• Hey Guest,

    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Excellent post RainAndSadness as always and I appreciate your efforts to debunk myths and call out disingenuous, bad faith news reporters and the other pro-lifer groups trying to censor and spread misinformation. I will say that SaSu has benefitted me in a way where I can have a safe-space and a place where I can actually speak my mind without fear of censorship or even be moralized by the majority of others. There is very few other places where one can really speak about the topic of suicide (at least without censorship) and be free from the moralizing agents who like to stigmatize the act itself.

Even the pro-lifers who claim to destigmatize suicide and discussion of suicide are ironically doing the opposite, because by controlling the narrative, and still censoring any other view other than what the status quo and popular view on suicide is, is only going to further stigmatize people who really want to go. If pro-lifers really wished to destigmatize suicide itself, they would have to accept other unpopular views and different views to suicide other than it is wrong and/or it is a disease, but we know that's not going to happen anytime soon. Furthermore, a big step in the medical community is to depathologize and demedicalize suicide itself and recognize that it can be a rational decision made by an independent, legal adult wishing to exercise one's own bodily autonomy. Anyways, I digress a bit, but once again, thank you for your efforts to call out pro-lifers' bullshit as always.
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the Immortal
Jun 28, 2023
It honestly makes me sick to see it. Families especially don't seem to even care until it's too late and by that time when it is too late they don't know what to do with their grief and their guilt so they lash out against other people. I get so sick of seeing "victims" being paraded around in articles to rage bait and used as a weapon against people when their family, their support system (if they had any), and their local government failed them.

These people need to wake up and look in the goddamned mirror. If you care then care now, don't wait to start caring when you all you have left to care about is memories. And stop using your dead family members as a fucking weapon.

Per usual Rain is doing great work. Love you for that! Keep it up. There's too much ignorance in this shitty world we all live in.

I can't agree with this more, if I was brandished around as a puppet after CTB to propagate someone's views against suicide I would come back to life, spit in their face and kill myself again. It's honestly disgusting.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
It would make life easier to rid the medical profession out of the suicide/euthanasia decision-making, because they actually benefit from prolonging people's suffering. The same is true for journalism.
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Jan 13, 2024
This is a really good post, you make great factual points. I don't think the news cares about exposing the method to more people they just care about a catchy title and $
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eepy guy, hoping to CTB with someone else.
Feb 6, 2024
I wouldn't be here (and with a reliable method) if it weren't for the media, which is quite entertaining to me. The BBC are killing just as many people by drawing attention to the "issue". What did they think would happen?
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gave up on life long ago
Feb 13, 2024
If anything sasu kept me from CBT. It has been a giant relief to be able to speak freely here.
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Atheist, Nihilist & Pro-Mortalist
May 14, 2023
I'm from UK and I currently don't use a VPN to access SASU (stupid me because I'm techy, but I may begin to pay for one, or use one of the free ones), so I guess this is going to be the time where I should begin using one. Also, this is the reason why I dropped the idea of using SN to check out because of the hoops you potentially have to jump through to get hold of SN. I live with family and I cannot be bothered with having "welfare checks" when I am on medication and undergoing therapy, but I honestly see little to no improvements because the root/core problems in my life aren't being tackled (severe depression/anxiety, OCD, loneliness, lack of opportunities, poverty, over the top societal standards/expectations, etc, etc.).

I've come to the conclusion that mental health problems cannot be completely fixed and society needs to accept that - it is one of the many things that annoys the f**k out of me about society nowadays, the constant gaslighting I am subjected to from all angles. Euthanasia needs to be legalised in all the developed/western world, pro-lifers + overly religious nutjobs need to get a grip with reality and understand that life isn't for everyone that is born onto this planet. We need a choice! This website is pro-choice, not pro-suicide.
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Jan 12, 2024
I found the site, but



Apr 7, 2023
Yea the site is 404 which I think was part of the point of the article. Scared the vendor off the internet.


