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Feb 9, 2021
I'm a relatively sane adult as well as a sexually dominant woman with many fellow femdom friends. I've also been in multiple LDRs.

Any relationship destined to last, let alone happily, is a two way street. That doesn't mean it's literally transactional, but it means both of you are providing love and care for one another in a way that's emotionally sustainable for both parties. Caretaking even for the most functional of disabled people is unbelievably brutal mentally and physically and is completely different from even a 24/7 BDSM dynamic. Even if a person has the finances to pull it off, doing it for decades on end completely breaks a person. If understanding this doesn't make your heart break for your girlfriend, then she deserves a million times better.

Also, you can be with someone in an LDR year after year, but until you've been with them in a long-term domestic situation, you have no idea what you're getting into. I'm saying this as someone who has fallen into this exact trap.

Yes, your parents should've loved you unconditionally, but that's not how adult love works, and no matter how stunted/hurt you are, your actions now have the consequences of an adult's. I'm in the same boat (see my name), but now it's my job to heal and end the generations-long cycle of suffering.

As others have pointed out, there's no way to truly mentally revert. Even if there was, the best case scenario for you would be your girlfriend sacrificing everything she ever could have had in life and becoming a husk of a person to babysit you. The best case scenario for her, which I'd find more likely, is that she'd gtfo. Even the biggest doormats put their foot down eventually.
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Oct 11, 2022
This guy has to be a troll surely. The more i read the thread the more ridiculous it is.
I was going to suggest to op a drug free approach. Find out where Mike Tyson lives, do/say something to anger him and have him uppercut you. I mean you might have to use a breathing tube for the rest of your life and have uncontrollable drooling but I suppose it could work šŸ˜‚
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Jul 17, 2023
And what if she doesn't?
Then that means she was lying to me.
Please hear me out

!I'm not describing a fetish!

Have you thought about adult baby (diaper lover) ?

It's basically where adults go into "little space" and they become a baby. The age can be wide but it's mostly baby / 3 to 5 year old.

Yes some people do this because it's a fetish but others do this to be able to cope with trauma. They relive their childhood in a safe way.

You have the decision to go into little space whenever you want and your girlfriend can take care of you, feed you, change your diaper, give you baths ,....

You can make a room where u have a baby bed and other toys

This isn't a permanent damaging decision like you want to achieve but it's a healthy way of reliving your childhood.
I do have a thing between me and her that's MDLG but I don't think I'll be able to go completely baby
I'm a relatively sane adult as well as a sexually dominant woman with many fellow femdom friends. I've also been in multiple LDRs.

Any relationship destined to last, let alone happily, is a two way street. That doesn't mean it's literally transactional, but it means both of you are providing love and care for one another in a way that's emotionally sustainable for both parties. Caretaking even for the most functional of disabled people is unbelievably brutal mentally and physically and is completely different from even a 24/7 BDSM dynamic. Even if a person has the finances to pull it off, doing it for decades on end completely breaks a person. If understanding this doesn't make your heart break for your girlfriend, then she deserves a million times better.

Also, you can be with someone in an LDR year after year, but until you've been with them in a long-term domestic situation, you have no idea what you're getting into. I'm saying this as someone who has fallen into this exact trap.

Yes, your parents should've loved you unconditionally, but that's not how adult love works, and no matter how stunted/hurt you are, your actions now have the consequences of an adult's. I'm in the same boat (see my name), but now it's my job to heal and end the generations-long cycle of suffering.

As others have pointed out, there's no way to truly mentally revert. Even if there was, the best case scenario for you would be your girlfriend sacrificing everything she ever could have had in life and becoming a husk of a person to babysit you. The best case scenario for her, which I'd find more likely, is that she'd gtfo. Even the biggest doormats put their foot down eventually.
How would it be a trap? If I've known her long and known what she looks and sounds like, how is it a trap?
I was going to suggest to op a drug free approach. Find out where Mike Tyson lives, do/say something to anger him and have him uppercut you. I mean you might have to use a breathing tube for the rest of your life and have uncontrollable drooling but I suppose it could work šŸ˜‚
What's the way to do it within pissing off a person?


Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
How would it be a trap? If I've known her long and known what she looks and sounds like, how is it a trap?
It usually is one, and I wouldn't call it a trap. You seem to be putting a lot of this on your girlfriend without actually thinking about your end of things. Instead of focusing on how she'd be a liar and setting you up for a trap, maybe you should consider what you'd do if it didn't work out? Or how you would work to avoid her leaving you?

Answer this: You move in with your girlfriend and she tells you she can't take care of you and that it's too much work. What would you do?
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Oct 30, 2023
The only thing that does this is a lobotomy they probably don't do it anymore


Jul 17, 2023
It usually is one, and I wouldn't call it a trap. You seem to be putting a lot of this on your girlfriend without actually thinking about your end of things. Instead of focusing on how she'd be a liar and setting you up for a trap, maybe you should consider what you'd do if it didn't work out? Or how you would work to avoid her leaving you?

