

velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
Not at all, at least I'm trying not to, because I would also like to be coping as well as them and because I know my own self deception, or at least catch glimpses of it often enough.


Nov 26, 2018
I'm jealous of them. I want to be them. Sometimes I hate the ones that take all of it for granted and hold everyone to the same standards they have for themselves.


Nov 27, 2019
By your definition i would be pretty "normal" myself.

i feel this. I can understand totally what OP said, but at the same time it's basically describing myself. Which is probably one of the reasons I hate myself so much. Why do I have it so good while everyone else here suffers so much


Oct 28, 2019
i've been lucky in having had some beautiful friends/family, so refuse to consider as "normal" the hateful, abusive, guilt-tripping, deceitful, condescending, dismissive, betraying, dishonest, neglectful, and downright disgusting behaviour others have had enacted against them as detailed in this thread. nobody deserves that shit.. and it is pathological, morbid, disgraceful shit.

the kicker? shit i'm personally guilty of, all too often. i need a good flushing.


ᴘʜᴀꜱᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ
Nov 19, 2019
I don't hate them. I wish them well and I am glad they have something to live for. If anything, I wonder how it feels to be them. Because it's all so foreign to me... The same way it's so foreign for them to feel and relate to us. They're just a bunch of aliens to me.


Nov 4, 2019
More contempt than hate. I like down my nose on common people for being conformist, intolerant, materialistic, consumerist, mechanical, empty, simple, ignorant. They are like poorly programmed robots. It doesn't matter if one dies, because there are millions and millions of them anyway. There's some truth to the saying, "You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same."
Aman Sharma

Aman Sharma

Apr 7, 2020
This is almost exactly how I feel. On the scale from 1-10, i rate my hatred as 7.
Yes I'm jealous to watch them enjoy, laugh or atleast feel something. But when they give generic advices like " go join a gym" or " be positive", " live your life to the fullest" i hate them the most. All bullshit. Exercising never did wonders for me. I felt shit about my body before and now as well. And wow! Are you negative? Just Be positive!!!
They just don't admit that they have a great state of mind and they can do things properly. Here, first thing I think about in morning is about death. But they are too optimistic and they expect everyone to be optimistic automatically. I hate optimism!!


Nov 23, 2019
I don't hate them, or envy them. I just don't understand them.
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Darker dearie, much darker
Feb 5, 2020
They have a chance to be much more, and they wasting it.
That is so annoying!
This is how angry I am


Jan 6, 2020
"Normal people" are just abusers who hang out with people who have incidental personalities to them. People wouldn't be suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts if these "normal people" were actually good people. People bathe in their false sense of security up until Dinosaurs 2.0 comes around and becomes the dominant race again. I don't hate them I just don't want to be like them.
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Aug 27, 2018
Normal, healthy, functioning people. On a scale of 1 -10, I think I might be approaching a 5.

They're just really starting to piss me off. These fuckers truly take for granted "ordinary" abilities that many of us struggle with on a constant basis. Speech, motor function, basic arithmetic, reasoning, even reading! God, I'm having problems with all of these! What the fuck is wrong with my mind!?!

It's so hard to keep up with them. And some of them can be so insensitive and just lack understanding; understanding how fucking good they have it. And it's even worse when some of them rub it in, like "Why are you doing THAT?!? Why aren't you doing it like THIS?" I dunno, cuz I'm a demented, suicidal fucktard and can't think properly. Congratulations, you're better than me! Have a fucking cookie!" Pricks.

God, these bastards are practically invincible! They can stay up all night, deprive themselves of as much sleep, do any fucking drugs they want, get themselves in any wacky, orgasmic shenanigans and...just drink a redbull the nèxt day and they're honky dory! Motherfuckers. They just "recover." I, on the other hand, go through a mildly, confidence-shaking event and find myself slowly spiraling into a motherfucking depression with no way to circumvent it. No fucking meditation, no "chakra balancing," no healing frequency, no exercise, no hypnosis, no talk therapy, no alternative medicine, no medication that used to work in the past and no new medication were able prevent me spiralling into this shit I'm in now. Fuck! I was even able to witness my gradual months-long decline and there was no way to prevent it. I hate this fucking life.

These bastards truly don't know how good they have it. How blessed they are. And I...don't even know if I should be mad at them. Do I want the whole world to slow down for my slow ass? That would be selfish, wouldn't it? I couldn't ask that of everyone. To compromise so so much. Whatever, this is "their" world as I no longer wish to be part of it (or at least pretend that I could). I suppose I am the "weakest link" and just need to GTFO. Don't wanna be here anyway.

