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Aug 27, 2018
People will say you´re pessimistic or depressed if you point out facts about why the modern world sucks as seen here in my childhood they released 4 amazing GTA games in 7 years and now GTA V for over 7 years and they will first release a new one in 2022 (which is why it says 2013-2021) the matter of the fact is that nowadays with people buying microtransactions game developers don´t need to release games as often as long as they keep getting a lot of cash flow.

Back when I was a child you bought a game and you got the whole game and you had to earn new things in the game through playing it including other games which is why I am so much against microtransactions, DLC´s you need to pay extra for that divide the player base, lootboxes etc. I miss the simplicity of the old days back when you bought a game and got the whole game and it was finished not like today where people pre-order a game that people haven´t even finished creating yet and even when these new games get released it often takes months sometimes 6-12 months before all the bugs has been fixed ergo the game people bought wasn´t even finished, back when we bought our games as physical copies on CD´s the developers had to make sure the games was perfect because once they were sold there was no way to patch them up. Games had much more sole in them and the big companies treat the game developers like trash nowadays with insane work hours and deadlines and will even release a game too early if it´s around Christmas time to make the big bucks despite it not being finished.

Gta in 7 years and 8 years
Rockstar games milking gta V fairly odd parents timmy turner
I think this meme fits pretty well for this thread how Rockstar games are squeezing every last drop of money out of GTA V instead of making a new game for the fanbase, I mean they used to be able to release 4 amazing games in 7 years now they have just been milking the same game for the same amount of years.
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May 27, 2020
People will say you´re pessimistic or depressed if you point out facts about why the modern world sucks as seen here in my childhood they released 4 amazing GTA games in 7 years and now GTA V for over 7 years and they will first release a new one in 2022 (which is why it says 2013-2021) the matter of the fact is that nowadays with people buying microtransactions game developers don´t need to release games as often as long as they keep getting a lot of cash flow.

You are not pessimistic or depressed. The game industry has evolved so much. We are seeing video games being developed now that would not have been possible in the past; thanks to the ever-advancing technology such as better GPU's and more realistic game engines - there is a lot to be excited about, and in many ways it is only getting better. However just like biological evolution every good trait has a trade-off or flaw; in the case of video games: greedy publishers. You are right to be concerned.

It is also funny how the newer games in the Grand Theft Auto franchise are/were supposed to be parodies of the real world; they mirror behaviour such as the obsession with money. Now that GTA V features heavy microtransactions they have become the very thing that they were mocking.

I think this meme fits pretty well for this thread how Rockstar games are squeezing every last drop of money out of GTA V instead of making a new game for the fanbase, I mean they used to be able to release 4 amazing games in 7 years now they have just been milking the same game for the same amount of years.

This is not intended to invalidate you, because you do have a point, however another reason why they may not be releasing games as much as they did in the past is because their games are becoming more and more complex. Unlike some developers who may use a well-known and free-to-use game engine such as Unreal 4 Rockstar developed their own proprietary engine (RAGE) for the new(er) GTA games. This is usually done because the engines which are available may have limitations which stop a developer from doing what they wish to accomplish, and it might be better to create your own custom tools so that you have more control. For example: Buoyancy. From current knowledge there are not many game engines, if any at all, which support "true" fluid buoyancy for objects, and the ones that do merely mimic it by using tricks. This means that game developers like Rockstar have to create their own physics solution. Figuring out how to implement buoyancy and then writing the code is difficult, time consuming and of course there are always imperfections. Do you remember the amount of money glitches they were on last-gen consoles? This may explain the reason for such a long development time - unfortunately this is one reason that cannot be avoided.
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Aug 27, 2018
You are not pessimistic or depressed. The game industry has evolved so much. We are seeing video games being developed now that would not have been possible in the past; thanks to the ever-advancing technology such as better GPU's and more realistic game engines - there is a lot to be excited about, and in many ways it is only getting better. However just like biological evolution every good trait has a trade-off or flaw; in the case of video games: greedy publishers. You are right to be concerned.

