

I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Right on as usual @FuneralCry. I agree with you 100%.
We are all just biding our time here on this earth. Everyone scurrying around, brimming with SI, trying not to think about the inevitable conclusion of death. Life is one big cruel joke. Now, where's my fuckin' Nembutal, godammit.
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Dec 21, 2022
What do you consider "happiness and beauty" and what do you say to those who are denied both?
Who cares if something exists, when often the defining part of suffering is being starved of what is right before your eyes, yet completely out of reach.

Stop the victim blaming rhetoric of making sure OP is burdened with the responsibility of their own torment, which they did not ask for nor conjure up.
Your first and last statements could be arbitrarily thrown at just about anyone on this site..or off of it.
I'm not going to define what happiness and beauty are for you, you may use a dictionary or your own eyes, whichever you prefer. As for people being denied them, I never claimed that they're things everybody keeps like some possession. Only that they exist, and that they help ease the suffering of life, even if only momentarily or from afar.

Also it was not my intent to say the OP is entirely responsible for all their torment. I don't know much about their life to be making such a claim. But I stand by saying that they are adding to their torment by taking such extreme absolutist views and endlessly trying to persuade themselves and others of their truth. I take it that you consider it compassionate to encourage and agree with these extreme views, but I think you folks are doing great harm to yourselves and each other when you do this.
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Aug 24, 2019
I think that if I had to choose I would rather be a 'broken record' than somebody who trolls suicide forums for their own amusement. People who do that are disturbing to me. Just so people know this is a forum for suffering people not one for bored people to immaturely post gifs so grow up, I know that some on here lack the awareness to understand this but many people on here actually want to die and suicide is actually a serious subject.
And if people wish to write long winded intellectual essays then good luck with that. It must be nice for those who have N, you can judge me all you want.
But anyway this website won't last and I won't miss it, not anymore. This website is barely any different to anywhere else in this world. Often the way that people act just reminds me of why leaving this world will always be the most preferable option.
I hope you can see that disagreeing with your post is not attacking you as a person and is by no means trolling.
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Dec 26, 2022
You can't deny there is some good in this world; the truth is we just don't get our share of it.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I never said or even implied in my post that simply just disagreeing automatically means trolling. Not every post that disagrees with mine can be seen that way. No, the fact is that there is actual very obvious troll content in this thread, which is very embarrassing. People who post stuff like that should be ashamed but if others cannot see that posts like that are trolling then that is their problem. The unfortunate reality is that genuine suicidal people are treated badly everywhere in this world even on here, I hope that they don't post their nonsensical drivel in the threads of others who are already suffering enough.
But anyway people like that will just suffer more eventually and then they won't be saying those things by that point.

And people can go on about my posts being 'concerning' or 'harmful' all they want, good for them if it makes them feel better about themselves, but I'm pretty sure the real harmful thing is this pro suffering society that is so focused on prolonging torture to the point that suicide method options are denied. Because of positivity which is forced into everything, people will inevitably and unnecessarily suffer more. It's a fact of life and it's tragic, so my posts about this make lots of sense. I simply hate anything positive themed and if being open about the cruel and harsh reality of this existence is 'concerning', then I will very happily be that.
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Apr 19, 2022
I disagree that people aren't happy. Rich/successful/attractive people who aren't plagued by mental illness and trauma can and do lead very fulfilling lives. Even some people that have trauma and/or mental illness can if treatment works for them. That being said, we all are on this forum with one thing in common. Life just isn't working out for us for one reason or another.

We do see what "normies" don't see, and that is that our lives aren't worth living. Although, one could argue normies see our lives as not worth living, even if they won't admit it to our face.

FC is projecting because of how they feel, but the truth is, we all do to an extent. Some moreso than others. Even I am guilty of that. We are only able to judge the world based on how we see it. If we could judge the world based on how others see it, "normies" would be empathetic towards us.
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Nov 16, 2022
I agree in some ways. Nature itself is an incredibly diverse system ranging from tremendous beauty to great cruelty for the mortal individual. When viewed as a whole, it seems impossible to draw a final judgement beyond a visceral feeling of awe. The old saying applies; you don't see things as they are, you see things as you are.

