

Feb 6, 2021
It feels so restriciting, free will is a joke, in the end we're all just bags of flesh with a bunch of biological needs and instincs and our main goal is procreation.

For me specifically what I've always hated is the fact that I'm female, I've cried about it ever since I was a teenager. If you think about it nature fucks us over so badly, we're easily overpowered and hurt/raped/killed by men (I'd also like to note that in a lot of other species females would at physically be able to defend themselves/run away, but human females are just pathetically weak for some reason), but nature obviously doesn't give a fuck about that, we're not particularly more intelligent or skilled at anything useful. The only thing we have is ~childbirth~, except that can also kill you, fuck you up permanently or just temporarily in some way, shape or form (like making you lose your teeth or incontinence). Oh, not to mention how much of our value in society is determined by our looks but post-pregnancy bodies don't exactlxy fit into that standard. We should be happy to bring another human into this world, but it just seems like such a pointless cycle. Why would I push my fucked up genes onto another human, only for them to then have to suffer and work 40h or worse per week in a world that is gettng more fucked up by the day? But hey, I've also been called mentally ill and broken for being a woman that doesn't want kids. After all it's a miracle and the surivial of the human race basically depends on women being fine with birthing kids. I think I would actually mind it less if at least people simply looked at it as what it is, just another biological function, but all the sappiness around it makes it worse, especially from some religious nutcases.
I also don't like the way women behave around babies, they seem braindead to me. I personally don't think any rational human would ever go through childbirth and want to do it again, but once again you just become high on hormones and it messes with your brain badly enough to be fine with it.

I've also hung out around extreme feminism forums (more out of curiosity, I've hung around pretty much every part of the internet) and a lot of them say that men are useless post reproduction, think of black widows that eat the males after reproudcing or bees where the males also die once they've done their part. There's also matriarchies, both in the animal kingdom and supposedly some human societies. But honestly they don't differ from our societies that much, women are still primarily there for babies, men just have less power in them. I've read some feminist literature and nothing really impressed me tbh. Some of it just says that males are useless and should be discarded, which once again just seems to me like proof that nature is cold and uncaring, it's not exactly something that I'd consider empowering.

I just find it boring how so much in nature revolves around reproducing, even if it makes sense because nature prioritizes survival and resources for survival over absolutely anything, it doesn't care much about pain. (On a side note, just think about how many problems in our society are directly or indirectly caused by our sex drive, natural selection etc.)
Maybe I'm selfish, but I think there's a lot of stuff to enjoy and a lot of things I want to enjoy that having nothing to do with kids, but especially as I'm getting older I can't get the "shouldn't you just be having babies and be happy about it" out of my head. Think about it, humans have the ability to create so much, from art to books to music to making scientific discoveries, why do people have to be so reductionist. Sometimes I think I'd rather be a less intelligent animal or something unable to think much, at least then I wouldn't have much of an alternative to the cycle and wouldn't even care about it. Like if I'm reborn just make me a goddamn amoeba.

Does this make me suicidal? Well no, it's not the only factor, but it is part of it, so I wanted to write about it. Even if I hypothetically got my life together (I won't) this is something that I can't get rid of, no matter what. My stupid brain will always come up with thoughts to torture me with, be it this or maybe something else. I can't ever think positively, I just see the bad in everything. It also doesn't help that a lot of my interests are what's still considered typically male (don't get me wrong, I do like some more "feminine" stuff as well), but it's 2021 and I still have to see people make a big deal out of things like "gamer girls" etc. like I just want to enjoy things in peace, I'm so tired of the stupid labels,

Also I think generally the view someone has on life is something that is often overlooked, but it does contribute to how likely a person is to be suicidal. For example, a person that is unattractive; someone might say "looks don't matter", genuinely believe that and would try to find meaning in something else and live their life. Someone else might think "this means I'm closer to the bottom of human society, I will never have the same status as someone attractive, sex is something vital for humans yet I will have much more trouble with it, this is unfair, why would I have to deal with this bs, I'm basically a genetic failure".
Well, guess which one of the two is more likely to ctb.