It is also funny how the newer games in the Grand Theft Auto franchise are/were supposed to be parodies of the real world; they mirror behaviour such as the obsession with money. Now that GTA V features heavy microtransactions they have become the very thing that they were mocking.

This is not intended to invalidate you, because you do have a point, however another reason why they may not be releasing games as much as they did in the past is because their games are becoming more and more complex. Unlike some developers who may use a well-known and free-to-use game engine such as Unreal 4 Rockstar developed their own proprietary engine (RAGE) for the new(er) GTA games. This is usually done because the engines which are available may have limitations which stop a developer from doing what they wish to accomplish, and it might be better to create your own custom tools so that you have more control. For example: Buoyancy. From current knowledge there are not many game engines, if any at all, which support "true" fluid buoyancy for objects, and the ones that do merely mimic it by using tricks. This means that game developers like Rockstar have to create their own physics solution. Figuring out how to implement buoyancy and then writing the code is difficult, time consuming and of course there are always imperfections. Do you remember the amount of money glitches they were on last-gen consoles? This may explain the reason for such a long development time - unfortunately this is one reason that cannot be avoided.
I am no game developer but I can´t imagine that they can´t release a new GTA in the same timespan they released 4 GTA games just because of better graphics and "physics" the reason for the quotes is I think GTA IV had way better psychics than GTA V, GTA V just had more polished graphics I didn´t see that big an improvement although I like they added nature again. Another reason it might take longer to make these games despite the obvious one you pointed out the publishers don´t need to make another game to make money since they are earning bank on microtransactions the same with other games like CS GO they make updates constantly and still make a lot of money because people spend so much money on skins it´s ridiculous, and it should not be legal to update a game so much your computer become obsolete so play the game like my old one did after all the updates and player model skins I would only get 80-90fps when it was at its best, my point being that when we buy a game we make sure the specs matches our PC to make sure we can play it but after 8 years I can´t play a game I bought back in the day because of updates, they should return my money for the game if I demanded it since they made it unplayable when it worked fine when I first bought it.

Anyways back on topic the other reason it might take longer to make new games like GTA is they keep expanding the map size when it´s not necessary at all, they even said the new GTA will be even bigger I don´t want bigger maps it´s not what we need; GTA Vice city was my favorite of the franchise but I can see the map is very small but San Andreas the map size was perfect not too big or too small and both cities and nature. It seems they just keep trying to push the limit for map size when it´s not necessary at all and I am sure many will agree.

And since we´re on the GTA topic I HATE social club it is the worst platform ever to run a game on I can´t even play GTA IV, GTA V or Max Payne 3 anymore only once in a while after they have fixed a bug or I had to fix it myself and one of my childhood friends could never get his GTA IV to work when he bought it back when it came out and many others have had the same problem, you shouldn´t have to be an expert in computers to be able to run a game which most people play in offline just to have fun with the sandbox experience it´s mind boggling that I need to be online to play an offline game even the old versions of GTA like Vice City and San Andreas I have on Steam so if my internet crashed I can´t play an offline I like the old days when people used CD´s there were never any problem with them just pop them in and the game worked on my old computer I even became desperate to play GTA IV and a member from another forum gave me a link to download GTA IV for free but I of course couldn´t play online but again imo GTA isn´t an online game it never really was for me I mean I have played it online like the heists in GTA V which got old quickly and GTA IV was pretty fun with friends to have shootouts with cops together but mostly I played it offline and since I got GTA IV for free I don´t feel bad about it because I have my store bought physical copy still so it´s not like stealing I paid for it once so just because their social club doesn´t work I should suffer the consequences? Nope I already paid for the game so I´m not cheating anyone. And btw I hate social club with a passion because I spend so many hours over the years to get these aforementioned games to work and sometimes they would for a while but mostly they wouldn´t work for a year or more fuck social club.

