

*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Self-care and medicine both focus on self-improvement. To be kind to yourself and give yourself a chance to heal, you must first love yourself.

These are the same pessimists who ask others for compassion and help, but when they receive it, they are ungrateful. Most people will help you help yourself, but pessimism is a powerful personality trait.

As one's self-awareness grows, so do emotional contentment, financial stability, good health, and fulfilling relationships.

You're well aware that mindfulness and meditation will not help you. You can overcome pessimism by trying new things and sharing what works best for you.
He did say if you don't agree that you could click off and that he wasn't interested in debating... and if you're so optimistic then why are you even here? (rhetorical)
im sick of stupid cunts thinking this is the solution to everything. they act like noone has real fucking problems in their life, like everyone is just a little uwu anxious or too negative to see how ~great~ life is. like fucking sitting around with ur eyes closed or making lists of "good things that happened today" when NOTHING good happened will help. or u have to force urself to add the tiniest things to ur list that didnt even actually make u happy, and it jsut makes u more miserable to think that this is the best shit in ur life

good for the ppl who are just a wickle bit saddy-waddies, but some of us have real problems that cant be solved with ~*positive thinking*~
A Motherfucker is supposed to be able to "Vent" in peace... At least that's how I've seen most "Vent's" go.

Personally, not a fan of the c-word... However, I am sooo close to using it nowadays towards ignorant, supremely arrogant people with fragile egos, especially those working in the mental and medical fields. Also, it's much easier to digest a c-word in an actual specified rant than to have to tolerate FC's daily hostile spews against humanity as a whole...

If I can't handle a "pessimistic" and "indecent" Vent from a frustrated individual who has consistently and conveniently had common cop-out coping methods shoved down his throat in place of real therapeutic help and guidance because of an epidemic failing mental health system, then I'll make sure to go hug myself🤗
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May 1, 2023
He did say if you don't agree that you could click off and that he wasn't interested in debating...
I believe you are misunderstanding my post because I do not disagree with the OP. It provides food for thought. I encouraged OP to try new things and report back on what worked.

Everyone wishes to be comfortable to some degree while still alive. If we can objectively compare which therapies worked and which did not, it will benefit this community.


*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
I can relate a lot to the OP and what you're saying as well. I've also had mindfulness and meditation pushed so many times on me when it isn't helpful in my own personal situation. I wish that these methods helped me cope in some way, but they just never did unfortunately. The best copes for me have always been purely chemical for whatever reason.

In a lot of healthcare systems they're now pushing these things as cheap alternatives to physical pain management, to get you to, "think about the pain or discomfort less and then you will have less pain" Years and years of evolution that have primed your brain to produce salient danger signals to alert you that something's wrong and don't want you to ignore the painful stimulus disagree with that lol

Mindfulness and meditation are pushed as the "gold standard" for everything, so I always thought I was just broken or not trying hard enough because these things weren't helping me. Then I participated in a trial where they were examining the effectiveness of mindfulness, meditation, and CBT, and realized that the people being recruited as participants in many trials were not severely mentally ill people. Or even meeting the criteria for a mental illness at all.

So semantically, the researchers were able to claim that these techniques reduce depressive and anxious symptoms, however, the population being recruited for these studies were not actual patient populations and just anyone they could find to sign up for the study.

Sure, there may have been people with conditions who happened to be in the trial, but it seemed like it wasn't controlled for at all. Also, some of the tasks were done as a group where you would be pressured to state that something was helpful even if it wasn't. The environment of the trial was very different than the average environment in which someone would practice meditation too.

Participating in this crap study made me feel a lot less bad about mindfulness and meditation not helping me. Of course, something is going to have high rates of success if you cast a wide net and offer it to healthy people dealing with mild stressors in their life, who would not qualify for any psychiatric diagnosis in their current state.

These techniques are probably way more helpful as a coping mechanism for the general population or someone who has just been diagnosed with MDD or an anxiety disorder as opposed to someone with multiple treatment resistant mental illnesses who would never be included in most studies in the first place. So it's construed as being overall helpful for anyone and everyone, because it can help the average person.

At my university I've seen some CBT trials taking place before where they wanted to study how effective it was for a specific patient population and included how there was no evidence supporting or discouraging this modality in this subset of patients to date. Yet, I see CBT being advertised as a treatment for that specific mental condition ALL the time. Even though they are claiming the technique hasn't been studied or proven to be effective or not for these patients, it's still being practiced everyday.

Advertising probably influences one's perception of treatment efficacy greatly. When something is said to be scientifically proven, you really have to consider what the evidence actually is, who is being studied in the trials, what they are looking at as a measure of success, and what regimine they are using. For example, in this review they originally looked at 83 papers and then only picked 12 to actually review to support their conclusion that there is modest efficacy for mindfulness in anxiety symptoms. That's literally 85% of published studies that these authors decided are too garbage to include/not meeting their stringent criteria.

I don't think the OP is wrong in assuming that these techniques are often practiced and advertised for people with more mild symptoms, and that this has been extrapolated to mindfulness and meditation techniques now being offered to everyone and treated like the holy grail of treatment no matter what.
Exactly. The blame gets to be shifted to the patients, because if we were more optimistic, repeated untrue mantras to ourselves that we don't believe, be thankful that we're not homeless, and did "grounding"/breathing/envisioning/counting/etc when we were depressed and/or anxious then we would be able to manage our emotions and thoughts; and we wouldn't even be here lol. So really, it's our own fault ya know??? If we were more mindful and meditated with more gusto, we would have no suicides. So we're to blame🙄
I believe you are misunderstanding my post because I do not disagree with the OP. It provides food for thought. I encouraged OP to try new things and report back on what worked.