Mar 15, 2019
The reporter's approach is absurdly ridiculous and super biased, extreme sensationalism, why didn't he ask about "we know that you sell sodium nitrite, the same "poison" to which it is added in several foods mainly meat", I feel disgusted by this reporter, next time they should ask a car salesman like, "We know that you sell a deadly machine,the cause of thousands of deaths and accidents around the world"pathetic article, and now I'm sure that the rate of CTB will increase, the amount of SN sales also in countries where the sale is easy to acquire, this article had a single purpose to beat the record of imbecile Tantacrul, the "victims" are used only to manipulate the general public and say look this man is indeed a villain.
Yeah. Getting a bit tired of all the endless "restrictions" and "rules" that governments keep imposing on us citizens

After having been on this earth for some decades now, it is clear it is a very selfish and money-driven society, where many times money, benefits, and greed definitely over-power how much they actually care about people's well-beings

As much as I want to believe they are doing this to protect citizens, it is also because they want to maintain their success in controlling and enslaving their "citizens", and things like this (SN, etc.) will cause disruption to their master plans, if it starts spreading

At the end of the day, there is nothing completely wrong with...... On one side, there are people desperately wanting this substance, and then on the other side, there is another person who has this substance, and able to earn a basic living by providing it. It is a fair deal

Why can't people make their own trades, make their own deals, in private, out of their own free wills as mature adults, without always having some bullshit "authority figure" trying to jump in to mess up the process??? We're not kids here

I said this a million times before, and will continue to say it. None of us ask to be here. While we're also guaranteed to die in the end either way. So why can't we at least have the basic freedom to decide when and how we want to leave??? What difference does it make to DELAY our death??? We're going to FUCKING die in the end regardless.................. lol............ just fuck off and leave us the fuck alone...... god damn control freaks
Last edited:
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"A man chooses, a slave obeys."
Sep 7, 2020
I've just bought 3 more bottles of SN, when they arrive I will keep them in different places.
Season 6 Nbc GIF by The Office
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"Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby."
Jul 9, 2021
I'm Angus Crawford, an investigative journalist reporting on the global spread of drug trafficking. It is imperative that we put an end to the countless deaths caused by the opioid epidemic. Per my research, I have identified dozens of foreign dealers who provide and ship precursors worldwide. I flew to these dealers in foreign countries, only to discover that their local laws permit the activity. I cannot foresee myself inadvertently contributing to the drug crisis by publicizing these dealers and mentioning that their activity is not inherently illegal, and I definitely cannot foresee individuals with substance use disorder using deductive reasoning (i.e., a quick Google search) to find out the identifying names of the drugs I was so sure to omit. In the best-case scenario, because bloated bureaucracies and dinosaur policy-makers move so swiftly, my articles will likely lead to these loopholes being patched before any more people get hurt! I pride myself on strictly adhering to the BBC's Editorial Standards.

Once again, mainstream journalism fails to report objectively and reinforces the social stigmas surrounding voluntary, pro-choice euthanasia and the right to die. Yes, even in a rational, sober, and non-impulsive mind—people may feel detained by life against their will. This includes those who have done virtually everything "by the book" involving mental health treatment with honest attempts to remediate their ideations (you know, as human beings are hard-wired with the innate will for survival). We have failed to accept as a society that the desire to depart can be a valid, persistent feeling that we shouldn't ascribe stigmas to, such as "mentally ill" (which is already seeing some semantic controversy in the professional community). We also know that further involuntary commitments and institutionalization only exacerbate human suffering; however, they are an otherwise good means of social control to punish mental health deviance and defer human beings to a place where the only goal is to "keep you alive." There is only one other institution that does that, and it's our prison-industrial complex. Articles like these from the BBC only contribute to the social deviance of those advocating for pro-choice euthanasia legislation and, honestly, marginalization of those who seek the utmost right to self-determination.

