

death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
They enjoy life via coping massively and engaging in distractions. These distractions allow them to not be introspective about life and the things society has brainwashed them into believing. That's why, for example, they believe adulthood provides more freedom than childhood when it clearly doesn't
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Healthy level of brain chemicals I think
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Mar 7, 2024
It's honestly painful, maybe because I am Non-NT trucel and thus could only ever be NEET. Still, this is not enjoyable whatsoever. How do people cope? Honestly, if I had to work some kind of soul-sucking job, I might clock out and glock out (my brainstem) simultaneously. Genuinely, I'm not seeing anything in life other than consuming media and food occasionally, is this what people live for? Idungeddit. Is it like sunk cost fallacy where people that have a life have already invested so much into it that they convince themselves to keep going? My brain is cooked 🤯

How do you enjoy life or at least make it tolerable? What would you say the point of your life is?
I don't. My life is pointles.
I literally go to work, then go home and rot in bed watching movies, playing games and reading these forums
I don't enjoy leaving the house or being around other humans at all, it just worsens my sense of isolation
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woefully bound to death.
Mar 1, 2024
I enjoy life when I'm drunk. I just have fun and love everyone for a few hours, go to sleep and then become my bitter self.
That's why I drink a lot, it actually brings me peace of mind.
this is how I feel with stims can't lie
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Apr 21, 2024
Most people haven't questioned life. It usually takes something bad happening to them personally to come to this realization.

Religion also plays a part, a lot of people think they're protected by God because they pray or go to Church. This sort of gives their life meaning or a purpose.

Once you know how bad the world is and that it's all for nothing and we die eventually I don't think there's any way back to enjoying life again. I know I probably never will.

I just wish it was easy to die, it's just so stupid having to risk becoming brain damaged to free yourself from this prison.
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What the hell I'm doing here?
Apr 9, 2024
Like animals, ppl like to eat and reproduce. Tell them its cruel and you become their next meal.
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Mar 11, 2019
Pretty much circumstantial. If you don't have a disability, and are able to pursue your ambitions, have a relationship, or w.e then, you will prolly enjoy it. But people don't like us, because we're against the grain, and they really have no idea what they are talking about
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