Also sorry for potential typos, I don't like typing on this keyboard and might have overlooked some even with proofreading.
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Mar 2, 2021
Things that women are naturally better at than men.
We have a stronger sense of smell.
We have better eye sight than men
We have better hearing than men
We have a stronger immune system
We are more flexible.
We are smaller, we can fit through tighter spaces
We have more body fat this we can float better and survive the cold better.
There are many evolutionary advantages to being a woman. You need to open your eyes to the possibilities.
Yes most of these advantages are linked to childcare but some are linked to food gathering back from our hunter gatherer days.
As an asexual I can definitely identify with wishing things didnt have to come down to reproduction but that's what evolution is.
To answer the actual question yes I would like to have been a pet cat or dog
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Feb 6, 2021
Things that women are naturally better at than men.
We have a stronger sense of smell.
We have better eye sight than men
We have better hearing than men
We have a stronger immune system
We are more flexible.
We are smaller, we can fit through tighter spaces
We have more body fat this we can float better and survive the cold better.
There are many evolutionary advantages to being a woman. You need to open your eyes to the possibilities.
Yes most of these advantages are linked to childcare but some are linked to food gathering back from our hunter gatherer days.
As an asexual I can definitely identify with wishing things didnt have to come down to reproduction but that's what evolution is.
To answer the actual question yes I would like to have been a pet cat or dog
I'm aware, afaik we also have more stamina than men. But still all of this just seems rather useless, I'm not going to be able to defend myself from assault because of any of this, I'm not gonna get a job because of any of this. Idk I just wish there was something more useful.
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Jan 17, 2021
Things that women are naturally better at than men.
We have a stronger sense of smell.
We have better eye sight than men
We have better hearing than men
We have a stronger immune system
We are more flexible.
We are smaller, we can fit through tighter spaces
We have more body fat this we can float better and survive the cold better.
There are many evolutionary advantages to being a woman. You need to open your eyes to the possibilities.
Yes most of these advantages are linked to childcare but some are linked to food gathering back from our hunter gatherer days.
As an asexual I can definitely identify with wishing things didnt have to come down to reproduction but that's what evolution is.
To answer the actual question yes I would like to have been a pet cat or dog
I'm not feeling any of the superpowers unfortunately, except the fit through tighter spaces thing.

Humans and most mammals in general are a species where females are physically and socially inferior. It's hard to get around. You can try, but on the whole you'll always be at a fundamental disadvantage.

I wish I was a spider. Or an anglerfish. Those are the cool species running their game in high heels.
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Mar 2, 2021
I'm aware, afaik we also have more stamina than men. But still all of this just seems rather useless, I'm not going to be able to defend myself from assault because of any of this, I'm not gonna get a job because of any of this. Idk I just wish there was something more useful.
Being smaller and more flexible can help us get away from an assault though. Being more flexible allows you to get into position if they have hold on you. If you know the weak points you dont need much strength. Bonus if you are wearing heels as you can injure them more, then run as fast as you can until you find other people or a place you can pass through but they cant. Have you ever taken self defence classes or martial arts?
As for a job for the most part your sex isn't important here but your skills. Yes men can get labour jobs more easily but there are many more jobs out there.
What jobs have you done before?
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Apr 5, 2018
I wish I was a spider. Or an anglerfish. Those are the cool species running their game in high heels.
Or a spotted hyena.
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Mar 2, 2021
Hmm but some female spiders will let their young eat them after they give birth.
Well I suppose that would be one way to ctb
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Jan 17, 2021
Hmm but some female spiders will let their young eat them after they give birth.
Well I suppose that would be one way to ctb
Mom eats dad and kids eat mom. Sounds a lot more efficient to me than what we're doing.
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Feb 6, 2021
and most mammals in general are a species where females are physically and socially inferior.
Tbh the physical differences are sometimes smaller than the ones in humans. Unlike for humans it's not impossible for female horses to e.g. compete in horse racing, female lions do a lot of the hunting, you can't even tell what sex a dog or cat is just by looking at them etc. The sexual dismorphism is often worse in humans and I'd argue it's one of the reasons we got fucked over so badly. Even for species with more dismorphism rarely do the females really strike me as so weak they'd be completely helpless. Like human female bodies are an extra level of weak.

As for the social part, there's a lot of debate over it and I'm not sure what to believe as I've read wildly opposing things from both sides
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Jan 17, 2021
As for the social part, there's a lot of debate over it and I'm not sure what to believe as I've read wildly opposing things from both sides
To be fair, women do have a lot of social power that men don't, but the power is of an informal sort, and you need to have certain skills to exercise it.
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Feb 6, 2021
Being smaller and more flexible can help us get away from an assault though. Being more flexible allows you to get into position if they have hold on you. If you know the weak points you dont need much strength. Bonus if you are wearing heels as you can injure them more, then run as fast as you can until you find other people or a place you can pass through but they cant. Have you ever taken self defence classes or martial arts?
As for a job for the most part your sex isn't important here but your skills. Yes men can get labour jobs more easily but there are many more jobs out there.
What jobs have you done before?
I have taken self defense classes, but I'm skeptical how often that actually works. I don't think I've ever seen CCTV footage of a woman successfully defending herself, but plenty of the opposite.

