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That's the hell I live with
Apr 19, 2018
I'm trying to speed up the process of my kidney /liver not working anymore
I'm doing this by taking overdoses and drinking too much.
Luckily I was already an alcoholic.
I think it's working.
I have a stabbing pain in my sides and it's getting worse and I can't eat anything now.


Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
For what it's worth, the only real benefit I see to getting a terminal illness voluntarily is that it gives comfort to those people around you who wouldn't normally come to terms with a ctb. Something I'll never understand, but that's how people are. It could also provide a back up in case you end up a vegetable with an attempt.

Overall though, I'm not too fond of the idea. Risking your health means giving up control. It's no longer your choice and your last weeks/months could be in complete agony and a poor state of consciousness. You might also end up in a hospital/hospice with people who are genuinely ill, thus in a completely different mindset and who would give anything to live, which sounds uncomfortable to say the least.

But if this is your thing, forget about smoking. The oldest human who ever lived, a French lady, quit smoking at the ripe age of 119, and died aged 122.
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Jun 23, 2019
I think someone wise in certain medical .... may know how to fake a terminal illness and get a doctor prescribed seconal to end their life now also legal in California from what i understand so does anyone know how to fake a terminal illness or where to find out how to do fake it?


Jan 5, 2020
I think someone wise in certain medical .... may know how to fake a terminal illness and get a doctor prescribed seconal to end their life now also legal in California from what i understand so does anyone know how to fake a terminal illness or where to find out how to do fake it?
Honestly i dont think you can really fake it
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Jan 20, 2020
First let me say I greatly don't recommend this because any of these things would be terribly uncomfortable. The first things that come to mind however our HIV, asbestos exposure, mercury exposure, radiation exposure. There is also the route of morbid obesity diabetes and heart disease , and at least with that one you get to eat anything you want. Hell, if you become a diabetic you could always OD on insulin.

but like I said all of these things will take quite a long time and suck.
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
I was reading recently about an actor and wiki mentions that he died of lung cancer. First of all, it always amazes me how much humans isolate the bad. They can write thousands of pages about his movies, life, etc, and so little about how he died. Did he suffer? Did he curse his life towards the end? We always know so little.

Anyway, it makes me wonder: would lung cancer be painless? Should I start smoking in the hopes of increasing the chances?
I don't want to make it to old age. Old age would be like a super prolonged cancer, but worse, with loneliness, physical and mental challenges etc. Why not take a shortcut?
It is very painful...excruciating actually in the final stages.
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Not gone yet but soon
Jan 14, 2020
I have a disease that when i was diagnosed I was told I have all 3 of the cancer causing strains from it. Of all the strains i get just those 3. Already had pre cancerous cells removed. I'm suppose to be checked every 6 months. I haven't been back in 2 years. I already know what i will do if it's back. I also have metal implants inside of me. If those break it could be fatal if not taken care of right away. Im not hoping either happens. I just don't wanna go to the doc to find out I'm dying and it becomes out of my control. I had a friend that was super health until she got a cough. Finally went to the doc and it ended up being stage 4 lung cancer. Was given 2 years. Treatment took her in less then a year. I mourn her every day. I would have gladly traded my healthy self for her.
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
I have a disease that when i was diagnosed I was told I have all 3 of the cancer causing strains from it. Of all the strains i get just those 3. Already had pre cancerous cells removed. I'm suppose to be checked every 6 months. I haven't been back in 2 years. I already know what i will do if it's back. I also have metal implants inside of me. If those break it could be fatal if not taken care of right away. Im not hoping either happens. I just don't wanna go to the doc to find out I'm dying and it becomes out of my control. I had a friend that was super health until she got a cough. Finally went to the doc and it ended up being stage 4 lung cancer. Was given 2 years. Treatment took her in less then a year. I mourn her every day. I would have gladly traded my healthy self for her.
I am so sorry Self. (((HUGS)))
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Self Saboteur
Jan 15, 2020
I don't recommend alcohol, I've had pancreatitis a few times and landed in the hospital due to the pain, now I don't think my kidneys or liver are doing too hot, if I have a drink I get lower back pain in general so I just stop.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I don't recommend alcohol, I've had pancreatitis a few times and landed in the hospital due to the pain, now I don't think my kidneys or liver are doing too hot, if I have a drink I get lower back pain in general so I just stop.
Agreed. Pancreatitis is some of the worst pain you can have. And the accompanying vomiting is horrible. I have chronic pancreatitis caused by gallstones. It's a special kind of hell.
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Jan 30, 2020
its funny. Once in my life i chose and attempted this method i went and had unprotected sex with a 40 year old or more junkie she was in miserable condition so i strongly belived i would catch AIDS or Hepatitis but i think i was unlucky....This is time enduring method plus depending what disease you catch in case of AIDS you might suffer .... But hey this method atleast guarantees your goverment will help you with pain relief medicaments or heroin ...


