

Oct 30, 2019
Are you angered by simply being on this planet? Having to interact with and meet absolutely disgusting people and live according to norms that you disagree with and are just plain stupid but you have to agree with them to be "normal". Do you sometimes feel like you don't belong here? Like you're in the wrong place. I feel like that.

Like I don't care about what's famous or what's the trend whether it's in music, fashion, or whatever. I do what I like. I'm suppose to endure suffering for not wanting to conform to someone else's ideals of what life is suppose to be like. It feels aggravating.

Life on this planet is weird and the people on it make it even more weirder. It feels like torture. It is making me mad and at the same time making me sad, depressed to be precise. I don't belong here. Don't think I'll last long on this ball of shit.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
this world needs too stop turning, I wana get off....
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What God's will rise from the abyss of our souls?
Nov 4, 2019
I've always felt like a pariah and a leper in this society. An outcast among outcasts. I don't fit in anywhere. From a very young age people made it clear that I was not wanted.
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Ex-narcissist that is looking to end himself soon
Nov 3, 2019
I'm not angry with the world. I'm angry with myself for being a dumbass and failing to see how much damage I had done to the VA community. Always shrugged it off as other people not being able to take criticism/feedback. I had it coming. It'll be over soon, either way.
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Stuck- the guilt of leaving or the pain of staying
Nov 8, 2019
The world is a beautiful place.

The people, not so much.
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Ex-narcissist that is looking to end himself soon
Nov 3, 2019
Nobody has tried to oust me with zero provocation. A lot of the people speaking out against me are people that I had apparently mistreated. It's my own fault. If I let myself live, I'm just going to keep blaming myself over and over again. I don't want to live the rest of my life with so much fucking guilt and regret. I'd rather take matters into my own hands and just end it all. I've had it. I really do. I can't take this anymore.
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Oct 23, 2019
Yes. All the time.
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Sep 16, 2018
I'm not angry with the world. I'm angry with myself for being a dumbass and failing to see how much damage I had done to the VA community. Always shrugged it off as other people not being able to take criticism/feedback. I had it coming. It'll be over soon, either way.
By VA community, do you mean the Veterans' Administration?
Are you angered by simply being on this planet? Having to interact with and meet absolutely disgusting people and live according to norms that you disagree with and are just plain stupid but you have to agree with them to be "normal". Do you sometimes feel like you don't belong here? Like you're in the wrong place. I feel like that.

Like I don't care about what's famous or what's the trend whether it's in music, fashion, or whatever. I do what I like. I'm suppose to endure suffering for not wanting to conform to someone else's ideals of what life is suppose to be like. It feels aggravating.

Life on this planet is weird and the people on it make it even more weirder. It feels like torture. It is making me mad and at the same time making me sad, depressed to be precise. I don't belong here. Don't think I'll last long on this ball of shit.
I feel so angry, too, NotForThisWorld. I feel furious.


Sep 16, 2018
I'm not angry with the world. I'm angry with myself for being a dumbass and failing to see how much damage I had done to the VA community. Always shrugged it off as other people not being able to take criticism/feedback. I had it coming. It'll be over soon, either way.
I hate to see people blaming themselves. I always know it's the best people who are blaming themselves. I know you are a good person.


May 31, 2018
Gawd yes. The very nature of life--and more so life of other living things and how we supposedly rational humans intentionally and unnecessarily contribute to other beings' suffering--makes me both irate and depressed.
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Leap of Faith
Sep 4, 2019
I hate the fact that most people are hypocritical and self-righteous in nature (including myself sometimes). People always pretend like they give a shit about you, but in the end they all have their own agenda. Self-righteous pricks who spew bullshit life advice just to get you to do something that THEY want you to do, or to make THEMSELVES feel better.
Fuck religious nutjobs who claim that people who commit suicide are condemned in eternal misery (like what the fuck? Isn't living in misery all these years in life not enough, so I also have to be in pain forever too?). Fuck parental figure who likes to assert control over you by shoving their belief system on your face. Fuck them all!
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Nov 1, 2019
"Fuck all the perfect people"

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Oct 26, 2019
Are you angered by simply being on this planet? Having to interact with and meet absolutely disgusting people and live according to norms that you disagree with and are just plain stupid but you have to agree with them to be "normal". Do you sometimes feel like you don't belong here? Like you're in the wrong place. I feel like that.

