

Jun 18, 2019
So many people on this site are trying to CTB but are unable to do so. So what makes me think I'll be successful? What's so special about me?

In 2017: 47,173 Americans died by suicide and an estimated 1.4 million attempted. That's a success rate of 3.3%. It would be easier to get into Harvard (acceptance rate of 5.4% for 2016-2017).

Elsewhere: "it is generally estimated that there are 25 attempts for one death by suicide" (4%)

I'm desperate to escape this terrible existence, but am losing hope. Why does this have to be so hard?!
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Physically ill suffering couch potato
Jul 5, 2019
Things like this scare me very much :/

Are there more in depth statistics for the failures?

I mean a lot of those is probably otc medication, or commonly prescribed drugs (benzo, opiates and such)
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Jun 18, 2019
Things like this scare me very much :/

Are there more in depth statistics for the failures?

I mean a lot of those is probably otc medication, or commonly prescribed drugs (benzo, opiates and such)

The number of attempts per hospital data was 575,000. No breakdown of that on the site, but the info may be elsewhere. The 1.4 million number was extrapolated to the population from survey data.


No alarms, and no surprises...
Jul 21, 2019
I imagine most attempts are half-assed and/or poorly carried out, without proper planning or knowledge. So the failure rate is high.
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Jun 18, 2019
I imagine most attempts are half-assed and/or poorly carried out, without proper planning or knowledge. So the failure rate is high.
Yes, agreed. But on the other hand, a certain amount of impulsivity may be needed. The best option is a well planned method that can be accessed during impulsive moments.
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No alarms, and no surprises...
Jul 21, 2019
Yes, agreed. But on the other hand, a certain amount of impulsivity may be needed. The best option is a well planned method that can be accessed during impulsive moments.
My method (carbon monoxide from chemical reaction) takes careful planning and consideration of many variables, little room for impulsiveness. But yes, if I could do it on whim, it would be easier, better.
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Jul 7, 2019
not only are most attempts are half-assed, a big portion of them is made with extremely ineffective methods like cutting and OD'ing with over the counter pills, also a large number of those attempts are just a call for attention made by people who don't actually want to die or are just really impulsive and have made 0 to none research on the topic.

but i agree, CTB seems really hard to pull off correctly, there is a huge risk of failing even with the best possible methods, every body is different and the possibility of ending so crippled that you can't even try to CTB again is still there and that is hearth crushing for some of us.
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
With hanging–or my backup, shotgun to the stem–the odds go up significantly. Those are my methods and I like to think my chances of ctb are about the same as a white middle class kid getting into a bottom tier state school... only if I really fuck up should there be a problem
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Aug 6, 2019
In 2017: 47,173 Americans died by suicide and an estimated 1.4 million attempted. That's a success rate of 3.3%. It would be easier to get into Harvard (acceptance rate of 5.4% for 2016-2017).

The optimist in me can't help but note that Harvard admits less that 47,000 students a year, so suicides are more common than Harvard admissions.

I think that bodes well for my chances.
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Professional Suicide Attempter
Jul 23, 2019
Yes, i agree that it is hard to ctb, but 4%? That's exaggerated. Take a look at lostallhope statistics.

Even if you choose the worst method, you have a better chance to die than that. I don't know how the people who said there's only 4% success rate did their research. They probably count putting a plastic bag around your head and taking it off two seconds later as a suicide attempt.
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Apr 29, 2019
Are these numbers Before A or After his Death?
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Aug 6, 2019
Even if you choose the worst method, you have a better chance to die than that. I don't know how the people who said there's only 4% success rate did their research.

Because suicide attempts are over reported these days (due to our hysterical "safety" culture) and actual suicides are underreported (due to taboo and practical issues).

On that note, met a nice woman in the psych ward once who was feeling depressed and drinking heavily and reached out to a friend ... who called the cops and had her committed for a suicide attempt of trying to OD on alcohol. She wasn't trying to die at all, of course. (To say nothing of the people I've known who did the "suicidal gesture as a a cry for help" thing.) On the other side of the coin, I have a relative who got drunk and threw himself in front of a truck, and have known plenty of folks who went off to war to die (and succeeded), none of whom were recorded as suicides. For that matter, if I'd actually succeeded in drinking myself to death, I wouldn't end up being recorded as a suicide, either.

Most of the serious research on suicide acknowledges this, but there's just not much they can do to reliably sort out serious suicide attempts from cries for help or determine which "accidental" deaths are actually not accidental. (Fatal drug ODs are a big problem in this regard. Is it high tolerance, unreliable purity or did someone stick the needle in with suicidal intent? No way to know.)
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Jun 18, 2019
Well what about chronically being in a pre-attempt state? I think this is pretty common on this site. Like setting up a hanging apparatus but never being able to pass out. Or visiting jump sites multiple times but not being able to plunge. I think the stats on this would be worse. What makes me think I can do it if others are struggling so hard with it?

Addition: these are called aborted attempts. There's also an entity known as a suicide rehearsal.
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Jul 24, 2019
Well what about chronically being in a pre-attempt state? I think this is pretty common on this site. Like setting up a hanging apparatus but never being able to pass out. Or visiting jump sites multiple times but not being able to plunge. I think the stats on this would be worse. What makes me think I can do it if others are struggling so hard with it?
I've had my materials for weeks now. Right now I just can't do it even though I am in such emotional pain
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Dec 1, 2019
suicide comes in many different ways and reported differently or not at all. I know of 6 suicides (2 that are family, close friend related) and I don't get out much if ya know what I mean. if you want it bad enough, plan it, research a well known successful method and actually follow through it will eventually happen
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May 6, 2018
Most people don't apply to Harvard though. If every single fresh high school graduate were to apply, the admission rate would be significantly lower.

Not that this takes away from the main point of your post.
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
In fact, CTB is not difficult. If you follow the instructions, SN is safe enough. Maybe SN is not so peaceful as N but still peaceful and reliable. If people are still worried, I think it's related to SI. If you have Sn and all other drugs, you have a reliable and peaceful exit. I have a peaceful method but I'm still here because of the SI.
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Sep 9, 2019
Well what about chronically being in a pre-attempt state? I think this is pretty common on this site. Like setting up a hanging apparatus but never being able to pass out. Or visiting jump sites multiple times but not being able to plunge. I think the stats on this would be worse. What makes me think I can do it if others are struggling so hard with it?

Addition: these are called aborted attempts. There's also an entity known as a suicide rehearsal.
yeah ive been in this boat :(
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I sank so she could swim
Apr 26, 2019
Not sure if someone has already said this yet but in my opinion I think a lot of 'attempts' aren't genuine attempts, at least half the time, more like a cry for help hence why the statistic for it is so awful. If you methodically plan & want to ensure it works, your odds are going to look a hell of a lot better.
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Dec 1, 2019
Not sure if someone has already said this yet but in my opinion I think a lot of 'attempts' aren't genuine attempts, at least half the time, more like a cry for help hence why the statistic for it is so awful. If you methodically plan & want to ensure it works, your odds are going to look a hell of a lot better.
your right.
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