

~ Sleepwalking through every day ~
Feb 10, 2020
That's ridiculous :O

Shakespear's Brother

Sep 10, 2019
So incongruent that funeral homes, which often greedily make money off death, would do such pro-lifey things. I think they really need to revisit their business models.
This gave me a hearty laugh, thank you.
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Jan 30, 2020
If you are in the UK and have a full time jobs or even part time you can easily go off sick and get sick pay. Citing the job is adding to pressure and you don't want to hurt yourself buy to get the help you need you need to have one stress free time alone and saying the police calling has sent you into a deep depression andnscered to go outside etc. You should have no teoubk getting atlease 2 weeks off to wort youtlrself out. I Did this and was off work for 14 months.on full pay but that's a longer story. Tell the doctor that everything is too much and the feeling of suicide is getting worse and you need a rest to get you mind write and the stress of having to go to work isn't giving you what you need and is making things harder and worse. If you say sonthing like that easoecially with that just happed you went to doctor on friends advice as and to be asked for help and try to not suffer alone in silence until you do.something that can't be undone. I would.imagine you would get a minimum is2 weeks and maybe even 4 weeks sick not on condition that you have a new prescription and maybe see a therapist. It's worth jumping thru hoops think of the endgame if you do this. And you work will have little choose as that would be violating humam rights if the punished you for needing timmoff due to mental health.

Hope this gives you something to consider if you want more help feel free to pm here if you have more questions about it and as.i will b classed as illness you are protected by law for having to rest. That means don't go posting you having a party on fasebeen as they will certainly try to catch you out.


velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
My work knew already - as I was off sick for six months. Then last Friday I was such a mess at work, and I spoke to one person who then announced it to everyone as part of a duty of care. My boss was away - and now she is back - and she shouted at me for coming off my meds. The truth is I was feeling better for two weeks - on Sarcosine, NAC and the Fisher Wallace headset. Then as usual, I relapsed. This has happened maybe five times in the past year - that something makes me feel better - happy, human, okay - for two weeks. It doesn't ever last longer than two weeks. It's almost a running joke (I mean with my boyfriend). So when I relapsed, because I cannot be off sick any longer, and I have to choose between working and being bedridden - it is one or the other - I am trying to patch myself up to keep going in. On Friday, the mask fell off and I cried at work. Then this week the mask is back on, barely.

Re suicide, I am finding my suffering a daily torment and pretty intolerable, and I am trying to give it one more year to see if any recovery is possible. I'm doing that for my family. I would happily, very happily, die right now. I don't have anything else I want to do - not in this state of mind.
I am quite patchy with medication - because especially wiht supplements (which have actually been better for me than medication so far) they tend to work for the first two weeks, then stop working entirely and never work again. Only 5 things or so have done that. I stop and start things because I am desperate.

Medication - I tried one for 3 months and it didn't help at all.
wait a second your boss shouted at you because you didn't take some medication? where the hell do you live? north korea?


Mar 5, 2020
That's insane. Is it a very religious community? Does the funeral director know you personally? You should call them to complain about this and remind them that it's normal for people to plan funerals.


Dec 28, 2019
That's insane. Is it a very religious community? Does the funeral director know you personally? You should call them to complain about this and remind them that it's normal for people to plan funerals.

I honestly don't understand everyone's outrage about this.

Like it or not, it's not considered "normal" to call up a funeral director and tell them "I don't have a specific date picked out yet, but I'm going to kill myself and want to plan my funeral." What was the man supposed to do? Sell her a coffin and tell her "Go ahead!"
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Jan 30, 2020
Also duty of care doesn't mean violating confidence and just tell everyone that you are feeling really unwell and for a bos snti shout atnyounasnyou describe it could come from frieght on their part or even genuine trying to help,butnifninwssntouninwasngo straight to the H2r department over the bosses heads saying you no longer trust them because of these mentiond reasons and they have cause toto feel unsafe in your work environment and something needs to be put right before you can continue to work there. Say you have come to h2r in confidence because last time you told someone while boss was away they told everyone and when boss came back she shouted at you and basically blamed you for missing taking tablets which happens but her reaction was totally unprofessional and that's why you te at human resources because you don't tried one guy Nd are dated of your bird planing all your problems in yourself. Which is a big no no. When it comes to employment law. No matter what everyone something bad happens make a not of the time and date and what was said and if possibly the people's nam s who hea d it. When all you want is.tomlife a normal life as possibly but your superiors mate making that impossible

That last bit is important admitting it still shows you want and they just need to change things for your benefit. Whether it's truenornnotndoesnt matter but showing easernessneven under all this pressure goesnalot in your favour. And if they refuse to even change the slightest thing you can sue the craomoutnof them. Especially in th uk


Feb 23, 2020
Just got a call from the police, as I called a funeral parlour earlier today to discuss my funeral plans.

