I've done so much researching and reading on partial suspension hanging lately and have realized that a lot of people have difficulty with passing out and becoming unconscious. I think I just found a way to easily be able to pass out in order to finally finish the deed and just wanted to share it with others who are tired and frustrated with partial suspension hanging because of this.
I'm using a small belt as my noose. The noose is made with a slip knot and the other end is too. I'm using my closet and the metal bar that I'm using to hang from is about the same height as me (5'10). Standing up, I put the noose on, facing the direction of the noose and not away from it (facing the wall). The noose was high on my neck with the knot positioned in the back of my neck (make sure you tighten it, so that it won't budge when you drop.) To test it, I kneeled down like I was going to pray on my knees and at first I felt the usual "pounding head, ringing ears" thing that happens when you compress the jugular veins. NOTE : I had both of my hands on the metal bar above me and was kneeling down. Then I put maximum pressure on my neck by kneeling down even more and harder-- and suddenly was hit by a wave of pure confusion, followed by the feeling of fading away quickly. I stood up and the feeling went away. I tried it again and the same thing happened. And I padded my neck with a T-shirt.
So, it may not be that we're not properly locating the carotid arteries. It may just be that not enough pressure is being applied to it in order for us to go unconscious when trying to hang ourselves. If this doesn't work for you (which I hope it does), my advice is to experiment and find out what works best for you since every human body is different. Try hanging yourself with various knot positions, various ligatures, various anchors. If using the metal bar in the closet doesn't work, try using a doorknob or bedpost. Attempt, fail, and adjust and you will eventually find out how to quickly become unconscious--- and it's pretty cool how fast it happens. Good luck and I hope I helped someone