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Life is a very bad joke
Oct 24, 2023
I'm not going to lie, reading all of this made me a little scared of using SN, despite the majority of documented deaths reporting it being a peaceful method. And from what has been described, this is not at all peaceful...

I hope the OP is at peace now after all that pain.
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Mar 2, 2024
Oh man after hearing his suffering, I don't know if I can trust using SN. If it's pure enough to kill someone, it shouldn't have that much pain unless if his SN wasn't pure enough so I don't know what happened
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Aug 31, 2024
Once again I hope you're right, but I don't see what makes this testimony so suspicious to you, the effects described are indeed those caused by SN intake, and the facts actually demonstrate that a significant proportion of suicide attempts with this method end up in the emergency, most certainly because the symptoms are too difficult to endure.
Probably more because of regret or SI.
Olek Messier 87

Olek Messier 87

Sep 1, 2024
Probably more because of regret or SI.
I don't see any contradiction in that, survival instinct and regret are obviously induced by symptoms. When you start getting cold and blue from methemoglobinemia, you have headaches, nausea, and tachycardia, you must be inclined to call for help, at least I imagine. I guess I'll find out soon enough.
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Aug 18, 2024
This was so hard to read. I haven't seen an SN thread go this badly in awhile. It's so sad that some people seem to react so poorly to it, even if they follow the guidelines.
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Mar 15, 2019
Hope OP is in better place now. OP's bravery is to be greatly admired. More brave than 90% of us

Thanks for sharing the authentic experience to provide us with awareness :heart:
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Olek Messier 87

Olek Messier 87

Sep 1, 2024
This was so hard to read. I haven't seen an SN thread go this badly in awhile. It's so sad that some people seem to react so poorly to it, even if they follow the guidelines.
You're right about that, I kinda feel dirty talking logistics here if this testimony is authentic.
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Oct 10, 2023
Yeah some of them end up in ER and a good portion of those are not fortunate enough to be saved in time and this person had the time to make a long coherent thread after taking the sn and vomiting about how horrible sn is and why it should not be used and then continued to hang around for so long explaining further about it? Give me a break. That's not how sn works.
But maybe it could work that way if he vomited so much of it up that he had only a bit left in him that wasnt enough to work as intended, but he was too ill and in too much pain to swallow any more until the time that he did. That is what it sounded like.
7 times? How much water did you drink? I had nausea and vomited many times before, and one important thing I've learned from this unpleasant experience is that it's nearly impossible to vomit even once if you don't have enough liquid in your stomach. Whenever I had very strong nausea, I couldn't induce vomiting without drinking several glasses of water. If you strictly followed the suggested protocol of ingesting SN (25 g of salt dissolved in 50 ml of water with no prior consumption of any drinks for several hours), I hardly imagine how this could lead to throwing up, especially multiple times.
Maybe he didn't vomit anything up but felt so ill he kept attempting to vomit, dry retching and it stopped him from taking more.
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Jun 17, 2024
Man wtf they stayed awake so long. AND THEN they REGRETED IT in the end.

idk if i want to use SN anymore either even though i already have it....
Maybe a trip to switzerland is really the only peaceful option.

legalize the right to die peacefully
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
But maybe it could work that way if he vomited so much of it up that he had only a bit left in him that wasnt enough to work as intended, but he was too ill and in too much pain to swallow any more until the time that he did. That is what it sounded like.

Maybe he didn't vomit anything up but felt so ill he kept attempting to vomit, dry retching and it stopped him from taking more.
When you throw up you don't expell the full content of what you consumed, even if it happens immediately, you can't get rid of all the "nutrient" consumed and absorption starts in the mouth through saliva, continues in the oesophagus and stomach. Realistically speaking, after vomiting, between half to two thirds of it will be absorbed by your body. That's why most people with bulimia maintain an average weight even if they restrict food outside of binge. Now obviously the data is for food intake and not sn, but you can easily assume how fast an empty stomach can absorb and how much of it you can be able to vomit on an empty stomach. There is no "so much" in this case, it's literally a mix of 50 ml and 25g, very little but very concentrated. The lethal amount of sn is 1g, so even if you vomit whatever is left behind should be enough to induce the effects of sn and wouldn't give you the luxury of this much time.
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Jan 25, 2024
Yeah some of them end up in ER and a good portion of those are not fortunate enough to be saved in time and this person had the time to make a long coherent thread after taking the sn and vomiting about how horrible sn is and why it should not be used and then continued to hang around for so long explaining further about it? Give me a break. That's not how sn works.
That's what I was thinking. People, we shouldn't be so naïve, all types of people come here and can say whatever they want. I'm not saying this is the case with OP, but lately this forum has been on the spotlight and journalists have been lurking around.

