As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Research Michigan state laws on background check procedures, including what is regulated and what's not. Find related gun law details from Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence today.
But this would state otherwise unless my only hope is a gun show that doesn't check or require a permit.
Guess they changed the laws when the dems got into power, but the NRA-ILA just didn't keep up and change their page. Too bad for you guys. Only hope is to find a private seller who doesn't give a crap about these laws, believing they're too heavy-handed and infringe on Constitutional rights.
I took SN and also stayed alive for an hour or so before being given methanyl blue, I was told by paramedics I was going to die and my heart rate was crazy.
ebg, heavyeyes, sevennn and 1 other person
What are your thoughts on it being lethal if you do NOT call for help? Even with vomiting, which seems to happen with or without anti-anemics, some people just a few minutes after ingesting.
I have been raked over the coals by disputing that it's not 100% "as long as it's pure, as long as you don't get help or aren't found."
I would have died if I had not panicked and called for help. I think if you keep it in for at least several minutes, you had been fasting, and it is actually pure the odds are pretty well in your favor. I'd say most failures are due to calling for help, and those that aren't either didn't have pure SN or miscalculated the dose. Vomiting too early can contribute, but I only kept mine down for 10 minutes and I still reached lethal levels of methemoglobemia. I had to get CPR. I know this is a bit of survivorship bias here, though.
MentalFuneral, Alexei_Kirillov, Unknown21 and 2 others
I took SN and also stayed alive for an hour or so before being given methanyl blue, I was told by paramedics I was going to die and my heart rate was crazy.
"A 17-year-old female reportedly drank approximately one tablespoon of sodium nitrite in a self-harm attempt. The patient was hypotensive and cyanotic upon EMS arrival. The patient decompensated rapidly into a bradycardic arrest during transport despite intubation, push-dose epinephrine, and intravenous fluid resuscitation. In the Emergency Department (ED), she received methylene blue and packed red cells but could not be resuscitated despite a prolonged effort."
For this one, I suspect the girl may have been "trying it out" and realized it was the real deal and called for help. No one should be messing around with taking sips of this stuff.
The mechanism of death by sodium nitrite toxicity is severe hypoxia. [7], [8] The estimated lethal dose of sodium nitrite in adults is about 2.6 g [11] but some cases are reported in scientific literature of survival after ingestion of higher amounts [1], [12].
No, not even when my oxygen was extremely low at something like 68%, I think it could have been the adrenalin keeping me awake as my heart rate was 196 in the ambulance and they blue lighted while shouting cardiac.
What are your thoughts on it being lethal if you do NOT call for help? Even with vomiting, which seems to happen with or without anti-anemics, some people just a few minutes after ingesting.
I have been raked over the coals by disputing that it's not 100% "as long as it's pure, as long as you don't get help or aren't found."
Another key point is getting the second prepared glass down, as almost all the protocols suggest even if you puke, if the SN is the right purity, this will be more than enough to flood the body and therefore, it is lethal. @willitpass made a very good point though, its extremely important to follow the protocols or else things most definitely skew in the direction of failure.
Another key point is getting the second prepared glass down, as almost all the protocols suggest even if you puke, if the SN is the right purity, this will be more than enough to flood the body and therefore, it is lethal. @willitpass made a very good point though, its extremely important to follow the protocols or else things most definitely skew in the direction of failure.
No, not even when my oxygen was extremely low at something like 68%, I think it could have been the adrenalin keeping me awake as my heart rate was 196 in the ambulance and they blue lighted while shouting cardiac.
That's.... very concerning. Tachycardia is a common symptom but to be awake and aware for that long.... this goes against what many people claim. That it's only 20-40 minutes max of consciousness.
No, not even when my oxygen was extremely low at something like 68%, I think it could have been the adrenalin keeping me awake as my heart rate was 196 in the ambulance and they blue lighted while shouting cardiac.
A lot of people... many that I have seen posting... have just been unable to get the second glass down because of the severe nausea.
That's.... very concerning. Tachycardia is a common symptom but to be awake and aware for that long.... this goes against what many people claim. That it's only 20-40 minutes max of consciousness.