What we need is just an average sized map like San Andreas and a good story like in Vice City nothing fancy and of course up to date graphics and about the engines Battlefield Bad Company 2 were running on the frostbite 2 engine if I remember correctly and it was said to be so hard so work with and still they could make the best Battlefield game ever so I don´t think a company needs 7-8 years to make a new GTA game but with the advance in graphics and physics I can understand it might take a bit longer so I am sure they could at least make 2 games in that time maybe 3 but I am sure it´s mostly about the money because from their greedy point of view why waste millions on making a new game when people still are earning them millions in microtransactions they have no need to make a new game before the player base stops spending or drops out. And again back in the day it was a one time deal people bought the game and whatever amount of copies they sold that was the money they got so to make more money they would have to make another game which is how it should have been kept.
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Aug 23, 2020
You're right, buddy. The gaming industry was consumed and devoured by the idea of online gaming. Not only it is popular with the youngsters, because that's what it means to "play with your friends" for kids these days, it is profitable because, as you said, you make a game once and keep profiting off it via microtransactions for years to come, plus the need to be online allows the publisher to check your product key every time you play, preventing piracy and associated money loss. I hate this development with a passion too, but oh well, business is business, they're in it to make money, not to make me happy.
I still play Vice City, and all other videogames I like were made before 2005.
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Aug 27, 2018
Not only it is popular with the youngsters, because that's what it means to "play with your friends"
You got that right I never see children playing with sticks or climbing trees the only children that really plays outside in their snowsuits are toddlers but even then they spend so much time playing games on iPads. I feel I was born in the last magical era of childhood it was the perfect mixture between technology and playing with toys and using our imagination playing outside with sticks pretending to cut down droids or stormtroopers or finding a stick that looked like a gun to pretend shooting at each other, or playing Harry Potter. And of course climbing trees I miss that so much and making caves out of wood, tires and whatever we could find we had so much fun outside.
it is profitable because, as you said, you make a game once and keep profiting off it via microtransactions for years to come, plus the need to be online allows the publisher to check your product key every time you play, preventing piracy and associated money loss.
Exactly they only need to make 1 game to earn the same or more than when they made 4 games in the same timeframe. And I never really thought about the piracy issue that they completely avoid at least if people want to play online you need to buy the game but as I mentioned it sucks when I want to play GTA IV or GTA V just to drive around and have fun with the sandbox experience that I can´t play it offline because their buggy system they put in use just to earn extra money and save money, henceforth they should make an option where a person can choose to buy an offline version of certain games like GTA or a version that includes online too but I don´t know how that would work since even if they didn´t use social club and used Steam you still need to be online i.e have internet in order to play the game offline. So the only way to counteract this is if we could buy newly released games as a physical copy (which I don´t know if they even make anymore) I even bought an inserted a CD player in my new PC since I accidentally bought an external one and I need the CD drive to install my old CD games like Battlefield 2 and Sims 2

I also only play old games I tried buying two new ones but I don´t like them and I don´t even want to try the new Battlefield games despite having played Battlefield 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 the new ones just doesn´t intrigue me and I have watched many hours of youtubers play the newer ones but all the animation and vaulting isn´t for me I like the old school way of crouch jump to get through a window after breaking it first not just vaulting through an intact window and the amount of animations in the newer games is insane even in Battlefield 4 I hated the knife animation because you could be killed just when you pressed knife when seeing another enemy but you can´t quit the animation and they can even counter knife you, nope I like the old school battlefield 2 and counter strike knifing where it´s all you.