Like I don't care about what's famous or what's the trend whether it's in music, fashion, or whatever. I do what I like. I'm suppose to endure suffering for not wanting to conform to someone else's ideals of what life is suppose to be like. It feels aggravating.

Life on this planet is weird and the people on it make it even more weirder. It feels like torture. It is making me mad and at the same time making me sad, depressed to be precise. I don't belong here. Don't think I'll last long on this ball of shit.

Yes, just like that.
And because alot of people are quite dumb and arrogant and selfish and just devastating.


Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I love the earth. It's beautiful, intriguing and mysterious. It's the people who ruin it because we refuse to live in harmony wih the planet. Most of us are like viruses.
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Nov 7, 2019
No. I'm not angry with this world. I'm not angry with my life. I'm angry with myself because I'm living this shit because of my fault.


Sep 9, 2019
More sad, hurt, let down & broken by some of worlds inhabitants. I used to like this quote by which may or may not be by one of my favourite authors, Kurt Vonnegut:
"Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place"
I did try my v.very best but at unfortunely despite all my efforts- my sweetness was stolen, I was made 'hard' (or rather broken) and now I find it so so hard to find it a beautiful place- even though I did believe it at one time. People did this to me, damned cruel people.
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The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
Are you angered by simply being on this planet? Having to interact with and meet absolutely disgusting people and live according to norms that you disagree with and are just plain stupid but you have to agree with them to be "normal". Do you sometimes feel like you don't belong here? Like you're in the wrong place. I feel like that.

Like I don't care about what's famous or what's the trend whether it's in music, fashion, or whatever. I do what I like. I'm suppose to endure suffering for not wanting to conform to someone else's ideals of what life is suppose to be like. It feels aggravating.

Life on this planet is weird and the people on it make it even more weirder. It feels like torture. It is making me mad and at the same time making me sad, depressed to be precise. I don't belong here. Don't think I'll last long on this ball of shit.
Heh, that sounds about right. I have to watch what I say where I am. I can get assaulted if I even go 50%. And I'm the psychotic one lol
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Jun 3, 2019
My parents abandoned me in a care home years ago. They lied to my brother about what had happened to me. said I was working in a well paid job and wanted nothing to do with him .I found all this out when I was perusaded to contact him by my psychologist,the shock of what he told me my parents are really like caused me to end up in a psychiatric hospital as I stopped sleeping and was pacing around my backgarden, The police were called by neighbours who saw me like that and they took me to hospital. When I got ill, all my so called friends stopped phoning me.

When I was years younger I experienced abuse and violence by other people that altered how my brain developed according to the psychiatrists if you take any store in what they say . I am chronically mentally ill, suicidal , cannot control my anger ,not had a relationship for twenty years, been completely isolated, now reached the stage I can no longer look aftermyself and need to be in a 'facility'.... The truth is I despise myself more than other human beings which is a whole other thing but got to admit I hate human beings quite a bit as well. I can only go by my life experiences, but they all lie, are selfish, abusive if they see you are vunerable, button pushers, shallow. I can find things every day that disgusts me even more, people who have no regard for the law, people who abuse animals and children, and on a more minor level, people who cycle on pavements, people who cannot tear themselves away from their electronic devices, passing wind around ,people who care nothing for their neighbours and blast loud music, I want to smash them all up,seriously hurt them. Yes thats the other side of me, I want to really hurt other human beings, I have to keep that under control every day those urges. People talk about sucicial urges, I have them too but I have other urges to harm others. Iam not afraid to admit it, as the mental health team the police know about my past episodes,apparently it's part of my illness to be so angry .I get told it isn't my fault it's genetic or it's because of your shit life as a child , but I think it is my fault , as if I had realised as a child just how nasty other human beings are I would have not have been so naive I would have fought all of them. The truth is I pathetically wanted to be liked to be popular so I debased myself to be included. Pathetic.