I think we have to come to a conclusion one day that "one more bandaid" won't fix these chronic issues—the only ethical solution per the Hippocratic oath would be voluntary, pro-choice euthanasia. If we have that, you won't have these issues you're reporting on. If you truly want to stop the sale of the aforenoted "poison," address the systemic issues underscoring why this forum exists: accept that our institutions surrounding suicide prevention/crisis intervention need significant improvement, that progressive policy-making should allow for a peaceful exit with reasonable good-faith guidelines, and advocate for MAiD and PAD/PAS to become more normalized and widespread. There, individuals wanting to depart can be under the supervision of experts with possible policies such as long-term waiting periods, medication compliance, and attendance with mental health professionals. Then, grassroots communities like these and the sale of (mysterious, non-Googleable substance) would hold less bearing. I'd love to see open-minded journalists advocating for the liberal policies we want to see and even performing some civic engagement with stakeholders on our behalf.

Angus Crawford, I'm sure you believe you're fighting for an ethical cause by cracking down on sellers and convincing regulators to restrict access to this forum. I think it's time to come to terms with the fact that your journalism penalizes individuals affected by the broader systemic failures of our mental health system, and vlllifys those providing what should be administered in a professional environment. Popularizing the very thing you're trying to stop the sale of is not a very effective means of advocacy. As with the U.S.'s story of the War on Drugs, prohibition is largely ineffective, and sellers provide the best harm-reduction to what would otherwise be prolonged suffering or an even more gruesome self-inflicted outcome. I think it's for the best if you rethought your approach before covering more on these issues. While treatment certainly helps those experiencing struggles in their mental health, it doesn't help everyone. For the minority that's forced to participate in life despite irremediable feelings of suffering—options need to be provided for them. You can very well have a nuanced opinion of advocating for those options while being against "pro-suicide" beliefs.
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Unsure and alone

It's a slow fade
Dec 10, 2023
The sleep aid is starting to work , so I'll have to leave any thoughtful replies for later.

It's ironic that as a member on a suicide site
I am worried about all of that media attention.

Though for the opposite reasons of it making peaceful methods harder to accuire.
Thankfully I got enough SN right now.

And because it will probably also increase how many people are trying to attack SaSu .

I wish they wouldn't show the " victims" faces .

Those people chose to die .

Something was wrong elsewhere that lead to that choice.

Yet the media glosses over that .

Yet the media doesn't want to talk about The damage intervention can do.

Just wants to make the most peaceful methods the hardest to acquire.


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Frankly, I wouldn't even credit them with that much. The only way to explain the clickbait headlines and outrageous behavior we've seen, even from news agencies once considered sober and reliable, is a naked grab for eyeballs on their pages. None of them gives the slightest shit whether 10 or 100 or 1,000,000 people off themselves, so long these folks generate a bit of advertising revenue on their way to the void.

Unless someone can think of some other reason why a "reporter" would enter a foreign country in the midst of an invasion in order to A) harass and probably endanger a citizen there, and B) advertise the man's SN-selling side hustle in the most dramatic way possible.

I guess nobody had to worry whether UK citizens would miss the latest address to write to in order to get SN now that SaSu is blocked to everyone in the country who doesn't have a VPN.


Too many mistakes and regrets
Jan 1, 2024
Honestly I don't know why BBC or anyone would bother:
- SN is not an illegal drug
- The man is just selling SN, not suicide kits
- By this logic, how is it different from selling ropes, Charcoals, etc.?

This was so stupid from BBC
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Sep 26, 2018
It would make life easier to rid the medical profession out of the suicide/euthanasia decision-making, because they actually benefit from prolonging people's suffering. The same is true for journalism.
Charlie Munger, who was Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway: "Medical providers artificially prolong death so they can make more money."

Munger compared the experience of a dying old person in American hospitals to that of a carcass on the plains of Africa where vultures, jackals, hyenas and other scavengers swarm around a helpless creature. source
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eepy guy, hoping to CTB with someone else.
Feb 6, 2024
Frankly, I wouldn't even credit them with that much. The only way to explain the clickbait headlines and outrageous behavior we've seen, even from news agencies once considered sober and reliable, is a naked grab for eyeballs on their pages. None of them gives the slightest shit whether 10 or 100 or 1,000,000 people off themselves, so long these folks generate a bit of advertising revenue on their way to the void.

