

Apr 17, 2019
I have been isolated for five years. I have no friends, family or relationships and that's what makes committing suicide much easier because I don't have to think about leaving anyone I care about behind or have someone prevent me.
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
Used to have many friends until an ex manipulated them into stalking and sabotage. To their credit, some endured. Depression makes it difficult to become anything but isolated. After a while you don't need other people.


F’ing A
Apr 19, 2019
Even with people around, I still feel as lonely as can be.
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Jan 6, 2019
And I did this to myself.
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
I only ever speak with my brother. I go between this melancholy loneliness and actually being quite comfortable.

It'd be nice to get married and then never speak to anybody again but my spouse and brother.
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Jun 13, 2019
I've felt alone my entire life. Friends have come and gone and I went through multiple periods having none. I love my friends dearly now and hope they stick around until I go. The one person I can always rely on is my sister.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
Alone, not lonely... at least most of the time. However, when the despair strikes, I do feel somewhat lonely, so I come here.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I stay in a small bedroom 95% of the time. Either mine at my childhood house, or my mother's at her new apartment. There isn't a place for me there.
At one point I was standing motionless behind my mother's closet door so that my brothers wouldn't see me when they came in the room.
It would be funny if I wasn't so ugly and it wasn't just pathetic and sad. (And hard to stay so still for so long!)
I try not to even cough or sniffle when anyone else is over so they don't ask about me or try to look at me. But lately I've been crying and I just don't give a shit anymore, as long as they can't see me!

I don't see any family, I don't have any friends, I don't go out, I don't have social media.
Everyone around me makes me feel worse about myself. I cannot connect with those who have not lost what I have or who don't deal with what I do. And they can't connect with me either.
I have talked to people in my position, where they are dealing with only one of the things I am, and that becomes exhausting in of itself. We start to exhaust eachother, or its too different for me because I have too many things going on.

Here, most people are headed one way, or at least respect those that are..here is where I've felt the least alone.

I would normally like the alone time if I wasn't so miserable being trapped behind this face and body.
But I can't enjoy it when I'm so uncomfortable with the only person I am with all the time, AKA myself.
Also, it's different when being alone is a choice. A person could be fine alone in an empty room, but as soon as you know the doors been shut and locked, that's when you start to go mad and need to escape.
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The stranger
Feb 21, 2019
this week I blocked voluntarily the unique two persons that I used to talk. Because one of their just shouted with me because I can not get stopped talking about my ex girlfriend .
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Jun 8, 2019
I pretend to have friends and pretend to enjoy being with people. But don't really have friends I'm close to, always alone in my head. I associate family with bad memories, had a difficult childhood. So mostly alone, I go through phases of terrible isolation and then feeling a little better when I go to work
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Jun 14, 2019
I'm not lonely.I just dont like ppl.
They only cause me pain,use me,lie to me.Why I should interact with them?
I'm pretty like my own compain.
Ppl the best to live their own lifes and just get off from me and that it
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Jun 30, 2018
I could find friends in 2 seconds but then I'd have to wear a mask(dumb myself down and adhere 100% to their culture) and that would be too exhausting and they would annoy me on a daily basis. Really, in most parts of the world, social skills is just dumbing yourself down and following a bunch of rules. The rules are different for each gender role, of course.
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Walking to the bus stop
Mar 29, 2019
About as lonely and isolated as one can get. I've had people who I've fooled myself into believing that they were my "friends", but they really weren't. I don't even try to make friends anymore, nobody's ever like me at all, even just a little bit. Can't relate to anyone, and it sucks.
Yeah, me too. I've had "friends" people you would have a beer with you know? But never been close to anyone not even my family.


Mar 14, 2019
i am also quite lonely unfortunately and i also did that to myself, cause it has not Always been like that...but due to Depression i isolated myself from some good Friends...
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Jun 15, 2019
I do not talk to anyone anymore, I am at home isolated 24/7
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
I am the loneliest of wolves, but I've come to accept that and realized that solitude is much better than being around people who really couldn't care less if you were or not
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Apr 5, 2018
Most of my free time (from satisfying physiological needs) is spent sifting through dictionaries and watching movies. Pretty much everything I do is meant to be done in solitude. I live on full sustenance of my family and never had a job in my life. By job I mean systematic, paid type of work. Loneliness is wonderful, fragmentedness is terrible. If I'm craving for some interpersonal activity - thats what the forums are for and all those strangers on the streets. And I'm fortunate enough to have someone with whom I can have a deep and meaningful conversation.
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Jun 7, 2018
The only person i like to interact with is my 75 years old mother. Maybe because i feel old myself inside.
I have no friends, i am very introverted and passive when i am surrounded by people. I feel ashamed to be so boring, sad with nothing to say.
Even with people around, I still feel as lonely as can be.
So true
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My soul is awakened... and I’m f*cked
May 29, 2019
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Dec 13, 2018
These days i talk only here. It's temporary. I do have a lot of respect to people here. As i say friend - i mean it as personal stuff. Not simply as people i can count on. There are too many people with interest to let me count on them.

work in complete isolation, without even a phone. I can't talk about work anywhere or with anyone. If someone asks(like family members) my answer is - Nobody knows... sadly it's true. I avoid this, but even if i get bored and decide to play the boss, i still won't let any of these people near my personal life. Any of them would trade me for quite a less and this can lead to very extreme events. So, i don't and most likely won't have any direct conversations in work. I had them only one time, few years ago, over controlled meetings and messaging, with very smart and trustworthy man. We got away only because of luck or some unknown coincidence to me.

