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May 12, 2018
I know this has been probably asked a million times but, I could really use some support. I'm a little scared of what comes after, because of all the stories/mythologies that are perpetuated to scare people out of ctb. We just don't know what is true. If we wink out of existence, if it's worse, if it's better.

But at the same time, more days of me being unable to get out of bed and when I do, being in pain, reminded that my body will never be able to do what it used to, watching everyone around me move up and acquire all I'd hoped to, that sounds like a hell of its own. Can I imagine much worse fates? Sure. But people don't leave jobs or relationships not knowing that yes, it could be much worse (and then sticking around because of that- that is what weak people do), they move on because they believe there could be something better. I don't have hopes- given the stats on my health, finances, etc.- for life, but I have hopes for death. It could be a better deal than this. It feels like my best shot.

Moreover, even if it's nothingness, what is it that shakes people awake and gets them talking about the very serious issues of a broken mental health system that locks people up, or about how we are lacking in compassion and connection in general? When someone kills themselves. I can't pretend to have the impact of a celebrity, but I might have it in a smaller sense. And I've always wondered if this was what I was put on earth to do. I'm the kind of person people admire, but don't concretely accomplish anything, and am not someone anyone feels too close to. Maybe I'm the perfect candidate. I'm really not trying to hurt or punish anyone, but this strong desire to die, it almost feels like a purpose, and that's the only reason I can come up with. I've tried purpose in life for decades. But my support network doesn't exist which makes it hard to do much (this is all a big secret), the articles I post on social media and my blog about the broken system and what we really need is to be there for each other, go largely ignored. It's not working.

I feel overwhelmed, given my chronic pain, loneliness due to no support network, and financial situation, at the prospect of something that could impact more- like a screenplay. If I dedicated years of my life to one thing and have it fail, it would destroy me. I even feel overwhelmed by smaller efforts.

Honestly, I think I just want to die- be free of the pain of my body and of social constructs and rejection- and I want to stop being scared and more joyful that I will be free of those trappings.

Right now, my plan is to save up for N, and wait for anything to show me a sign that this isn't the way. But what I won't do is finally have the N, and continue to wait indefinitely. If there is a reason that's so important for me to stay, the reason can come clear to me in that timeframe. Otherwise, the way I see it, the message to me is that my path is to die, and I want to stop being so scared to do such a big thing.

Does anyone else fear what comes after and if not, how did you overcome it?
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Apr 7, 2019
I don't think anything comes after. We all go back to the place we were before we were conceived.
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May 12, 2018
I don't think anything comes after. We all go back to the place we were before we were conceived.
But you've heard all the stories meant to scare. How do you let that roll off your back and come to your conclusion? Which is a logical conclusion to me, btw, but because I don't know, I'm scared. ie Was there something before my birth and I just don't remember it?
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Apr 7, 2019
But you've heard all the stories meant to scare. How do you let that roll off your back and come to your conclusion? Which is a logical conclusion to me, btw, but because I don't know, I'm scared. ie Was there something before my birth and I just don't remember it?
I just go by the evidence. We all have these immensely complicated brains that we use to experience the world around us. We are our brains. If you mess with someone's brain you can change their personality completely. There was this guy who was working on a railroad who got a railroad spike jammed into his frontal lobe and survived. He damaged his frontal lobe and went from being a normal, nice guy to a murderous thug who beat people. We are our brains and when the brain dies, you're gone forever.
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Trans Girl
Mar 15, 2019
You said it yourself, they're stories.
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
After death there is nothing but an autopsy. Yes, I understand that my words do not mean a piece of dog shit because I did not try to die and back to life again, but I will try to bring logical arguments so that you can see how absurd all these fairy tales about life after death:

  1. My grandmother had an infact and she was in a state of clinical death for several minutes - she didn't see anything: any gods, hallucinations, devils, angels or Allah. Nothing at all: as if she was turned off and then turned on again.
  2. If there is life after death, what was before your birth? Where were you been and what to do before you were born? Before your birth you had no body and there was no life because of this fact, right? If you assume that your memory has been erased then how is it different from death if your personality is erased anyway?
  3. If life after death exists for people, it means that it also exists for animals because physically they are not very different. How do you imagine it? Immortal worms, cockroaches and fleas living in some kind of paradise?
  4. Even if life after death was not only possible but easily achievable, a logical question arises - why? What is the point? Why would someone or something need our existence after death?
  5. If life after death exists, then why do we need our reality and human bodies at all? Why not just live in that place where will we be after death? Why we are born in a piece of meat and bones? Some gods want to sort us and use us somehow?
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Apr 3, 2019
After I die my conscience disappears, so I care about what happens after my death as much as I care about what happened a million years ago.
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Aug 27, 2018
But you've heard all the stories meant to scare. How do you let that roll off your back and come to your conclusion? Which is a logical conclusion to me, btw, but because I don't know, I'm scared. ie Was there something before my birth and I just don't remember it?
Maybe this video will help you it blew my mind when I first saw it. If you are inpatient he explains life after death and what happened before we were born around 1:06
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Jan 19, 2019
Here's a tip for you and it might sound crazy asf but it helped me. Use what makes religious people convinced of their believed after death to your benefit.