Unless someone can think of some other reason why a "reporter" would enter a foreign country in the midst of an invasion in order to A) harass and probably endanger a citizen there, and B) advertise the man's SN-selling side hustle in the most dramatic way possible.

I guess nobody had to worry whether UK citizens would miss the latest address to write to in order to get SN now that SaSu is blocked to everyone in the country who doesn't have a VPN.
It's blocked in the UK under the general parental controls set by ISPs, but I think you can still access the site with those options disabled. I can, at least.


Jun 26, 2020
If anything sasu kept me from CBT. It has been a giant relief to be able to speak freely here.
I 100%, in fact 1 billion % agree. Having a loving family here that KNOWS what I have been through and also up against is everything period.

BBC can go to hell.

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Dec 17, 2021
One must remember that the BBC is a government mouthpiece.
Governments and religious organizations are vehemently opposed to suicide for two reasons:

1. Dead people don't tithe.
2. Dead people don't pay taxes.
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Feb 18, 2023
This I so triggering to me because I believe I was sectioned after this person was arrested. I wish I would have known what to say to the police when they came. I would have avoided so much pain and trauma. I can't believe I was involved in this crazy scandal. Not sure how to move through this trigger. It's intense. I can't be the only one.
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Unsure and alone

It's a slow fade
Dec 10, 2023
This I so triggering to me because I believe I was sectioned after this person was arrested. I wish I would have known what to say to the police when they came. I would have avoided so much pain and trauma. I can't believe I was involved in this crazy scandal. Not sure how to move through this trigger. It's intense. I can't be the only one.
Hugs. There seems to be a tech issue limiting me to the like option or nothing 😕
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Dec 1, 2023
this world is fucked up, i can't say more. Sorry for off-topic
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Feb 23, 2024
These journalists make me sick. Instead of trying to help people that are suffering to such a degree that ending their lives seems like the best solution, they instead waste their time virtue signaling and spreading lies and misinformation in order to make it more difficult for those suffering to access a relatively painless method of ending their misery. This is the same nonlogic used by domestic terrorists in the United States that want to commit tyranny by stripping law abiding citizens of their inalienable, Constitutional Right to Bear Arms under the guise of stopping mentally I'll individuals from committing murder.
If someone is determined to CTB, they will find a way.
Possibly even worse is their sickening attempt to shut down one of, if not the only, resource for depressed people to speak about their issues without fear of judgement , and connect with others who understand them and who suffering with the same struggles.

I only very recently created an account, but I have been a lurker for quite some time. I can honestly say that this site does not promote or encourage people to end their lives and it has saved the lives of infinitely more people than BBC ever will. Many people are pushed over the edge because they feel alone and have no one to talk to, no one who understands them and won't judge them. This site provides just that; a safe haven for people tired of life to discuss their issues with others who understand; so it can not (this website) honestly be construed to be anything other than a light at the end of the tunnel, or a last hope, for those teetering on the edge of life and death.

Just because this site is pro-choice doesn't mean it encourages people to kill themselves, any more than people who are pro-choice (for abortion) encourage people to have abortions.
The fact that BBC are so desperate to rob people who feel they have nothing left to live for of potentially the last resource that can provide them even a semblance of hope makes me physically sick. If anything, what they are doing will cause more people to make the ultimate decision to CTB. I hope they are proud of themselves. Ugh 🤢 🤮
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Confused loser
Oct 25, 2023
Great job rain for debunking those false article that misrepresent this site, you know it's funny that you mention that the journo ironicly promoting this SN substance cause in my country there's a homocide case where this person murder her parent's using a certain poison, and when the news inform us about this, well idk if it was intentional or not but the media show us the poison that the murderer use to kill his parents and also where to buy it

