed to suffer for so long.
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Nov 20, 2021
Oh no. Don't tell me that they resuscitated her despite her wishes that they don't. Why on earth did they do that? Just awful.

They worked her over - an 82 year old woman that weight less than 48 kilograms - for 40 minutes. Only to declare her dead again another 40 min. later.

And yes, I had a stack of paperwork and countless discussions with those semi-deities in white in which they were clearly instructed: "No resuscitation w/o a good outlook for a *full* recovery".

During the autopsy they found her inner organs were so weakened from dialysis, that she wasn't even fit for surgery. What kind of "medical professional" misses that during the preview phase and schedules such an old woman for a supposed "routine procedure" (their exact words)??

Those patient will papers are worth less than toilet paper - used toilet paper!
It's arrogant and ignorant how people wish to gatekeep suicide even on here. Like I get that life is a valuable gift for you but not everyone feels the same way. Wanting to force people to suffer until they reach a certain age is disturbing. Existing is not an obligation, but a choice. There is nothing wrong with this website and what it stands for and your attitude towards younger people is incredibly ignorant. You don't know what other people go through so what gives you the right to decide for them and dismiss their life experiences.

What if suicide is the most rational choice. At least to me it is. The wish to continue existing and seeing life as being 'positive', is centred around delusions and irrational beliefs. If people want to exist then they should just go and enjoy life and not force their beliefs onto others. Like I'm sorry if it offends you but some people don't want to suffer, and the right to die is a human right. I'm nearly 22 to answer the question and I've never wanted to exist in any way. To me non existence is ideal and I see life as being something which is incredibly horrific and undesirable. When the problem is life itself then death could only ever offer me the solution that I wish for. As humans we all experience life differently after all, and I wish that I never had to experience life at all. Even one second of this life is more than enough to me and I hate the fact how I've managed to suffer for so long.

In case you are referring to me: I was responding to a previous poster and just talking about my preferred age for a 2nd chance at life.

My life is my life and everybody else's is a different affair.
Last edited:
  • Aww..
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Oct 16, 2021
They worked her over - an 82 year old woman that weight less than 48 kilograms - for 40 minutes. Only to declare her dead again another 40 min. later.

And yes, I had a stack of paperwork and countless discussions with those semi-deities in white in which they were clearly instructed: "No resuscitation w/o a good outlook for a *full* recovery".

During the autopsy they found her inner organs were so weakened from dialysis, that she wasn't even fit for surgery. What kind of "medical professional" misses that during the preview phase and schedules such an old woman for a supposed "routine procedure" (their exact words)??

Those patient will papers are worth less than toilet paper - used toilet paper!

In case you are referring to me: I was responding to a previous poster and just talking about my preferred age for a 2nd chance at life.

My life is my life and everybody else's is a different affair.
I'm sorry you had to endure seeing your mother suffer like that. At the same time I'm also angry that patient wills mean nothing. I wonder if this is the case in most countries.

I want a DO NOT RESUSCITATE order but I guess it's futile because it'll probably just be ignored. I filled out a patient declaration form in which I requested in case of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and/or other catastrophic injuries that they withdraw all lifesaving measures except for pain & sleep medicine (anything that'll mitigate my suffering to allow me to die in peace.)

I doubt I'll live beyond 70. I'll off myself long before that happens. Or maybe I'll get lucky and die from something beyond my control.
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Shame, Avoidance, hopelessness, lonliness, cbt, pm
Nov 9, 2022
32. The age where your options narrows down by 99% if you're me.
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Nov 5, 2022
I dare say this site should be 25+, not 18+
I'm not saying that I flat out disagree but at the same time I think that this is (as literally everyone here knows,) an extremely nuanced issue. The age of 25 makes sense from a scientific point of view but simultaneously, those of us who have had a very tumultuous beginning to life, a head start if you will, may at least argue for limited access to the site if a rule like this was to come about. I argue this especially for those who have already put heavy effort into recovery, even possibly exhausting multiple attempts at the majority of treatments (for those who are simultaneously fortunate and unfortunate enough to be in the situation of accessing all these treatments).
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Looks like the 26-30s are winning. I was worried 18-21 would win. That would be too sad
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
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Dec 15, 2021
I'm 19 right now
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I'm 19 right now
Sorry you want to CTB so young. So sad 😭 I struggle seeing this kind of thing. Makes me so sad when a young person wants to CTB
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Dec 15, 2021
Sorry you want to CTB so young. So sad 😭 I struggle seeing this kind of thing. Makes me so sad when a young person wants to CTB
I'm sorry. I've had so many negative experiences, I don't know how much more I can take. I was born in an unlucky situation.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I'm sorry. I've had so many negative experiences, I don't know how much more I can take. I was born in an unlucky situation.
So sorry to hear that. I understand ❤️ but we'll miss you ❤️
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Jun 13, 2022
Looking at the results, I wonder to what degree hormones and/or aging have to do with what we experience. It reads like a roller coaster-- the youngest group has a lot in it, the second group (early 20s) not so many, then more in late 20s, fewer in early 30s, more in late 30s (my group), etc. The chart has peaks and valleys.
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Jun 26, 2020
Looking at the results, I wonder to what degree hormones and/or aging have to do with what we experience. It reads like a roller coaster-- the youngest group has a lot in it, the second group (early 20s) not so many, then more in late 20s, fewer in early 30s, more in late 30s (my group), etc. The chart has peaks and valleys.
Your thoughts are some awesome! Really made me think and you have such a fresh perspective, thank you!

The one thing that I will add, and maybe it is just me, but at the age of 66, with life experience, done that, seen that, heard that aspect, is at least for me I do not have peaks and valleys no more. Yes, there are always new experiences, but for me it is more a shrug of the shoulders than a WOW for me. Now maybe I am just getting senile! ha, ha, but even like when I woke up in ICU after my car crash, with needles and tubes in me, the staff of the ICU said I was calm and matter of fact. Of course, it could have been the drugs also maybe!

At my age, I have seen births, deaths, Goods and Bads and almost everything in between and I just love helping and making folks happy.

Love to my family here on SS.

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Nov 16, 2022
Wow! I'm only in the 3 percenters club. Kind of felt like I was amongst the oldest here. I guess it's really not a group entirely of my peers for me- more like a common theme of CTB curiosity, thoughts and plans. Huh.


But does anything matter if you're already dead?
Jan 13, 2023


I'm in despair
Dec 21, 2021
I'll be 30 in a month.😒
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Aesthetic guy

Aesthetic guy

Just hanging around...
Dec 13, 2022
ill be 30 in 2 month.. but still selected 26-30 ^-^

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