I was in an ambulance within 30 mins of ingestion (I'd also tried to make myself throw up and started drinking coke for some reason I thought it would be a good idea), they didn't know what SN was and weren't really in a rush, and then they took my vitals and I was straight in on a 100% oxygen mask, blue lighted, IV drip and charcoal at the hospital, given methanyl blue after they figured out what to do. I would say it was an hour in total before the anecdote and I was told that they didn't think I'd make it, asked if I wanted them to tell my parents or for me to tell my parents. Anecdote worked and I was monitored in the high dependency unit over night hooked up.
No, not even when my oxygen was extremely low at something like 68%, I think it could have been the adrenalin keeping me awake as my heart rate was 196 in the ambulance and they blue lighted while shouting cardiac.
If you don't mind me asking, do you remember when your heart rate started to get faster (how long after SN ingestion)? And was it a gradual increase, or did it very quickly reach 196 (or around that number, going off of what it felt like to you)? Tachycardia is the only symptom I'm dreading so I'd like to be as informed as possible.
If it's too uncomfortable to recall, you don't have to answer it's no worry.
If you don't mind me asking, do you remember when your heart rate started to get faster (how long after SN ingestion)? And was it a gradual increase, or did it very quickly reach 196 (or around that number, going off of what it felt like to you)? Tachycardia is the only symptom I'm dreading so I'd like to be as informed as possible.
If it's too uncomfortable to recall, you don't have to answer it's no worry.
This was in 2019 and I have severe anxiety as it is, I think I started to panic after 10 mins but the big spike happened in the ambulance around 30 mins after.
Unknown21, heavyeyes and Plato'sCaveDweller
This was in 2019 and I have severe anxiety as it is, I think I started to panic after 10 mins but the big spike happened in the ambulance around 30 mins after.
That's good to know, although your experience won't necessarily translate 1:1 with mine. Still, I appreciate you letting me know anyway. I am really sorry your attempt didn't go according to plan :(
Guess they changed the laws when the dems got into power, but the NRA-ILA just didn't keep up and change their page. Too bad for you guys. Only hope is to find a private seller who doesn't give a crap about these laws, believing they're too heavy-handed and infringe on Constitutional rights.
Yeah but that's a guessing game and only putting me at potential risk of garnering police attention. It terms of getting a gun the safest route for me is find someone committed to end their life who can purchase a gun for me that way they don't fear police investigation into where I was able to acquire a gun because like me they'd be dead. So for now I just have this 10 lb bag of SN that if I don't find a different option I intended to dissolve a lot of it in water and drinking as fast as possible to prevent to much taste inducing vomit. While keeping a second cup for my stumbling during.
.................the safest route for me is find someone committed to end their life who can purchase a gun for me that way they don't fear police investigation into where I was able to acquire a gun because like me they'd be dead.
I survived SN last year. A couple days before I took a large amount, I tested it by putting some of it into one empty pill capsule. Just taking that one turned my skin grey/blue, gave me extreme tachycardia and put my oxygen in the high 60s-low 70s. I was too scared to go to the hospital and just went to sleep. It's really powerful stuff
pthnrdnojvsc, ladylazarus4 and Unknown21
My only other thought is to create pills of SN. I could swallow without fasting it and even have a delayed reaction from my body. If the pills can hold up in my stomach acid before they dissolve in the intestinal track I could take a large enough dose to feel secure that I will die and the overload by the time it hits the large intestines should shorten the thought about time alive.
I survived SN last year. A couple days before I took a large amount, I tested it by putting some of it into one empty pill capsule. Just taking that one turned my skin grey/blue, gave me extreme tachycardia and put my oxygen in the high 60s-low 70s. I was too scared to go to the hospital and just went to sleep. It's really powerful stuff
If u don't mind me asking. How long did it take to be unconscious in your serious attempt, What is the quantity you took?
Was your SN food grade or AR grade?
Was it painful or just uncomfortable, what did you feel exactly till you lost consciousness?
I'm sorry for what you went through, i wish you find your peace wether in life or death.