And yea i admited that im living in a 3rd world country where suicide awareness is pretty low, but it's still funny that they actually show us the poison, it shows that the media (most of them) were just chasing clout, or they just blatantly stupid
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Feb 23, 2024
This bs is only pushing me closer to ctb. I had found this source about a month ago on my own, but have been holding off making an order because I want to do more research to make sure I'm not at too much of a risk of getting a welfare check, as well as I want to have it delivered to a PO box so I don't need to worry about my family questioning my sketchy package coming from Ukraine. But now that the BBC has made this source much more in the open, I feel like I've gotta either expedite a possible purchase from this source before it becomes more well-known to media and customs in my country, or wait for a new source to pop up if this one gets either shut down or too risky to order from.
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Feb 6, 2020
So the new source is gone now? Fuck sake. Sick of this bullshit.. it's always the BBC! Have they nothing better to do?? I hate this country.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
I'm honestly perplexed about this whole thing. The website is either legal or illegal. I cannot join an Al-Qaeda website because Al-Qaeda is sufficiently illegal. Whereas this site is clearly legal because it's available. Simple as.

Then, regarding the SN propaganda? It's clearly propagated on this website, sorry to break it to you. I'm not against it, I'm a pro-mortalist. But I would agree with rabid woke liberals in this regard - if you're not actively censoring something, you are promoting it.

Now, the moment when you're Ukrainian, but can't buy it lmao. Alright, I have bought mine, but from a local supplier, and the bottle says it's from Germany. I just wish people tested that one, not this overpriced international shipping one.

And yes, this source has disappeared. Successfully shooed away by the normies. Sadge.

I'm highly curious how the current war in my country is possible at all when anyone here has apparently always had access to such an easy method of opposition to the cruel government. Normies!

But yeah, should buy it while it's available. I learned it the hard way when the lewd videos I procrastinated to download disappeared forever.

Possibly even worse is their sickening attempt to shut down one of, if not the only, resource for depressed people to speak about their issues without fear of judgement , and connect with others who understand them and who suffering with the same struggles.
But aren't there more online spaces, such as 4chan or the incel forum? They have free speech, too. Or maybe something in non-English languages which are wilder and freeer?


"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
God I hope we don't permanently lose him as a source.

Pumpernickel Bandit

New Member
Mar 1, 2024
I literally found this site (godsend btw) because of that report. Now I have a forum of people who actually get "it" and won't make me feel like a jackass for wanting to be one with the sea or inhale my own CO2 in a plastic bag. :hmph:
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Feb 23, 2024
I'm honestly perplexed about this whole thing. The website is either legal or illegal. I cannot join an Al-Qaeda website because Al-Qaeda is sufficiently illegal. Whereas this site is clearly legal because it's available. Simple as.

Then, regarding the SN propaganda? It's clearly propagated on this website, sorry to break it to you. I'm not against it, I'm a pro-mortalist. But I would agree with rabid woke liberals in this regard - if you're not actively censoring something, you are promoting it.

Now, the moment when you're Ukrainian, but can't buy it lmao. Alright, I have bought mine, but from a local supplier, and the bottle says it's from Germany. I just wish people tested that one, not this overpriced international shipping one.

And yes, this source has disappeared. Successfully shooed away by the normies. Sadge.

I'm highly curious how the current war in my country is possible at all when anyone here has apparently always had access to such an easy method of opposition to the cruel government. Normies!

But yeah, should buy it while it's available. I learned it the hard way when the lewd videos I procrastinated to download disappeared forever.

But aren't there more online spaces, such as 4chan or the incel forum? They have free speech, too. Or maybe something in non-English languages which are wilder and freeer?
I suppose so, but this site is for a more specific portion of the population. I'm not an incel and I'm sure many others on here aren't either. Trying to seriously discuss depression, CTB, and ask advice about such topics with a bunch of incels would have less than optimal results. Most of the people on here are nice, helpful, and aren't trolls.
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