

brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
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Sep 3, 2018
No despite trying to be good. I'm mentally unwell and make random mistakes that impacts others and I have to live with the consequences because I can't stop myself from doing something I didn't think out properly.
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Aug 3, 2023
Yeah, I generally try to be as helpful as I can to anyone around me or anyone I can help as much as possible.
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Jun 26, 2020
Heavens, I have no idea. I would be the absolute worst at judging myself.

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endlessly roaming across cyberspace
Mar 12, 2024
i try really hard to be but i can't help but feel as if i am horrible & manipulative no matter what i do.
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Mar 31, 2024
I don't really believe in good or bad people. The world is much too morally gray to say someone is one way or another.
This belief extends to me. I don't believe I am particularly good or bad. I'd say I'm neither or both mixed together.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I'm unsure whether I'm objectively or subjectively good, since people tell me I am. I try my best and I'm remorseful over the slightest mistakes. I've spiralled more than once because I didn't feel "good" enough. I don't see myself as more of a good person than anyone else though. Everyone has a good side in my eyes. I do feel bad for having a very negative opinion of my own family, but then they share it and they've done a lot that I really can't forgive any longer.

Besides the remorse I actively try to avoid manipulation even though I know about it, and I try to be fair and impartial. I don't know whether that's good or just neutral. I care about everyone that is also suffering, which is practically everybody here, so I guess that can make me subjectively good.

I try to listen to others when they feel bad and try not to automatically assume they're in the wrong and so thus improve myself. I might just be giving myself trauma by remembering every single critical thing people say though.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I know I'm a good person, but for other reasons.
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Oct 8, 2023
I'm polite to people when out and about. Sometimes I'm a complete dick to others I interact with, either here or on Discord. I used to be really terrible and went through a redemption arc where at the very least I'm not as bad as I was 5 years ago. Not sure if a bad person becoming better makes them good or as bad as where they're at currently. I guess I'm not completely horrible to everyone so that's something I suppose. Some of my suicidal friends on Discord I try to support when needed even though I know they wouldn't do the same for me. Other times I'm nasty to my family members when they frustrate me. Guess it depends on the day and the situation, just like everyone else.
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Mar 24, 2024
no i don't. i don't think anyone is 100% "good"- but people can work towards it. people will always make mistakes though. as for me, i want to strive for good, but i feel that i constantly miss the mark. but i think about it a lot which i hope counts for something. i try, i really do.
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Full-Swing Sayonara
Feb 22, 2024
Everyone tells me that I'm good, but I really don't think the same, quite the opposite actually.

Also, I get the feeling that they're lying to make me feel good.
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Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
I think so?

I've never really harmed anyone, I now take morality very seriously and have only gotten more peaceful and tolerant as time went on.
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Guy Smiley

Guy Smiley

Just another lost soul
Jan 4, 2024
I used to think I was a good person, but they say that only the good die young. So, I guess then by definition I am not good.
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Mar 19, 2024
I mean...I wouldn't really consider myself a "bad" person. I don't purposefully try to hurt people, I'm polite to others. But I also don't really go out of my way to do anything "good" per say. I have a lot of pent up anger at myself and sometimes I'll blow up at people who absolutely don't deserve it. But I do try to apologize afterwards. I'm a financial leech on my parents but not by choice. I think I'm just a bland, mediocre person.
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I am Clive
Oct 23, 2023
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Apr 15, 2022
Exceptionally good, actually. Never helped me whatsoever in life. It may even be a hindrance to success in life. That's my experience.
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there’s nothing for you (it/its)
Dec 14, 2023
no, i'm not. people might perceive me as one, but i'm really not. i'm fucked up
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Jan 4, 2022
Sometimes, yes, sometimes no. However, it's my goal to be a 'good person' in measurable terms—emotional support, volunteer work, sharing my knowledge where applicable (and to be knowledgeable enough to hold authority on topics in the first place).
I've done bad things. I've done good things. The world is morally grey, and no one is 100% good or 100% bad—thinking in terms of a gradient, there are at most trends pointing with a bias to either direction.
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If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead
Feb 24, 2024
I want to be, but my BPD often causes me to be very destructive in my relationships with others. I really do want to be a good person, though.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Yeah. A good person is one who causes little harm to others. People online don't exist except in the digital world. 🎶 Digimon digital monsters digimon something champions... 🎶
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Absolutely not. Any amount of niceness or empathy I may exhibit is merely a reflection of my fear of conflicts and my selfish need to connect with others.

I tend to feel bad for social pariahs. I have this awful habit of wanting to play Devil's advocate which means I must be just as bad.

I am spiteful, petty, evil, bigoted, hypocritical, and unconcerned with how my self destructive tendencies affect the ones who care about me. I don't truly care for anyone at all unless I'm romantically interested in them, which applies to so very few people in the world.

The worst thing about me is that I know all this about myself and I do nothing to change it. I won't because I'm too stubborn which is another thing that makes me evil.
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Oct 10, 2023
As much as it pains me to say it, I'm really not. I keep trying to be one, but it always seems to fall flat or ends up feeling disingenious.
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Anti humanist
Mar 31, 2024
no, i'm not. people might perceive me as one, but i'm really not. i'm fucked up
How fucked up, no one is fucked up as me tho.
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Mar 2, 2024
I hope so. I'm doing my best.
I think the most of people are good people when they're born. But a lot can happen from that moment, and to a person growing up. What about you OP?
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Mar 30, 2024
my opinion on this changes every damn day. other ppl seem to think so but im so fucking selfish
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I have good and bad elements. I think I maybe come across as nicer than I am because I'm usually fairly timid and polite. I think I'm full of contradictions though. I do care about people but I'm too selfish to do so much practically to help people now so- that's not much use at all really.

In a weird way, I hardly exist in the real world now though. There are really only a handful of people I communicate with so- I don't get much opportunity to be good or bad. I guess that in itself isn't a good thing- to be so withdrawn and disinterested in the rest of society/the world.
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In limbo
Jul 23, 2020
For most of my life I tried to adhere to the golden rule. But now I realize I really want something in return. If I try to treat other people well I want them to treat me well. But this is something that you can't expect. I also tried to be authentic. But I'm unsure what that got me. In the end I really want something good in return for all the effort I'd put into trying to be a good person. But I haven't experienced that, I always end up being taken advantage of. And other people don't treat me the way I would treat them. So for the last couple of years I just don't know anymore. I've become cynical, angry, spiteful, paranoid and more egoistical. It doesn't feel great. But what is the point of trying to be a good person? I still try to treat people well, but I'm fully aware that I should not expect to be treated well myself. I just do it because I still prefer it somehow, not because it's better in any way. Maybe the egoistical people are better off in this world. So I struggle with that. I can't fully make the flip to being totally self centered. That feels bad somehow. I just don't know. Am I a good or a bad person? Why does it matter? Maybe that's just irrelevant.
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latte art

latte art

simple heart
Apr 6, 2024
What does it mean to be a good person?
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Apr 8, 2024
No, not anymore at least. I've basically been a burden for the past 4 years and I haven't really done anything on my end to keep the heat and electricity in the house so I've just become a parasite that leeches off others.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm a good person and I don't deserve to suffer like I do since many years.
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