Make yourself convinced that whatever you hope or prefer happens after death will happen after death and is the only thing that will happen after death even if deep down inside you know you're probably wrong.

And ignore/block out any other theories and pretend they don't exist. Just uhh don't be an ass to other people's beliefs.

It will make your death easier.
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May 12, 2018
I just go by the evidence. We all have these immensely complicated brains that we use to experience the world around us. We are our brains. If you mess with someone's brain you can change their personality completely. There was this guy who was working on a railroad who got a railroad spike jammed into his frontal lobe and survived. He damaged his frontal lobe and went from being a normal, nice guy to a murderous thug who beat people. We are our brains and when the brain dies, you're gone forever.
I guess that doesn't explain to me definitively that consciousness on a more basic level ceases to exist. That it can change, yes, but cease to exist entirely when the brain is gone?

There's a lot to chew on here so far, and I welcome more feedback. It sounds like it's really the survival instinct that makes us scared, which was built into us so we survive.

What freaks me out is like when people do DMT or ayuhuasca and such and it makes me wonder if those other things really are out there or if that's just the brain turning off the default network to help you figure out things you already know via symbolism.
Last edited:


No More
Oct 23, 2018
There are multiple theories concerning the afterlife or lack thereof.

I've grown to realise that debating which theory is likely to be correct is futile as the answer is held and known only by the dead.

I think it's good to have a general awareness of the possibilities but not depend or expect one particular outcome so as to avoid any potential "disappointment" or "shock".

The only think I can conclude is that death brings about an end to attachment with my ailed body. I will be relinquished from the daily agony I experience and this alone makes suicide wholly worth it.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
Does anyone else fear what comes after and if not, how did you overcome it?

No one knows. And that is why there are so many theories. Because no one can prove nor disprove them. I never met someone who came back and told me what it's like to be dead.


Jan 15, 2019
I don't think anything comes after. We all go back to the place we were before we were conceived.

So there IS something after..
After I die my conscience disappears, so I care about what happens after my death as much as I care about what happened a million years ago.

I think you'll be in for a pleasant surprise.
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Mar 16, 2019
  • Yay!
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
I just hope for the best. There's nothing more I can do. This life felt out of my control and whatever comes after will be too, but I'm willing to take the chance for something better. I like to think that the people who had it the worse in this life will have it the best in the next, although I know that, that's as equally worthless as the empty platitudes pro lifers give to people wanting to end their lives.
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Mar 24, 2019
You come back as a planet it is obvious , there have ,according to The Population Reference Bureau there have been 108 billion humans on the earth sine they walked out of the slime , there are currently billion alive today , that 100 Billion dead people , now according to NASA studies there are 100 billion planets in our galaxy , ergo we must come back as planets , it is a good a theory as any other :wink:
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Dec 23, 2018
Hey bud, check out my posts in these threads, and let me know if it resonates with you. It surely brings comfort and reassurance to me. I'm in a very similar situation, suffering in unbearable pain all across the board and am truly backed into a corner myself.




Mar 24, 2019
You come back as a planet it is obvious , there have ,according to The Population Reference Bureau there have been 108 billion humans on the earth sine they walked out of the slime , there are currently billion alive today , that 100 Billion dead people , now according to NASA studies there are 100 billion planets in our galaxy , ergo we must come back as planets , it is a good a theory as any other :wink:
missed the 8 off " 8 Billion alive today " not slept for 2 days lol


Feb 2, 2019
I just go by the evidence.

There was this guy who was working on a railroad who got a railroad spike jammed into his frontal lobe and survived. He damaged his frontal lobe and went from being a normal, nice guy to a murderous thug who beat people. We are our brains and when the brain dies, you're gone forever.

I remember reading about him in a psychology class. His example is also brought up in many discussions about wether or not we have free will, and if so, then what is free will?

You also make a strong argument about the brain being the central bio mechanism in who we are.

That said, there does seem to be too much anecdotal evidence that there is something beyond this life.

The idea behind 'evidence' means something that is proven by empirical science. The only issue with that is the limitations of such a method. The tools and methods of empirical science were quite crude way back when it first began in the days of Aristotle. The diagnostics could only prove or disprove that which was detectable based on the current technology. So things not detected in scientific method back then simply didn't exist i.e. 'no evidence'.