Also 1½ years ago I tried replaying a lot of nostalgic and old video games like GTA Vice City (my favorite GTA game) Medal of Honor Allied Assault (my first fps game) and Call of Duty 1 (which I also just installed again yesterday for nostalgia), I also replayed Max Payne 2 and the last half year been playing some Sims 2, Battlefield 2, Day of Defeat Source, Counter Strike Source and recently I have been playing a lot of Call Of Duty Black Ops 1 Zombie mode despite having no nostalgia for it, I might have played it in the past but can´t remember but I play it on max settings and it doesn´t feel old and it´s way better than most newer games.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
Its kinda crazy they went a whole console generation without a new GTA, just an upscale for PS4/XB1. But it kinda makes sense I guess from a profit perspective. GTA V is the highest grossing entertainment property in human history so they wanna ride that train as long as possible. It's been in the top ten chart consistently for 7 years now, it's insane. Also they did release Red Dead Redemption II in 2018 which is arguably the greatest open world game ever imo. But I would love to play a GTA VI set in Vice City with modern graphics :ahhha:
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Aug 27, 2018
Its kinda crazy they went a whole console generation without a new GTA, just an upscale for PS4/XB1. But it kinda makes sense I guess from a profit perspective. GTA V is the highest grossing entertainment property in human history so they wanna ride that train as long as possible. It's been in the top ten chart consistently for 7 years now, it's insane. Also they did release Red Dead Redemption II in 2018 which is arguably the greatest open world game ever imo. But I would love to play a GTA VI set in Vice City with modern graphics :ahhha:
Yeah it makes sense for profits but I can´t accept this is how the gaming industry is now and I know they made RDR2 but still it is not acceptable to only release one new GTA game every decade which it seems like now and the same for CS GO they should make a new one, CS GO has been out for 8 years and they still make big bucks on it and update it to the point where my old computer couldn´t play it anymore. But they have to make a new one since the game is not what it was at its release and I´m not just talking about the updates but the ranking system doesn´t work anymore, it was a good way to get players at the same level against each other but now Master Guardians play like Supreme or Globals and there are so many smurfs and when a game like Counter Strike has been out for so many years hacker developers have had so much time developing hacks/cheats for people to buy which is very apparent in the game and a big problem.

And the worst is the experience for new players who want to try the game out especially after it became free to play so unless they pay for prime it´s unplayable, I believe Warowl even made a video to test it out how new players to the community would experience the game and there was cheater in every map often a cheater on each team i.e cheater vs cheater but even with prime the game just don´t work anymore imo they need to make a new one where everyone starts from scratch both with ranks and new spray pattern. In my childhood we had Counter Strike 1.6/zero and Counter Strike Source but for nearly a decade they have only released one Counter Strike game, the gaming industry is so boring imo they just milk the game until they can´t get anymore money then they are forced to make a new game it´s not about a passion for games anymore it´s just about how much money they can get.

Personally I wouldn´t like a GTA Vice City remaster since the original is filled with nostalgia and I like the old school retro look in older games and for a long time I hated when I heard about my childhood games being remastered like Spyro and Crash Bandicoot despite how amazing they looked it just didn´t bring the same nostalgia but then I realized some years later that today´s children have gotten used to the modern day high quality graphics so these games would most likely look awful to them but they are incredibly games we enjoyed in our childhood so I had to remind myself that these games is for modern day children to experience the same fun I had and not solely for 90´s kids who are unfortunately now grown ups. So I kinda want a GTA Vice City remaster for modern kids to enjoy but I think they will complain about how small the map is because they have gotten used to big open world maps, and I don´t think they will get the same joy out of the game as back when we were children, back then the graphics and map size and physics was the best of the best, and in general I just think the last good childhood and teenage years were for people born in the 90´s after that everything children and teenagers will experience is shit there is too much technology, kids don´t play outside they rather want video games and social media is all about vanity now about how many likes and positive comments for your looks you can get, and they will never experience the early days of the internet back when it was so innocent and so customizable i.e. Myself, VampireFreaks, And Arto (social media in my country back in the day) now it´s all the same conformist forums where you can´t customize anything.
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
GTA is shit. Time to make a sequel to Bully


Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
Yeah it makes sense for profits but I can´t accept this is how the gaming industry is now and I know they made RDR2 but still it is not acceptable to only release one new GTA game every decade which it seems like now and the same for CS GO they should make a new one, CS GO has been out for 8 years and they still make big bucks on it and update it to the point where my old computer couldn´t play it anymore. But they have to make a new one since the game is not what it was at its release and I´m not just talking about the updates but the ranking system doesn´t work anymore, it was a good way to get players at the same level against each other but now Master Guardians play like Supreme or Globals and there are so many smurfs and when a game like Counter Strike has been out for so many years hacker developers have had so much time developing hacks/cheats for people to buy which is very apparent in the game and a big problem.

And the worst is the experience for new players who want to try the game out especially after it became free to play so unless they pay for prime it´s unplayable, I believe Warowl even made a video to test it out how new players to the community would experience the game and there was cheater in every map often a cheater on each team i.e cheater vs cheater but even with prime the game just don´t work anymore imo they need to make a new one where everyone starts from scratch both with ranks and new spray pattern. In my childhood we had Counter Strike 1.6/zero and Counter Strike Source but for nearly a decade they have only released one Counter Strike game, the gaming industry is so boring imo they just milk the game until they can´t get anymore money then they are forced to make a new game it´s not about a passion for games anymore it´s just about how much money they can get.

Personally I wouldn´t like a GTA Vice City remaster since the original is filled with nostalgia and I like the old school retro look in older games and for a long time I hated when I heard about my childhood games being remastered like Spyro and Crash Bandicoot despite how amazing they looked it just didn´t bring the same nostalgia but then I realized some years later that today´s children have gotten used to the modern day high quality graphics so these games would most likely look awful to them but they are incredibly games we enjoyed in our childhood so I had to remind myself that these games is for modern day children to experience the same fun I had and not solely for 90´s kids who are unfortunately now grown ups. So I kinda want a GTA Vice City remaster for modern kids to enjoy but I think they will complain about how small the map is because they have gotten used to big open world maps, and I don´t think they will get the same joy out of the game as back when we were children, back then the graphics and map size and physics was the best of the best, and in general I just think the last good childhood and teenage years were for people born in the 90´s after that everything children and teenagers will experience is shit there is too much technology, kids don´t play outside they rather want video games and social media is all about vanity now about how many likes and positive comments for your looks you can get, and they will never experience the early days of the internet back when it was so innocent and so customizable i.e. Myself, VampireFreaks, And Arto (social media in my country back in the day) now it´s all the same conformist forums where you can´t customize anything.

I'm going to disagree slightly with your assertion that they should have to release a new GTA. I used to work in the industry so I've seen both sides. I won't argue that the industry isn't toxic and full of greedy profit hungry monsters. Microtransactions and free to play/pay to win and all that shit is fucking bullshit imo. Nickel and diming customers is so repellent. I could go on and on on this lol. However they don't really owe anyone a new game. I'd really like to play a new GTA but I don't think I'm owed one. They're a private company so they can do what they want. Or they're publicly traded (I don't know actually) so their only responsibility is to their investors, to make profit for them. And I assume their investors are very, very happy currently with their investment lol. As long as they continue to support GTA online and RD online they are fulfilling their commitments. You can still buy physical copies of Rockstar Games tho. Also the developers, the people who actually make the games, hate this trend too but publishers are not creative types, they only see profit. That's why the industry has been so samey lately.

It's shitty that CS Go updated to a point you can't play, but they are just serving the largest player base which is in their profit interests. More people want to play the game with the newest and shiniest version then there are people who want to play an 8 year old version of it. Also I'm pretty sure you probably agreed to this just by playing it and agreeing to the terms and services. Super shitty and shady but perfectly legal unfortunately. It's also a major e-sports game which is a factor. CS Go is a Valve game and they make bank with Steam so they don't really have to do anything either if they don't want to. I mean Steam is shitty too, monopoly is never good anywhere but that's just capitalism I guess.