People i cut so far this year:

I used to have some contacts at a coffee shop, since many years. Used to go there 3-4 times a week. Some of them considered "friends" Now, i don't want to go there and meet them ever again, and i won't. It's not a big deal.

A "friend" since high school time. One of my kids was very sick and was possible to be in the hospital with him for about a month, witch made his condition and my business organization critical. At the same time there was a car with two man, over middle age, talking for about 5-6 hour in there. I simply needed someone to call me for a spoof meeting, so check them out from the window. It was very important. My friend denied my request, saying he don't want to be involved with me. But he did not thought that way few hears ago sending me "funny" sms's about buses with white stuff, and some nicknames - i have nothing in common. He knew that my phone was probably taped. So i neglected the "jokes", but now he doesn't want to be involved, by simply calling me, from the other side of the country. Only because i know him from my childhood i decided to simply forget about his existence. Don't want to hear or see him again.

Parents - the only reason i might pick up the phone from them is to eventually let them see their grandchildren. Can't stand their company in years. They are not bad parents. I'm simply out of their world and understanding. Same for my sister, witch has actually f*cked me up a lot with his big mouth during the years, messing in my life. She was very aware of what she was doing actually. Really can't get over my recent past during the last 7-8 years with them. I really tried to keep up with them, and that was a big mistake.

As i draw the line i got 3 friends left. 2 of them left the country and we see each other once every 1-2 years. It will get worse in time actually. Everyone i know that is somehow smart or decapitated enough for me, don't live in my city or country.

I'm planning to retire soon anyway, place a mask and play successful, at least in front of the kids.
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Slowly drowing
Jun 5, 2019
About as lonely and isolated as one can be. 1 close real friend which I speak on a daily base. I don't even try to be social anymore or make new friends.
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Jun 9, 2019
Sat in my car for like 4 and a half hours yeaterday just cuz there was no where else I would rather be
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Dec 30, 2018
My 2 cats are my friends. Otherwise i don't have any. Last time was in elemantary school.
I'm trying to lose some weight so maybe when i look better i have the courage to be more active.
Like i would love to go swimming but not now with how ugly i am.
On top of that i'm shy, introvert, don't like big crowds, get panic driving a car, don't drink alcohol or doing other drugs and talk only when necessary.
I'm probably the most boring person ever excisted.
Barchen, youre not boring, you're just northern European. That's how you guys naturally are, not especially extraverted....!

To the op :
I didn't make friends in uni (except for the staff at the cafeteria and security guys) because I was older than most of the students, made me me feel uncomfortable. So my friends all date back to high school or middle school, and I had to trow some toxic people our of my life... And ofc have been thrown out myself because "not accomplished enough", "not serious", "lazy hermit" (just kinda pathetic I guess)...But I don't miss on a lot , I don't think so.
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Dec 13, 2018
I wasn't able to sleep. Woke up at 3 am, took sleeping spray, and still... It's the first time i go out at night alone. Drove to the nearby party resort and it wasn't that bad. Did some extreme stuff as usual and met new people, witch i actually liked. Really starting to think that me and most of us here might be imprisoned in their surrounding of morons and their past. Will try this few times.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I am so lonely without my boy or hubby.
I would be lonely amongst a million people as hubby is dead and my child is apart from me.My life is very sad and i am so bored with both myself and life.I never thought things would ever turn out this way!.I have some very good friends that carry me through most of the time (just about!) But even they cannot work miracles and bring any hope back into my sad and pathetic life.
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Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
Very lonely but not to the concrete absolute definiton of loneliness. My older brother is pretty much the only guy that understands me and is the only thing really keeping me here.
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Mar 17, 2018
Very lonely. I used to have a couple of people I talked to regularly on discord but now they rarely get online.
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
Friends? That's what dogs are for. My dog died in March so I'm lonely, but it doesn't make sense to get another dog if I'm going to ctb. I would rather be lonely than deal with assholes and predators.


Jun 17, 2019
also feel sooo alone. I have no one, no friends, no family except my abusive parents who just play manipulative games and shout a lot. that's the thing, people say no one would miss them, but then have friends and family. I dont, and really no one would miss me. I dont even have any fake facebook friends :( !
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Luz vs ojo
Aug 24, 2019
The only person i like to interact with is my 75 years old mother. Maybe because i feel old myself inside.
I have no friends, i am very introverted and passive when i am surrounded by people. I feel ashamed to be so boring, sad with nothing to say.

So true
We are will be oldges in thus world to come
Friends? That's what dogs are for. My dog died in March so I'm lonely, but it doesn't make sense to get another dog if I'm going to ctb. I would rather be lonely than deal with assholes and predators.
I was a predator, and now no even a sheep or pig

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