Yup. That's why I don't want a funeral either. I've been to a number of funerals, and often the 'mourners' are more there to socialize and enjoy the food/tea. Most people are just selfish I guess. I've been to funerals where friends died at a young age, 16, 19, 21, and my girlfriend as well who was 16. The younger the crowd is at a funeral, the less sincere it is. It just turns into one big social event where everyone gets hammered afterwards, thinking highly of themselves for 'caring' about the loss of the deceased, which is actually just plain virtue signaling. The real under current that I get a sense of from them is: "Phew, Brad's dead and I'm still here and should have plenty of time left, thank god."
It's the age of the plastic people epidemic. The same people that shout jump to an indecisive jumper. Conversely, when you are at a funeral for someone who died at 80 odd, if the funeral goers are also nearing their end, again their demeanor is subjective, yet this time they are concerned and serious. Why, because they know their own time is near.