As for a Vice City game, I meant more like how GTA San Andreas evolved into GTA V. I'd like to see the evolution of that with VC but I'd also be happy with an entirely new setting also tbh. Rockstar would never make a remaster of the old Vice City like FFVII remake, it just wouldn't be a sound investment for them imo. Also not running your company in anyway like Square Enix is just smart business imo lol. I kinda hoped FFXV and Kingdom Hearts III would fail so they would get their shit together but alas the market spoke and those games sold like crazy. Ah well I guess I'll be dead before they ever finish FFVII remake whether I ctb or not lol. They will most likely release a new GTA on this new generation of consoles, PS5/XBSX. I mean I hope lol. If GTA V continues to top the charts for a third consecutive console generation they might just turn into GTA Online, the company haha. I would hate that too but that's just capitalism again I guess lol.

I too miss they days when you could just buy a game and not worry about it being broken and only fixed weeks after launch. Sadly people still buy these games so the market has spoken. I'm not saying that's not fucked up but it is what it is. The simpler days of our youth are gone sadly and will never return.
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Aug 27, 2018
I'm going to disagree slightly with your assertion that they should have to release a new GTA. I used to work in the industry so I've seen both sides. I won't argue that the industry isn't toxic and full of greedy profit hungry monsters. Microtransactions and free to play/pay to win and all that shit is fucking bullshit imo. Nickel and diming customers is so repellent. I could go on and on on this lol. However they don't really owe anyone a new game. I'd really like to play a new GTA but I don't think I'm owed one. They're a private company so they can do what they want. Or they're publicly traded (I don't know actually) so their only responsibility is to their investors, to make profit for them. And I assume their investors are very, very happy currently with their investment lol. As long as they continue to support GTA online and RD online they are fulfilling their commitments. You can still buy physical copies of Rockstar Games tho. Also the developers, the people who actually make the games, hate this trend too but publishers are not creative types, they only see profit. That's why the industry has been so samey lately.
I both agree and disagree with this. Of course they don´t OWE anyone a new game we have just loved the GTA franchise since it started my first was GTA 2 so yeah I feel kind of hypocritical since they obviously don´t owe us a new game but at the same time I think they should make a new game but the fault lies with the consumers who keep paying for microtransactions in the game so the publishers don´t need to make a new game as often to gain a profit which is why I mentioned how I refuse to play with skins in CS GO because I won´t be a part of that industry where you already have a game but spend so much money just to look different while slowing down the progress of new games being developed.

And I know it´s not necessarily the developers fault they just do as the publishers tell them to do, and I have even heard the game developers work under horrible conditions with 12+ working hours a day and insane deadlines where as in the old days game developers enjoyed it more it was a passion that is what they said but now they are treated horrible despite doing all the heavy lifting.
It's shitty that CS Go updated to a point you can't play, but they are just serving the largest player base which is in their profit interests. More people want to play the game with the newest and shiniest version then there are people who want to play an 8 year old version of it. Also I'm pretty sure you probably agreed to this just by playing it and agreeing to the terms and services. Super shitty and shady but perfectly legal unfortunately. It's also a major e-sports game which is a factor. CS Go is a Valve game and they make bank with Steam so they don't really have to do anything either if they don't want to. I mean Steam is shitty too, monopoly is never good anywhere but that's just capitalism I guess.
I don´t remember ever have agreed to any of those terms but there probably was a long page when I bought the game if I would agree to these conditions, is it legal yes is it morally right no! people confuse what is legal and illegal with good and bad but legality doesn´t mean something is right, most people never read the dozen long page of agreement when purchasing stuff.