I actually don't think I will ctb calmly, with a plan, I have noticed when I have an episode I will keep digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself until my rage has exhausted me so much I can only sit on the floor until the police eventually turn up and handcuff me. I think one day I will just not exhaust myself, something or someone will really push a button and I will be so angry I will be like 'F YOU' and throw myself off a cliff swearing my head off.
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Nov 7, 2019
I've always felt like a pariah and a leper in this society. An outcast among outcasts. I don't fit in anywhere. From a very young age people made it clear that I was not wanted.

I can so relate to that.
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Rising Phoenix

Nov 2, 2019
Not really, I tend to be optimistic so it don't both me. The key is that you have to understand why things are the way they are.


Nov 10, 2019
I've always felt like a pariah and a leper in this society. An outcast among outcasts. I don't fit in anywhere. From a very young age people made it clear that I was not wanted.

Same,could never find my spot too.
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Nov 11, 2019
The world is incredible, realistically. Sadly, it's the people who really ruin it.
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deader than dead
Aug 10, 2019
This world disgusts me
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
Are you angered by simply being on this planet? Having to interact with and meet absolutely disgusting people and live according to norms that you disagree with and are just plain stupid but you have to agree with them to be "normal". Do you sometimes feel like you don't belong here? Like you're in the wrong place. I feel like that.

Like I don't care about what's famous or what's the trend whether it's in music, fashion, or whatever. I do what I like. I'm suppose to endure suffering for not wanting to conform to someone else's ideals of what life is suppose to be like. It feels aggravating.

Life on this planet is weird and the people on it make it even more weirder. It feels like torture. It is making me mad and at the same time making me sad, depressed to be precise. I don't belong here. Don't think I'll last long on this ball of shit.
I got sick with the highest ranking pain condition in medical history called complex regional pain syndrome at 20 years old. I'm 34 now. I never felt like I didn't belong. In fact I craved attention from people. I really loved life. The world is a beautiful place. But as I became sicker and sicker I noticed that people have lost their humanity and compassion. It's something I think you only know when you get sick. Everyone is out for themselves which I can understand but there needs to be a sense of love and loyalty to those we care about. I've about run out of those people. But that's not the reason I want to die. I've lost so much of my life and the pain is so severe and it's only getting worse. There are no treatments and no research being done about it. In fact I teach doctors about it, not the other way around like it should be.

You don't have to endure suffering trying to conforn of what other people's ideals about life are. I know it's aggravating but if there is one thing I've learned since I've gotten need to be the most important person in your life and when you walk out your door you have to have the attitude that says....bitches, I matter and don't you forget it. I'm guessing you're a girl? How old are you? Is this the main and only reason you want to die? Why do you think you don't matter? You are a human being and that means you matter. To me at least. Everyone matters. I wish you had a wonderful outlook about yourself because it seems you don't value yourself very much. Even though I'm sick and feel like shit and am depressed I still know I matter and people are going to treat me with respect. I've fought too hard to not have it. If you ever want to talk just PM me. I'd hate for you to go just because you feel different. The most successful people in the word have felt different. Look at Steven Tyler and Angelina Jolie. She was actually going to pay a man to have herself killed and look at her now. I'd hate for you to do anything rash..or wrash...don't know about that one ha... but seriously write me if you want.
I've always felt like a pariah and a leper in this society. An outcast among outcasts. I don't fit in anywhere. From a very young age people made it clear that I was not wanted.
People made it clear that you were not wanted.....that pisses me off. Just because they didn't want you doesn't mean you aren't wanted. Obviously there was something seriously wrong with them. I know words hurt. There's an italian saying...the tongue doesn't have a bone but the tongue can break bones. I know words hurt maybe more than anything. But you are a part of this world and it's up to you what you want to use your power to do with it. Screw those miserable inhumane bastards that told you otherwise. I hope you're able to feel good about yourself. Lots of love.
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Oct 23, 2018
Yes. You look at history it is one atrocity after another made worse because we seemingly learn nothing much from it. In the past that is understandable, but in the information age it seems absurd we don't use all that data towards positive progress that values quality of life and avoiding those atrocities in the first place. To be honest it just seems like we have got better at sanitising atrocity and blaming its victims. Blown to bits kids whose bombs we likely helped inadvertently fund are turned into non people or a broad concept that ceases to be human and can be vilified. Just a number listed down beside the words, collateral damage. Sometimes that corpse and all it meant outright denied; when objectively it can absolutely be proven. So much is like that now. The anger is at just how terminally absurd it all seems and sinking awareness future generations are likely set to inherit a wasteland. Scarcity breeds such atrocity in the first place. However, maybe I am equally absurd for wanting to believe we can overcome our short sighted need for self gratification on a global scale.