Answer this: You move in with your girlfriend and she tells you she can't take care of you and that it's too much work. What would you do?
Then she lied to me all this time and what happens next is something I don't know but know I'm going to regret after but don't care because it would be her fault.
The only thing that does this is a lobotomy they probably don't do it anymore
Yeah I'm not surprised surgeries are being cancelled for not being "correct" anymore.


Anyways Now that I've seemingly replied to all I could, the fact that I'm getting so much pushback for wanting to not suffer but not wanting to die really puts the integrity of the morals of the people here in question.

There was literally someone on this site saying they wanted to shoot themselves in front of everyone at prom and no one batted an eye. Yet I can't be a kid again because "it might traumatize your girlfriend".

There was literally a guy on here who admitted to "accidentally" looking at CHILD PORN and asked if he was a pedophile (yes you are) and he didn't get any pushback at all

Oh and lets not forget the time that someone literally made a post saying "N****rs really love TV" where he was being racist to his black roommate and all that resulted was the mods allowing him to edit the title and description to hide his racism, and locking the thread. In fact that same guy is still active TODAY.

But the moment I said "I wanna be a kid again and my gf said she didn't mind taking care of me", it's immediately a problem


Feb 9, 2021
"it might traumatize your girlfriend"
Understatement of the year.

"I wanna be a kid again and my gf said she didn't mind taking care of me"
Yet you won't discuss this with her. Makes it even more obvious that she would be unhappy and it would ruin her life and you know this. A traumatized person putting up with you after you've done something unforgivable doesn't make it OK or mean that they're OK. I hope you don't have this attitude with her in other aspects of your relationship. I'm genuinely becoming really worried for this woman.

I can't speak to anything else that's gone on in the community because I don't spend a lot of time here. It sounds like it has issues if those are objective descriptions of things that have happened. But worry about yourself first and the massive blinders you're putting up to the very reasonable points most people are making. The vast majority of people outside this forum would be telling you the exact same stuff.
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Jul 17, 2023
Understatement of the year.

Yet you won't discuss this with her. Makes it even more obvious that she would be unhappy and it would ruin her life and you know this. A traumatized person putting up with you after you've done something unforgivable doesn't make it OK or mean that they're OK. I hope you don't have this attitude with her in other aspects of your relationship. I'm genuinely becoming really worried for this woman.

I can't speak to anything else that's gone on in the community because I don't spend a lot of time here. It sounds like it has issues if those are objective descriptions of things that have happened. But worry about yourself first and the massive blinders you're putting up to the very reasonable points most people are making. The vast majority of people outside this forum would be telling you the exact same stuff.
I love how you didn't counter anything below it and just mentioned these few parts out of many. And I DO know she'd be okay. During a work related mental breakdown, I said something akin to "Your the mommy, you should provide". At the time I didn't mean it but after I said that she agreed and said she'd be fine with that. You don't know our relationship and you didn't bother to ask because it doesn't suit your narrative, you're not gonna convince me otherwise.


Jun 27, 2023
Please think this through a bit more thoughly. Being disabled is not easy. You aren't guaranteed a caregiver. Even if you have one right now that's subject to change. Government assistance, in most places is difficult or impossible to obtain.

Not being able to work is a horrific position to be in. You would be making yourself completely vulnerable to the whims of the people around you.

Also worth mentioning that no disability in the world will make you into a child again, because disabled adults are not children. They are adults.

Even with reduced physical and/or mental capacity, you would still feel the full range of adult emotions. Sometimes, even more so. People who suffer from traumatic brain injuries often struggle with emotional regulation to an extreme degree, for example.

The concept of "mental age" as it relates to disability is both outdated and flawed. (In most cases)

I understand wishing you had one disability instead of another. I've been there. Fuck, I am there most of the time.

But you cannot become a child again. Humans age. That's just nature.

You have a right to choose what you do. You have autonomy. You can choose to debilitate yourself. But please be careful. Because doing so (often) means being robbed of your ability to choose anything. Even decisions as simple as what to wear, eat and when to go to bed are taken out of the hands of disabled people.

You're welcome to make any choice you want. But you should know the risks of your choices before you make them. Being disabled is not fun. It is not a state of eternal childhood.
I second everything you said! Couldn't agree more.
Well explained too.


Feb 9, 2021
I literally did counter it. I'm wondering if you read my post now. Also, you ignored the entirety of my previous posts which had lots of incredibly valid points. So no, I don't feel obligated to go into great detail when replying to you. You're not actually a baby in an adult's body, you know?