And no I don´t think the majority of people would play an 8 year old game which is my point, then they should make a new one instead of keep updating the game to the point that people need to buy a new PC just to play a game they bought 8 years ago. And I know E-sports is a big thing and have watched a lot of tournaments too but that doesn´t mean they can´t make a new game, the professional players will still adapt to a new game like they did from CS 1.6 and CSS and CS GO. It also seems like most of your counter arguments is from a profitable point which I get the reason behind but I just miss the old days when it wasn´t money first and the game second. Even many game developers also started by creating those amazing Flash Games we played as children just out of passion for making games nothing about money but unfortunately those games will be shut down next month which is so sad to think about, me and my childhood friends spend so many hours playing those games it was such a big part of our childhood and I even replayed a few of them a few months ago for nostalgia and they are still fun and I know a person who has saved 50 thousand of the games so we can download them but he won´t save them all and they won´t be on the same site like in the old days that is what I really miss to go into those sites that hasn´t changed at all of those years it´s like visiting an old but now they are shutting it down, 2020 is definitely the worst year ever.
As for a Vice City game, I meant more like how GTA San Andreas evolved into GTA V. I'd like to see the evolution of that with VC but I'd also be happy with an entirely new setting also tbh. Rockstar would never make a remaster of the old Vice City like FFVII remake, it just wouldn't be a sound investment for them imo. Also not running your company in anyway like Square Enix is just smart business imo lol. I kinda hoped FFXV and Kingdom Hearts III would fail so they would get their shit together but alas the market spoke and those games sold like crazy. Ah well I guess I'll be dead before they ever finish FFVII remake whether I ctb or not lol. They will most likely release a new GTA on this new generation of consoles, PS5/XBSX. I mean I hope lol. If GTA V continues to top the charts for a third consecutive console generation they might just turn into GTA Online, the company haha. I would hate that too but that's just capitalism again I guess lol.
I don´t see how GTA San Andreas evolved into GTA V except for cities and forest/nature and I bet if they remade GTA Vice City or San Andreas they´d make some good money since all the old school players would most likely buy it and also kids and teenagers today.

Shit never thought about GTA would turn into GTA online like only online it could happen though like with the newer Battlefield and Call of Duty games that doesn´t even have campaign in the game because they solely focus on multiplayer. Although I think it will be some time before GTA go that route if it would happen since it has mostly been a sandbox game for people but seeing as profitable the online aspect of GTA V is it is not as farfetched that they might go that route someday. But the online aspect of GTA V got boring so fast the heist was just repetition over and over again and I you get killed in literally seconds when walking around online, it wasn´t that bad when I played online but a former classmate I sometimes see who lives in the same block as me I saw him playing GTA V online a few months ago and when he turned off the protection it was like everyone was hunting him both with jets, guns etc. and he died in like 30 seconds despite trying to escape it´s unplayable imo.
I too miss they days when you could just buy a game and not worry about it being broken and only fixed weeks after launch. Sadly people still buy these games so the market has spoken. I'm not saying that's not fucked up but it is what it is. The simpler days of our youth are gone sadly and will never return.
This I can 100% agree with especially the last part which also hurts, those days are gone and will never come back ever again, thing used to be so simple and I am truly grateful I got to live such an amazing childhood before everything turned to shit and I am not just talking games but literally everything e.g. social media, toddlers with iPads instead of playing, children with smartphones or smartphones in general, the obsession with validation from likes on social media even for children, smartphones in general since I hate them with a passion, internet should never have been on cell phones it´s like people have a laptop on them all the time and the advancement in technology in general also social media used to be so fun and customizable like I think I mentioned e.g. Myspace, VampireFreaks and Arto (Danish social media back in the day). Nowadays no snow in December/Christmas time despite I live in Scandinavia; seriously last year we didn´t get any snow at all and I am not exaggerating we got NONE back when I was a child we would got so much snow that we would even get snow free days because the busses couldn´t drive I mean what is Christmas without snow? It is the most essential thing to Christmas. And I could go on and on why today´s world suck, I am so grateful that I was so fortunate to live the last good childhood before everything turned to shit.
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