- Jun 25, 2019
- 94
Towards family, friends, coworkers, etc... Do they accept suicide in general as something okay, don't really care or condemn it?
I agree it is a knee jerk response. Our culture has demonized suicide. Death is bad. No matter what. That's what people will tell you. The same people have no idea what your life is like, nor do they have the ability to or interest in helping you improve your life. It is all just towing the party lineNegative.
When I mention it, I get the usual negative cliches: it's selfish, it's cowardly, it hurts other people, blah, blah, blah.
No one understands the place I am in. If I say something, people's response is a knee-jerk, opposite response. There is no attempt to understand what I am going through. People say they want me to live, but it's just cheap talk.
Negative B
What a pussy move
What do people mean by this?
Very negative for me - i got sneakily sectioned for talking about it and now cannot get a gun and at my age with all my problems still expected to not talk or act on it - people can be so cruel and selfish - i'm beginning to wonder if i'm the only person i know that actually has true empathy for another human being - i wouldn't treat a dog the way these people expect me to live - they know my problems and feelings but expect me to "just lump it" and continue being tortured - its disgusting. There needs to be a political and societal revolution so i can "own" my own body as opposed to "them" and have the emphasis changed to what i want (the guy that has to live in this shell) - you would think at 64 i had earned the right by now.
Yeah, I've just been told people who take their own life are cop outs, losers, whichever adjective you choose
It's hilarious. What are they going to do if we are all of that? Kill us? Fuckers.
No it rings more like shaming us into accepting our suffering instead of acknowledging a very visble back door that they're too proud to admit is in the room.