

Jun 15, 2024
im sick of stupid cunts thinking this is the solution to everything. they act like noone has real fucking problems in their life, like everyone is just a little uwu anxious or too negative to see how ~great~ life is. like fucking sitting around with ur eyes closed or making lists of "good things that happened today" when NOTHING good happened will help. or u have to force urself to add the tiniest things to ur list that didnt even actually make u happy, and it jsut makes u more miserable to think that this is the best shit in ur life

good for the ppl who are just a wickle bit saddy-waddies, but some of us have real problems that cant be solved with ~*positive thinking*~
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Look, I'm not a huge fan of mindfulness or meditation, but I have seen people who have found that it has helped them cope with and some pretty severe issues in their life so to make it out as though these people haven't truly suffered is just wrong. You can acknowledge that this shit doesn't work for you, along with the issue of people not being willing to accept that some people just don't benefit from it, without implying that anyone who does benefit from it only does so because they are only a "wickle bit saddy-waddies".
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Jun 15, 2024
Look, I'm not a huge fan of mindfulness or meditation, but I have seen people who have found that it has helped them cope with and some pretty severe issues in their life so to make it out as though these people haven't truly suffered is just wrong. You can acknowledge that this shit doesn't work for you, along with the issue of people not being willing to accept that some people just don't benefit from it, without implying that anyone who does benefit from it only does so because they are only a "wickle bit saddy-waddies".
its a vent. ill say what i want. if ppl disagree they can click off instead of getting offended that i dont share their opinions. they can go meditate abt it
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
its a vent. ill say what i want. if ppl disagree they can click off instead of getting offended that i dont share their opinions. they can go meditate abt it
Venting is one thing, saying shit that borders onto invalidating the issues of others just because a specific coping mechanism doesn't work for you is another.
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Jun 15, 2024
if anyone else is gonna come here n complain idfc and im not going to reply to u. im not fucking debating my own feelings and opinions
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
It would be nice to keep it decent at least.

You are allowed to voice your opinion. But others are allowed to react to it, and even to disagree.
You're posting on an open forum.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Remember its all subjective, if we see something as bad then to us it's bad.

Mindfulness and meditation can be great tools to fight suicidal thoughts but they take a lot of persistence and consistency.
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Sep 15, 2023
I can see where you are coming from with this. I find it annoying when people treat these things as some magical solution to all misery. Meditating and positive thinking really doesn't solve any real problem, but I can't deny that it's a effective coping mechanism for many.

Being able to relax while you are swimming in puddle of lifes diarrhea is much more enjoyable state of being than to constantly lock on the fact that life is shite and suffer more cause of it. Yes, life indeed isn't great thing, but nobody can change that. What can be done though, is to find ways of making it less shite while we are still trapped here, and mindfulness certainly is one of those.
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Apr 2, 2024
im sick of stupid cunts thinking this is the solution to everything. they act like noone has real fucking problems in their life, like everyone is just a little uwu anxious or too negative to see how ~great~ life is. like fucking sitting around with ur eyes closed or making lists of "good things that happened today" when NOTHING good happened will help. or u have to force urself to add the tiniest things to ur list that didnt even actually make u happy, and it jsut makes u more miserable to think that this is the best shit in ur life

good for the ppl who are just a wickle bit saddy-waddies, but some of us have real problems that cant be solved with ~*positive thinking*~
tell that to me! I've been meditating for... let me check... almost 4 months. clinical mindfulness.. 30 minutes per day. I'm also doing another type of "cognitive meditation" with focus on stream entry... but that's another story.

still waiting for the benefits.
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Jul 8, 2023
Become one with nature. Namaste. 🙏🏻😌
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let me spell it out for you: go to hell
Sep 25, 2023
good job being an asshole to people who have found something backed my research that happens to help them 👍
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
This does actually remind me of when I had to call back a helpline following the IC SN welfare checks. While you were on hold, they played these guided meditations. Like: 'Imagine yourself on a beach, the cool sea lapping at the shore, the sun warming your face...' It's not like I was in some desperate place wanting help. I was really only put in touch with them to get the police to leave but I wondered just how soothing that would be to a person nearer the edge. Like- imagine the holiday you're never going to be able to afford! Imagine the life you're never going to be able to have for any length of time and then wake up to reality and all your problems!

Fair enough if it helps I guess. Still, I suppose I get kind of annoyed at anything which is seen as a quick fix. Sure, it can perhaps help- exercise, healthy diet, walks in nature but the whole- simply do these few things and your life will be fixed I think is too simplistic. Moreover, I wish that people would recognise that for some people, things simply can't get better- eg. those suffering with chronic illness. I wish they'd register that they are the ones insisting that these people just suck it up and- how unfair that is.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Meditation is sorta helpful but it's brief. For me the benefits last about a minute. Such a tease


On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
Putting the minimazing other people's suffering part to the side, I agree with you. I'm tired of hearing about mindfulness and meditation, just feels stupid to do it and doesn't change my reality.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
im sick of stupid cunts thinking this is the solution to everything. they act like noone has real fucking problems in their life, like everyone is just a little uwu anxious or too negative to see how ~great~ life is. like fucking sitting around with ur eyes closed or making lists of "good things that happened today" when NOTHING good happened will help. or u have to force urself to add the tiniest things to ur list that didnt even actually make u happy, and it jsut makes u more miserable to think that this is the best shit in ur life

good for the ppl who are just a wickle bit saddy-waddies, but some of us have real problems that cant be solved with ~*positive thinking*~
I wish on this site people would add at the begining of their post a spoiler warning " I disagree with your post" so then I would not read it .