I've seen lots of GB thread with SN and I know each case is a case, many do report discomfort and suffering, but I think this is the first one where the person suffers so horribly, at least that I can remember.

I was wondering if anyone could make a GB thread to dissuade people from using SN? Well, it's the internet, anything is possible as we don't know who is behind the screen
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Oct 10, 2023
When you throw up you don't expell the full content of what you consumed, even if it happens immediately, you can't get rid of all the "nutrient" consumed and absorption starts in the mouth through saliva, continues in the oesophagus and stomach. Realistically speaking, after vomiting, between half to two thirds of it will be absorbed by your body. That's why most people with bulimia maintain an average weight even if they restrict food outside of binge. Now obviously the data is for food intake and not sn, but you can easily assume how fast an empty stomach can absorb and how much of it you can be able to vomit on an empty stomach. There is no "so much" in this case, it's literally a mix of 50 ml and 25g, very little but very concentrated. The lethal amount of sn is 1g, so even if you vomit whatever is left behind should be enough to induce the effects of sn and wouldn't give you the luxury of this much time.
OK i see what you mean, then it is very troubling how this could of happened.


Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
people here are touching on something i was thinking yesterday. something has to have gone wrong here, as we have over 6 years of experience with SN on the forum (plus the testimony of Exit International), and none of them have gone this wrong. sure, some people have had similar experiences of being afraid, regretting the decision due to SI, enduring more suffering than expected. but talking mostly coherently for over an hour is suspicious. most people pass out in under 40 minutes (usually under 20 minutes though), and toward the end they are quite incapable of doing much.

so i suspect they either used nitrate, in which case they are definitely still alive. or if it was nitrite, despite them claiming they "followed the rules" they didn't drink their second glass till after an hour had passed. as soon as they did, they seemingly passed out in under 20 minutes (last msg was 16 minutes after the second glass was downed). we also don't know if they used Meto, which is important for speeding up gastric emptying so more SN can enter your small intestine quicker. they may have vomited too much too soon, and then since they waited an hour to drink their second glass they suffered.

so people here having doubts about SN is more than okay, use whatever methods you feel are right for you. but it's important to note that this is absolutely outside of the norm, and all suicide methods can go wrong. but i'd still say SN is one of the better methods simply due to it not causing very much permanent damage if you fail. and the suffering isn't as bad as other poisons. but as with all methods, you have to do it right and by the book.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Yeah some of them end up in ER and a good portion of those are not fortunate enough to be saved in time and this person had the time to make a long coherent thread after taking the sn and vomiting about how horrible sn is and why it should not be used and then continued to hang around for so long explaining further about it? Give me a break. That's not how sn works.
It's just words someone typed on a screen . Anyone can type anything .

I never believe anything unless I can verify it .

Look at the number of scams especially in the USA in email texting phone calls constantly
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May 24, 2019
I feel terribly sorry for what OP went through here. I hope she found peace...she could still be alive and post here when she regains health/strength. Honestly, this is looking like a case of either impure SN or Sodium NitrAte. I wish we knew what source OP used. I still plan on using SN method when the time comes but will have a backup plan just in case(gun).
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
It's just words someone typed on a screen . Anyone can type anything .
Sadly many were made to be terrified of sn and question it's viability as a method, which is far from the truth. If that was the intention, it's devastating.
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you say falling victim to myself is weak, so be it
Apr 26, 2023
what is there to say then, I'm glad its over, I'm glad the pains ended now for you, but my heart breaks thinking of how much pain you had to endure to get to this point, I wish I or anyone could have been there with you,, I know how nice hugs are, from every incident I've read on others taking sn didn't end as painfully, because this sounds painful.
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May 24, 2019
It's just words someone typed on a screen . Anyone can type anything .

I never believe anything unless I can verify it .

