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Jul 15, 2018
When I've tried (nearly) hung myself before via full suspension, the rope I've been using is thick, I think 20mm or 24mm (can't remember which I got) and I've added some padding to try and make it less painful. Having read some of the comments on this site, I feel like I had completely the wrong idea. Should I buy a thinner rope, around 8mm and try with that? And would it make any difference if I was doing full or partial suspension which rope thickness I should use? Obviously I want to induce unconscious as fast as possible. I also read about putting the rope directly under your chin, is this right?

Another alternate method I'm considering. The problem with this method is, in my extremely depressed and non-functional state, I can't think very clearly: what would I need to buy?
I'm under the impression I need:
A charcoal stove (how large?)
Charcoal (how much?)
A tent (does it need to be 100% insulated and how large should I be looking at for one 5"4 person and a stove?)
A lighter of some sort
Anything else?
Other questions: how long does it take to go unconscious/reach full death? How certain is death vs. Risk of brain damage? Obviously I read about the women whose husband died (by accident) while she was still alive after 72 hours.
How can I avoid the tent catching fire?
How long should the coal burn for before I take it into the tent, I've read about an hour?

Finally, SN:
Are there any OTC substitutes I could get in the UK for raising pH levels/antiemetics?

If anyone could answer even half of these questions I would be extremely grateful.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Above the apples adam. Thats what im doing. Towel round your neck. But im on about partial sorry. Dont know much about charcoal. It never appealed to me that method.
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Jul 15, 2018
I was using a towel with my thick rope, but now I've started to think I'm actually making it worse - maybe a thin rope is needed to make unconsciousness quick - but a thin rope and full suspension sounds gnarly, which is why I asked if the thin rope is just for partial or for both.
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Jul 15, 2018
One question I forgot: what breaking point should I be looking for (I'm on my way to buy a thinner rope)?


Jul 15, 2018
Just got a 6mm rope with breaking strength 180kg (I weigh less than 50kg) so I'm not sure if that would work for full suspension or only partial.
I also got a tent in case I do sort out the stuff for charcoal (my preferred method in case I remain too much of a pussy to hang). Was reassured to see signs up around the charcoal stoves (I didn't buy today but planning to go back within the next day or two) and in the tents saying "Carbon monoxide can kill"
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Jun 20, 2018
When I've tried (nearly) hung myself before via full suspension, the rope I've been using is thick, I think 20mm or 24mm (can't remember which I got) and I've added some padding to try and make it less painful. Having read some of the comments on this site, I feel like I had completely the wrong idea. Should I buy a thinner rope, around 8mm and try with that? And would it make any difference if I was doing full or partial suspension which rope thickness I should use? Obviously I want to induce unconscious as fast as possible. I also read about putting the rope directly under your chin, is this right?

Another alternate method I'm considering. The problem with this method is, in my extremely depressed and non-functional state, I can't think very clearly: what would I need to buy?
I'm under the impression I need:
A charcoal stove (how large?)
Charcoal (how much?)
A tent (does it need to be 100% insulated and how large should I be looking at for one 5"4 person and a stove?)
A lighter of some sort
Anything else?
Other questions: how long does it take to go unconscious/reach full death? How certain is death vs. Risk of brain damage? Obviously I read about the women whose husband died (by accident) while she was still alive after 72 hours.
How can I avoid the tent catching fire?
How long should the coal burn for before I take it into the tent, I've read about an hour?

Finally, SN:
Are there any OTC substitutes I could get in the UK for raising pH levels/antiemetics?

If anyone could answer even half of these questions I would be extremely grateful.

I don't know much about the rest but on the charcoal method, (Carbon monoxide). the charcoal stove doesn't need to be that big or fancy, it just needs to match the amount of coal you'd be using. and amount can be two big scoops of coal chunks with your two hands.

I just tried this method yesterday , and in my opinion , the plan worked perfectly except for the fact that i got pulled out right after i got unconscious. It only takes less than an hour to go unconscious depending on the amount you'd use and the area of the tent/place you would be in. and you have to wait until the coal turns grey-ish / glowing red as well as until the initial smoke is completely out.

