BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
I was pretty badly bullied through school. One time that sticks with me is where they took my backpack and threw it around before spitting on me repeatedly. I became pretty introverted as an adult and not very trusting of people as a result. Didn't help I was getting abused at home at the same time.
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The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
When I was just a kid, I didn't like school very much. I thought it was very strange that my mother left me in that horrible place and just left.

I found it very difficult to communicate with the other children, and when I tried the other children they found me strange. But somehow, I managed to make some friends (who today I don't even know are alive).

I started to hate school more when I started elementary school, most of the kids were aggressive. They called me horrible things just because they had different ears (they were forward). Yes, they called me elephant ears. I was a freak, a joke to them. So, I started to hate my appearance, I cried when I looked in the mirror, I didn't want to go to school anymore.

When I turned eight I had an ear surgery...

Point Blur May102020 192629 1
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Good god, let's eat !
May 9, 2020
I learned to respond to bullying with immediate violence. Fuck jesus.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
My story is complicated. In my shitty childhood I got bullied outdoors. Shitty people just come and bully whenever I walk or something. Home is a mess and parents also were violent and shouting. So I escaped to teachers place and they abused me routinely. However, my child mind accepted their abuse as a way to escape bullying and my home. Thats how bad and damaging is bullying.
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Aug 19, 2019
If bullying stopped today, I'd be fine rather than dwelling on what happened. However, it does not. Also, even if past bullying does not make me shy or nervous, it does make me incapable of feeling entitled. It always amazes me to see people act entitled to whatever. I'm incredibly well-trained to keep to myself. It's dawning on me that this is actually a bad trait, because if you feel entitled, people assume you ARE entitled.


Oct 24, 2019
I was bullied in middle school and high school in the 1980s. In the era of breakfast club as a geek or nerd. It was very bad with regular beatings, destruction of schoolwork and vandalism, and a continuous fear and wish that I hadn't made whatever mistakes I made to become a target. I was and am heterosexual but in the time of aids, "Gay" was a bullying, belittling slur thrown at anyone who was different. Oddly it was the heterosexual jocks at my school who rubbed their penises in my face for no reason calling me Gay that seemed to be engaging in homosexual behavior. I suppose that was sexual abuse. Such things were tolerated then.

Here was something strange that I felt during Columbine:. I never ever condone murder, terrorism and certainly not sadistic execution. But I felt sorry for those young men who had been bullied to the point that they were emotionally charged enough to go on a large scale murder suicide.

I feel the same way for anyone who was bullied today. I can't understand how that actually still occurs and why stealing a person's dignity is so important to bullies.
I could'nt care less about your response; ignore replying to me, if that is possible,. Be attentive to the thread; you are instructed to respond to the first reply, not to my reply. Leave me alone.
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Oct 24, 2019
I was pretty badly bullied through school. One time that sticks with me is where they took my backpack and threw it around before spitting on me repeatedly. I became pretty introverted as an adult and not very trusting of people as a result. Didn't help I was getting abused at home at the same time.
As was I. Between my family and my fellow classmates, no wonder the bulling chastised me. Some memories are indelible I, love othey leave their marks forever. A perceptive P, M.told me I sounded like I was waiting for a disaster; she is so right; I AM waiting for disaster. This is an example of how great this site actually is —-better than a psychologist, as I see it. Thank you, Cleo!

M. Told me that I spoke as soon
As was I. Between my family and my fellow classmates, no wonder the bulling chastised me. Some memories are indelible I, love othey leave their marks forever. A perceptive P, M.told me I sounded like I was waiting for a disaster; she is so right; I AM waiting for disaster. This is an example of how great this site actually is —-better than a psychologist, as I see it. Thank you, has to nCleo!

M. Told me that I spoke as soon
Ssorry for typos I don't want " l did not mean, "love why after indelible.o
Last edited:


running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I'm a girl, so the bullying I experienced was more emotional than physical, but still hurts just as much if not worse.
I was very shy and quiet, but I desperately wanted to fit in. I wanted to just be part of a group- any group. There was this group of girls that looked friendly enough, so I started sitting with them at lunch. They were friendly at first. But then when they started to gain my trust, that's when they started to be mean. They would single me out and pick on me


Mar 22, 2019
I get made fun of on a regular basis. I live with my parents so I can't afford to leave. My mom is very verbal to me. I didn't make friends in secondary school and I got picked on regularly and had no one to defend me as I was too weak to do anything.

Both of them combined have contributed greatly to my suicidal thoughts. Though it's feeling of despair every day that makes me wanna ctb.


Apr 16, 2020
my mum is a bully so it has effected my life and character immensely.
also i live in a place that bullies rule and are praised..
i get in a lot of fights with bullies.
almost died cause of that more than ones..
come to think of it probably every decision i ever made was a responce to my on going relationship with this toppic..
there are so many types of bullies.. like farts there are the loud ones but also the silent and deadly ones..

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