

Jun 14, 2019
I've also killed lots of ants too. They used to be in my shower room and it was satisfying to drown them out.
I think this is what the gods say about us.
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Oct 18, 2022
As a young child living on a farm, we were taught to kill slugs if we saw them; Because the slugs would eat the plant roots and can do a lot of damage. We also took turns setting mouse traps. But as an adult I've never just killed an animal for sport. I get so much comfort from my pets and my horses, I can't fathom hurting any animal.
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Jul 3, 2022
I've killed a lot of insects however mainly for sanitary/safety reasons.


Dec 7, 2022
I have killed a mouse and lizard (on separate occasions) when I was very young but those were on accident, I still feel sad for them.
Also I do purposefully kill mosquitoes and invasive bugs (stinkbugs, lantern flies, etc.) but I don't enjoy doing that either.


End of all hope
Apr 20, 2020
Yes, from insects to centipedes to rats to chickens...

Most of time it was for food or plague control, but for me the reasons don't really matter, if you killed you killed, if you made it suffer you made it suffer, end of history. I tipically get a uncontrollable urge to kill whenever a come across any insect or animal that most people consider "morally acceptable" to kill. The best I've ever felt was when I clubbed a rat to death with one blow, mostly because it was a very clean kill and I felt relieved that the rat would not have to experience death by poisoning, which is excruciating painful.

Sometimes I have to kill for food and I used to be VERY sensitive. Killing any animal bothered me deeply, but now I grew accostumed to it and even learned to enjoy doing that, kind of a coping mechanism I think. The truth is that if you are the butcher and feel pity for the animal you probably will make it suffer even more, because you won't use all your force to kill it, so I try to be as violent as possible. I tipically kill my ducks and chickens with a single machete blow to decapitate them, and when I can't do that properly and they start writhing in pain I feel a little guilty. I don't enjoy torturing any sentient being, the closest I get to this is when I troll animals by scaring them (Idk maybe that could be classified as psychological torture or smth).

Some years ago, bad things happened to my pet cat and her kittens. I still feel I bit guilty that I didn't put a end to their misery with a club. Could have prevented so much suffering.

I don't like the moralism in this thread. If you are terrified by the idea of animal suffering them remember what have you put on your plate today. Most of the time a seemingly wholesome meal carries more suffering in its making than a entire human lifespan has by itself.
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"Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby."
Jul 9, 2021
Any spider or creepy crawly that comes into my room is getting it.
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Jan 22, 2020
I've killed several mouses time ago. When they infest your garage you have to do it. Poison mainly, and a couple times i had the agility of stomp a couple of them when they came out of their burrow.

Now, the "sad" thing: I have helped to slaughter several lambs, a goat and a few rabbits and chickens.

Yes, i've helped to kill (or directly kill) animals on purpose. I'm not ashamed. I had to do it for food (and health).
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
I have never killed or do any damage to any animal; unless I knew that they were going to attack me (mosquitoes).
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Sep 15, 2022
I have killed like 100 to 200 fruit flies in a attrition battle that happened few months ago.
In short conflict many weapons were used- both conventional and unconventional- Including chemical and biological warfare.

In early stage of conflict manual weapons were utilized, but low efficiency forced the development of better tactics. Then vacuum cleaner was utilized- killing large portions of fruit fly population in seconds. After about 100 kills the fear developed- What if one survives and living in a filter clogged with fruit fly bodies It will develop taste for flesh by eating his dead comrades. Fueled with hate towards humanity It would escape and start reproducing- creating a army of fruitflies which could consume flesh. With reproduction cycle of about 3 hours It would 1000 fold It's mass in day and 10^6 Its mass in 2 days. After 3 days It could consume population of small city in a day and country in a week.

To counter this direct energy warfare was used. Treat was placed in an oven and after sufficient amount of fruit flies aggregated the 4kW of energy were pased through It burning the flies in an oven. Conventional traps were also used but proven ineffectinve.

All sources of food were cut off to starve off the population.

Final victory was brought with the use of biological warfare. Amanita muscaria aka fly agaric was final straw killing all flies.
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Nov 16, 2022
I have never and would never harm an animal. If an insect is a problem, it goes. I don't consider hunting animals a "sport". I'm not a freak about it- I understand people are different. It just bothers me. The lobster thing- I think it's mean how they are killed. But...I love a good hamburger! So I guess that makes me a hippocrite.
Exact Change

Exact Change

A life of mistakes
Nov 6, 2022
As a kid we used to feed insects to my friend's turtles or maybe it was a frog. I dont remember. Then we would feel insects to the spiders on the side of his house. Toss in an ant or fly into a web and sit back and wait.

I always thought hunting deer was a vicious activity. Hunters think it is some sort of achievement. I dont get it. If they could shoot back, then it'd be a challenge.


Mar 13, 2020
Yeaa.... I understand you all But I love to fish and hunt... hence my s/n. Killed numerous animals in my day and do not feel sorry for any of it. It puts damn good meat in the fridge, without question.