Dec 25, 2019
sorry i dont want to be offensive, but that topic is fucked up and stuppid as hell...
i am 34 , loved my life till one year ago and now im terminally ill and am suffering and getting the worst death and way to that. as long as you are healthy try to fight for your goddamn life
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Jan 13, 2020
It is why I have smoked cigarettes since I was 15 I am mid 30s now no cancer yet... It would be the happiest day of my life to get diagnosed and refuse treatment. Oh just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.
Where my mom is from 6 year olds roll their own cigarettes and there are wrinkled old farts all over the place there. If you want to get cancer, move to Flint, Michigan and drink lots of tap water. The news stopped covering the crisis but the government apparently never did actually clean it up. They can't even shower in it regularly without getting sick.


Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
I have a disease that when i was diagnosed I was told I have all 3 of the cancer causing strains from it. Of all the strains i get just those 3. Already had pre cancerous cells removed. I'm suppose to be checked every 6 months. I haven't been back in 2 years. I already know what i will do if it's back. I also have metal implants inside of me. If those break it could be fatal if not taken care of right away. Im not hoping either happens. I just don't wanna go to the doc to find out I'm dying and it becomes out of my control. I had a friend that was super health until she got a cough. Finally went to the doc and it ended up being stage 4 lung cancer. Was given 2 years. Treatment took her in less then a year. I mourn her every day. I would have gladly traded my healthy self for her.

Normally the doctors can't force you into cancer treatment though, or can they in your case? Thing is, if not, a check-up might be a good idea, because you'll know where you stand and will remain in control of your life. I have quite a few colon polyps, so far it hasn't been cancer, although I too delayed my check-up for eight months. Had it done a fortnight ago just to remain in control. It's not a nice way to go. Hope you're still ok.

sorry i dont want to be offensive, but that topic is fucked up and stuppid as hell...
i am 34 , loved my life till one year ago and now im terminally ill and am suffering and getting the worst death and way to that. as long as you are healthy try to fight for your goddamn life

Am sorry you for your situation. Completely agree with what you said. I just hope you don't consider mhi healthy. It might not be an obvious terminal disease, but you're dead from the head down. So there's not much life worth fighting for.
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Nov 29, 2019
First let me say I greatly don't recommend this because any of these things would be terribly uncomfortable. The first things that come to mind however our HIV, asbestos exposure, mercury exposure, radiation exposure. There is also the route of morbid obesity diabetes and heart disease , and at least with that one you get to eat anything you want. Hell, if you become a diabetic you could always OD on insulin.

but like I said all of these things will take quite a long time and suck.
40 years ago, I had 13,000 continuous hours of occupational level asbestos exposure (2 years living in a house that I was renovating).
No masks/protective clothes worn at any time. Absolutely no asbestos lung damage whatsoever, even though I was working with multiple types of asbestos for months at a time. Just anecdotal, but you'd think there would be some lung scarring.
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Jan 20, 2020
40 years ago, I had 13,000 continuous hours of occupational level asbestos exposure (2 years living in a house that I was renovating).
No masks/protective clothes worn at any time. Absolutely no asbestos lung damage whatsoever, even though I was working with multiple types of asbestos for months at a time. Just anecdotal, but you'd think there would be some lung scarring.