Quite pissed off. I said to the police it was perfectly normal to plan a funeral, and also that I didn't have a particular date in mind, so did not see why it was a police matter. They said it wasn't normal to plan to take your life. I said, well the rich people (eg friends of Prince Charles) do plan their death. It just costs £10,000 and they have to go to Switzerland, because we don't have decent laws in this country. Anyway, at first this policewoman tried to take my details, then by the end of the conversation, she fucked off.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE people be aware of the laws of suicide in your country. I am in the UK and suicide is not a crime. I have had the police ask me about my suicide plans and I told them it is my business and not theirs, its not illegal so there is nothing they can do. The police officer had to agree - I can show you the email in PM if you really need proof of this. Unless you are in the act of committing suicide OR you are deemed to be mentally unfit the police have no power. If you plan to CTB and there is even a hint of it anywhere you need to know the law and your rights!


Taking it day by day
Jan 11, 2020
This is not victim blaming so please don't feel so...but it's a hard lesson in how it doesn't matter what you should be able to say or do, it matters how people are and how they will react. Often we don't realize how we come across because this is so normal for us. Most people cannot stomach even the THOUGHT of suicide without freaking out or getting upset. Because of's best to communicate such things, like funeral planning, wills etc, in text and simply via email etc to remove as much emotional perception as possible. Also NEVER argue with a cop, doctor, authority of any kind about suicide rights. Never try and get them to "understand". It NEVER goes well and you aren't going to convince them or fix anything, just make it worse. It's wrong, unfair, and we shouldn't have to censor our feelings about this as we are victims, but it's the reality. So the small release you feel from going off on someone or arguing with them is never worth the cost. Unless you want people to intervene...and if you DO by all means ask or force them to and fight for your life...there is nothing ever gained by being open about this.

This. So much this. That is why I never let anyone know my intentions.


Mar 21, 2019
Just got a call from the police, as I called a funeral parlour earlier today to discuss my funeral plans.

Quite pissed off. I said to the police it was perfectly normal to plan a funeral, and also that I didn't have a particular date in mind, so did not see why it was a police matter. They said it wasn't normal to plan to take your life. I said, well the rich people (eg friends of Prince Charles) do plan their death. It just costs £10,000 and they have to go to Switzerland, because we don't have decent laws in this country. Anyway, at first this policewoman tried to take my details, then by the end of the conversation, she fucked off.

I tell you what. That funeral parlour is NOT getting my business!!!! I want to find out about non-religious funerals - as while I thought I'd go straight to ashes, perhaps it's better to have a funeral for my family. But maybe now, I don't care about planning it. I will just stipulate absolutely no religion, and let them all work it out from there.

Really nothing I needed. Hard enough being miserable and bedridden all day without this bullshit.
Did they know you were not suffering from stage 4 something...? Kinda gutsy on their part. Go elsewhere!


Feb 14, 2020
Here is how you deal with the cops in these situations:.
1. Tell them you aren't talking to them
2. Tell them to piss off
3. Keep your mouth shut.
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Aug 18, 2019
Just got a call from the police, as I called a funeral parlour earlier today to discuss my funeral plans.

Quite pissed off. I said to the police it was perfectly normal to plan a funeral, and also that I didn't have a particular date in mind, so did not see why it was a police matter. They said it wasn't normal to plan to take your life. I said, well the rich people (eg friends of Prince Charles) do plan their death. It just costs £10,000 and they have to go to Switzerland, because we don't have decent laws in this country. Anyway, at first this policewoman tried to take my details, then by the end of the conversation, she fucked off.

I tell you what. That funeral parlour is NOT getting my business!!!! I want to find out about non-religious funerals - as while I thought I'd go straight to ashes, perhaps it's better to have a funeral for my family. But maybe now, I don't care about planning it. I will just stipulate absolutely no religion, and let them all work it out from there.

Really nothing I needed. Hard enough being miserable and bedridden all day without this bullshit.

Did you tell the funeral parlor that you were going to commit suicide?


Jul 3, 2019
I'm so chill right now - thanks to megadose on Sunday (when I told my family I wanted to die) but now I am feeling better - I don't know how long it will last. I will nevertheless ALWAYS be Pro-Choice.

But if anyone is close to death and hasn't yet tried psychedelics, and fit the criteria of people it might be safe for - I would say tryt psychedelics first. xx
Here is how you deal with the cops in these situations:.
1. Tell them you aren't talking to them
2. Tell them to piss off
3. Keep your mouth shut.


I said it wasn't a police matter and I did not have a specific date. They did go away. Phew. Big relief.
Did you tell the funeral parlor that you were going to commit suicide?

I said to them I was thinking of ending my life, but I didn't ahve a date.

I don't blame the funeral parlour - it was just more what were the police gonna do about it? The woman on the phone was also very shrill and not very calming, which is not what I need when I am in a depressed, suicidal state!
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