

Your never not you
Feb 3, 2024
I like to quote
Pat the bunny:

Because I've done horrible things to wonderful people
I've let horrible people stay living
I've looked my family in the eye and told them:
"Leave me to die, or I'll make you sorry you didn't."

I've stolen from people who didn't deserve it
I've not helped people who did
I've turned away when I knew I made a mistake
Instead of dealing with it
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
In the classic sense, I'm definitely not "good".
I have character traits that make me not good.
Of course, no one is 100% good.

The problem with me is that I don't necessarily want to be "good".
I don't do some good things on purpose because I consider them unnecessary, pointless and bad.
I do not necessarily agree with all social rules and accepted norms.
For example, I don't think you always have to be a nice person.
There are situations in which you have to be a very unpleasant person, even brutal.
Sometimes you have to show your fangs and claws, sometimes you have to use them.
This is, of course, one example of many.

That's why I think I'm not "good" in the classic sense, because I don't want to be a good person and I don't try to be one.

Of course, the concepts of good and evil are completely subjective to me.
In my mind, I am neither good nor bad.
Likewise, no one on this site is good or bad.
Of course, in my opinion.

I like to look at the world in "shades of gray", not black and white
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
i try really hard to be but i can't help but feel as if i am horrible & manipulative no matter what i do.
About the same answer. I try. I hope I am. I think I've gotten good at being patient and gentle with people rather than quick to anger. I'm also lazy, I come up short, I disappoint. My overthinking makes me a pain in the ass. My thoughts are unclean and my motives are often impure. So... Hard to say.
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main character of sasu
Mar 31, 2024
I'm not a good person
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Just your average pos
Jul 18, 2022
No, I try to be but I'm effectively worthless. I'm in recovery for my alcoholism and even there I seem to put people off just by being there, they don't even have to know about my CR and past.

I've resigned myself to just existing as easily as I can, I do envy all those good people out there, I think I'm just incapable of being a nice approachable person.
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Jun 26, 2020
No, I try to be but I'm effectively worthless. I'm in recovery for my alcoholism and even there I seem to put people off just by being there, they don't even have to know about my CR and past.

I've resigned myself to just existing as easily as I can, I do envy all those good people out there, I think I'm just incapable of being a nice approachable person.
I disagree with you as far as I think that you are a very kind person. Fact: you have taken it upon yourself for betterment and improvement of not only yourself but to others, recovery for alcoholism, and that in its self-shows just how wonderful you are.

When someone thinks of others and not themselves, that is one of the criteria to me of a caring soul.

Have a wonderful upcoming week my good friend.

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May 2, 2024
if anything i'm trying my best to be.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
No, not really. I don't think I'm good or bad, let alone do I think that most people are good or bad. You can't simply a person down into either one or the other.

What about you @sserafim ?
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Apr 22, 2024
If I were a good person, I wouldn't be trying to take myself off this planet. I almost hate myself for choosing SN as my method, because it's one of the least painful. Up until the end, I am attention seeking and acting in self interest. I should suffer more, but this is the only way I'll die.
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𝚂𝚂 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚘. 43,53?
Dec 22, 2023
Not entirely the case for me tho I do really try to be but I've got my inner demons.
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Dec 19, 2021
When I was at the height of my suicidal feelings in college, I remember thinking that I deserved to die. Now that I'm recovering from my poor coping skills and my addiction, it's interesting to reflect on why I was so sure that I was so terrible. In reality, no matter what we do, we're all deserving of love and I sincerely believe that now. People who feel differently may have a harder time with this if they've been abused, or manipulated to a terrible degree and I don't blame them - some people do truly terrible things. But, even by society's standards I haven't done anything that's not worth forgiveness. The more that I give myself the understanding that I am a good person at heart, and that other people are too, the less I've been dwelling in those places of extreme anguish that I found myself in when I was convinced I needed to kill myself. Punishing myself made me less present for my friends and family and ended up snowballing that feeling that I was a bad person because it would lead me to forget little things like birthdays, details about my friends that I should have been more conscious of, etc. Nowadays, if I really begin to feel like I'm a bad person I try to do something nice for myself because that's what healing is.


I'll just lay here and die
Mar 6, 2023
I feel like I'm decent.
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Youre not even in the hole, are you?
Feb 13, 2023
LOL no not really, I'm really selfish and only really care about myself. I get uncomfortable and annoyed when someone is sad around me and I don't like comforting people. I'm extremely wimpy and run away from my problems and I lie too much. Hate my brother and wouldn't care if he passed away and he's only a preteen. Hated him ever since he was a baby even though babies are innocent. I do take care of my pets tho I guess.


Sep 21, 2020
No but like most others, I don't think I'm actually bad either. Just weak, ugly and mediocre.


Feb 16, 2023
If I stay abstinent from relationship, yes.


"such is life"
Apr 30, 2024
uhhh, probably not, I do things im not proud of and do loads of selfish things like not get better. I definitely try to be as good as I can but yk


"Don't trip on what is behind you" • UK
Jan 15, 2024
Yes, I'm a good person.

I tend to practice hard love, but I want the best for people.
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I think so, but I struggle with borderline-related issues that are very prevalent in my family. I was also raised in a chaotic environment where it was normal to cuss one another out but then bounce back quickly. That's never translated well to adult interactions I have with others. Like why would someone bother with me when I'm rough around the edges sometimes, and they can have easier and less complicated involvement with someone else?

But beyond that I'm probably okay.


Feb 15, 2024
I'm not really sure anymore. I've lost a lot of friends because I ghosted them due to my depression and I guess they thought that was pretty shitty. So I guess I come off like an asshole or something. I've also done some pretty shitty stuff to a person I cared deeply about so I guess that also makes me kind of a bad person. I try to be a good person in general but I am bad when it comes to maintaining relationships.

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