The tools and means have since evolved so now we can detect and prove / disprove things that we could not from those beginning days.

I think it safe to say that perhaps there are things we cannot prove today until our current tools of science evolve even further.

So the notion behind 'evidence' does have its limitations IMHO.
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Jan 15, 2019
You come back as a planet it is obvious , there have ,according to The Population Reference Bureau there have been 108 billion humans on the earth sine they walked out of the slime , there are currently billion alive today , that 100 Billion dead people , now according to NASA studies there are 100 billion planets in our galaxy , ergo we must come back as planets , it is a good a theory as any other :wink:

Your line of thought reminds me of...

(V) Sir Vladimir
(King) King is Arthur, King of the Britains!
(W) 'Witch' woman
(P1,P2,P3) Peasants one, two and three

We have found a witch! (A witch! a witch!)
Burn her burn her!

Peasant 1: We have found a witch, may we burn her?
Vladimir: How do you known she is a witch?
P2: She looks like one!
V: Bring her forward
Woman: I'm not a witch! I'm not a witch!
V: ehh... but you are dressed like one.
W: They dressed me up like this!
All: naah no we didn't... no.
W: And this isn't my nose, it's a false one.
(V lifts up carrot)
V: Well?
P1: Well we did do the nose
V: The nose?
P1: ...And the hat, but she is a witch!
(all: yeah, burn her burn her!)
V: Did you dress her up like this?
P1: No! (no no... no) Yes. (yes yeah) a bit (a bit bit a bit) But she has got a wart!
(P3 points at wart)
V: What makes you think she is a witch?
P2: Well, she turned me into a newt!
V: A newt?!
(P2 pause & look around)
P2: I got better.
P3: Burn her anyway! (burn her burn her burn!)
(king walks in)
V: There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
P1: Are there? Well then tell us! (tell us)
V: Tell me... what do you do with witches?
P3: Burn'em! Burn them up! (burn burn burn)
V: What do you burn apart from witches?
P1: More witches! (P2 nudge P1)
P3: Wood!
V: So, why do witches burn?
(long pause)
P2: Cuz they're made of... wood?
V: Gooood.
(crowd congratulates P2)
V: So, how do we tell if she is made of wood?
P1: Build a bridge out of her!
V: Ahh, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
P1: Oh yeah...
V: Does wood sink in water?
P1: No
P3: No. It floats!
P1: Let's throw her into the bog! (yeah yeah ya!)
V: What also floats in water?
P1: Bread
P3: Apples
P2: Very small rocks
(V looks annoyed)
P1: Cider
P3: Grape gravy
P1: Cherries
P3: Mud
King: A Duck!
(all look and stare at king)
V: Exactly! So, logically...
P1(thinking): If she ways the same as a duck... she's made of wood!
V: And therefore,
(pause & think)
P3: A witch! (P1: a witch)(P2: a witch)(all: a witch!)
V: We shall use my largest scales.
(V jumps down)
(walk over while cheering)
(push her into scale)
V: Right, remove the stops!
(wait while scales remains still)
All: A witch! burn her burn her!!
missed the 8 off " 8 Billion alive today " not slept for 2 days lol

I wouldn't sleep for two days if I had to count all those billions.
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I'm absolutely convinced reincarnation is real, at least for some. If you do some research into factually verified past life memories it's hard to conclude anything other then it has to be real or the people studying these cases are involved in some sort of vast conspiracy to deceive people. Considering the lengths one would have to go to do this I find conspiracy less believable. Look into Dr. Ian Stephenson's reincarnation cases or Jim Tucker's who took over his work. There are also factually verified between-life experiences where people were present in spirit at their own funeral and were able to verify everything they saw happen at said funeral. Then of course there are near-death experiences where people are able to consciously hear, and see things going on around them when they were clinically dead. A lot of the time these people will be looking down at their dead body wondering who it is they are looking at before finally coming to the realization that it is their own body and they have separated from it. If people were hallucinating then don't you think that they would immediately know that the body is theirs since the vision came from themselves?
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
Then of course there are near-death experiences where people are able to consciously hear, and see things going on around them when they were clinically dead. A lot of the time these people will be looking down at their dead body wondering who it is they are looking at before finally coming to the realization that it is their own body and they have separated from it. If people were hallucinating then don't you think that they would immediately know that the body is theirs since the vision came from themselves?

Ketamine can cause near-death experience (NDE). People are completely alive and well and still experience NDE. Looks like it's not death related.

