
  • Very few or nobody knows I have a health issue, so the question doesn't arise .🤫

  • Not one soul has bothered to understand my struggles 🥲

  • Yes, in my personal life. 👫

  • Yes in my professional life. 👔

  • Yes in both my personal and professsional life 👫👔

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May 29, 2023
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wandering ghost (he/him)
Apr 19, 2023
im not sure how to answer this one, but i put yes in personal life.
i had a few teachers/support workers at school that went out of their way to try and help but they didnt necessarily understand my struggles, i guess they were going along with the guidelines of how to deal with an "emotionally vulnerable student". one that really sticks with me the most is a learning support teacher buying me a fidget toy bc she saw how i picked my fingers a lot bc of anxiety, she even asked what colour i wanted it. that was probably eight or more years ago and i still have it and it gave me the confidence to get myself more fidget toys which ive found help w anxiety. ill always be grateful to her for that, i hate that i cant remember her name or face anymore.

my dad always tells me he understands what im going through bc he has depression and anxiety too. i think he underestimates what i experience tho, i dont bother trying to explain it anymore bc im always met with "oh dont be so negative" etc. but i guess on a surface level he understands. hes helped me quite a few times with phone calls to arrange psychiatrist and therapist referrals and stuff, he even has me on his work health insurance so i can get those things covered. it does take a lot of asking/reminding, and a lot of the time i feel like giving up bc i cant take the guilt tripping or just feel like a nuisance for even asking. however i know that he had to make similar phone calls when he was going through both his own breakdowns so i can imagine theres some kind of traumatic memories associated with it. i nearly gave up trying to get help bc of this but im glad i didnt bc i would have never gotten my diagnoses. im not entirely sure if this counts as going out of his way but i think it did take him a lot of effort to do, either way i am grateful he did.

ive never had much of a professional life, and any that i did have no one knew or at least i didnt tell anyone about my conditions. ive always felt more of a nuisance than welcomed in any professional environment.
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Jun 27, 2023
Yeah. I got into a friend group of college leftover oddballs last year. At the start of this year, I went radio silent, locked up in my apartment with my cats, for over three months. They then did three separate interventions to check up on me. One of those friends knows about the forum too.
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Jun 30, 2023
no—never would; not in this world at least.
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Jun 26, 2020
My pain Doctor is a saint here on Earth. He knows that I have had 2 attempts and he does everything in his power to help and try to keep the chronic pain down. Without him, I would have had my 3rd attempt, and would be long gone.

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dark eyed and miserable
May 19, 2023
not really, I mean my parents let me live with them still that's their way of showing me support
for many years I didn't let my friends know just how bad things were and I could sort of pretend I was ok, but last time I saw them I opened up more than ever before, I told them I was suicidal and they stopped talking to me
  • Aww..
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I have my ticket. Awaiting my journey
Jun 17, 2023
This just happened. I was taking an Uber back from a friends. Long drive. We got to talking and he's already a trained psychologist but going back for psychiatry. We just got to talking and he pegged my mental health in a few minutes. He gave a few suggestions (family shit I'm still semi processing. I was careful about what I said) his suggestions were helpful to actually deal with this til I ctb in a month. It was so random.
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May 4, 2023
My mother for sure. She has never given up on me and she's actually my carer. I wish I could have been a normal daughter for her.
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May 29, 2023
...I told them I was suicidal and they stopped talking to me
This makes me very angry. Good riddance . They were never your friends just strangers mistaken as friends who were there for the good ride and dumped you as soon as they saw you might need some attention . I hope you are ok .
This just happened. I was taking an Uber back from a friends. Long drive. We got to talking and he's already a trained psychologist but going back for psychiatry. We just got to talking and he pegged my mental health in a few minutes. He gave a few suggestions (family shit I'm still semi processing. I was careful about what I said) his suggestions were helpful to actually deal with this til I ctb in a month. It was so random.
Yeah. I got into a friend group of college leftover oddballs last year. At the start of this year, I went radio silent, locked up in my apartment with my cats, for over three months. They then did three separate interventions to check up on me. One of those friends knows about the forum too.
I wish everybody has friends like that so much contrast with @jazzcat's "friends" .
Fortunately I too have great friends who will go out of their way to help me even though we are not in touch .
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yes, years ago, I had a doctor who took the time to listen to me and genuinely supported me as best she could during one of the most difficult periods in my life. The way she and my current GP have been supportive inspire me to pursue medicine. If I had more reason to be confident in my abilities, I would act upon it, but booksmart only gets you so far in such a demanding profession.
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lol lmao
Jun 1, 2023
My mother, i suppose. It's just impossible to trust her, she tends to fall for scams online and talking to her about anything is pointless.

Anyone else its best not ever mention it. They only have disgust for this.
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Alive out of habit
Nov 14, 2022
My ex. She listened to me ramble on for hours every day for months and months about my depression,anxiety and bpd diagnosis after our break up. Put up with my drunken abuse and even bought me a property after we were over. I can honestly say she went above and beyond and tried to set me up for a good future.
I miss her.
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Jun 18, 2023
No, not in a way that I felt understood. Maybe its expected since I look like I can composed myself and wants to be left alone. But I do appreciate a few who listened to my problems.
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The Odds Are Never In My favour
May 3, 2020
Yes, a teacher when I was in grade 10. He was extremely sweet and invited me to his house where he even took me to the movies with his own family. I guess he could see himself, as he told me, in me so just wanted to help out. I will always be grateful to him, and I was thinking of writing a separate note for him before leaving
Most of the teachers in my life have bullied me and never really supported me or liked me so that was a huge surprise.
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May 29, 2023
Yes, a teacher when I was in grade 10. He was extremely sweet and invited me to his house where he even took me to the movies with his own family. I guess he could see himself, as he told me, in me so just wanted to help out. I will always be grateful to him,
This made my day :) . What an awesome man .
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Such kindness only exists in fairy tales
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yes, my friends Mum once met me for coffee. She could tell I was struggling and unhappy- even though I tried to hide it and she encouraged me to see the college therapist. I probably wouldn't have done so had she not made me feel like my problems were valid and I deserved the support. I owe her a lot actually. I got my school grades sent to me in the post- because there was someone at the school I would do anything to avoid but they hadn't arrived for days. She used to call every day to see if they had turned up and she encouraged me to ring the school in the end. Such a lovely lady. Nice people do exist in this world! You've got to be lucky to meet one though.
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