
Nov 12, 2018
If any of you suffer from traumatic dreams or persistent nightmares,you might want to look into lucid dreaming.
The first step in learning how to do this is to immediately record your dreams as soon as you wake up,everyday,if possible.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
Last night I dreamt I went to Vegas. Somehow my dad came along which is strange since he's not even allowed in the US :pfff:

I went over to meet someone I've talked to on here. We had a great time and we talked and smoked a bunch.

We went out to the casinos and I would only play on the blackjack and poker tables since they are the onky games I'd be comfortable playing in a casino. The odds were in my favour on blackjack and I won big.

We celebrated with some very expensive looking champagne and whiskey and ended up at a place called Pami's Chicken & Kebab before heading back to her place.

Then I woke up to a wasp being in my room, I let it out and went back to bed.

Then I dreamt that wasps were attacking while I was walking down a street near my house.


Jul 19, 2020
My exceptionally vivid dreams have been continuing. All I remember from last night was being at a birthday pool party and assembling a bunch of the young party guests into a choir to sing a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" for the guest of honor. Well, we ended up starting to sing "Jingle Bells" for some reason, but I never really got to do it, because my husband woke me up, upset at me for sleep-talking loudly, apparently. When I woke up, my arms were in a cuing position for conducting. I'm sure it's connected to my desire to teach and make music again. I feel empty without that in my life.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
My exceptionally vivid dreams have been continuing. All I remember from last night was being at a birthday pool party and assembling a bunch of the young party guests into a choir to sing a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" for the guest of honor. Well, we ended up starting to sing "Jingle Bells" for some reason, but I never really got to do it, because my husband woke me up, upset at me for sleep-talking loudly, apparently. When I woke up, my arms were in a cuing position for conducting. I'm sure it's connected to my desire to teach and make music again. I feel empty without that in my life.
That sounds amazing, its been so long since I've been in a choir. You should try to get back into teaching and making music again if you can. I've lost my drive to continue playing but I pick up my guitar once in a while.

I've been told I talk in my sleep, they usually tell me its nonsensical jibberish usually. What were you saying in your sleep?
Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
Last night I dreamt I was back in my school, but it was pretty dark. There were a lot of people there who didn't go to my school and I knew from other places.

There was a windmill next to the music block where I used to hang out. Kids were climbing up it and throwing stuff off from the top once they got there.

There was a school disco planned for the night, which I guess is why it was dark. I was never one for school discos or proms, I would never dance or go in the first place. This one was different though the music was actually decent and people looked like they were enjoying themselves. The dogs set was at the top of the windmill, no idea how he got it up there.

This girl I had a crush on came up to me in the disco with a small daisy chain which I replaced my earing with. We danced and we laughed, she looked happy. We hugged each other when a slow dance came on and at the end of the night we kissed. It was nice. I woke up.

draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
I dreamt a bunch of weird shit and usually posted it on twitter. I'll share a dream that bugs me for weeks after having it.

I was getting chased by someone through my house and my neighborhood. I managed to escape by running to the security and made my way back to my house. I met my friend there. We kissed. We've kissed before in real life, but instead of immediately looking away after kissing (I think they still feel guilty kissing me because they were my first and we aren't dating, but we're not stopping either), in the dream, they looked at me and smiled so sweetly. I woke up feeling incredibly lonely and longing.... I wrote an almost 2000 words story based on the last part of this dream lol
Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I dreamt a bunch of weird shit and usually posted it on twitter. I'll share a dream that bugs me for weeks after having it.

I was getting chased by someone through my house and my neighborhood. I managed to escape by running to the security and made my way back to my house. I met my friend there. We kissed. We've kissed before in real life, but instead of immediately looking away after kissing (I think they still feel guilty kissing me because they were my first and we aren't dating, but we're not stopping either), in the dream, they looked at me and smiled so sweetly. I woke up feeling incredibly lonely and longing.... I wrote an almost 2000 words story based on the last part of this dream lol
Man that sounds rough. I get that a lot after waking up from a dream. Life always looks nicer in my sleep lol

I hope there's some way for your dreams with this person to work out in real life. If you ever feel like sharing the full thing I'd love to read it. Hugs :hug:
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Jul 19, 2020
I slept for ten hours last night. Much needed after not sleeping for the two nights before.