Can't wait till I'm outta this bitch! :happy:
I love that you made this thread even though I´m a bit late to the party.

I can so relate to this topic and for me it´s definitely a 10 on the hate scale I am so envious and jealous of people with as I call it 'normal functioning bodies' I got a dozen physical and mental problems my worst physical being a throat problem so it takes me ages to eat a meal e.g. 15 minutes just for a piece of bread or 20 minutes for a Mc Donalds cheeseburger so I get very angry when I see people eating out at restaurants sometimes giving them an angry look as I walk by because I can never do such a simple task.

I can also not workout because of a back injury in the middle of the spine when I was 21 (I will be 26 in about a week) and I used to love bodybuilding my dream was to get a big muscular and ripped body and to rub salt in the wound my little brother is a bodybuilder very big with over 40cm arms and ripped in the summer when he is cutting so he achieved one of my dreams, but him I don´t hate I love him but other people who can workout I hate, it´s not just about getting the perfect body but also how amazing it felt lifting weights the rush of endorphines after a hard leg workout was so amazing.

Even smaller things like going to the movies/cinema, mall going on vacations etc. I can´t do any of that because of my aspergers even when I had a car and did these things the stress and anxiety from driving in big cities would ruin it, I love driving it´s so relaxing just not in big cities.

Also drugs work differently on me like I don´t get euphoria from either cocaine, heroin or oxycodone only anxiety I even get anxiety from weed nowadays and I use to smoke it a lot as a teenager. I also think I experience hangovers worse than other people I have such a frail body sometimes I get a wrist injury just from opening cola bottles if the lid is too tight.

And of course mentally everyone has the perfect life I often day dream about how it must feel to live just one day in a perfectly normal body without any physical or mental problems it must be blissfull and to live a full life like that must be amazing but no I am stuck in this defect body while everybody else are living life to its fullest in their normal functioning bodies. I could literally go on for pages so I will stop here but the answer is yes I hate the healthy people because I can never be them.
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"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
There's really no need for the petty 'us & them'... Some humans are awful, in fact, I feel most are, including myself... But some arent, some people who intend to live a full life are kind compassionate beings, and some people about to hang themselves are rapists and people who have done tons of harm to others. The same scenario for both people. Good and bad everywhere.


Dec 2, 2019
I don't really like "normal" people because I do not understand them and my personal experiences with them have been mostly negative.
I find most of them to be what is called, "oversocialized."
They are overly socially aggressive, and love playing these strange social mind games with you where they never actually say what they really mean or they drop these strange hints and cues about things that you're supposed to be able to pick up on.
I'm not very good at this, thus they tend to see me as vulnerable, weak, and/or less than them and therefore someone to take advantage of. Or they play their games to try to find things out about you to use against you with a smile on their face as they do it.
And if you don't want to play along, like if you're just a quiet person and prefer to keep to yourself, they react with an outward hostilty and further alienate you.
I have one particular coworker who is a perfect example of this, and I have to put up with his shit nearly every day.
I've only ever really gotten along with other outcasts and autistics. And I prefer it that way, but unfortunately they're hard to find in the real world.
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Apr 2, 2019
I had a totally different reaction to your question before I read the full post lol.

I was thinking along the lines of.. well, I'm originally from California. I didn't know if it was just a thing where I came from or if the whole world was like this, but why is society so fuckin worried about other people?!
I go through any checkout line at any grocery store or gas station and they've got a whole rack of magazines on them about "Queen Whoever had another baby", "Beyonce took a shit", blahhblahblah, "Somebody Kardashian just bought more ass."
And I see these shows like Jersey Shore and The Circle, all these reality TV shows and some people literally wake up and get on their phones to see what Billie Eyelash just posted. (satire, ignore my condescension) Don't.. you have a better goddamn thing to do?

Am I weird for being curious about space and aliens, and what my neighbor is thinking about, and plants and books, crafts, how shit works.. am I abnormal for NOT giving a single shit about random, expendable humans that do nothing for society at all?
For fuck's sake, Grande screeches into a microphone and makes her hair bigger for a living, and it truly rocks these people's worlds, man. Blows my mind. BLOWS my mind.

TLDR, people confuse me, but I don't hate them.


Apr 9, 2020
Not sure if I truly hate them but the jealousy within me runs deep. :notsure:
Finis Autem Spero

Finis Autem Spero

Dec 30, 2019
Nah dude, I don't hate most people. If anything, I both pity and envy them their lack of awareness.

As a general rule, if you're not exploiting people in your life, I have a great amount of love for you, regardless of any other factors.

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