As for jobs, I meant that more as in "there's jobs that men can do that women can't, but there's probably none that women can do that men can't" (even if there's some women may be better that)
That said this was just an observation, I'm not actually concerned about finding a job myself

To be fair, women do have a lot of social power that men don't, but the power is of an informal sort, and you need to have certain skills to exercise it.
Yeah, it's something that's hard to quantify. Especially if you're attractive and have good social skills you definitely have a lot of social power as a woman, even with my bare bones social skills I still notice I sometimes have an advantage in certain situations. However, it's kind of balanced out by certain disadvantages (e.g. since I look rather child-like people often don't take me seriously or think I'm dumb etc.)
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Nov 4, 2020
Yes, humans are weak. I would rather be a saiyan or machine like a t-800.
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Feb 6, 2021
Yes, humans are weak. I would rather be a saiyan or machine like a t-800.
Yeah, that sounds much more fun than being stuck in those shitty bodies. Also every think about how silly human emotions are? Like loneliness, technically it would be feasible for a human to live completely alone nowadays without many repercussions, you just need to make money to support yourself. But humans are dumb and can't handle being lonely, yet there's plenty of animals that are completely fine spending their lives alone.

I also find it a bit funny how humans being social creatures is generally seen as a good thing, completely ignoring the fact that it can easily turn into hell for people that are less lucky with their social lives.

(And yes I'm aware why people evolved to be social creatures etc., no need to lecture me on that. Just saying it also has its downsides.)
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Jun 28, 2020
Things that women are naturally better at than men.
We have a stronger sense of smell.
We have better eye sight than men
We have better hearing than men
We have a stronger immune system
We are more flexible.
We are smaller, we can fit through tighter spaces
We have more body fat this we can float better and survive the cold better.
There are many evolutionary advantages to being a woman. You need to open your eyes to the possibilities.
Yes most of these advantages are linked to childcare but some are linked to food gathering back from our hunter gatherer days.
As an asexual I can definitely identify with wishing things didnt have to come down to reproduction but that's what evolution is.
To answer the actual question yes I would like to have been a pet cat or dog
You forgot a key benefit of being longer.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
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Mar 10, 2020
I totally agree with you, it's cool to hear other humans thinking the same kinds of things I think about too. A lot of my dread as a young teenager came from the fact that I was born as a female, when I got my first few periods, I had excruciating debilitating cramps, and I couldn't believe that I was going to have to go through this for the rest of my life pretty much. Part of me used to think being born as female was a lot better than being a man because it was much more interesting. But there are so many downsides to it, I'm so grateful that I was born during this time period and in a western country, I dodged a huge bullet, I could have been born in a total shit hole and had it way worse due to my culture, my parents are immigrants. Obviously I'm not grateful for being born at all, but because I had to be, I'm glad I was at least able to have freedom.
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Feb 6, 2021
I totally agree with you, it's cool to hear other humans thinking the same kinds of things I think about too.
It's nice to know that you're not alone with your thoughts, albeit at the same time it's a bit saddening that being female adding to the reasons for wanting to ctb is apparently not uncommon. Will agree I'm lucky to be born in a 1st world country in the 21st century, though
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Rotten to the core.
Feb 29, 2020
I absolutely hate it. It's such a limiting experience that ends with death after a lifetime of suffering.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Problem is there's nothing to compare it with. I only remember the experience of being this human, so it's really difficult to say...
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Jan 17, 2021
Problem is there's nothing to compare it with. I only remember the experience of being this human, so it's really difficult to say...
Are you always human in your dreams? I'm never human in mine.
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Feb 9, 2020
Yes. Experienced a lot decribed issues.
Hateful and bitter towards humanity. From an early age, I was made to understand what the devils are people.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Are you always human in your dreams? I'm never human in mine.
As far as I can recall yes, I think so, but then dreams have their own unique strangeness. Everything is at least a bit distorted and fluid in my dreams. Tbh I don't really check to see what I am in my dreams, I just am.

They're not on par with the full-on nature of waking life in any case, and still a function of being human rather than an existence unto themselves (edit: or maybe not... who knows).
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Dec 29, 2020
it's so cruel, that humans had to be the species with a conscience, and one that we are self-aware of unlike other species.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Yup. Hate breathing
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Jan 27, 2019
it's so cruel, that humans had to be the species with a conscience, and one that we are self-aware of unlike other species.

It's a terrible mistake to believe this propaganda.

Animals have self-awareness and consciousness. Plants too. They're just different from humans. Not possessing language doesn't mean you don't think...
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Nov 30, 2020
It's a terrible mistake to believe this propaganda.

Animals have self-awareness and consciousness. Plants too. They're just different from humans. Not possessing language doesn't mean you don't think...
I speak to plants all the time. Cheeky bastards from my experience. Right attitude problem too. I don't know who they think they're talking to.
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Jun 14, 2018
After enough time from living in this world you start to lose what the meaning of human is or even existing.
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Mar 22, 2020
Humans suck! Most of them are selfish and pretend to like you so that they can talk sh*t about you when you're not present.
Some others are really mean. Just look at bullies or politicians.

I could make a long list about how humans suck so much but wait! I'm a human too! Damn, I guess I also suck lol.

I would rather be a dog and live with a family who loves me lots.
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