Weirdest and worst dream yet. There were many stories that included me going to school, my family trying to take care of me, a musical performance, and a funeral of a student. The last story was the hardest. It was me in a psych ward.
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Seawater and stardust
Dec 30, 2019
This was not recent, but memorable: I dreamed we were in contact with a race of aliens. The aliens had plenty of gold lying around that they were willing to trade to us. In exchange, they wanted live humans, to keep as pets and breed in different colors. Every government on Earth was willing to trade its people to get the gold.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
I was sleeping yesterday and (half) woke up, enough to have opened my eyes slightly and get my bearings but not enough to actually stay awake. I was sobbing. A lot. I hadn't been dreaming but there was one person I felt like I was calling out for. Which made me sob more. It lasted for maybe ten minutes and I guess I fell back to sleep. If this becomes a regular occurrence I may have to give up sleeping.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I slept for ten hours last night. Much needed after not sleeping for the two nights before.

Weirdest and worst dream yet. There were many stories that included me going to school, my family trying to take care of me, a musical performance, and a funeral of a student. The last story was the hardest. It was me in a psych ward.
That must have been awful for you, psych wards in real life are a living nightmare anyways. Having a dream about it isn't fun either. Everytime I've deeamt of something similar its been uncanny. Having to experience something so awful in your dreams is difficult, I hope your pain eases soon :hug:
This was not recent, but memorable: I dreamed we were in contact with a race of aliens. The aliens had plenty of gold lying around that they were willing to trade to us. In exchange, they wanted live humans, to keep as pets and breed in different colors. Every government on Earth was willing to trade its people to get the gold.
Wouldn't surprise me if the government did do that if that situation happened haha
I was sleeping yesterday and (half) woke up, enough to have opened my eyes slightly and get my bearings but not enough to actually stay awake. I was sobbing. A lot. I hadn't been dreaming but there was one person I felt like I was calling out for. Which made me sob more. It lasted for maybe ten minutes and I guess I fell back to sleep. If this becomes a regular occurrence I may have to give up sleeping.
It's not as regular now but when I was younger I used to have dreams where I was half asleep and aware of my surroundings. I hated those dreams its sad to hear someone else experiences the same. I don't know if its the same thing but Dr. Google calls it hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations. Maybe there's some treatment for it somewhere?

It would be a lot more productive if we didn't have to sleep but then we wouldn't have this thread :/
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Jun 30, 2020
I've had another dream that doesn't really need context so time for a bit of fun sharing it. I was in this weird friendship group with this crazy girl who was leading it, and she wanted the perfect friendship group and would kill anyone who stepped out of line in it. I think there was a show based on the friendship group and we had to look good for the TV perhaps. Anyway, there was a part where I was on a train with a girl who may or may not have been the same girl, but we had a middling sort of relationship so I was trying to impress her with this train experience. It was going well but I think other people started ruining it. Then cut to this next bit where I was on some sort of trip like ones I used to go on in school, except I accidentally went back to my room even though we were supposed to meet up somewhere. There were these weird bugs scurrying around my room that looked like clothes tags, do my dreams have some sort of theme of hostile things in my room? Anyway, my sister told me I was wrong by calling me, and I was trying to break into this device she gave me because I cracked the code by looking at this note that said "Look at the cat", and when I looked at an image of this cat in the device it said April 1st above the cat which apparently meant 0104. Then there was a part where I said this quote of Sniper's from TF2 about the 'bloody fruit shop owners' and then the actual Sniper from TF2 walked in. That's all I remember.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
It's not as regular now but when I was younger I used to have dreams where I was half asleep and aware of my surroundings. I hated those dreams its sad to hear someone else experiences the same. I don't know if its the same thing but Dr. Google calls it hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations. Maybe there's some treatment for it somewhere

