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Aug 18, 2020
Someone recently told me one of my questions was probably influenced by morbid curiosity. In this instance I rather thought analytical reasoning in understanding my suicidality was the main impulse for asking the question. But I also asked myself whether I am just deceiving myself by pretending that.

As a teenager I watched suicides on gore websites. Today I gladly quit that. Morbid curiosity was probably one reason why I watched these videos. But I also wanted to know how death feels like because I genuinely wanted to die. And watching these videos was sort of a substitution. I am not sure whether this counts as morbid curiosity. In general I am not sure about the definition of this phenomenon. This thread would have had a great potential but I am so exhausted.

I would fully count it as morbid curiosity if healthy people follow subreddits like watchingpeopledie. I am not sure when people who genuinely want to die watch that stuff as some form of mental preperation. Maybe that's a grey area (?)

What do you think? The gawkers following media reports probably act out of this primitive instinct.
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Jan 1, 2024
I watch suicides on there not because I like to see people suffer but for educational reasons


Apr 11, 2024
I think you're conflating morbid curiosity and sensationalism without factoring in morbid curiosity can be driven by many different sources. For instance, I'm big into horror and often talk with people who share the interest. Many people fascinated with horror see it as a way of connecting with the idea of their own mortality and the vulnerability we have but often deny in some sense. Another example is there was a time where people thought the last breath was the soul leaving the body and some observed countless deaths in hospitals and executions in an attempt to gain better insight.
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Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
I searched for sasu out of morbid curiosity and that's about it. From there it was solely empathy and the sense of relief in belonging
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Feb 27, 2023
I think morbid curiosity plays a significant role in discovering such things. I think that's the reason why most people discovered WPD and Best Gore in the first place, you could lump SaSu in there too. In my younger years I would frequent WPD and BG. I kind of grew out of it though. I guess you could say I got my fix and videos like that don't do anything for me anymore. Once WPD went down and Mark was pressured to shutdown BG by foreign and domestic press following Christchurch. That was the end for me. I think people stay involved in it for other reasons. They have to enjoy them somewhat. I think 90% of people go onto sites like that once, watch a couple vids and never return. I wouldn't say that about here though because there's lots of helpful people and resources. There's not really another place like this on the web and if there is the community definitely isn't the same.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I have an unhealthy fascination with disasters like Chernobyl. I'd say that was morbid curiosity. For those of us who are genuinely suicidal though- no- I wouldn't say this website functions as morbid curiosity. I'd say it was more about preparing ourselves for something we are seriously considering doing. I think people do sometimes join from morbid curosity- probably via something like that Tantacrul video. I imagine most people find this place while looking for methods though. Those who are here as 'tourists' usually stand out within the first few posts.