Well, for starters, my life is mostly shit, from childhood (abusive parents and bullying) to adolescence, and even adulthood hasn't gotten much better. Then couple with the fact that I'm an 2nd gen Asian American growing up the west (rip dating prospects and what not), and of course, add Aspergers and social anxiety along with other insecurities to make matters worse. If things hasn't sucked enough, I also don't have many interests outside of maybe music, video games, and some obscure topics (philosophy, death, suicide, firearms, etc.). Then objectively speaking, having a small job that I just barely survive off of, social life is a joke, and then of course, there are things outside of my control such as how much society sucks, how much life in general sucks, and etc.
Pretty much I'm only alive for the last decade because mainly of copes and reaching those tiny bits of fleeting happiness and joy. While it may seem like an impulsive decision to decide my fate on one event next week, it isn't because I have suicidal ideation ever since my teenage years (currently 28 now), and that one event would be either be the straw that breaks my back or the last bit of cope for me to live longer.