Thanks! As it turned out, it happened again but nothing so vivid as before. I did some googling and it sounds like what's been happening. If it keeps up (meaning if I manage to get enough sleep to experience it again) I'll definitely look into what I can do for it. A few weeks ago, I woke up screaming!? I didn't care much, but the neighbours might start to mind if it becomes regular. It's always about the same person. I'm hoping if I can get my feelings under control it might all go away. Thanks again :heart:
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
I just had a fucked up dream I can't tell people irl lol. Basically I was talking with my mother and realized she was pregnant. I know she shouldn't be pregnant at her age. But then I was going somewhere and someone told me we have seven kittens?? It happens off screen but it was implied that my mother is the mother? I love cats but this is super weird lol
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I've had another dream that doesn't really need context so time for a bit of fun sharing it. I was in this weird friendship group with this crazy girl who was leading it, and she wanted the perfect friendship group and would kill anyone who stepped out of line in it. I think there was a show based on the friendship group and we had to look good for the TV perhaps. Anyway, there was a part where I was on a train with a girl who may or may not have been the same girl, but we had a middling sort of relationship so I was trying to impress her with this train experience. It was going well but I think other people started ruining it. Then cut to this next bit where I was on some sort of trip like ones I used to go on in school, except I accidentally went back to my room even though we were supposed to meet up somewhere. There were these weird bugs scurrying around my room that looked like clothes tags, do my dreams have some sort of theme of hostile things in my room? Anyway, my sister told me I was wrong by calling me, and I was trying to break into this device she gave me because I cracked the code by looking at this note that said "Look at the cat", and when I looked at an image of this cat in the device it said April 1st above the cat which apparently meant 0104. Then there was a part where I said this quote of Sniper's from TF2 about the 'bloody fruit shop owners' and then the actual Sniper from TF2 walked in. That's all I remember.
Man that is one rollercoaster of a dream. Do you feel your room is a safe space irl? Maybe thats why there's an underlying theme to it.
I just had a fucked up dream I can't tell people irl lol. Basically I was talking with my mother and realized she was pregnant. I know she shouldn't be pregnant at her age. But then I was going somewhere and someone told me we have seven kittens?? It happens off screen but it was implied that my mother is the mother? I love cats but this is super weird lol
It sounds like a retconned plot for Cats, might have made it more interesting though haha

I feel the same about telling people my dreams irl some are just so random or f*cked up I don't want to share them. I find it nice to share them somewhere though :happy:
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I've been struggling to remember my dreams recently but last night I had a dream I was in a great open field. It was sunny and there was a slight breeze.

The field was full of people from this site, as these people had their username floating above their head. I was welcomed and hugged by a few of the memebers. Everyone seemed really happy and for once I didn't feel so lonely. I was dead and I was at peace.

There was a forest that surrounded the open field and I was told that people who went into the forest never come back. So I stayed the night in the field. I sat round a fire under the stars with a bunch of people. We sat there telling stories from our previous life. No one wanted to talk about the forest though.

Someone gifted me a Gibson Montana Hummingbird (my dream guitar) and we all took turns playing our favourite songs. The sun started to rise so I decided I'd go into the forest. Everyone warned me against it.

The light struggled to pierce through the trees and I could barely see 6 feet infront of me. The trees towered over me and it was dead silent. I decided to climb a tree for a better view of where to go. It was a struggle to climb and once I got high up a branch snapped from underneath me. I fell and I woke up before I hit the ground.
Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I had a dream I was in a desert. Kinda felt like Egypt since there were pyramids but these pyramids were floating and slowly spinning. There were huge sandstorms surrounding the desert too.