I also predator hunt / wrangle snakes.... which ultimately helps out ...... people's pets/ animals, livestock, younger kids/ elderly...... especially with the rattlesnakes and the warmer weather we are having now. Everyone is different.... to each their own I reckon. -
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Exact Change

Exact Change

A life of mistakes
Nov 6, 2022
Yeaa.... I understand you all But I love to fish and hunt... hence my s/n. Killed numerous animals in my day and do not feel sorry for any of it. It puts damn good meat in the fridge, without question.

I also predator hunt / wrangle snakes.... which ultimately helps out ...... people's pets/ animals, livestock, younger kids/ elderly...... especially with the rattlesnakes and the warmer weather we are having now. Everyone is different.... to each their own I reckon. -
I love fishing but have only tried a few times. So, for me, fishing and catching fish are 2 very different things. I appreciate hunting for food. I dont understand hunting for sport though.
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les malheurs de lizzie
Mar 27, 2020
I'd rather hurt a human being than an animal. humans are driven by money yada yada yada. I have no reason to hurt a helpless animal if I am not threatened.
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Oct 25, 2021
I've killed lots of animals, never for fun. Always for food, to prevent property loss, or for defence of people or other animals.
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Read Thomas Szasz!
Feb 20, 2022
Did it for whatever reason in my childhood. Not killed but hurt them. Stopped when I grew up a little more.
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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
The only animals I ever remember purposely killing are insects and pests we found inside the home, and I have done so reluctantly. It is preferred that we catch and release the pest somewhere outdoors. We had a stretch few years of mice infestations during the winter months.

Even as a kid, I didn't like killing insects. I remember I went to elementary school in Florida, and around the time we would get swarms of lovebugs (harmless insects), I would always see kids intentionally stomping on the bugs; I guess I always saw that as unnecessarily barbaric and got annoyed every time I witnessed it.

As for larger animals, I have even less desire to hurt or kill them for obvious reasons. I'm willing to hunt an animal, but that would be only out of necessity. Fishing is also an unenjoyable activity for me.
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Jul 29, 2021
i killed a frog once when i was about 10 years old in the back garden with stones regretted it ever since what can you do kids will be kids
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I killed insects when I was a child. I feel terrible about it now. Honestly, I think there was a sadistic side to it back then. Now, I try to avoid killing things. I've been vegetarian for nearly two years because I watched a documentary with an abattoir in. Still- when animals invade the house, I do reluctantly act. I had mice in the loft at one point and they can cause serious damage. I still don't like the amount of damage I inflict on the planet but I'm not really willing to go vegan or live off grid or something.
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Sep 21, 2020
No, but if I had to get rid of pests or a threat I would go ahead and do it. I never understood the killing smaller creatures as kids thing. I remember seeing kids catching and abusing frogs near a lake once and laughing about it in front of parents. It's just weird. I wanted to play with frogs but not by drop kicking them into the air or otherwise torturing them. I guess it's just random factors in upbringing. We're all shit in the end.
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Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019
no only insects. I actually saw a hawk grab a bird by its talons and was about to kill it and i stood up to defend the bird (it was just a few feet away and i had a ball next to me) ...all i had to do was yell and the hawk let it go and it flew back to its flock. :hug:
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Aesthetic guy

Aesthetic guy

Just hanging around...
Dec 13, 2022
absolutely love animals. but when i was 14 i've killed some sparrows with an air gun, which one of my friends encouraged me to do that. still feel horrible about it.
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
no op, never, i love animals, sometimes more than us human beings, they love unconditional, are simpler creatures, and are loyal and devoted esp dogs and cats, i could never inflict harm on a defenceless helpless animal, a person on the other hand........ esp a person who i feel has slighted me in any perceived way or tried to f*%% me over, well.................if only it were legal lol.


Aug 14, 2022
When I was a kid I used to catch lizards and throw them into a bucket of crawfish.
Yeaa.... I understand you all But I love to fish and hunt... hence my s/n. Killed numerous animals in my day and do not feel sorry for any of it. It puts damn good meat in the fridge, without question.

I also predator hunt / wrangle snakes.... which ultimately helps out ...... people's pets/ animals, livestock, younger kids/ elderly...... especially with the rattlesnakes and the warmer weather we are having now. Everyone is different.... to each their own I reckon. -


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
As a small kid I found it somehow satisfying to stomp on ants. I got to feel like an all-powerful giant, I guess. Reminds me of that Star Trek episode where Kirk is tormented by this omnipotent entity who turns out to be a god, but like a child god. His parents eventually free Kirk and apologize to him for their kid being a brat, lol. I guess the moral is to stay away from gigantic children, or something.

I've killed things since my ant-stomping days, but it was always either accidental or some form of self-defense, like squishing ticks before they could give me Lyme disease. I can't say I enjoyed it.


Feb 18, 2022
I've only directly killed a vertebrate once. It was a snake that I ran over, but it was totally unavoidable. I think there were cars right behind me that would have ran over it anyway, and I hadn't even seen it because it just came out of the grass. As a result, I don't feel bad about it but I wouldn't be able to get over it if I intentionally killed a pig or something.


Dec 21, 2022
In addition to insects, I used to shoot birds with my BB gun when I was little, and drowned a lizard once. I'm deeply ashamed of it now whenever I think of it.

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