Some of us want to and or need to kill themselves asap . That's all that matters to me. Not debate . Support for my ideas would be ok to read.

Let me give an example. So I'm sure that after I die I will be in non-existence forever.. that gives me great comfort. I don't want endless lives I want to forget this horrible life and world . I want to be certain I figured out reality .I don't want uncertainty. So I post about reality and non-existence forever and someone tells me this is a simulation. I don't want any challenges or doubts to my idea of reality
its a vent. ill say what i want. if ppl disagree they can click off instead of getting offended that i dont share their opinions. they can go meditate abt it
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Jul 3, 2019
OP I agree. I do not believe it helps people with many mental health issues. Like in a depressed state I might say thank you but I never feel gratitude. Mindfulness plus mental illness is unpleasant. If we could steer our minds from mental illness we'd be doing it.

Mindfulness is out of fashion and research has disproven the gratitude twaddle too. It's just a guilt trip and another stick to victim blame people suffering with mental illness.

I'm not sure what is in fashion now but I know mindfulness is out of fashion.

I used to like meditation before I had constant suicidal thoughts. Lol.

If people have found it helpful go post in the recovery section. I have noticed over years of being in this forum that also/even 'recovery' is also to a degree utter bullshit unless a good medication kicks in.

TLDR: I used to be a hippie and think universal light or meditation but now there is only reality and medication.
Ps if anyone said drilling a hole in my head would help…that is about as likely
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Dark Window

Dark Window

Forest Wanderer
Mar 12, 2024
No one is saying meditation/mindfulness is the solution, but it can help and does with practice. It's been scientifically proven.


Jun 11, 2024
its a vent. ill say what i want. if ppl disagree they can click off instead of getting offended that i dont share their opinions. they can go meditate abt it
So unnecessarily rude, but I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

I understand your frustration OP, especially when people recommend it, usually in a somewhat lazy way (i.e. try meditation), as solution to everything.

However, I do think, also based on your interpretation, that the terms mindfulness and meditation mean different things to different people.

For me, it's not about sitting down in an uncomfortable position to formally meditate. It's about trying not to focus too much on my thoughts (and feelings) and taking them too seriously, but just seeing them as thoughts, the result of the brain process called thinking. Instead, I try to focus my attention on what I find important and what I want or need to do (i.e. other behaviour), even if my head is full of thoughts that are holding me back. If this sounds reasonable to you, and maybe even something you want to know more about, then you might want to have a look at ACT. Of course, this is much easier said than done and I wouldn't be on this forum if it was the silver bullet.

Having said that, I think recommending gratitude journals to depressed people is just bullying.
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I'd like to shut down
Mar 13, 2024
No one is saying meditation/mindfulness is the solution, but it can help and does with practice. It's been scientifically proven.
careful, you seem to be trying to fix someone here, kind of contradicting yourself


Jun 2, 2024
My brain isn't even functional enough to go into the meditative state :/
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no i dont have a gun
Dec 19, 2022
lmao same, getting shitfaced and high usually works wonders- mindfullness on the other hand lets my spiraling thoughts spiral even more yay
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I can see where you are coming from with this. I find it annoying when people treat these things as some magical solution to all misery. Meditating and positive thinking really doesn't solve any real problem, but I can't deny that it's a effective coping mechanism for many.

Being able to relax while you are swimming in puddle of lifes diarrhea is much more enjoyable state of being than to constantly lock on the fact that life is shite and suffer more cause of it. Yes, life indeed isn't great thing, but nobody can change that. What can be done though, is to find ways of making it less shite while we are still trapped here, and mindfulness certainly is one of those.
I can relate a lot to the OP and what you're saying as well. I've also had mindfulness and meditation pushed so many times on me when it isn't helpful in my own personal situation. I wish that these methods helped me cope in some way, but they just never did unfortunately. The best copes for me have always been purely chemical for whatever reason.

In a lot of healthcare systems they're now pushing these things as cheap alternatives to physical pain management, to get you to, "think about the pain or discomfort less and then you will have less pain" Years and years of evolution that have primed your brain to produce salient danger signals to alert you that something's wrong and don't want you to ignore the painful stimulus disagree with that lol

Mindfulness and meditation are pushed as the "gold standard" for everything, so I always thought I was just broken or not trying hard enough because these things weren't helping me. Then I participated in a trial where they were examining the effectiveness of mindfulness, meditation, and CBT, and realized that the people being recruited as participants in many trials were not severely mentally ill people. Or even meeting the criteria for a mental illness at all.