wow. I suppose it's more it could cause damage rather than it will. Probably a good bullet to dodge mesothelioma sucks.
Amorphous Blob

Amorphous Blob

Jan 30, 2020
In a sense things like SI, improper methods,or worries may get in the way of death. So i have been wondering what can someone do to get terminally ill? A terminal illness guarantees death and in a sense, wouldnt tip anyone off and try to stop a suicide.
So, does anyone have any methods to get terminally ill?
I actually have something which will work 100%, but will be very unpleasant. Take the cover off your smoke detectors, there'll be a bit of lead shielding in there by the sensor although may be covered by plastic. Under the plating there'll be a small lump of metal, Americium! It's radioactive but only in alpha radiation so gonna have to get it inside you. Swallow and you'll get radiation sickness or stomach cancer. Do have to say I strongly recommend against it. Either way is gonna be very painful, It will be certain though.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I actually have something which will work 100%, but will be very unpleasant. Take the cover off your smoke detectors, there'll be a bit of lead shielding in there by the sensor although may be covered by plastic. Under the plating there'll be a small lump of metal, Americium! It's radioactive but only in alpha radiation so gonna have to get it inside you. Swallow and you'll get radiation sickness or stomach cancer. Do have to say I strongly recommend against it. Either way is gonna be very painful, It will be certain though.

How do you know it will be certain?
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Amorphous Blob

Amorphous Blob

Jan 30, 2020
How do you know it will be certain?
Tbh shouldn't have said that as technically never can be 100% certain, but it's extremely toxic as a heavy metal. Big reason is because you'll never actually get it out of your system, it'll take over 50 years for it to actually clear out entirely from your bones, the whole time bombarding all neighbouring cells with alpha radiation- the most ionizing inside the body. If radiation sickness doesn't kill you then kidney failure, bone cancer, liver failure will eventually take hold. Again this would be extremely painful and very slow, I wouldn't recommend it at all but given how it's considered lethal at 0.03 μCi and old smoke detectors used about 80 μCi I don't see how any human could survive long term when the levels in use today haven't decreased that much. You'd want to check the numbers though as I doubt I remembered everything correctly from physics
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Tbh shouldn't have said that as technically never can be 100% certain, but it's extremely toxic as a heavy metal. Big reason is because you'll never actually get it out of your system, it'll take over 50 years for it to actually clear out entirely from your bones, the whole time bombarding all neighbouring cells with alpha radiation- the most ionizing inside the body. If radiation sickness doesn't kill you then kidney failure, bone cancer, liver failure will eventually take hold. Again this would be extremely painful and very slow, I wouldn't recommend it at all but given how it's considered lethal at 0.03 μCi and old smoke detectors used about 80 μCi I don't see how any human could survive long term when the levels in use today haven't decreased that much. You'd want to check the numbers though as I doubt I remembered everything correctly from physics

Where did you first come across this method? Was it something you deduced from your studies?
Amorphous Blob

Amorphous Blob

Jan 30, 2020
Where did you first come across this method? Was it something you deduced from your studies?
Just from studying, but radiation is no joke. Only carries a risk if eaten or inhaled though-- as far as I'd guess inhaling won't be as bad as eating it. I also think it permanently remains in your testicles or ovaries, so even if you somehow don't get bone cancer within 50 years, testicular/ovarian cancer is gonna happen at some point. I don't know of any cases of this actually happening, especially intentionally


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Just from studying, but radiation is no joke. Only carries a risk if eaten or inhaled though-- as far as I'd guess inhaling won't be as bad as eating it. I also think it permanently remains in your testicles or ovaries, so even if you somehow don't get bone cancer within 50 years, testicular/ovarian cancer is gonna happen at some point. I don't know of any cases of this actually happening, especially intentionally

That was a hell of a claim to throw out there without explaining, so thank you for answering questions.
Amorphous Blob

Amorphous Blob

Jan 30, 2020
That was a hell of a claim to throw out there without explaining, so thank you for answering questions.
No worries, yeah I know but it's also a pretty extreme "method" to use as well. It is congruent to chugging polonium 210, a chemical 250000 times more lethal than cyanide, it just takes a lot longer to get there. Threw it out as more of an interesting (I hope!) Fact
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Jan 7, 2020
Had appendicitis for years. The Veterans Health Administration ignored it and called me a hypochondriac. Hurt like hell, but not the conventional appendix pain, just terrible stomach aches.