Taking Ketamine Can Feel a Lot Like a Near-Death Experience -


Jan 15, 2019
I'm absolutely convinced reincarnation is real, at least for some. If you do some research into factually verified past life memories it's hard to conclude anything other then it has to be real or the people studying these cases are involved in some sort of vast conspiracy to deceive people. Considering the lengths one would have to go to do this I find conspiracy less believable. Look into Dr. Ian Stephenson's reincarnation cases or Jim Tucker's who took over his work. There are also factually verified between-life experiences where people were present in spirit at their own funeral and were able to verify everything they saw happen at said funeral. Then of course there are near-death experiences where people are able to consciously hear, and see things going on around them when they were clinically dead. A lot of the time these people will be looking down at their dead body wondering who it is they are looking at before finally coming to the realization that it is their own body and they have separated from it. If people were hallucinating then don't you think that they would immediately know that the body is theirs since the vision came from themselves?

I've believed in reincarnation all my lives..
Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
I know this has been probably asked a million times but, I could really use some support. I'm a little scared of what comes after, because of all the stories/mythologies that are perpetuated to scare people out of ctb. We just don't know what is true. If we wink out of existence, if it's worse, if it's better.

But at the same time, more days of me being unable to get out of bed and when I do, being in pain, reminded that my body will never be able to do what it used to, watching everyone around me move up and acquire all I'd hoped to, that sounds like a hell of its own. Can I imagine much worse fates? Sure. But people don't leave jobs or relationships not knowing that yes, it could be much worse (and then sticking around because of that- that is what weak people do), they move on because they believe there could be something better. I don't have hopes- given the stats on my health, finances, etc.- for life, but I have hopes for death. It could be a better deal than this. It feels like my best shot.

Moreover, even if it's nothingness, what is it that shakes people awake and gets them talking about the very serious issues of a broken mental health system that locks people up, or about how we are lacking in compassion and connection in general? When someone kills themselves. I can't pretend to have the impact of a celebrity, but I might have it in a smaller sense. And I've always wondered if this was what I was put on earth to do. I'm the kind of person people admire, but don't concretely accomplish anything, and am not someone anyone feels too close to. Maybe I'm the perfect candidate. I'm really not trying to hurt or punish anyone, but this strong desire to die, it almost feels like a purpose, and that's the only reason I can come up with. I've tried purpose in life for decades. But my support network doesn't exist which makes it hard to do much (this is all a big secret), the articles I post on social media and my blog about the broken system and what we really need is to be there for each other, go largely ignored. It's not working.

I feel overwhelmed, given my chronic pain, loneliness due to no support network, and financial situation, at the prospect of something that could impact more- like a screenplay. If I dedicated years of my life to one thing and have it fail, it would destroy me. I even feel overwhelmed by smaller efforts.

Honestly, I think I just want to die- be free of the pain of my body and of social constructs and rejection- and I want to stop being scared and more joyful that I will be free of those trappings.

Right now, my plan is to save up for N, and wait for anything to show me a sign that this isn't the way. But what I won't do is finally have the N, and continue to wait indefinitely. If there is a reason that's so important for me to stay, the reason can come clear to me in that timeframe. Otherwise, the way I see it, the message to me is that my path is to die, and I want to stop being so scared to do such a big thing.

Does anyone else fear what comes after and if not, how did you overcome it?
Santa, God, Common Sense, Free Will, objectivity < reality.

You can't prove a negative, humor the idea if you must, but don't take it seriously.


Feb 2, 2019
I'm absolutely convinced reincarnation is real, at least for some.
In your opinion, would reincarnation be an option? I do not want to come back to this shitty world, but rather go to another place, very similar to the current one, but where I'm far more successful, well liked and respected, more energetic, far less troublesome world.
John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
In your opinion, would reincarnation be an option? I do not want to come back to this shitty world, but rather go to another place, very similar to the current one, but where I'm far more successful, well liked and respected, more energetic, far less troublesome world.
Depending on how your mind reacts during/after death you could reincarnate into a better life, yes but if you havent done many positive things for others in your life or acted out of compassion for others maybe you should stick around for a while to build up some good karma.


Wish you were here.
Mar 21, 2019
Before I was born I was dead. I imagine when I'm dead again it will be similar.


I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
I try not to think about it and just tell myself I don't give a fuck. I'm willing to take the chance.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I am able to come to terms with suicide because I know that everyone dies at some point in life, whether voluntary (by their own choice and hand) or involuntarily (either by natural causes, disasters, others, etc.). Also, the fact that I'm an atheist and believe that when we die, we just cease to exist and not feel nor perceive anything (no conscious anymore), just eternal sleep and darkness.


Apr 8, 2019
I'm an atheist and I don't believe in heaven or hell, but (I hope) there is some kind of afterlife.

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