My number one hobby is daydreaming about my true love whilst listening to music, visioning the life I'd love to have with him in the future. I also started exercising recently which I somewhat like and I've been going for walks in the park but then again, whilst I do both, I listen to music and daydream about him. So... I guess that's my only real hobby. That's the main thing, other things I like to do are watching TV, reading books and poems, writing in my journal, listening to music etc. These are mainly a distraction for me, I wouldn't call them hobbies except listening to music and daydreaming about him. That's the only thing that makes me truly happy. My life is rather dull, I used to enjoy exploring with my old best friend... well, sister, but sadly that's no more since she left. I honestly don't think I enjoy anything anymore and I feel like everything I "like" to do is something merely on the surface. I'm dead inside.