I remember the 10 year old me: doing my best to trust the adults in my life, believing what they told me. I would give anything to have the opportunity to have a heart to heart talk with that ten year old kid; he was at a crucial point when he could still make a fulfilling life instead of trashing a life. I'd tell him to never, ever, ever listen to any religious person: parent, nun, priest, sibling, acquaintance, anybody. I'd point out to him that the more "religious" they are, the bigger the liar they are; the more "religious" they are, the more hypocritical they are. I'd tell him: (1) Encourage and cultivate your curiosity; never let anyone discourage it. (2) Be skeptical and build your world view (your narrative) only on those ideas that pass the test of experiment, careful observation, and scientific peer review. (3) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. (4) Be comfortable with uncertainty; it is the hallmark of growth and understanding. (5) Question everything; nullius in verba.