For me , it only took about 30 minutes to go unconscious, i don't remember what happened after. but i figure it would have lead to my death if i had stayed in there for 2 hours.

just a tip if you're considering this method though ,
1, the risk is very high for other people near you.
2, It's not as painless as they say , it can get really intense (psychologically and physically) right before unconsciousness, unless you use sedatives or you sleep out most of it .
3, you can maybe look at the pictures I posted in my thread, yesterday's. ( for the coal amount i used and the plastic tent I made)
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Jul 20, 2018
2, It's not as painless as they say , it can get really intense (psychologically and physically) right before unconsciousness, unless you use sedatives or you sleep out most of it .

Can you describe how it felt? I am planning to do this soon hopefully and I don't want to fuck it up.
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Jul 15, 2018
I would like to know too. What kind of "pain" did you feel and for how long and what sort of psychological feeling did you have? Who "saved" you? Would you think the pain would be worse than hanging (if you have any frame of reference for that)?


Jul 15, 2018
Also are there any OTC sedatives you can use (bear in mind I'm in the UK) and about the risk for other people, is there any way of mitigating this? I'm planning to do it in a tent outside, not close to other people and my friends who know about my plans to an extent are likely to alert the emergency services once they find I'm missing, so hopefully I would be found by them and not by other people.


Jun 20, 2018
Can you describe how it felt? I am planning to do this soon hopefully and I don't want to fuck it up.
I would like to know too. What kind of "pain" did you feel and for how long and what sort of psychological feeling did you have? Who "saved" you? Would you think the pain would be worse than hanging (if you have any frame of reference for that)?

well, I've already posted this in the other thread. but here it goes.
In the beginning .... I felt a small annoying sensation of smell right after I put down the charcoal holder.
15-20 minutes later , I felt a bit dizzy, a bit out of balance and felt like a headache was brewing up.
20- 25 minutes later , I started to feel a bit confused and felt really tired , as if I couldn't get up at all. I also started to hear a buzzing sound in my ears.
25- 35 minutes later , I started to get really confused , and that's when my survival instinct kicked in ...... I felt like I was suffocating , the exact feeling you get when you're trying to breath with a plastic bag mask on your face mixed with a feeling of being half stuck in a small space. my survival instinct made me want to open the door , but I kept fighting to stay in until I didn't have the choice anymore (my body was too tired and couldn't get up even if i wanted to).

the feeling I experienced right before I got unconscious was really scary though , It felt like I was suffocating forever , and my ears were buzzing really hard, my body shaking to some extent, and I was loosing energy and conscious thought while all this was happening.

After 40 or so minutes later - I don't remember what happened. apparently, my mom had unexpectedly come to ask for something (knocked on the door). and when I wasn't replying , she called help and they burst the door open and they put 4 buckets of water on me for me to get conscious again. I later heard them talking that I was frozen where I laid down , unconscious for about half an hour , and with a very low heart beat.

As for comparing the method to hanging , I've only tried to hang once ..... and It was really hard to force my self into getting unconscious , my survival instinct was the strongest opposing force, I would imagine hanging being relatively painful (especially , for people like me who don't know how to get unconscious faster or don't have access to strong sedatives). If i had a strong sleeping pill or sedative though , I would go with the carbon monoxide method.

The risk for other people - I think it's fine as long as you're doing it outside in a tent. Just make sure to have a sign written on the outside for the people who would come to find you.

In the end , being found is embarrassing really , especially having to see mom like that. it's been almost 24 hours and I haven't spoken a word since then. I also fear that a permanent brain damage might be on it's way. and I don't know what to do. ( I read on some blogs that, there is a certainty in one having to loose intellectual functioning when exposed to high concentration of carbon monoxide for a short period of time, if the person doesn't die of course).
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Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
As I've written already in another thread: If you can't get any sedatives, try sleep deprivation.
Have you ever been sleep deprived? I mean - really deprived - 48 hours, or 60 hours and more?
Speaking from experience - nothing else would make you more indifferent than when you're about to drop down due to lack of sleep.
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Jun 20, 2018
As I've written already in another thread: If you can't get any sedatives, try sleep deprivation.
Have you ever been sleep deprived? I mean - really deprived - 48 hours, or 60 hours and more?
Speaking from experience - nothing else would make you more indifferent than when you're about to drop down due to lack of sleep.

I haven't done more than 48 yet so far . and although I didn't have time, i do get what you're saying ......sleep deprivation would have worked wonders.

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