I don't have any kids, but I have a 5 year old niece that thinks the world of me.
I cry when I think that my death is going to hurt her and in a way that will be traumatic. She won't understand
Does anyone have any young nieces/ nephews you're close to?
Are you worried about how you ctbing will affect them?
Oh geez, I can relate to your post so much, it's incredible!
Yes, I do worry about how my death will impact my kids. I have three of them, all girls. I'm not so worried about my two and a half year old or my ten month old, but I do worry tremendously about my five and a half year old.
She adores me, though God only knows why, and she's been super worried about me dying ever since I got hit by a car.
A part of me thinks that she will be devastated, but another part of me thinks also that she is young enough that she will be able to move on and be ok.
Their dad is a wonderful man. Kind, compassionate, and with enough patience and love for all of them to fill an entire ocean.
Still, I do worry, but, at this point, I don't know what to do. My depression and bipolar mood swings are only getting worse, and I'm at the point in my life where I don't want to get better anymore. I just don't have the energy to keep fighting like I used to, even a few years ago.
I lost my dad when I was sixteen. He didn't CTB, but it was still devastating. I miss him every, single day. I wonder if it will be like that for my daughter. Still, I was much older than her when I lost my dad, so I'm still holding onto the hope that it might not be as hard on her because she is still so young and innocent.
I, too, worry about being punished in an afterlife for checking out early. I worry that I will never find peace, no matter whether I live or die. But I don't think I can keep sticking around, so… yeah, the whole situation just sucks balls, in my opinion.
I know my post probably didn't cheer you up any, sorry, but, my point is, you aren't alone. I hope you find the peace you are looking for, no matter what you decide to do. Remember, we can't live for other people and their happiness.