I never once said she 100% wouldn't care for you, but nice strawman, among a million others.
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Jul 17, 2023
I literally did counter it. I'm wondering if you read my post now. Also, you ignored the entirety of my previous posts which had lots of incredibly valid points. So no, I don't feel obligated to go into great detail when replying to you. You're not actually a baby in an adult's body, you know?

I never once said she 100% wouldn't care for you, but nice strawman, among a million others.
Well if she would care for me and literally said she'd be fine with it then clearly there's no issue.


Jun 27, 2023
Guardians Of The Galaxy Seriously GIF by Leroy Patterson

Slf am typng hw am bcse of a v dp-seatd emotnl & neurologcl copng mechnsm frm trma whch ws re-triggrd & thn triggrd agn b/ hypnoss -- th/ othr usr also hs thr own trmas & lfe = horrfc fr bth slf & thm

Tht = v dffrnt t/ 'b-ing a chld' - altho childhd trma = prt of wht ws re-triggrd -- bt am goin2 b honst tht equ8tng th/ 2 = sersly lackng in senstvty

Am jst goin2 add tht slf hd a an amazng & lovng partnr b4 ths epsde & evnts hve takng thm & n.e futre wth thm awy

Only specfc trma - eithr new or re-triggrd - wll mke sme1 regrss emotnlly in2 b-ing a chld bt evn thn u prbbly wld nt b flly awre of wht = happnng

Slf cn only sggest eithr gttng sme profssnl hlp t/ xplore Y u r avoidng adult-hd t/ th/ xtent tht u r or try smethng lke chld-ply whch othr ppl hve dne bt slf cnnt gurntee tht ur partnr wll rspond postvly t/ tht dynamc

U d/ nt hve t/ b physclly dsabld in ordr t/ b depndnt on anothr persn & avd adlt lfe

My brain can't even read the whole thing because of the short forms of whatever that is that you used to write every single sentence. (English is my third language)


time heals nothing.
Jan 7, 2024
My brain can't even read the whole thing because of the short forms of whatever that is that you used to write every single sentence. (English is my third language)
Would you like a translation? (this isn't supposed to come off as rude or anything, genuinely asking)


Feb 9, 2021
Well if she would care for me and literally said she'd be fine with it then clearly there's no issue.
As I explained, there are many different kinds of caretaking and they mean very, very different things and affect the caretaker in incredibly different ways. I think you know this deep down, and I am absolutely certain your girlfriend does. You can feign ignorance to it, but it will not change the reality nor her justified feelings of deep betrayal. Nobody in their right mind can claim to know how she will react if/when what you'll do comes to light. But I can promise you it likely will not be favorable to what you're hoping to achieve.

I am genuinely incredibly sorry you've suffered as much as you have for so long and that your parents failed you. I'm in the same position. But you can be the person you need and others need instead of perpetuating the cycle of pain and abuse.


Oct 30, 2023
Seems like they're trolling.
Last edited:
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Feb 9, 2021
Seems like a troll to me.
It's entirely possible. Either way, I wish you and the girlfriend you may/may not have the best, OP. I don't think anyone spending a lot of time on these forums is doing well.


time heals nothing.
Jan 7, 2024
Thanks for asking!
You can give the translation if you have time.
Here it goes, tagging it as a spoiler tho because there's a reason they write like this:
I am typing how I am because of a very deep-seated emotional and neurological coping mechanism from trauma which was retriggered and then triggered again by hypnosis - the other user also has their own traumas and life. It's horrific for both me and them.

That is very different to 'being a child' - although childhood trauma is part of what was retriggered. But I'm going to be honest that equating the two is seriously lacking sensitivity.

I'm just going to add that I had an amazing and loving partner before this episode and events have taken them and any future with them away.

Only specific trauma - either new or retriggered - will make someone regress emotionally into being a child but even then you probably would not be fully aware of what's happening.

I can only suggest either getting some professional help to explore why you are avoiding adulthood to that extent that you are or try something like child play which other people have done but I can't guarantee that your partner will respond positively to that dynamic.

You don't have to be physically disabled in order to be dependent on another person and avoid adult life.

I hope there aren't to many typos, will check in a moment.
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Jul 17, 2023
Seems like they're trolling.
I'm really not. Please go fuck yourself.
As I explained, there are many different kinds of caretaking and they mean very, very different things and affect the caretaker in incredibly different ways. I think you know this deep down, and I am absolutely certain your girlfriend does. You can feign ignorance to it, but it will not change the reality nor her justified feelings of deep betrayal. Nobody in their right mind can claim to know how she will react if/when what you'll do comes to light. But I can promise you it likely will not be favorable to what you're hoping to achieve.