There was a long black line that trailed down towards the closest pyramid so I went down for a closer look. This line was made up of thousands of rats, a bit larger than the average cat.

They were all running to this concave in the sand before the pyramid. I followed them. In this concave there was a tornado forming and it was picking up the rats and firing them in the sky towards the pyramid. Some of them made it to the pyramid others fell back down to the ground and ran to the back of the line to try again.

I went inside the tornado and was fired away from the pyramid and landed in the sandstorm. I couldn't see a thing and was struggling to breathe. I tried to get out of the storm but my efforts were hopeless. I collapsed after sometime and the sand started to slowly bury me.


Aug 21, 2020
My dreams are insane, worse than reality. So when I wake up it;s "phew, it was just a nightmare"
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Sep 21, 2019
In my last dream I won 2 million euro in lottery. I honestly forgot what it feels like to be so happy that was amazing! Alas, only a dream...
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
In my last dream I was sitting in my back garden, soaking in the sun. We get a lot of birds in the back garden (sparrows, blackbirds and pigeons) since my mum has a bunch of bird feeders out there. There are also some pigeons nesting right above my room.

I was sat on my steps when four giant pigeons swooped down and surrounded me. They were similar in size to large dog, like a great dane kind of size.

They started pecking at my head and biting my arms and legs, I tried scaring them away but at that size pigeons fear nothing. I tried to run inside but the back door was locked so I ran into the garage and hid in a bin till they lost interest and flew away. As one last FU to me they shat all over my bedroom windows, which they do irl anyways lol
Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
Tonights dream was all over the place. So it started back in highschool. There was about a hundred students and me sat in the sports hall in a spiral shape. We had to read a sentence each from this book. When I looked in my bag I realised I didn't have the book so I ran outside.

I went back to class and sat down to this kid called Jay. He was wearing a waistcoat with William Hill prints all over it and a red tie. He was talking about how much he likes ties and dressing up smart, even though he looked ridiculous in his waist coat.

He pointed out I didn't have a white shirt on so I decided to go to Primark on lunch break. But the city was very busy so I decided to go to my old friends flat to borrow a shirt off him. When I got to his flat there was his gf and a bunch of her friends, he was shouting out Polish expletives and people were laughing.

We stopped at a pub on the way to my house to get some food. Everyone was egging me on to ask for the waitresses number and called me a loser and a faggot when I refused to ask her. I told them she would just refuse anyway. They replied saying I didn't know that. I just responded with "I do."

We got back to my house and went to my room. The whole house started to shake, we thought it was an earthquake. I looked out my window to see we now lived next to railroad tracks. We went down to them. S asked me; "What's black and goes well on train tracks?" To which he pushed me infront of a train and I woke up.
Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
In my last dream I went scuba diving in the Irish Sea. There was a blue whale in the Thames that we boarded to get there, kinda like when Pinocchio gets swallowed up by the whale. Somehow the Thames had cut through the entirety of England and into the Bristol Channel.

The journey itself was super quick and once we got into the Irish sea it was frozen over and also the territorial waters of Iceland for some reason.

We ended up playing water polo with a bunch of killer whales and had fresh fish and chips. I woke up
Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
I'm just gonna put this one here since I can't really talk about it with anyone else since no one in my family wants to talk about the fact he's gone.
I dream about my grandad so much, even though its getting up to 6 months since he died.
They're always so surreal and I feel like he's actually there with me. His mannerisms, tone of voice and just how inspirational he is to me.
The dreams can be quite random in a sense but all relate to him in some way. His interest in watches or cameras or charity work for example.
A few nights ago though I had a nightmare about him dying. Saying "what have you done to me" and collapsing to the floor. I just can't stop thinking about it and the guilt is killing me.
When he was in hospital he thought that I gave him covid which is very unlikely since I hadn't seen him in ages due to lockdown. It still makes me feel terrible though, like his last moments he was thinking that it was my fault. He is my role model and hero, I'll never forget him.
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