"We learn from history that we do not learn from history." - Georg Hegel
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Mar 20, 2019
Sometimes I want the world to be more perfect. People should be free to stop chasing money and start evolving culture, creating stories, videos, memes, ideas and such, without pressure from lack of food and homelessness. We need a basic income to reduce suffering from wage slavery and increase bliss from culture.

But at the same time, I know we all have a past which has brought us to the present, us and the world. Things have to start out imperfect and grow from there. I really want perfection, it hurts being imperfect.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I've always felt like a pariah and a leper in this society. An outcast among outcasts. I don't fit in anywhere. From a very young age people made it clear that I was not wanted.
People made it clear that you were not wanted.....that pisses me off. Just because they didn't want you doesn't mean you aren't wanted. Obviously there was something seriously wrong with them. I know words hurt. There's an italian saying...the tongue doesn't have a bone but the tongue can break bones. I know words hurt maybe more than anything. But you are a part of this world and it's up to you what you want to use your power to do with it. Screw those miserable inhumane bastards that told you otherwise. I hope you're able to feel good about yourself. Lots of love.i
My parents abandoned me in a care home years ago. They lied to my brother about what had happened to me. said I was working in a well paid job and wanted nothing to do with him .I found all this out when I was perusaded to contact him by my psychologist,the shock of what he told me my parents are really like caused me to end up in a psychiatric hospital as I stopped sleeping and was pacing around my backgarden, The police were called by neighbours who saw me like that and they took me to hospital. When I got ill, all my so called friends stopped phoning me.

When I was years younger I experienced abuse and violence by other people that altered how my brain developed according to the psychiatrists if you take any store in what they say . I am chronically mentally ill, suicidal , cannot control my anger ,not had a relationship for twenty years, been completely isolated, now reached the stage I can no longer look aftermyself and need to be in a 'facility'.... The truth is I despise myself more than other human beings which is a whole other thing but got to admit I hate human beings quite a bit as well. I can only go by my life experiences, but they all lie, are selfish, abusive if they see you are vunerable, button pushers, shallow. I can find things every day that disgusts me even more, people who have no regard for the law, people who abuse animals and children, and on a more minor level, people who cycle on pavements, people who cannot tear themselves away from their electronic devices, passing wind around ,people who care nothing for their neighbours and blast loud music, I want to smash them all up,seriously hurt them. Yes thats the other side of me, I want to really hurt other human beings, I have to keep that under control every day those urges. People talk about sucicial urges, I have them too but I have other urges to harm others. Iam not afraid to admit it, as the mental health team the police know about my past episodes,apparently it's part of my illness to be so angry .I get told it isn't my fault it's genetic or it's because of your shit life as a child , but I think it is my fault , as if I had realised as a child just how nasty other human beings are I would have not have been so naive I would have fought all of them. The truth is I pathetically wanted to be liked to be popular so I debased myself to be included. Pathetic.

I actually don't think I will ctb calmly, with a plan, I have noticed when I have an episode I will keep digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself until my rage has exhausted me so much I can only sit on the floor until the police eventually turn up and handcuff me. I think one day I will just not exhaust myself, something or someone will really push a button and I will be so angry I will be like 'F YOU' and throw myself off a cliff swearing my head off.

I think you and I are sharing a brain. I'm not in an institution but I've been secluded from the world for 14 years due to a physical illness. And all those things you say you people having no consideration for each other and neighbors being loud. People who prey on the weak and hurt animals. It makes me sick as well. I went through three years of hell with my former neighbors. They knew I am sick. They even looked up my condition and said to me....oh your condition is not that bad. I was furious and it turned out with me and my mother ready to bash their heads in in the backyard. I swear I hated this bitch so much I prayed she died in child birth along with the baby so I didn't have to hear it. Or I'd pray her and her scummy boyfriend who just gives his sperm to every woman on the planet would die in a car accident. I still want to find out where they moved so I can fuck with them. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain. I wish there was something I could do to help you.
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