I am genuinely incredibly sorry you've suffered as much as you have for so long and that your parents failed you. I'm in the same position. But you can be the person you need and others need instead of perpetuating the cycle of pain and abuse.
Again, you cannot convince me otherwise. I will find a method to turn me into a child again


Feb 9, 2021
You're an adult, and it's your decision. I guess I thought it might be worth explaining the obvious, but I don't think you're in a place where you can even comprehend it on any meaningful level. I feel for your partner, though. I know what it's like to be with someone who flagrantly betrays your boundaries and basic needs and leaves you as an empty husk. There is hardly a worse type of partner out there. You may be unwell, but it won't make your actions any less egregious nor her reactions to them any less justified.


Dec 12, 2023
I'll go with that method I guess. I just need to find a legal way to get it and what amount will make me feel childlike.

It would be a lot less onerous on your girlfriend if you both moved to a place where weed is legal. Then you can experiment with how much to use.

Also it won't exactly make you feel childlike per se but it will help you get fully absorbed into that nostalgic fantasy which means you will completely forget all your troubles for as long as you're focused on the fantasy.

There is no way to truly be a child again but you can have moments where you feel enough like one that you trick yourself into being happy.


Jul 17, 2023
You're an adult, and it's your decision. I guess I thought it might be worth explaining the obvious, but I don't think you're in a place where you can even comprehend it on any meaningful level. I feel for your partner, though. I know what it's like to be with someone who flagrantly betrays your boundaries and basic needs and leaves you as an empty husk. There is hardly a worse type of partner out there. You may be unwell, but it won't make your actions any less egregious nor her reactions to them any less justified.
There is no "comprehension" to be had. I know what I want. You cannot convince me otherwise.
It would be a lot less onerous on your girlfriend if you both moved to a place where weed is legal. Then you can experiment with how much to use.

Also it won't exactly make you feel childlike per se but it will help you get fully absorbed into that nostalgic fantasy which means you will completely forget all your troubles for as long as you're focused on the fantasy.

There is no way to truly be a child again but you can have moments where you feel enough like one that you trick yourself into being happy.
If it wont make me childlike then why bother?
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Dec 12, 2023
I thought you wanted to be childlike because you wanted to be happy. Becoming severely disabled might make you childlike but it won't make you happy at all, and this is only being temporarily childlike but it will make you temporarily happy.

It's up to you but this is an actionable solution that won't take you past a point of no return like severe disability would. What if you wind up regretting your choices in the future? You'll have a lot more opportunity to recover and change paths after the weed solution than the severe disability solution.


Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
Tired of this thread on my feed. Can we stop feeding them please.
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Jun 27, 2023
I hope there aren't to many typos, will check in a moment.
I'm so sorry, I didn't know the reason of why you or the other person writes like that. I just asked because I couldn't bring myself to read it all. It was making me feel overstimulated mentally.
Thanks that you took your time to translate. People here are so good!
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time heals nothing.
Jan 7, 2024
I'm so sorry, I didn't know the reason of why you or the other person writes like that. I just asked because I couldn't bring myself to read it all. It was making me feel overstimulated mentally.
Thanks that you took your time to translate. People here are so good!
Oh right, I forgot to explain the important part. It's also explained on their profile but I can understand that it can be hard to read.
To sum it up: it triggers them if they read their written texts so they write in a way that makes it hard for them to easily read it again.
And no problem, happy to be of some help :)
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Please do not take anything i say to heart.
Sep 9, 2023
Once I move out, I plan on giving myself injuries/drugs to make myself a kid again. My girlfriend already assumes the role of a "mommy" to me. (Both SFW and NSFW) She's worried about me doing something like this but I know she will love me regardless if I do it or not. Why injure myself in such a way? Simple, I hate being an adult. I would just CTB for this and tell the angels "I'm sorry but I couldn't do it" but I love her too much to put her through the pain of me CTBing and she said she would CTB if she did and I want her to live a full life if I pass away. So to compromise, I want to take away 90% of the reasons I hate existing by making myself a kid forever. I'll be naive and happier, and being disabled means I never have to work again (work being one of the many reasons I self harm). How would I go about doing this? Just pretending isn't enough.
Im sorry but overall its an extremely risky idea and even if you get minimal harm, there isnt a way you can handicap yourself to become a child.


Jul 17, 2023
I thought you wanted to be childlike because you wanted to be happy. Becoming severely disabled might make you childlike but it won't make you happy at all, and this is only being temporarily childlike but it will make you temporarily happy.

It's up to you but this is an actionable solution that won't take you past a point of no return like severe disability would. What if you wind up regretting your choices in the future? You'll have a lot more opportunity to recover and change paths after the weed solution than the severe disability solution.
The point is I want to be like a child. If weed can't do it why bother with it?
Tired of this thread on my feed. Can we stop feeding them please.
Is there not a way to mute the thread in your notifs?
Im sorry but overall its an extremely risky idea and even if you get minimal harm, there isnt a way you can handicap yourself to become a child.
I find that hard to believe
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