My only other thought is to create pills of SN. I could swallow without fasting it and even have a delayed reaction from my body. If the pills can hold up in my stomach acid before they dissolve in the intestinal track I could take a large enough dose to feel secure that I will die and the overload by the time it hits the large intestines should shorten the thought about time alive.
No, not even when my oxygen was extremely low at something like 68%, I think it could have been the adrenalin keeping me awake as my heart rate was 196 in the ambulance and they blue lighted while shouting cardiac.
A sat of 68 doesn't really get our adrenaline pumping in an ICU setting, something that would is more like 20s. When we see 68 we can just push a button or turn a knob and fix it pretty quickly, some people are adjusted to and live at a 68. It's different of course in an acute situation. When we can't impact that 68 is when our interest starts to pique. Methemoglobinemia would be such a situation, but we probably knew of that already.
But yeah, time and distance are what we have to use to ensure we CTB. Don't call for help if you really want to CTB, and don't let anyone get near you.
If u don't mind me asking. How long did it take to be unconscious in your serious attempt, What is the quantity you took?
Was your SN food grade or AR grade?
Was it painful or just uncomfortable, what did you feel exactly till you lost consciousness?
I'm sorry for what you went through, i wish you find your peace whether in life or death.
In the serious attempt, I don't remember how many capsules I took. I think between 10-14. The police report says I took 4oz, but idk how they figured that. Since I put the SN in capsules, it took a little longer to kick in but still not very long. I lost consciousness within 20 minutes I believe. It wasn't painful at all and I was not nauseous. I knew when I was about to lose consciousness and I felt very at peace with that. My entire body was cold, all I could see was white. I truly believed that would be my last moment. Of course I was found and unfortunately saved but doctors originally told my mom I wouldn't make it. I think I'm invincible because I've survived 7292738 other attempts too. I just went back to the confirmation email from last year when I ordered the SN and it says lab grade, whatever that means
The idea is it'll help prevent vomiting and increase SN circulation through the whole body. In a capsule that can last through the stomach acid long enough to get into the intestinal tract it's here mineral absorption process takes place. If all the SN is already in my intestinal tract then I have nothing in my stomach to vomit.
Worse case scenario, it's a good way to stockpile of a large amount without having a reaction from the taste of consuming it dissolved in water helping me feel secure that I've got an absolute fatal amount in my system even beyond what would normally be fatal.
There is a difference between "unconscious" and "death". Unconsciousness occurs in about 15 minutes. If I am unconscious, I don't care a damn when I will die if my lights are off.
divinemistress36, RiverOfLife, /dev/null and 2 others
There is a difference between "unconscious" and "death". Unconsciousness occurs in about 15 minutes. If I am unconscious, I don't care a damn when I will die if my lights are off.
In the serious attempt, I don't remember how many capsules I took. I think between 10-14. The police report says I took 4oz, but idk how they figured that. Since I put the SN in capsules, it took a little longer to kick in but still not very long. I lost consciousness within 20 minutes I believe. It wasn't painful at all and I was not nauseous. I knew when I was about to lose consciousness and I felt very at peace with that. My entire body was cold, all I could see was white. I truly believed that would be my last moment. Of course I was found and unfortunately saved but doctors originally told my mom I wouldn't make it. I think I'm invincible because I've survived 7292738 other attempts too. I just went back to the confirmation email from last year when I ordered the SN and it says lab grade, whatever that means
did you vomit. did you take metoclopramide or another anti-emetic? what size and kind of capsules did you use? how many miligrams does one capsule hold? or what size capsule: do you have a link to the capsules?
I'm just trying to gauge the efficacy of taking SN in capsules method. you are the first i've seen make an attempt with capsules.
Are you in the U.S. ? does that SN source still deliver to the U.S. ?
The largest capsules hold about 1 gram so you might have taken at max 10 grams SN in my estimation if you only took 10-14 capsules.
Capsule Size Charts Matter The capsule size chart is an important tool for choosing the right capsule for your formulation. Whether you are making pharmaceutical, nutraceutical or supplement products, understanding the sizes of capsules will help you choose the suitable one. The amount of...
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