Look at the number of scams especially in the USA in email texting phone calls constantly
This is all true but I don't get this impression from OP after reading through her post history. She is a really new member though. From Croatia. She could have gotten impure SN or Sodium Nitrate very easily
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Jun 2, 2024
Man wtf they stayed awake so long. AND THEN they REGRETED IT in the end.

idk if i want to use SN anymore either even though i already have it....
Maybe a trip to switzerland is really the only peaceful option.

legalize the right to die peacefully
Would be nice if such were legalized but such would affect the profits of our masters in their ivory towers so I doubt we'll have any luck with that.
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May 31, 2024
i drank my SN and already vomited. the taste is horrible. HORRRIBLE. and my stomach hurts, and it burned my throat. i dont have it in me to drink a second glass.
my hands are shaking and my head hurts. i wish i didnt have to do this. ill miss him i hope he can forgive me one day.
if it doesnt work ill post tomorrow morning.
if it works, i left a note to my sibling to delete my account here.
love you guys, this forum was there for me when no one else was. hope we all find peace one day :)

ps i vomited again and stomach ache is awful and i cant feel my legs anymorw

i still didnt lost cconsciousness ans its been 6mins breathing is so hard i wish someone was hre to hug me snd tell me its slright :((
why should I believe you? You created your account just a week ago. I read more and more anti Sn propaganda, lately. Sorry I don't trust the goverments and I should trust you? Nah.
I'm still using my Sn, no matter how "people" come on SaSu and talk bad about Sn. U wanna stay alive? Cool. You are Not deciding for me. Guys stop trusting everyone, its like when u see a pop up saying "u r 1 click away from winning one thousand dollars". Anyway, in case op was a honest person(but not expert with Sn) I wish them all the best, both in life or death.
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Jan 25, 2024
why should I believe you? You created your account just a week ago. I read more and more anti Sn propaganda, lately. Sorry I don't trust the goverments and I should trust you? Nah.
I'm still using my Sn, no matter how "people" come on SaSu and talk bad about Sn. U wanna stay alive? Cool. You are Not deciding for me. Guys stop trusting everyone, its like when u see a pop up saying "u r 1 click away from winning one thousand dollars". Anyway, in case op was a honest person(but not expert with Sn) I wish them all the best, both in life or death.
some people here seem to believe anything they see and some even get angry when you don't lol

ctb is one of the hardest things anyone can do and i believe actually getting to do it is much rarer here than people think
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Jul 18, 2024
This makes me not want to use SN at all...and now there's a lot of suspicion about it.

I will say it's strange they didn't go unconscious from a full 25 g but I know some people here have attempted with the same and had similar symptoms. Some people on this forum whose accounts I read who I trust very much due to a long term presence here.


Aug 13, 2024
This makes me not want to use SN at all...and now there's a lot of suspicion about it.

I will say it's strange they didn't go unconscious from a full 25 g but I know some people here have attempted with the same and had similar symptoms. Some people on this forum whose accounts I read who I trust very much due to a long term presence here.
If by chance you find them, I'm interested.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I've seen people go on sn. It's absolutely nothing as is described here.

I don't think one post should be held as example
There are many threads here that tell other stories. Doing your own recherche is important which ever way you choose.
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
I'm sorry, but maybe could a thread about suspicions of fake SN posts be started or something? It feels disrespectful to speculate on a goodbye thread. I'm not against the discussion, but not here, jic. It makes me feel uneasy to call someone a liar/debate about them under their potential final moments, cause we don't know it's fake (or real)
Technically, we can't know if any goodbye threads are real, whether they sound convincing or not
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My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
Well, that was a fucking nightmare!
Reading that she regretted it tears a hole in my heart & I will now cross SN off the menu.
I only hope that in the end she's able to go to a place of peace & love🌹💔


Jul 11, 2024
we all know about dmc and bm.
but ive found another polish company WC (acronym). the purity is 98%- anyone can buy- ships worldwide.
also found someone on croatian marketplace site that sells 10g packs, purity 96% (guess you can buy several?) that ships to europe.

anyone stumbled across them yet?
its kinda crazy how easy it is to buy it
This is the thread from a few days ago. I'm guessing they would've gone with the Croatian source because they're from there, and it was only 3 days before this goodbye post. I don't think the other sources could've sent it that quickly. If they did survive I hope they can make a full recovery and shed some light on the issue.
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Sep 14, 2024
I hope she's in a safe and happier place now.
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