Right before that bastard came out, it was a week of the worst cramps imaginable. 12 hours before a scheduled appointment, I presented to emergency department for pain relief, not to save my life. 3 physicians later, they diagnosed it. Nothing in the blood tests or anything.

Took a CT scan. It was in the wrong place from being so large and fused to my mesentery. Surgery took much longer than it should have, almost bled me to death, and left me with two hernias. The nurses starved me and didn't give me pain meds for two days until I was released home, without pain meds, with a JP drain half an inch above my genitals.

Double hernia repair, again without pain drugs, was agonizing.

I suggest against suicide by disease.
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Jan 30, 2020
You might end up giving you more pain and agony.


Dec 25, 2019
Normally the doctors can't force you into cancer treatment though, or can they in your case? Thing is, if not, a check-up might be a good idea, because you'll know where you stand and will remain in control of your life. I have quite a few colon polyps, so far it hasn't been cancer, although I too delayed my check-up for eight months. Had it done a fortnight ago just to remain in control. It's not a nice way to go. Hope you're still ok.

Am sorry you for your situation. Completely agree with what you said. I just hope you don't consider mhi healthy. It might not be an obvious terminal disease, but you're dead from the head down. So there's not much life worth fighting for.
what do you mean by " It might not be an obvious terminal disease, but you're dead from the head down"


Aug 20, 2018
I've read about people having a voluntarly risky sexual life in order to get aids. Most of the time they are gays who have been rejected by family and society.

There's a whole subculture of people into that, they're called "Bug Chasers." I was on a forum for them (you can message me for the details if you want it).

I went through a phase where I wanted something very similar. I would pick up prostitutes... they usually had needles and were pretty skilled with them, so instead of sex I would pay them to draw out some of their own blood and inject it into me (in the bug chaser forums, that's called a 'blood slam').

I did that a few times and did manage to catch hepatitis C, but never HIV. That's not nearly as common as they'd have you believe, and the people who do have it are extremely careful not to spread it. Unfortunately, Hep C doesn't really shorten your life very much at all.


Jan 7, 2020
anecdote time: again, I'm suggesting against death by disease
There's a whole subculture of people into that, they're called "Bug Chasers." I was on a forum for them (you can message me for the details if you want it) ... HIV is not nearly as common as they'd have you believe, and the people who do have it are extremely careful not to spread it.
I knew an HIV+ person who was mortified at the concept of bug chasing. I knew someone else who worked in assisting people to get anti retrovirals. These clients were invariably super unhappy.
I would pick up prostitutes... they usually had needles and were pretty skilled with them.
I knew someone who had been in a pretty good financial sector job, but with a pretty serious (needle drug) addiction. Fortunately, she kicked the addiction, disease free. Unfortunately, she did so through rehab that her employer held against her. This landed her in sex work, with the knowledge of needles you mention. We're no longer in touch. I hope she's clean.
Unfortunately, Hep C doesn't really shorten your life very much at all.
I knew someone who had hepatitis. Extremely monetarily costly, until the insurance company realized it was cheaper to cure this person than continue dragging out.

None of the above are me, nor are they all me wrapped into one. I'm nowhere near that interesting/exciting.
what do you mean by " It might not be an obvious terminal disease, but you're dead from the head down"
"Above the neck medicine" contrasted against "below the neck medicine," at least where I live, means mental health or anything else.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
what do you mean by " It might not be an obvious terminal disease, but you're dead from the head down"

Well, apart from suicide, I think mhi take a lot of indirect ways to physically kill someone in the long term (lifestyle, procrastination, self medication, stress etc.), but by then the mhi will already have destroyed the person from the inside and taken everything that makes life worth living. Basically the body is just following where the mind went long before.

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