So semantically, the researchers were able to claim that these techniques reduce depressive and anxious symptoms, however, the population being recruited for these studies were not actual patient populations and just anyone they could find to sign up for the study.

Sure, there may have been people with conditions who happened to be in the trial, but it seemed like it wasn't controlled for at all. Also, some of the tasks were done as a group where you would be pressured to state that something was helpful even if it wasn't. The environment of the trial was very different than the average environment in which someone would practice meditation too.

Participating in this crap study made me feel a lot less bad about mindfulness and meditation not helping me. Of course, something is going to have high rates of success if you cast a wide net and offer it to healthy people dealing with mild stressors in their life, who would not qualify for any psychiatric diagnosis in their current state.

These techniques are probably way more helpful as a coping mechanism for the general population or someone who has just been diagnosed with MDD or an anxiety disorder as opposed to someone with multiple treatment resistant mental illnesses who would never be included in most studies in the first place. So it's construed as being overall helpful for anyone and everyone, because it can help the average person.

At my university I've seen some CBT trials taking place before where they wanted to study how effective it was for a specific patient population and included how there was no evidence supporting or discouraging this modality in this subset of patients to date. Yet, I see CBT being advertised as a treatment for that specific mental condition ALL the time. Even though they are claiming the technique hasn't been studied or proven to be effective or not for these patients, it's still being practiced everyday.

Advertising probably influences one's perception of treatment efficacy greatly. When something is said to be scientifically proven, you really have to consider what the evidence actually is, who is being studied in the trials, what they are looking at as a measure of success, and what regimine they are using. For example, in this review they originally looked at 83 papers and then only picked 12 to actually review to support their conclusion that there is modest efficacy for mindfulness in anxiety symptoms. That's literally 85% of published studies that these authors decided are too garbage to include/not meeting their stringent criteria.

I don't think the OP is wrong in assuming that these techniques are often practiced and advertised for people with more mild symptoms, and that this has been extrapolated to mindfulness and meditation techniques now being offered to everyone and treated like the holy grail of treatment no matter what.
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May 8, 2024
im sick of stupid cunts thinking this is the solution to everything. they act like noone has real fucking problems in their life, like everyone is just a little uwu anxious or too negative to see how ~great~ life is. like fucking sitting around with ur eyes closed or making lists of "good things that happened today" when NOTHING good happened will help. or u have to force urself to add the tiniest things to ur list that didnt even actually make u happy, and it jsut makes u more miserable to think that this is the best shit in ur life

good for the ppl who are just a wickle bit saddy-waddies, but some of us have real problems that cant be solved with ~*positive thinking*~
I agree 100%
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the stars are already dead
Jun 16, 2024
I think about this all the time. Especially with traps like the LOA cult and stuff like that. Why do I have to approach a life that is inconsiderate to me with this exaggerated stillness and optimism? Everything outside of me is out of my control, and the people who's control it's under don't even know I exist. Meditation is fine in the perspective of, calming down for the sake of calming down, but it doesn't really change the quality of life
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May 1, 2023
Self-care and medicine both focus on self-improvement. To be kind to yourself and give yourself a chance to heal, you must first love yourself.

These are the same pessimists who ask others for compassion and help, but when they receive it, they are ungrateful. Most people will help you help yourself, but pessimism is a powerful personality trait.

As one's self-awareness grows, so do emotional contentment, financial stability, good health, and fulfilling relationships.

You're well aware that mindfulness and meditation will not help you. You can overcome pessimism by trying new things and sharing what works best for you.
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Mar 29, 2024
While there are reports and research about its effectiveness, there are also reports about people getting worse, much worse even, doing it. Even people killing themselves after being reasonably healthy beforehand. While some also overdid it, that was apparently not always the case, and this phenomenon is clearly underresearched and neglected. Seems to depend on the person then.
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Jan 1, 2024
Sleeping is a form of mindful meditation thats the only meditation for me
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Mar 29, 2024
Sleeping is a form of mindful meditation thats the only meditation for me
I like that one. Looking forward to sleep all day, not being able to fall asleep for hours, devastated when waking up again.
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Sep 1, 2020
Im waaaaaaay past mindfulness and meditation helping me. If it can help someone else, than great for them. To me, I personally think things can't possibly be that bad if some positive self talk and stillness can help, but that's just me. Good luck to anyone who gets any kind of solace from it. I wish the best for everyone no matter what that looks like to them.
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I'm not the dog in the picture
Jun 12, 2023
Meditation is a holy practice, it can take your mind to high states of consciousness (combined with psychedelics it will go higher). If you don't believe me just look at the death of the monk who died by self-immolation, Thich Quang Duc.

How many people would be able to do that? He didn't even move a finger.

Plus some people claim it gets them to experience all sorts of things (I had my fair share before, but lately not so much).

Also, if you take psychedelics, one month later your meditation practice gets a real boost.
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