Life on this small planet dates back 4 billion years, yet our recognisable modern humanity is a mere matter of centuries old. In that flash of time, mechanistic human systems have taken cruelty and dehumanisation to new extremes, including the horrors of factory farming, animal testing, sex slavery, child labour, warfare and of course the ever-delightful Holocene mass extinction event.

I agree with the sentiment that ignoring the cruelty and portraying humanity positively is inaccurate, harmful and perhaps the ultimate injustice in itself. Brutality should not be normalised nor covered up. As a metaphor, I always felt a particular fury towards the old McDonald's characters (Grimace, Birdie, etc.) given that their role was to brainwash children into associating a corporation brutalising millions of factory farmed animals with something friendly and happy. A smiling mask upon a face of death.

And yet, given that we all find ourselves here, people seem to have come up with several possible solutions. Some strive to engage politically to bring about positive change. Some react with total apathy. Some try to live ethical lives. Religions all acknowledge the problem (whilst sometimes being a cause of it) and offer various interpretations of salvation. Philosophically speaking, suicide could indeed be a legitimate solution, so long as we discount the possibility of someone with good health making an even better contribution.

Having said all that, the tone of OP's message makes me feel concern for her wellbeing. It was only last year that she spoke of her online course, her appreciation of some humour and very relatable struggles with everyday life. She has slowly descended into a pitch-black worldview of density, darkness and repetitiveness.

Posts like these have been cherry-picked and quoted by the media wanting to portray us as a death cult actively promoting self-harm. And in fairness, because this worldview contains its own unacknowledged bias, it also risks being a dubious influence on others making life-or-death decisions.

And yet, as this viewpoint drifts beyond what even most suicidal people can relate to, it is also easy to portray people speaking that way as a caricature of a Harry Potter-esque lord or queen of darkness. Yet there is a real person there, suffering with a tragic combination of personality traits that block any possible solution from entering, drifting ever deeper into the abyss.

I don't have an answer or a solution, but I encourage everyone to strike the right balance between showing compassion for the OP's psychological state while also recognising the perils of viewing the world through black-tinted glasses.
Thanks for reminding us the OP is a real person, deserving of compassion, understanding and respect. It's too easy to focus on the words and not the fact there is a person behind them.
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Jul 11, 2021
There is an underlying cruelness to the world though, it's not simply a belief..unless you want to go back and forth about semantics..and quite frankly, most "happy" people (people with much less suffering and far more privilege than others) do in fact, ignore it, until the day it comes for them.
You defined it perfectly,

happiness is circumstantial and temporary. One can live a happy life, until they can barely function by advanced aging, or until their partner develops Alzheimer's, or until they get abused, suffer an accident, and a myriad of possibilities. In fact, if we were immortal, our traumas would probably accumulate, while our hapiness would vanish so quickly, in an unjust assimetry.

we deny the reality around us to feel happiness, and we can't ignore this fact. How could someone he happy while knowing that a friend is suffering from depression? While knowing that there's a war happening and so many people are suffering in despair? that a lot of the products they buy are created by slave-like labor? How could someone walk happily in the streets while seeing homeless people? How could a social worker be happy by knowing that the kids they help are very likely going to suffer more sexual abuse? How come we see everything bad happening all around us and not feel bad about it?

We ignore it. We ignore it all the time, and we do it for our own good, because our life would be a constant misery if we didn't. However, like you said, we can only ignore it as long as it's not happening to us.

However, the will to live isn't dependent on happiness or general well-being, or mass suicides would be happening out there. A lot of people hate their lives, and yet, wake up day after day wanting to live to their 100s. There are countries with low happiness indexes that have low suicide rates, there are people living in really dire situations that don't feel suicidal at all, most slaves back then didn't commit suicide, etc.

Maybe there's something that keeps people alive and we lack it, maybe there's something that makes us want to die, and other people don't have it, maybe a bit of both, maybe nothing in this direction at all. The fact is that we know very little about these matters and, to make things even worse, we are only able to see the world from our point of views, which are shaped by our experiences.