Everyone wishes to be comfortable to some degree while still alive. If we can objectively compare which therapies worked and which did not, it will benefit this community.
No I don't think I did. I think you're backtracking now to save face because I called you out for being condescending, patronizing, and elitist. Not to mention blatantly blaming him for his god damned so-called pessimism, which he has a right to; and is also not necessarily always a bad trait.

This has been your m.o.
It's a pattern with you, because you've tried it with me... I didn't appreciate it, nor do I appreciate it now. That's all.
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Apr 2, 2024
No one is saying meditation/mindfulness is the solution, but it can help and does with practice. It's been scientifically proven.
yeah, along with exercise, eating healthy, socializing, managing stress... blahblah... all of those help...

but what if the person doesn't respond? that's the real question. why are there people that just don't respond... not even a little bit... to these "tools" ?
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Jul 23, 2022
The way Western psychology co-opted and bastardized Eastern philosophy and spiritual practice really is something else.
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May 19, 2024
im sick of stupid cunts thinking this is the solution to everything. they act like noone has real fucking problems in their life, like everyone is just a little uwu anxious or too negative to see how ~great~ life is. like fucking sitting around with ur eyes closed or making lists of "good things that happened today" when NOTHING good happened will help. or u have to force urself to add the tiniest things to ur list that didnt even actually make u happy, and it jsut makes u more miserable to think that this is the best shit in ur life

good for the ppl who are just a wickle bit saddy-waddies, but some of us have real problems that cant be solved with ~*positive thinking*~
Sounds like you need to go meditate.
Only kidding. Couldn't resist. Sorry.
8 million percent agree with you.
Fuck mindfulness and meditation.
Fuck yoga up the ass.
Fuck Buddhism in the rectum.
Fuck healthy eating in the ear.
Fuck exercise up the nose.
Fuck self help motherfucking books in the eyes.
Fuck psychiatrists up the bumhole.
Fuck therpists in the arse as well.
Fuck SSRIs in the head.
Fuck anyone who says cheer up.
Fuck anyone who says "this too will pass"
Fuck anyone who says that time is a mother bitch wanking healer
Fuck all the motherfuckers who were born without a fucking demon brain.
But especially fuck mindfulness and mothercunting meditation.
Shouldve made my own rant post but what you said was spot on.
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
@itwasallascream I hope you have a load of condoms, otherwise you might catch a dose of serenity with all that self help fucking
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Mar 11, 2019
Definetly takes some time getting used to, I agree that professionals downplay peoples issues because of it, which is ridiculous, but it does help to calm down


May 24, 2024
I despise mindfulness with a passion! Just another tool for the stupidification of the masses! Don't think, don't feel, just do! Here and now, no past and no future! What is gone doesn't matter, what's to come it's the same! What's the purpose? Create actually mindless and heartless robots?

I often half-joke I have a super power. I live in the past and the future, the only place and time where I'll never be it's the here and now. Do I suffer from higher levels of stress than most? Yes. Do I also have a better understanding of myself and others and a greater chance of predicting future events? Also yes. Dwelling in the past, for me, is a way of extracting as much information as possible from a given situation or person. That's what allows me to have a fairly good ability to predict what will happen with the same person or similar situation. That's my gift, it comes with a downside too, but I'd never give it away.
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I feel like I died long ago
Jun 1, 2023
While OP was a bit harsh, to be fair it is a vent. Vents can be aggressive and vulgar, especially if its you spilling out your emotions you may not be able to control.

I agree with them, it's annoying to be told to "just meditate", as its difficult for me because my thoughts move really fast and I rarely, if ever, can get them to slow down.
Dark Window

Dark Window

Forest Wanderer
Mar 12, 2024
yeah, along with exercise, eating healthy, socializing, managing stress... blahblah... all of those help...

but what if the person doesn't respond? that's the real question. why are there people that just don't respond... not even a little bit... to these "tools" ?
I understand 100% what you're saying.

Meditation is not enough for many people

If you really have tried all of those things and it hasn't resolved the issue despite months of effort, then all you can do is keep researching, finding answers and hopefully you'll find it.

But i respect some people may never find an answer and therefore I am an advocate of assisted dying.,


close up the hole in my vein
May 29, 2024
For me is less about the meditation and mindfulness techniques themselves but the way some professionals and people treat them as the key solution to your problems which in turn invalidates your situation and the moment you say is not for you you will have them tell you all the ways you're doing it wrong because it works for them and there must be something wrong with you if it doesn't work for you, so I get you OP. Then again I agree that it can be useful for managing certain situations but definitely not as a solution


Apr 2, 2024
I understand 100% what you're saying.

Meditation is not enough for many people

If you really have tried all of those things and it hasn't resolved the issue despite months of effort, then all you can do is keep researching, finding answers and hopefully you'll find it.

But i respect some people may never find an answer and therefore I am an advocate of assisted dying.,
there are no answers
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Jul 1, 2024
I agree. My profile image is a real place in Bhutan. I used to meditate for years. But….stay with me, here…..Ten years ago, this place appeared in my subconscious. I only recently found a picture that it's a real place. My meditation ten years ago also featured a monk in an orange robe sitting across from me on that bridge. He could read my thought. When I wondered "who are you…he answered….i am you". Now….ten years later I'm not the same person. A serious of tragic medical events have left me in chronic blinding pain that make meditation futile. It's not always helpful….. coming from someone who knows that sometimes it can, and sometimes it's absurd….its not an answer…even when it's the same person trying it out. Things change.


Mar 11, 2019
That is the question, I don't have an answer but keeping your mind from drifting to oblivion it does do

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